Blog Portugal é Fixe
Quarta-feira, 13 de Fevereiro de 2008
Homens armados tentaram matar o presidente de Timor-Leste, José Ramos Horta, e o primeiro-ministro, Xanana Gusmão ( nas fotos), em dois ataques concertados. O atentado contra a casa do presidente timorense foi liderado pelo major Alfredo Reinado, que foi morto no incidente.O carismático primeiro-ministro, Xanana Gusmão, foi atacado a caminho de Díli.
De acordo com um elemento da sua segurança, o tenente Gastão Salsinha, um dos peticionários que abandonaram as forças armadas em 2006, comandou o ataque a Xanana Gusmão, que saiu ileso.Já Ramos-Horta foi atingido por dois tiros e, segundo o ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros timorense, Zacarias da Costa, o presidente ficou mais de uma hora no quarto da sua residência à espera de auxílio.Depois de ser colocado em coma induzido, Ramos-Horta foi operado no hospitalar militar australiano em Díli para lhe ser removida uma bala, que primeiro o atingiu nas costas e depois no estômago.
Sendo estes os factos já conhecidos, permanecem no ar várias dúvidas, as quais não serão passíveis de explicação cabal nos tempos mais próximos, subsistindo, porém, a perxplexidade de como foi isto possível num território cuja segurança está sob alçada das Nações Unidas, cujos elementos de sgurança, como é já conhecido, reagiram tarde e mal, acabando por ser a GNR nacional a intervir em primeiro lugar.
Mas a dúvida principal está também muito longe de qualquer esclarecimento cabal. A saber: ao serviço de quem e de que interesses estava o grupo liderado pelo sempre fugitivo e nunca preso pelas Nações Unidas major Alfredo Reinado? A explicação de que se tratou de um mero ajuste de contas entre rivais é manifestamente esfarrapada. Sabe-se que, apesar de ser um país pobre, em reconstrução e estabilização, à sua volta e em vários meios mafiosos e obscuros paira o tremendo cheiro a petróleo, negociado, aliás, em condições vantajosas para Timor, pelo então Primeiro-Ministro Mário Alkatiri.
Esta dupla tentativa de eliminação dos dois mais destacados membros da nomenclatura timorense – o Presidente e o Primeiro Ministro - traz petróleo no bico e precisa de um urgente esclarecimento.
quinta-feira, fevereiro 14, 2008
Malai Azul 2
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Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
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Ramos-Horta shooting 'kidnap gone wrong'
February 14, 2008 02:29am
Article from: AAP
INVESTIGATORS believe East Timor rebel leader Alfredo Reinado went to the home of the country's president Jose Ramos-Horta to kidnap him but his plan went horribly wrong, it was reported.
Monday's attacks in Dili have been called failed bids to assassinate the country's top two leaders, but Fairfax reported that sources close to the investigation said Reinado's men intended to kidnap - not assassinate - Mr Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao.
But the plan to kidnap Mr Ramos-Horta went horribly wrong, ending in Reinado's death and the serious wounding of Mr Ramos-Horta.
And the investigators had been told two separate groups of armed men tried to kidnap Mr Gusmao, who escaped unharmed.
During the raid on Mr Gusmao's house, the gunmen opened fire on the prime minister's vehicle but apparently aimed at the tyres, according to the sources quoted by Fairfax.
"All the evidence points to a double kidnapping," a source close to the investigation, being led by the UN police, told Fairfax.
Why?................ Why? …………and Why?
There are so many cases to be exposed, but if you are care about human life, please be carefully analyzing the following facts:
1. It was not a secret that Xanana Gusmão have threaten President Ramos Horta last year to take decision and let the AMP to form the government, where Xanana must be the PM. As Xanana said to Ramos Horta with very strong pressure : “If you and Alkatiri lead this country again, I will lead my guerilla-soldiers back to jungle and fighting against you. Never dream to have peace, because bloodshed will never end in this country. During our struggle, you and Alkatiri were traveling around and enjoyed luxury hotel Diaspora , while my self and my soldiers were suffering for long years”.
2. Ramos-Horta gave change to AMP government for solving the problems of Alfredo Reinado and the petitioners, which could encouraging the IDP’s for returning home. But it was a failure Xanana’ Government as stated by Alfredo on his film that Xanana have never approached him to discussed the problem, because Xanana is scare to speak out the truth on his involvement beyond the 2006 crisis. He stated that Xanana just can make plan to kill him (Alfredo), so that he can wash his hands as the first actor of the crisis.
3. As president and a Nobel-Peace Laureate, Ramos-Horta stated many times that he does not want to see any bloodshed in solving the future problems. Therefore Ramos-Horta tried to approach Maj. Alfredo and the Petitioners with his own initiatives. There were many things have been discussed between Ramos-Horta and Alfredo without the any knowledge of Xanana. It is seems to Xanana that Ramos-Horta has ignored his capacity as Prime Minister and as a charismatic leader of this country. Xanana was thinking that if Ramos-Horta brings Alfredo to an open dialogue, than Xanana will maybe not able to confront the fact with Alfredo. Xanana is more rancour against Ramos-Horta.
4. There are lots of irregularity and unacceptable reasons on the incident 11 February 2008:
a. At Ramos-Horta’s residence : After heard shootings at his house Ramos-Horta came to his house, and found Alfredo and one of his man were shot dead from the first shooting at almost 35 minutes before, but than suddenly Ramos-Horta was shot. Why should the president came to the dangerous site? What did his security guards do during a 35-minute to evacuate him? Who shot the President?
b. The standard of UN Security interventions in Dili is about 5 minutes, but it took more than half hour to respond to President Call.
c. It was reported that Alfredo and his group came and attacked, but as it was filmed after the intervention, there were no any weapon on Alfredo and his guard’s hands on the ground.
d. The FDTL said they lost two weapons and took two weapons from the attackers. It probably means nothing lost and nothing taken.
e. It is not a logic reason of where the attackers who were eighteen armed-man came and attack the security guards and non of the security guards were killed, but the leader of the attackers (Alfredo himself) being killed by the (about?) two person only of the security guards at president residence.
f. Xanana’s Convoy was attacked almost one hour later after the attack at President Residence. How was the security information circulated at that time? Xanana’s Security guards did not inform him about the attacking at president house? One hour for security respond from Dili not only reaching Balibar, but may reached Aileu. Where Xanana was at the time of his convoy was attacking?
g. A group of armed man, with military trained background ambuscaded to attack the convoy of Xanana, but none of people was killed at the attacking. Why?????
h. It is NOT ACCUSATION against anybody, but contributed for deeper QUESTIONES of International Investigation.
By : Leidar
Human Rights Activist
Bidau, Dili
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