Rádio Renascença
03-04-2008 19:33
O Conselho de Ministros timorense deu “luz verde” à criação de uma Comissão Internacional de Investigação ao duplo atentado no dia 11 de Fevereiro, contra o Presidente e contra o Primeiro-ministro do país.
Para já, os responsáveis pelo ataque continuam à solta, mas há quem saiba exactamente onde estão.
Um dos principais apoiantes de Alfredo Reinado e agora do seu sucessor, Gastão Salsinha, garante que não responde a inquéritos internos sobre os atentados de 11 de Fevereiro.
Conta tudo o que sabe, sim, mas apenas a uma comissão de inquérito internacional – foi o que confirmou à Renascença Germenino Amaral dos Reis.
O empresário do café e membro do PSD mantém contactos regulares com os alegados autores dos ataques a Xanana Gusmão e Ramos-Horta. Até sabe onde eles se encontram.
Embora recuse gravar declarações, Amaral dos Reis garante que tem tentado convencê-los a entregar-se à justiça e diz que é isso que vai acontecer, mais cedo ou mais tarde.
Sobre o ataque ao Presidente, Germenino Amaral dos Reis sublinha que continua a ser um mistério que não entende, já que Alfredo Reinado sempre o considerou um amigo. Um mistério que só duas pessoas poderiam esclarecer: o próprio Major, que morreu no ataque, e Ângela Pires, a mulher com quem passou as últimas horas de vida e que, há dias, emitiu um comunicado declarando-se “inocente”.
São questões que poderão ficar esclarecidas nos inquéritos em curso, a que se junta mais um, internacional.
AC/Anabela Góis
Som: De Dili, a jornalista Anabela Góis
sábado, abril 05, 2008
Autorizada investigação internacional aos atentados
Malai Azul 2
Médicos cubanos fazem a diferença
Rádio Renascença
05-04-2008 1:54
A recuperação de infra-estruturas e serviços essenciais está em marcha em Timor-Leste, mas são os estrangeiros que, por agora, fazem a diferença. Na área da saúde, há 260 médicos cubanos.
Cuba é neste momento o principal parceiro de Timor em matéria de cuidados de saúde. Num país que tem apenas 60 médicos, é de Havana que vem o grosso da ajuda especializada.
A par de chineses, australianos, indonésios e filipinos, trabalham em Timor-Leste 260 médicos cubanos, que dão consultas e formação clínica em troca de um salário de 100 dólares, menos de 100 euros por mês.
Satisfeitos a maioria, apesar de alguns, poucos, terem aproveitado a oportunidade para pedir asilo político.
De acordo com a Vice-ministra da Saúde, Madalena Soares, há cerca de 600 estudantes timorenses que estão em formação em Cuba.
Ouça a reportagem da jornalista Anabela Góis, enviada especial da Renascença a Timor-Leste.
Som: Reportagem de Anabela Góis, enviada especial a Timor-Leste
Malai Azul 2
Indonesia: Former Militia Leader Gets Ten Years Jail
Radio Australia March 15, 2006 -transcript-
Indonesia's Supreme Court has reinstated the ten year jail sentence of the former militia leader Eurico Guterres for crimes against humanity committed in East Timor in 1999. The original sentence had been handed down in 2002 by Indonesia's ad hoc human rights court but reduced to five years on appeal and Guterres has yet to serve any time. Guterres headed the notorious Aitarak or Thorn militia which terrorized Dili's residents ahead of the U-N organised referendum on independence.
Presenter/Interviewer: Karon Snowdon
Speakers: Mario Carrascalao, Special Advisor to East Timor's President and Chairman of the Social Democratic Party.
SNOWDON: In one incident linked to the militia led by Eurico Guterres, in April 1999, at least 12 people died as they sheltered in the house of Manuel Carrascalao, among those killed was Carrascalao's teenage son.
Indonesian backed Timorese militia intimidated independence activists ahead of the referendum and after the overwhelming yes vote, they took revenge, going on a rampage of killing and destruction.
At the time of the first court hearing in 2002 and just ahead of his sentencing, Eurico Guterres was still defiant.
GUTERRES: I would not accept the judges decision, even for one day, or for one hour. Because what I did was for Indonesia.
SNOWDON: Two years later his sentence was halved on appeal, but this week, the Supreme Court reinstated the original ten year gaol term with a vote of four to one.
Manuel Carrascalao's brother, Mario was the Governor of East Timor for a decade from 1982.
CARRASCALAO: My brother's house was attacked. They killed my nephew. I do also have an audio cassette where he encouraged the militias to kill Mario Carrascalao, myself and my brother.
SNOWDON: Indonesia's internationally scorned ad hoc tribunal has acquitted all police and military officers accused of responsibility for or involvement in the atrocities in East Timor.
Prosecutors in the Guterres case have reportedly vowed to have him arrested.
If Guterres serves gaol time he will be the only one of 18 who faced charges in Indonesia to do so.
East Timor's own Serious Crimes Unit has indicted hundreds of offenders but Jakarta has taken no action.
In addition a UN backed report in January accused Indonesia of massive violent crimes during its occupation of East Timor between 1975 and 1999.
Mario Carrascalao who doesn't believe justice has been fully served in the Guterres case, now works as Special Advisor to East Timor's President Xanana Gusmao who favours reconciliation with Indonesia.
CARRASCALAO: For me they make justice, because it was an illegal war, many people here suffer it and many people were being killed here and many people ran away but who was behind Eurico Gutteres. I believe it's from the armed forces and the police, they were behind that.
Because when they attacked my brother's house, and killed my nephew, many people saw that there was the military. It is good that the supreme court arranged a ten year sentence, because he deserve it.
SNOWDON: And do you think that the reinstatement by the supreme court of the ten year sentence is a sign that Indonesia has taken the issue a little more seriously since the publication of the United Nations report, perhaps?
CARRASCALAO: Yeah, that's a better Indonesia for sure.
SNOWDON: And personally for you Mr Carrascalao, are you reconciling with Indonesia and with the Timorese militia after this time? Are you feeling that reconciliation is possible?
CARRASCALAO: No, for me of course I agree with the reconciliation, because you cannot leave the force as the enemy, so we have to really reconciliate with each other, but we should not forget justice.
Malai Azul 2
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Court's East Timor verdicts under fire
March 15, 2006
Court's East Timor verdicts under fire
Tiarma Siboro, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta
The Supreme Court has come under fire for its decision to release an Army general charged with atrocities before East Timor's independence vote in 1999, with observers saying the verdict once again discriminated in favor of the security forces.
The court reinstated a 10-year jail term for former pro-Jakarta militia leader Eurico Guterres on Monday for his role in the atrocities. Guterres had been found guilty by an ad hoc human rights court of crimes against humanity in the former province.
However, the court acquitted from similar charges Brig. Gen. A. Nur Muis, a former chief of the now-defunct Wira Dharma military command that oversaw East Timor during the ballot.
The court has never found any middle- or high-ranking military and police officers guilty of involvement in the atrocities.
Andi Widjajanto, a military analyst from the University of Indonesia (UI), said Tuesday the country's judicial system had again failed to bring security personnel to justice over the East Timor violence.
The latest verdict would give human rights activists new impetus to push for the prosecution of Indonesian security officials through the International Criminal Court, he said.
"It has become a big question as to whether the prosecutors intentionally created such weak charges against the servicemen in a bid to provide 'legal loopholes' for the judicial panels to free them," Andi told The Jakarta Post
"If the prosecutors are serious about giving East Timorese victims of the violence justice ... they must review all the reports on the East Timor crimes to find out whether there is still a possibility of bringing the servicemen back to court by charging them under the 2000 Law on the ad hoc human rights tribunal."
Separately, noted human rights lawyer Todung Mulya Lubis sarcastically wondered why the judges did not simply acquit all the suspects in the East Timor violence, including the civilians, instead of "unfairly giving legal privileges to the servicemen".
The panel of judges ruled Muis was not responsible for two attacks on pro-independence supporters on Sept. 5 and 6, 1999, despite being responsible for keeping order during the months in the lead up to the ballot.
However in the verdict against Guterres, four of the five panel judges reinstated a 10-year jail term earlier issued by the ad hoc human rights tribunal in 2002.
Guterres, who headed the Aitarak, or thorn militia, was convicted for an attack on East Timor refugees taking shelter at a house belonging to pro-independence figure Manuel Viegas Carrascalao on April 17, 1999, four months before the independence ballot.
Twelve people, not 14 as reported by the Post on Tuesday, were killed in the attack, including Carrascalao's son.
Guterres was the second civilian convicted for the human rights violations, which took place around the vote. In April 2004, another -- former East Timor governor Abilio Jose Osorio Soares -- was sentenced to three years in prison by the Supreme Court. Eight months later he was acquitted of all charges because of new evidence.
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
5 de Abril de 2008
Presidência da República
Comunicado aos Órgãos de Comunicação Social
O Presidente da República, José Ramos-Horta, felicitou o ex-secretário-geral das Nações Unidas, Kofi Annan pelos bons resultados da sua recente mediação no Quénia.
“Dei os parabéns a Kofi Annan pelo êxito dos seus esforços como mediador no conflito étnico no Quénia”, disse o Presidente de República Democrática de Timor-Leste.
O ex-secretário-geral da ONU telefonou ao Presidente Ramos-Horta para se inteirar dos progressos do seu estado de saúde.
O Presidente José Ramos-Horta encontra-se em convalescença na cidade australiana de Darwin, após ter tido alta do Hospital Privado de Darwin, em 19 de Março passado.
O estado de saúde do Presidente da República, ferido a tiro no atentado de 11 de Fevereiro de 2008, regista rápidas melhoras e a sua convalescença medicamente acompanhada deve alongar-se ainda por mais alguns dias.
Malai Azul 2
International staff evacuated amid W. Timor violence
5 hours ago
KUPANG, Indonesia (AFP) — International aid agencies have evacuated staff from Indonesia's West Timor after violent demonstrations by ex-East Timorese refugees continued for a fifth day, social workers said on Saturday.
Thousands of refugees in Atambua, near the border with East Timor, have since Tuesday been protesting for financial help from Indonesian officials, and said they will seize foreign aid workers if their demands are not met.
Matheus Guedes, a demonstration organiser, said activists would "take hostage (local government) officials" unless they give 80 billion rupiah (8.72 million dollars) of aid to around 16,400 ex-East Timorese refugees.
Staff at the World Food Programme office were evacuated by police on Friday after protesters tried to ransack the building. Five demonstrators were injured in the violence.
Guedes said they will continue their protest until their demands are met.
International organisations began leaving Atambua on Wednesday after violence escalated in the town.
"We have evacuated four of our staff to Kupang since Thursday," a local Oxfam project manager John Takerting told AFP.
Care International said 22 of its staff, including several foreign nationals, had also left the town, a worker with the group said, declining to give his name in fear of his safety.
The demonstrators are among thousands of people who fled to West Timor after the outbreak of deadly violence during East Timor's vote for independence from Indonesia in 1999.
A local parliament member Yoseph Manggo told Antara state news agency that authorities had stopped handing out aid to the refugees in 2006.
"Since then, we have not used the term 'refugees'. That is why their demand on social aid does not make sense because that fund does not exist anymore," he said.
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
Ex-E. Timor militia leader Guterres acquitted
Christine T. Tjandraningsih
JAKARTA, April 4 (Kyodo News) -- Former pro-Jakarta East Timor militia leader Eurico Guterres, who had been jailed in Indonesia since 2006 for having committed gross human rights violations in East Timor in 1999, has been acquitted, a Supreme Court judge said Friday.
''We found new evidence which was enough to acquit him,'' Justice Iskandar Kamil, who led a panel dealing with Guterres' judicial review, told Kyodo News.
The ''new evidence,'' he clarified, consisted of earlier court rulings to acquit other individuals implicated in the violence that occurred prior to, during and after a referendum for independence in East Timor in 1999.
With the acquittal of Guterres, all 18 individuals who were implicated in the East Timor violence, under pressure on Indonesia from the international community to act, have now been acquitted.
On March 13, 2006, the Supreme Court overturned an August 2004 ruling by the Ad Hoc Human Rights Appeal Tribunal that had halved the prison term for Guterres. It restored the original 10-year term set by the Ad Hoc Human Rights Tribunal and he began his jail term two months later.
The Ad Hoc Human Rights Tribunal, set up to try those who allegedly committed crimes against humanity before, during and after East Timor's bloody vote for independence, had handed down the 10-year sentence to Guterres in November 2002.
Guterres was jailed for failing to control his men on April 17, 1999, when they attacked 136 pro-independence refugees taking shelter at the residence of pro-independence leader Manuel Viegas Carrascalao, killing 12 people, including Carrascalao's son.
Guterres' men also attacked and damaged the residence of Leandro Isaac, another pro-independence leader, later the same day.
Militia groups, allegedly armed and supported by the Indonesian military, in April 1999 began escalating their acts of violence and intimidation against pro-independence East Timorese in the run-up to the U.N.-organized referendum on independence held Aug. 30 that year.
Soon after the results of the vote were announced Sept. 4 that year, the militia groups launched a campaign of violence and destruction across East Timor, which was a Portuguese colony for more than 400 years before being invaded by Indonesia in 1975.
Hundreds of people were killed, hundred thousands more forcibly displaced and 70 percent of the territory's buildings and houses were destroyed.
The small half-island became fully independent on May 2002 after more than 24 years under Indonesian occupation and two-and-a-half years under U.N. transitional administration.
A report compiled by the U.N.-sponsored Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation concluded that more than 100,000 people were killed or disappeared during Indonesia's 24-year occupation.
The report said many were subjected to human rights violations, including torture, starvation, sexual violence and napalm attacks.
But East Timor's government has ruled out the idea of seeking justice at an international tribunal and has instead made efforts to build a close relationship with its former occupier and giant neighbor.
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
European Report
April 4, 2008
Turning their back on decades of quiet indifference, the EU and Australia have decided to upgrade their bilateral relations in order to meet global challenges such as climate change, security or trade. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso announced a new partnership framework', on 2 April in Brussels, on the occasion of the first visit of the new Australian leader since he took office in December 2007.
After eleven years of Conservative leadership under John Howard, who had brought his country as close as possible to the Bush administration, the EU is seizing the opportunity offered by the arrival of the Labour leader Kevin Rudd, who intends to rebalance Australian foreign policy. Embarked on a European charm offensive, Rudd said he wanted to establish "a new broad-based relationship with the EU". "We can do more," confirmed Barroso. In order to enhance their rapprochement, the two leaders took the unusual step to publish a joint statement outlining their decision to conclude a new partnership framework, including cooperation on "international security, trade, development issues, the Asia-Pacific region, climate change and energy, science and education, aviation and the movement of people, including visas".
The EU and Canberra have often been at odds over issues such as trade, agriculture or more recently the fight against global warming. Rudd's decision to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on the day he took office was hailed by the EU and seen as the possible opening of a new chapter in bilateral relations. The prime minister confirmed this new political direction by committing to work closely with the Commission in forging a post-2012 global agreement on climate change "that will deliver the deep cuts in emissions the world requires". Barroso described Australia's support as "critically important". The EU hopes that Canberra will use its privileged contacts with the US and China to convince them to commit to a binding global agreement. Following his discussions with US President George Bush in Washington, Rudd, who is a fluent Mandarin speaker, was expected to raise the issue with the Chinese President, Hu Jintao, in Beijing on 9 to 12 April. "Time is ticking away," commented the prime minister.
The World Trade Organisation's Doha Round of trade talks was also on the agenda. Barroso and Rudd discussed this issue at length with Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson. While consultations among negotiators have been intensifying over the last weeks in Geneva, both leaders reaffirmed the importance of striking a deal rapidly. "This Doha Round is doable. There is an urgent need to conclude this round as a shot in the arm for the global economy which has been going through a period of considerable stress," said the Australian prime minister, whose country has always been at the forefront of trade liberalisation, especially in the field of agriculture. He indicated that the coming weeks would be "critical" in order to conclude a global deal by 2008 and before the current US administration leaves office.
Barroso stated that a deal was "possible," but was not specific regarding the timetable. Australia, as a leading member of the Cairns Group, is pursuing an aggressive liberalisation agenda in agriculture while many EU member states believe that the Commission has already made too many concessions in this field during the multilateral negotiations that started in 2001. "There will be difficult negotiations about agriculture," predicted Rudd.
Rudd also met with High Representative Javier Solana and stressed the growing importance of EU-Australian cooperation in the field of security, especially in Asia. European and Australian personnel are cooperating in Afghanistan and East Timor (Timor Leste). Rudd hailed the positive influence played by the EU in the Pacific region, through its aid programmes. A positive comment that contrasts with the often critical views that Canberra had taken in the past about European involvement in the region. "Europe has much to offer," said Rudd, highlighting the change of tone in Canberra.
[This message was distributed via the east-timor news list. For info on how to subscribe send a blank e-mail to info@etan.org. To support ETAN see http://etan.org/etan/donate.htm ]
Malai Azul 2
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Another US Ambassador to Timor-Leste Indiscrete
Comentário na sua mensagem "UNMIT – MEDIA MONITORING - Friday, 04 April 2008":
Hens Klemm asks Salsinha to surrender:
American Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Hens Klemm, said that Salsinha and his men have to surrender in order to appear as witnesses for the February 11 attacks. (STL)
The above quote from Suara Timor Lorosae, a Dili based newspaper owned by Salvador Ximenes, a former por integration and por-autonomy leader with Indonesia reported what can only be regarded as yet another act of extreme indiscretion if not highly suspicious interference with Timor-Leste domestic issues. Some would argue a level of interference, precedented only by the former US ambassador Rees, that should lead one to ask; why does the US government represented by its ambassador have such an interest in Mr Salsinha?
It surely is not only about peace and stability for Timor-Leste or they would have already done it before when Reinado was on the run or when the gangs were running amock in 2006 and seriously disturbing the stability of the nation and its citizens.
It is well known in Dili that there are more than passing suggestions of direct US involvement in the "petitioners movement" and the support Reinado and his men received including military uniforms and other logistics. Reinado and his men were wearing US Marine Corps standard issue fatigues (seen only in Afghanistan) when they attacked Ramos-Horta.
Many in Dili should ask this question openly in light of this repeated indiscretion by the US and its ambassadors: is the US calling off its dog (Salsinha) and saying "its time to come home? We will look after you?"
Lets not forget that the former US ambassador Grover Joseph Rees III was also criticised for interfering when he appeared at the church sponsored demonstration in 2005, in an act that could only have been interpreted as being in support of it against the government of Timor-Leste.
No other nation's ambassador has been so brazen in their interference, and this could only be interpreted as its latest act.
Is Timor-Leste entering a new phase in the campign by the US and its allies in ensuring Timor-Leste becomes a truley failed state? Be vigilent Xanana and Timor, they are after you too....they are after anyone who does not toe their line.
Malai Azul 2
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United States should support justice, not endorse impunity, says ETAN
Administration Should Respond to CAVR Report, Not Endorse CTF
April 4 - U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs Christopher Hill has reportedly stated that whatever the joint Indonesia-Timor-Leste Commission on Truth and Friendship (CTF) reports is "good enough" for the U.S. government.
In response the U.S.-based East Timor and Indonesia Action Network said:
"A U.S. government endorsement, sight unseen, of the report of the CTF demonstrates how little justice and accountability for the peoples of Timor-Leste and Indonesia matters to the current administration.
"We do not understand how this fundamentally flawed process can contribute to either truth or friendship between the peoples of the two countries. It is an exercise in diplomacy to the detriment of democracy and the rule of law in both countries.
"It is shameful that the U.S. government is eager to abandon efforts to bring to justice the people responsible for Indonesia’s illegal occupation which killed one-third of East Timor’s people. Assistant Secretary Hill has apparently accepted the CTF's results before seeing its report, ignoring thousands of testimonies and the mountains of evidence collected by much more credible investigations. We are disappointed that he appears to endorse impunity.
"This is not merely a bilateral issue. The UN Security Council, with U.S. support, has described the actions of the Indonesian military and its militias in 1999 as crimes against humanity and the international community, needing an international response.
"The CTF has had its mandate extended several times because it has an impossible task – reporting on unpleasant truths without disturbing important people in Jakarta. But the reality is that numerous Indonesian military and civilian officials, both on their own and implementing state policy, designed and carried out more than two decades of crimes against humanity in East Timor. The CTF was set up to prevent these high-level perpetrators from being held accountable for these crimes.
"We find it hypocritical that a top U.S. official is willing to endorse the CTF's unseen report, even though Washington has not yet responded to the detailed 2005 report of Timor-Leste's Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR). A number of the CAVR's recommendations are directed at the United States.
"Finally, genuine, lasting reconciliation between the peoples of Timor-Leste and Indonesia requires more than a whitewash by governments of the day. Without a foundation of genuine accountability for decades of systematic human rights violations by the Indonesian military, Timor-Leste's people will never feel secure, and Indonesia’s citizens cannot complete their journey to democracy."
On the same day as Secretary Hill spoke, the Indonesian Supreme Court overturned the sole conviction from Indonesia's Ad Hoc Human Rights Court on East Timor. East Timorese militia leader Eurico Guterres had received 10 years in prison for human rights violations committed in 1999; all Indonesian officials charged in this court were acquitted or had their convictions overturned. More than 70% of the people indicted by the United Nations Serious Crimes Unit in Timor-Leste enjoy sanctuary in Indonesia.
Secretary Hill is currently in Indonesia and is scheduled to visit Timor-Leste on Sunday.
In July 2007, the UN formally announced its refusal to cooperate with the CTF because its terms of reference contradict international norms against impunity. Civil society groups in Indonesia, Timor-Leste and around the world have strongly criticized the mandate and conduct of the commission.
On March 18, a number of organizations in Timor-Leste issued a statement describing the CTF as not "reflect[ing] the principles of justice for the Timor-Leste people." They called it "a political cosmetic which is intended to eliminate judicial processes for the perpetrators of crimes from the Indonesian military... in Timor Leste from 1975-1999."
Hill, asked about the CTF, told the Associated Press in Jakarta that "If it's good enough for East Timor and Indonesia, it should be good enough for us.” “What we want to see is reconciliation between Indonesia and East Timor," he said. "This is the way to go. If you look at East Timor's future, it needs a good relationship with Indonesia." [
The CTF, which covers only 1999, has said it will present its final report to the presidents of the two countries after President José Ramos-Horta recovers from the gunshot wounds he received on February 11.
As prime minister, Ramos-Horta committed to "endeavor to implement” CAVR’s recommendations. “We owe it to the people, we owe it to the victims, we owe it to the current generation and the future generation so that Timor-Leste can live in peace,” he said. The CAVR report covers the entire Indonesian occupation.
ETAN was formed in 1991. The U.S.-based organization advocates for democracy, justice and human rights for Timor-Leste and Indonesia. For more information see ETAN's web site: http://www.etan.org/http://www.etan.org .
Malai Azul 2
UNMIT – MEDIA MONITORING - Friday, 04 April 2008
"UNMIT assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the articles or for the accuracy of their translations. The selection of the articles and their content do not indicate support or endorsement by UNMIT express or implied whatsoever. UNMIT shall not be responsible for any consequence resulting from the publication of, or from the reliance on, such articles and translations."
National Media Reports
TVTL News Coverage
No TVTL news coverage.
RTL News Coverage
No RTL news coverage.
Print Coverage
Benefides to hand over Alfredo’s secret documents: Alfredo’s Defence Attorney, Benevides Correia Barros, will soon release Alfredo’s secret documents to the State. These documents were provided by Alfredo’s lawyer, Angelita Pires, in December 2007. Mr Barros did not clearly explain to the journalists what the documents contained, but he did reveal that there would be information about the February 11 attacks. (TP)
Pires had completely removed herself from Alfredo’s case in December 2007: “I had completely removed myself as a lawyer for Alfredo in December 2007. This is why I handed over the documents to Benevides Correia Barros who was his lawyer,” said Pires. (TP)
Fretilin MP says all documents related to Alfredo should be given to PGR: Fretilin MP Arsenio Bano has said that any documents related to Alfredo’s case should be handed to the Prosecutor-General. “If some of the documents have been kept by Alfredo’s lawyer, the Prosecutor-General should have them to use as part of the investigation process.” said Mr Bano. (TP)
TMR says no response from ISF on 11 February: Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak has said that on February 11, the F-FDTL had asked for security assistance from the ISF but received no response. Because of this, the F-FDTL had to send its patrol boat to the Aria Branka beach near Ramos-Horta’s residence. TMR made these comments at a meeting with Timorese Ambassadors on Wednesday (03/04) at the Foreign Affairs Ministry.
“There were no helicopters, no vehicles or movement from the ISF in response to the February 11 attacks, same as what they usually do for the IDPs,” said the TMR.
TMR did acknowledge that it was only the Portuguese Formed Police Units that gave timely assistance to the President. “At that time, we could not do much because the ISF had done nothing- there was no movement from the ISF. Only the Portuguese FPU were mobilised,” he said. (TP)
Hens Klemm asks Salsinha to surrender: American Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Hens Klemm, said that Salsinha and his men have to surrender in order to appear as witnesses for the February 11 attacks. (STL)
Government classifies Petitioners: During this month, the Government has classified petitioners into groups of those who want to rejoin the military and those who want to return to civilian life. (STL)
Government forbids people to be armed: The Council of Ministers have approved a proposal set forth by the Government to forbid civilians from using any type of weaponry including guns, machetes, swords, arrows and sling shots. This has been approved under the proposed law created on Thursday (4/04) at the National parliament.
People ask the Government to prolong ‘State of Siege’: During a dialogue carried out by the Apprehension Operation, people have asked that the State of Siege be prolonged in order to ensure the stability in the country.
Military Police Commander asks people to remain calm: The Military Police Commander, Abel da Costa, asked the people of Timor-Leste to remain calm and not to create problems if they don’t want to be imprisoned. “Whoever creates problems will be taken to the free hotel [prison] in Becora. Therefore I beseech people not to create problems,” said Mr da Costa. (STL)
National News Sources:
Televizaun Timor-Leste (TVTL)
Radio Timor-Leste (RTL)
Timor Post (TP)
Suara Timor Lorosae (STL)
Diario Nacional (DN)
UNMIT – MONITORIZAÇÃO DOS MEDIA - Sexta-feira, 04 Abril 2008
"A UNMIT não assume qualquer responsabilidade pela correcção dos artigos ou pela correcção das traduções. A selecção dos artigos e do seus conteúdo não indicam apoio ou endosso pela UNMIT seja de forma expressa ou implícita. A UNMIT não será responsável por qualquer consequência resultante da publicação, ou da confiança em tais artigos e traduções."
Relatos dos Media Nacionais
TVTL Não houve Cobertura de Notícias
RTL Não houve Cobertura de Notícias .
Cobertura Impressa
Benefides vao entregar documentos secretos de Alfredo: O advogado de defesa de Alfredo, Benevides Correia Barros, entregará em breve ao Estado documentos secretos de Alfredo. Esses documentos foram dados pela advogada de Alfredo, Angelita Pires, em Dezembro 2007. O Sr Barros não explicou claramente aos jornalistas o que continham os documentos, mas não revelou que haveria lá informação acerca dos ataques de 11 de Fevereiro. (TP)
Pires tinha-se removido completamente ela própria do caso de Alfredo em Dezembro 2007: “Tinha-me removido eu própria completamente como advogada de Alfredo em Dezembro 2007. foi por causa disso que entreguei os documentos ao Benevides Correia Barros que era o seu advogado,” dissePires. (TP)
Deputado da Fretilin diz que todos os documentos relacionados com Alfredo devem ser entregues ao PGR: O deputado da Fretilin Arsénio Bano disse que quaisquer documentss relacionados com o caso de Alfredo devem ser entregues ao Procurador-Geral. “Se alguns documentos foram guardados pelo advogado de Alfredo, o Procurador-Geral deve tê-los para os usar como parte do processo de investigação.” disse o Sr Bano. (TP)
TMR diz que não houve resposta da ISF em 11 Fevereiro: O Brigadeiro General Taur Matan Ruak disse que em 11 de Fevereiro, as F-FDTL tinham pedido assistência de segurança das ISF mas que não receberam qualquer resposta. Por causa disto, as F-FDTL tiveram de mandar o seu barco de patrulha para a praia da Areia Branca perto da residência de Ramos-Horta. TMR fez estes comentários num encontro com os Embaixadores Timorenses na Quarta-feira (03/04) no Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros.
“Não houve nenhum helicóptero, nenhum veículo ou movimento da ISF em resposta aos ataques de 11 de Fevereiro, o mesmo que habitualmente fazem para os deslocados,” disse TMR.
TMR reconheceu que foi apenas as Unidades Formadas de Polícia Portuguesa que deram assistência a tempo ao Presidente. “Nessa altura, não pudemos fazer muito porque a ISF não tinha feito nada – não houve qualquer movimento da ISF. Apenas as UFP Portuguesas estavam mobilizadas,” disse ele. (TP)
Hens Klemm pede a Salsinha para se render: O Embaixador Americano em Timor-Leste, Hens Klemm, disse que Salsinha e os seus homens têm de se entregar de modo a aperecerem como tstemunhas dos ataques de 11 de Fecereiro. (STL)
Governo classifica peticionários: Durante este mês o Governo classificou os peticionários em grupos daqueles que querem re-juntar-se à força militar e daqueles que querem regressar à vida civil. (STL)
Governo proibe as pessoas de andar armada: O Conselho Ministros aprovou uma proposta para proibir os civis de usarem qualquer tipo de armas incluindo pistolas, machetes, espadas, setas e sling shots. Isto foi aprovado sob a proposta de lei criada na Quinta-feira (4/04) no Parlamento Nacional.
Pessoas pedem ao Governo para prolongar o ‘Estado de Sítio’: Durante u diálogo desenvolvido pela Operação Apreensão, pessoas pediram que o Estado de Sítio seja prolongado de modo a assegurar a estabilidade do país.
Comandante da Polícia Militar pede às pessoas para permanecerem calmas: O Comandante da Polícia Militar, Abel da Costa, pediu ao povo deTimor-Leste para permanecer calma e não criar problemas se não querem ser presos. “Seja quem for que criar problemas será levado para o hotel gratuito [prisão] em Becora. Por isso peço às pessoas para não criarem problemas,” disse o Sr da Costa. (STL)
Fontes de Notícias Nacionais:
Televizaun Timor-Leste (TVTL)
Radio Timor-Leste (RTL)
Timor Post (TP)
Suara Timor Lorosae (STL)
Diario Nacional (DN)
Malai Azul 2
UNMIT – MEDIA MONITORING - Thursday, 03 April 2008
"UNMIT assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the articles or for the accuracy of their translations. The selection of the articles and their content do not indicate support or endorsement by UNMIT express or implied whatsoever. UNMIT shall not be responsible for any consequence resulting from the publication of, or from the reliance on, such articles and translations."
National Media Reports
TVTL News Coverage
Apprehension Operation to use force to capture Salsinha: The Vice Commander of the Apprehension Operation, Mateus Fernandes, said that were going use force to capture Salsinha and his men and that they would stop the leniency they had shown so far towards the rebels. The Vice Commander warned that serious action would be taken by the end of the week.
Judge: Court postpones trial for suspects in Fatu Ahi case: Judge Ivo confirmed that the Dili District Court has postponed judicial proceedings against the suspects accused of being involved in the fighting led by the late Major Alfredo Reinado Alves against the F-FDTL in Fatu-Ahi on 23 May, 2006. “The judicial proceedings against the suspects were postponed because three of the other suspects did not appear,” said Judge Ivo.
RTL News Coverage
Pedro Belo: PNTL and F-FDTL won’t tolerate criminals: The Dili District’s PNTL Commander, Pedro Belo, said that Apprehension Operation commanders have no tolerance for any criminals who threaten or retaliate against any IDP who wants to return home. Mr Belo made this statement during a dialogue with community members in the village of Vila Verde, Dili. “The commanders of the Apprehension Operation will use their tactics to capture and seize weapons from people who engage in crimes,” said Mr Belo.
Print Coverage
CNRT MP demands explanation from the Prosecutor-General: CNRT MP, Moises Romeo, has demanded an explanation from the Prosecutor-General regarding the results of the current investigation into February 11. The MP has called on him to present this explanation to the National Parliament. “I did not demand that he send a report to us, but I did demand that he present himself to the National Parliament with an explanation of the criminal investigation carried out by the Australian Federal Police, FBI and himself,” said Mr Romeo. (STL)
Petitioners lack discipline: ‘Piloto’ Sejar Valente de Jesus, coordinator of the petitioners gathered in Aitarak Laran, has complained about the lack of discipline shown by some petitioners. “Five of the petitioners have decided to return home, saying that they don’t want to stay with the other petitioners in Aitarak Laran because of what the government had decided,” said Piloto. (STL)
Zero tolerance for medical officers who sexually violate patients: The Minister of Health, Rui Martins, has said that he will fire any of his staff who commit sexual violations. “The Health Ministry will not tolerate medical officers who sexually violates any patient,” said the Minister after the issue was raised by Fretilin MP Ososrio Soares at the National Parliament on Wednesday (31/3). (STL)
Fretilin opposes PM’s ‘Fragile, not Failed State’ statement: Fretilin MP Joaquim dos Santos has come out against the Prime Minter’s statement that defined Timor-Leste in terms of a ‘failed’ or ‘fragile’ state. “According to me, Timor-Leste is a normal State. Not a failed or fragile State. Be weary of people who are trying to reduce Timor-Leste to the level of a failed State,” said Mr dos Santos on Tuesday (1/4) at the National Parliament. (STL)
Judge: No law forbids PGR from negotiating surrender with rebels: Judge Ivor Roza Baptista has said that there is no law forbidding the Prosecutor-General from negotiating a surrender with the rebels. She said this in response to recent remarks condemning the Prosecutor-General’s initiative to maintain contact with the rebels. (TP)
NRC hands over 137 houses to the Government: The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) today officially handed over 137 houses at Mercado Becora to the Government of Timor-Leste. These houses were built with the cooperation of the Ministry of Social Solidarity and the NGO, Triangle GH. These transitional houses are for IDPs currently staying at the National Hospital. (TP)
Fransico Guterres: PNTL petitioners receive full Government attention: The State’s Secretary for Security, Francisco Guterres, said that two PNTL members currently gathered together with other petitioners in Aitarak Laran have already received the Government’s full attention to solve their problems. “They had been given a choice by the Government, whether they want to rejoin the PNTL or become civilians,” said Guterres. (TP)
PTT MP asks Government to suspend martial art’s activities: PTT MP Jacob Xavier has asked the Government to temporarily suspend the activities of martial arts groups claiming that they cause too many problems. Mr Xavier argued that the activities could re-start once the Government had created regulations for the groups. (DN)
National News Sources:
Televizaun Timor-Leste (TVTL)
Radio Timor-Leste (RTL)
Timor Post (TP)
Suara Timor Lorosae (STL)
Diario Nacional (DN)
UNMIT – MONITORIZAÇÃO DOS MEDIA - Quinta-feira, 03 Abril 2008
"A UNMIT não assume qualquer responsabilidade pela correcção dos artigos ou pela correcção das traduções. A selecção dos artigos e do seus conteúdo não indicam apoio ou endosso pela UNMIT seja de forma expressa ou implícita. A UNMIT não será responsável por qualquer consequência resultante da publicação, ou da confiança em tais artigos e traduções."
Relatos dos Media Nacionais
TVTL Cobertura de Notícias
Operação Apreensão vai usar força para capturar Salsinha: O Vice-Comandante da Operação Apreensão, Mateus Fernandes, disse que iam usar força para capturar Salsinha e os seus homens e que parariam a tolerância que até agora têm mostrado para com os amotinados. O Vice-Comandante avisou que seria tomada acção séria pelo fim da semana.
Juiz: Tribunal adia julgamento para suspeitos do caso de Fatu Ahi : O juiz Ivo confirmou que o Tribunal do Distrito de Dili adiou os procedimentos judiciais contra os suspeitos acusados de estarem envolvidos na luta liderada pelo falecido Major Alfredo Reinado Alves contra as F-FDTL em Fatu-Ahi em 23 Maio, 2006. “Os procedimentos judiciais contra os suspeitos foram adiados porque três dos suspeitos não apareceram,” disse o juiz Ivo.
RTL Cobertura de Notícias
Pedro Belo: PNTL e F-FDTL não tolerarão criminosos: O Comandante da PNTL do Distrito de Dili, Pedro Belo, disse que os comandantes da Operação Apreensão não têm tolerância para quaisquer criminosos que ameaçarem ou retaliarem contra quaisquer deslocados que queiram regressar a casa . O Sr Belo fez esta declaração durante um diálogo com membros da comunidade na aldeia de Vila Verde, Dili. “Os comandantes da Operação Apreensão usarão as suas tácticas para capturarem e apanharem armas de pessoas que se engajarem em crimes,” disse o Sr Belo.
Cobertura Impressa
Deputadfo do CNRT MP exige explicação do Procurador-Geral: O deputado do CNRT, Moisés Romeo, pediu uma explicação do Procurador-Geral sobre os resultados da investigação corrente ao 11 de Fevereiro. O deputado chamou-o para apresentar essa explicação ao Parlamento Nacional. “Não pedi que ele mande um relatório para nós, mas pedi que se apresente ele próprio ao Parlamento Nacional com uma explicação da investigação criminal desenvolvida pela Polícia Federal Australiana, FBI e ele próprio,” disse o Sr Romeo. (STL)
Peticionários com falta de disciplina: ‘Piloto’ Sejar Valente de Jesus, coordenador dos peticionários reunidos em Aitarak Laran, queixou-se acerca da falta de disciplina mostrada por alguns peticionários. “Cinco dos peticionários decidiram regressar a casa, dizendo que não querem ficar com os outros peticionários em Aitarak Laran por causa do que o governo tinha decidido,” disse Piloto. (STL)
Tolerância Zero para funcionários médicos que violarem sexualmente pacientes: O Ministro da Saúde, Rui Martins, disse que despedirá qualquer pessoa do seu pessoal que cometer violações sexuais. “O Ministério da Saúde não tolerará funcionários médicos que violarem sexualmente qualquer paciente,” disse o Ministro depois da questão ter sido levantada pelo deputado da Fretilin Osório Soares no Parlamento Nacional na Quarta-feira (31/3). (STL)
Fretilin op~pe-se à afirmação do PM de ‘Estado frágil mão falhado’: O deputado da Fretilin Joaquim dos Santos saíu contra a afirmação do Primeiro-Ministro que definiu Timor-Leste em termos de ser um Estado ‘falhado’ ou ‘frágil’ “De acordo com o que penso, Timor-Leste é um Estado normal. Não um Estado falhado ou frágil. Tenham cuidado com as pessoas que estão a tentar reduzir Timor-Leste para o nível de um Estado falhado,” disse o Sr dos Santos na Terça-feira (1/4) no Parlamento Nacional. (STL)
Juiza: Nenhuma lei proibe o PGR de negociar a rendição com amotinados: A juiza Ivone Rosa Baptista disse que não há lei que proíba o Procurador-Geral de negociar uma rendição com os amotinados. Ela disse isto em resposta a comentários recentes a condenarem a iniciativa do Procurador-Geral de manter contacto com os amotinados. (TP)
NRC entrega 137 casas ao Governo O Conselho Norueguês de Refugiados (NRC) entregou hoje oficialmente 137 casas no Mercado Becora ao Governo de Timor-Leste. Estas casas foram construídas com a cooperação do Ministério da Solidariedade Social e a ONG, Triangle GH. Estas casas transitórias são para deslocados que estão correntemente a ficar no Hospital Nacional. (TP)
Francisco Guterres: peticionários da PNTL recebem atenção completa do Governo: O Secretário de Estado para a Segurança, Francisco Guterres, disse que dois membros da PNTL correntemente juntos com outros peticionários em Aitarak Laran já receberam a atenção completa do Governo para resolver os seus problemas. “Foi-lhes dado a escolha pelo Governo, se querem re.juntar-se à PNTL ou tornarem-se civis,” disse Guterres. (TP)
Deputado do PTT pede ao Governo para suspender actividades de artes marciais: O deputado do PTT Jacob Xavier pediu ao Governo para susperder temporariamente as actividades de grupos de artes marciais afirmando que causam demasiados problemas. O sr Xavier argumentou que as actividades podiam recomeçar logo que o Governo tivesse criado regras para os grupos. (DN)
Fontes de Notícias Nacionais:
Televizaun Timor-Leste (TVTL)
Radio Timor-Leste (RTL)
Timor Post (TP)
Suara Timor Lorosae (STL)
Diario Nacional (DN)
Malai Azul 2
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East Timor to use force against rebels
By Tito Belo
DILI (Reuters) - East Timor will launch a military operation next week to capture fugitive rebel soldiers believed to have been involved in an assassination attempt on President Jose Ramos-Horta, the army chief said on Friday.
The operation, involving 2,000 troops and police, would be launched on Wednesday unless the rebels gave themselves up, said Brigadier-General Taur Matan Ruak.
Rebels attacked the home of Ramos-Horta on February 11, seriously wounding him during a gunfight. Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao escaped unhurt in a separate attack the same morning.
"At first we didn't want to use gunfire in the operation, but some people are not cooperating with us and are still hiding," said Ruak, adding that force was the last option.
Ruak said the 10-day operation would involve door-to-door searches, arresting people that had provided shelter or food to the rebels and using force against the rebels.
The rebel forces led by Gastao Salsinha last month managed to escape a siege by security forces, but Ruak said the authorities had tracked the rebels to Ermera district, 75 km (47 miles) from the capital Dili.
Another senior rebel soldier accused of involvement in the attack surrendered last month and authorities had expressed confidence that the remaining rebels would give themselves up.
East Timor, Asia's youngest nation has been unable to achieve stability since hard-won independence in 2002.
The army tore apart along regional lines in 2006, when about 600 soldiers were sacked, triggering factional violence that killed 37 people and drove 150,000 from their homes.
Foreign troops were sent to restore order in the former Portuguese colony of about one million people, which gained full independence from Indonesia after a U.N.-sponsored vote in 1999 that was marred by violence.
After the February assaults, Gusmao ordered the military and police to form a joint command to arrest followers of rebel leader Alfredo Reinado, who was killed in the raid against Ramos-Horta.
(Writing by Olivia Rondonuwu, Editing by Ed Davies and Sanjeev Miglani)
Timor-Leste vai usar força contra amotinados
Por Tito Belo
DILI (Reuters) – Timor-Leste lançará uma operação militar na próxima semana para capturar fo soldado foragido amotinado que se acredita ter estado envolvido numa tentativa de assassínio contra o Presidente José Ramos-Horta, disse o chefe das forças armadas na Sexta-feira.
A operação, envolvendo 2,000 tropas e polícias, será lançada na Quarta-feira a não ser que os amotinados se entreguem, disse o Brigadeiro-General Taur Matan Ruak.
Os amotinados atacaram a casa de Ramos-Horta em 11 de Fevereiro, ferindo-o gravemente durante um tiroteio. O Primeiro-Ministro Xanana Gusmão escapou ileso num ataque separado na mesma manhã.
"Primeiro não quisemos usar poder de tiros na operação, mas algumas pessoas não estão a cooperar connosco e continuam escondidas," disse Ruak, acrescentando que a força é a última opção.
Ruak disse que a operação de 10 dias envolverá buscas porta-a-porta, detenção de pessoas que têm dado abrigo e alimentação aos amotinados e o uso de força contra os amotinados.
As forças amotinadas lideradas por Gastão Salsinha no mês passado conseguiram escapar a um cerco das forças de segurança, mas Ruak disse que as autoridades tinham seguido a pista dos amotinados para o distrito de Ermera, a 75 km (47 milhas da capital Dili.
Um outro soldado amotinado de topo acusado de envolvimento no ataque rendeu-se no mês passado e as autoridades expressaram confiança que os restantes amotinados se entregariam.
Timor-Leste, a mais jovem nação da Ásia, tem sido incapaz de alcançar a estabilidade desde a duramente ganha independência em 2002.
As forças armadas romperam-se ao longo de linhas regionais em 2006, quando cerca de 600 soldados foram despedidos, desencadeando violência faccional que matou 37 pessoas e levou 150,000 das suas casas.
Tropas estrangeiras foram enviadas para restaurar a ordem na antiga colónia Portuguesa de cerca de um milhão de pessoas, que ganhou a independência completa da Indonésia depois dum referendo patrocinado pela ONU em 1999 que foi manchado pela violência.
Depois dos ataques de Fevereiro, Gusmão ordenou que polícias e militares formassem um comando conjunto para prender os seguidores do líder amotinado Alfredo Reinado, que foi morto no assalto contra Ramos-Horta.
(Escrito por Olivia Rondonuwu, Editado por Ed Davies e Sanjeev Miglani)
Malai Azul 2
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Australia to help peace-building and disaster management in East Timor
Source: Australian Agency for International Development; Government of Australia (AusAID)
Date: 04 Apr 2008
Australia will provide further support for peace-building efforts in East Timor and help improve long-term disaster management capacities.
The Australian Government will provide $3 million to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to support key humanitarian priorities.
In response to the Government of East Timor's recovery strategy we will help government ministries and local communities promote dialogue with internally displaced people in three districts in the east (Lautem, Baucau and Viqueque), three in the west (Ermera, Manufahi and Ailieu) as well as Dili. This project will be led by UNDP.
Our assistance through the IOM will improve long-term disaster risk management and build institutional capacities. It includes the provision of a technical adviser to East Timor's national disaster agency and engagement with district-level administrations and non-government organisations.
The United Nations estimates 100,000 East Timorese remain displaced following the political unrest and violence of April and May 2006.
East Timor is also prone to natural disasters, including flooding, earthquakes and drought which can result in crop failure and widespread food shortages.
This further support is in addition to the $17 million in humanitarian assistance Australia has provided to the people of East Timor since mid 2006.
Media Contact:
Courtney Hoogen (Mr Smith's Office) 0488 244 901
AusAID Public Affairs 0417 680 590
Austrália vai ajudar a construção da paz e gestão de desastre em Timor-Leste
Fonte: Agência Australiana para o Desenvolvimento Internacional; Governo da Austrália (AusAID)
Data: 04 Abr 2008
A Austrália providenciará mais apoio para esforços de construção da paz em Timor-Leste e ajuda a melhorar a capacidade de gestão de desastre a longo prazo.
O Governo Australiano dará $3 milhões ao Programa de Desenvolvimento das Nações Unidas (UNDP) e à Organização Internacional para Migrações (IOM) para apoiar prioridades humanitárias chave.
Em resposta à estratégia de recuperação do Governo de Timor-Leste ajudaremos ministérios do governo e comunidades locais a promoverem diálogo com deslocados em três distritos do leste (Lautem, Baucau e Viqueque), três no oeste (Ermera, Manufahi e Ailieu) bem como em Dili. Este projecto será liderado pelo UNDP.
A nossa assistência através da IOM melhorará a construção de capacidades institucionais de gestão de risco de desastre a longo prazo. Isso inclui a provisão dum conselheiro técnico para a agência nacional de desastre de Timor-Leste e o engajamento a nível das administrações de distrito e de ONG's.
As Nações Unidas estimam que se mantém deslocados 100,000 Timorenses depois do desassossego político e violência de Abril e Maio 2006.
Timor-Leste tende também a ter desastres naturais, incluindo inundações, tremores de terra e secas que podem resultar em falhanço de produções e alargada carência alimentar.
Este apoio é em adição aos $17 milhões em assistência humanitária que a Austrália tem providenciado ao povo de Timor-Leste desde meados de 2006.
Contacto para os Media :
Courtney Hoogen (Gabinete do Sr Smith) 0488 244 901
AusAID Negócios Públicos 0417 680 590
Malai Azul 2
East-Timor militia leader acquitted
Published: Friday 04 April 2008 13:00 UTC
Last updated: Friday 04 April 2008 13:52 UTC
Jakarta - The Indonesian Supreme Court has cleared East Timorese militia leader Eurico Guterres of human rights violations in East Timor in 1999. The ruling is based on new evidence which reportedly proves his innocence.
In 1999, Mr Guterres was sentenced to ten years for his involvement in a massacre in East Timor, but his sentence was halved two years later. In 2006, the Supreme Court reversed that decision and re-incarcerated Mr Guterres.
Líder de milícia de Timor-Leste absolvido
Publicado: Sexta-feira 04 Abril 2008 13:00 UTC
Última actualização: Sexta-feira 04 Abril 2008 13:52 UTC
Jacarta – O Tribunal Supremo Indonésio absolveu o líder de milícia Timorense Eurico Guterres de violações de direitos humanos em Timor-Leste em 1999. A decisão foi baseada em nova evidência que segundo relatado prova a sua inocência.
Em 1999, o Sr Guterres foi condenado a dez anos pelo seu envolvimento num massacre em Timor-Leste, mas a sua sentença foi reduzida em metade dois anos mais tarde. Em 2006, o Tribunal Supremo reverteu essa decisão e re-encarcerou o Sr Guterres.
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Malai Azul 2
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Blog Página Lusa
Quinta-feira, 3 de Abril de 2008~
“O Conselho de Ministros "deliberou consultar os órgãos judiciais competentes sobre a necessidade imediata de criar uma Comissão Internacional de Inquérito relativamente aos acontecimentos de 11 de Fevereiro", informa também o comunicado oficial.
O Projecto de Resolução no. 9/II, sobre a "Constituição de Comissão Internacional de Investigação aos Factos Violentos Ocorridos em 11 de Fevereiro de 2008", foi aprovado no Parlamento a 03 de Março, com 33 votos a favor, 17 contra e quatro abstenções.”
A propósito de resoluções tomadas ontem pelo Conselho de Ministros do Governo de Timor-Leste deu para perceber que finalmente o uso e circulação de armas vai ser regulamentado por forma a conter a “selva” que até agora o país tem sido nesse aspecto e que lamentavelmente já devia há muito existir em letra de forma legal. Mais vale tarde que nunca.
Curiosamente, emanado desse mesmo Conselho de Ministros também deu para perceber que aquilo que o Parlamento aprova pouco ou nenhum significado tem para os governantes.
A dedução é lógica e está expressa pelo que é afirmado mais acima sobre a deliberação de “consultar os órgãos judiciais competentes sobre a necessidade imediata de criar uma Comissão Internacional de Inquérito relativamente aos acontecimentos de 11 de Fevereiro".
Homessa, mas o Parlamento aprova por um número bastante representativo de deputados e os governantes ainda têm dúvidas da urgência da constituição da referida Comissão de Investigação?
O que teme o Governo? O que teme Xanana, PM, alegada vítima de atentado à sua integridade física? Será que não tem por objectivo esclarecer todas as dúvidas existentes? Então qual é o problema de andarem enrolados como pescadinha de rabo na boca, protelando a constituição da Comissão Internacional Independente? Ou será que a seguir, aprovando-a, vão “manobrar” para que a sua constituição seja “pronto-a-vestir"?
Exactamente por estas e outras “resistências” e demoras na constituição da referida Comissão é que, cada vez mais e mais, as dúvidas crescem e dão lugar a suspeições que se viessem a confirmar-se talvez desmascarassem certos personagens de uma forma categórica, impensável, inqualificável.
Estranho é o facto de um indivíduo inocente – ou indivíduos - aparentemente resistir a uma investigação independente. Agora dependente da decisão de “órgãos judiciais competentes”.
Quererá dizer PGR Longuinhos Monteiro?
Isto será alguma anedota ou são só os ministros a esquivarem-se, fazendo-se de “nabos” quando afinal são uns “sabidos”?
Assim vai Timor-Leste.
Malai Azul 2
Quinta-feira, 3 de Abril de 2008
Blog Timor Lorosae Nação
A imprensa falada e escrita, assim como a TVTL, fez ontem referências a declarações do vice-primeiro-ministro José Luís Guterres sobre a cooperação portuguesa na área de segurança.
Disse o vice que Portugal sempre apoiou Timor na área da segurança e que assim continuará, treinando de momento a PNTL de modo a que integre as reformas que estão a ser feitas neste sector. O secretário de Estado português, Gomes Cravinho, disse praticamente o mesmo.
Mas, então, não haverá nenhuma confusão entre estas declarações e as notícias referentes a oficiais superiores da PNTL que vão para a Indonésia receber formação no mesmo âmbito?
O que vai acontecer? Elementos das PNTL formados por especialistas portugueses que ensinam de um modo e oficiais que regressados da Indonésia vão dar ordens de outro modo?
Vamos ter oficiais na PNTL ainda mais formados na corrupção?
A pergunta é pertinente porque nós, melhor que ninguém, sabemos quanto eles são corruptos!
Como vai ser?
Este governo saberá aquilo que está a fazer? Portugal não estará a dar formação para nada? Os polícias se tiverem de aplicar as ordens dos seus superiores hierárquicos, com conceitos indonésios, não estarão a agir contrariamente à formação que receberam dos portugueses?
Mas que confusão! Até parece que é aquilo que os governantes querem: fazer de conta que estão interessados numa coisa para depois praticarem outra, visto que os polícias subordinados aos seus oficiais têm de proceder como “indonésios” e corruptos.
Se a confusão impera neste aspecto, não menos confuso está o panorama relativo ao ensino do português:
Assistimos à insuficiência dos professores portugueses no país, que ensinam de um modo, ao ensino do português brasileiro, que é ligeiramente diferente – mas do mal, o menos. Há mentes confusas por causa disto.
Mais confuso ainda é a alfabetização cubana, que nos ensina castelhano – um espanhol espanholês, ou castelhanês.
Em que ficamos? Quererá o governo adoptar na realidade o português como língua oficial ou só está a fazer de conta que sim para sorver as verbas que Portugal está a doar-nos? Não será esta política somente uma maneira de “fazer pagar aos ex-colonizadores a factura”, como às vezes se ouve dizer por ai?
É verdade que estamos a querer começar a ser um país e que por isso temos muito a aprender, todos nós e os eleitos políticos principalmente, mas parece que todas estes ziguezagues só nos irão confundir e dificultar mais o quotidiano e as práticas de vivência como sociedade democrática e una.
É que já basta as nossas diferenças dialécticas e culturais para nos dividir e baralhar. Que polícia e língua oficial vamos ter, para além do tétum?
Para que serve e a quem serve toda esta confusão?
Malai Azul 2
RV/RR/Anabela Góis
O Bispo de Baucau, D. Basílio do Nascimento, diz, em entrevista à Renascença, não ver razões para eleições antecipadas em Timor-Leste, como pede a FRETILIN.
O Bispo de Baucau analisa o momento político em Timor-Leste depois dos atentados contra as duas mais altas figuras do Estado, Ramos Horta e Xanana Gusmão.
“Na minha maneira de ver, eleições antecipadas só se justificariam se, porventura, o país estivesse de pantanas ou então o Governo não funcionasse de todo. Neste momento, não se verifica nem uma coisa nem outra”, afirma.
D. Basílio do Nascimento elogia o trabalho do Governo, que considera ser mais dialogante até com a própria Igreja.
Em entrevista à enviada especial da Renascença a Timor-Leste, Anabela Góis, o prelado acha que o estado de emergência está a prejudicar a economia do país e considera que seria positiva a captura de Gastão Salsinha, o actual líder dos revoltos depois da morte do Major Alfredo Reinado.
D. Basílio do Nascimento não entende como é que Gastão Salsinha continua em liberdade, nem porque chegou a colocar a hipótese de se entregar às autoridades timorense através da Igreja.
Malai Azul 2
EAST TIMOR: Horta's Assailants Scot-Free Thanks to Politics
Analysis by Setyo Budi
DILI, Apr 3 (IPS) - If the renegade soldiers who attempted to assassinate East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta on Feb. 11 remain scot-free, it has more to do with the complex politics of this fledgling country than a failure of the armed forces, domestic or international, that protect it.
While rebel leader Alfredo Reinado and one of his men were killed in the shooting outside the President's house on Feb. 11, his second-in-command, Gastao Salsinha, walked away with a large number of rebels.
Horta, who is still in Australia recovering from nearly fatal gunshot injuries, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), last week, that but for the indecision of United Nations’ peacekeepers the rebels could have been captured soon after he was attacked. ''For many hours after the attack on my house, they (the rebels) were still in the hills around my house," Horta told ABC.
Among the unanswered questions surrounding the alleged assassination attempt is how Reinado and his heavily armed men could have passed unhindered through U.N. peacekeeping cordons, consisting mostly of Australian troops, to reach Horta's residence on the fateful day.
Following the assassination bid a 'state-under-siege' was declared and joint-operations, consisting of over 400 security personnel drawn from the Falintil-Forças de Defesa de Timor Leste (F-FDTL) and the Policia National de Timor Leste (PNTL), were mounted to search for and arrest Salsinha and the rebels.
Mid-March, the joint-forces had the rebels encircled, but, after a standoff that lasted a few days, were allowed to escape as a result of political intervention.
"To me all of this looks like a game. Once the prosecutor- general states that Salsinha is the one who did it and a state-under-siege has been declared they should go out there and capture Salsinha," Mario Carrascalao, president of Democratic Socialist Party (DSP), part of the ruling coalition, told IPS in an interview.
Last week, parliament approved extension of state-under-siege situation for another 30 days, till Apr. 23. But many consider the extension pointless as there have been no serious attempts to capture the rebels.
Carrascalao, one of the parliamentarians who rejected the extension, said: ''The extension is a way for the government to prevent early elections, a process that takes six months.'' As part of the attempt to address East Timor's ongoing political crisis, U.N. Secretary General Ban ki-Moon has agreed to a proposal to hold elections earlier than in 2009 as scheduled.
The failure to capture Salsinha may have been deliberate and further bloodshed could prove politically costly. So far, the joint-operation has stuck to following rebels' movements. "The terrain is harsh, a lot of valleys and hills, quite dense coffee trees, and rainy all the time and we don't have night goggles,'' Filomeno Paixao, the joint-operation spokesperson, told IPS.
But Paixao admitted that the reason Salsinha and his men were allowed to get away was because ''they are not considered as enemy. What we are interested is evidence, to bring them to tribunal.''
Earlier, addressing a press conference, Brig Gen Taur Matan Ruak, F-FDTL commander, said: "We don't want Salsinha dead, he needs to tell us what happened over the last two years, but I want to tell him that he should not shoot any of my soldiers.''
Salsinha may be privy to much sensitive information. After all he was the leader of the group of soldiers that deserted their barracks in January 2006 and became known as the 'petitioners' who sparked a political crisis that led to serious ethnic conflicts between easterners and westerners on the half-island country.
A new revelation made by Longinous Monteiro, East Timor's prosecutor general, that Salsinha and his group received political backing from a prominent politician (his name cannot be mentioned for security reasons) to avoid surrender shows that the Feb. 11 incident had clear political underpinnings.
Paixao said members of the Salsinha group that escaped left behind uniforms, boots, tin food, and a Motorola mobile phone that contained numbers belonging to prominent politicians.
For ordinary East Timor people the situation is confusing. On the one hand the government has declared a state-under-siege and on the other it continues to dialogue with Salsinha and his group.
Tiago Sarmento, law programme manager at the Asia Foundation East Timor, questions the government's seriousness in implementing the declaration of state-under-siege. ''When the state is under siege, there is no more negotiation, no more bargaining, but it is not happening. Instead, the government makes offers to Salsinha and his members. The government sends troops not to capture Salsinha but to protect him."
Arsenio Bano, vice-president of Fretilin, which holds a plurality of seats in parliament, told IPS that parties within the AMP coalition government have misled people. ''During the election campaign, Fernando Lasama (president of the Democratic Party) even had an agreement with Alfredo and Salsinha to acknowledge their existence as armies and even told the petitioners that they were friends of the government," he said.
The joint-operation is the first by the F-FDTL since the institution was wrecked by ethnic divisions between easterners and westerners in 2006. This division prompted the Brussels-based International Crisis Group (ICG) to conduct studies which called for drastic reforms. In a report, ICG pointed to a lack of transparency within the F-FDTL and that promotions were based on political affiliation rather than merit.
During an interview with IPS, Sophia Cason, former ICG researcher in East Timor, said: ''The politicisation is not necessarily along party lines, but for personal reasons. Most (F-FDTL) members are loyal to Brig. Gen. Taur Matan Ruak who has declared that he is not a member of any party but has personal links to Xanana Gusmao, Mari Alkatiri (former prime minister and Fretilin leader) and Roque Rodrigues."
The joint-operation is a test for F-FDTL to show performance and professionalism and meet people’s expectations, Cason said. ''The reform of the military institution is now more urgent than before. To do it all political parties have to be committed.''
Malai Azul 2
Mais dois arguidos do "11 de Fevereiro" em prisão preventiva
Díli, 04 Abr (Lusa) - Dois arguidos do processo relacionado com o ataque ao primeiro-ministro de Timor-Leste, a 11 de Fevereiro, ficaram hoje em prisão preventiva, depois de terem sido interrogados por um juiz internacional em Díli.
Alexandre Araújo ("Alex"), da Polícia Nacional, e Bernardo da Costa ("Cris"), das Falintil-Forças de Defesa de Timor-Leste, foram ouvidos hoje à tarde (hora local) pelo juiz Ivo Rosa do Tribunal Distrital, que impôs a medida de prisão preventiva.
Os dois elementos das forças de segurança timorenses faziam parte do grupo do ex-tenente Gastão Salsinha e são acusados de ter participado na emboscada à coluna onde seguia Xanana Gusmão, em Balíbar, a sul da capital.
Alexandre Araújo e Bernardo da Costa foram detidos quinta-feira em Díli.
Até agora, há oito arguidos constituídos por relação aos ataques de 11 de Fevereiro contra Xanana Gusmão e o Presidente da República, José Ramos-Horta.
Sete arguidos encontram-se em prisão preventiva.
Apenas Angelita Pires, ex-assessora legal do major Alfredo Reinado, aguarda julgamento em liberdade, sujeita à medida de termo de identidade e residência.
O juiz Ivo Rosa ordenou que "Alex" e "Cris" fossem conduzidos ao Estabelecimento Prisional de Becora, em Díli.
Malai Azul 2
Novo embaixador do Brasil apresentou credenciais
Díli, 04 Abr (Lusa) - O novo embaixador do Brasil em Díli, Edson Marinho Duarte Monteiro, apresentou hoje credenciais ao Presidente da República interino, Fernando "La Sama" de Araújo.
Duarte Monteiro substitui António José Maria de Souza e Silva, que foi escolhido como novo representante de Brasília em Maputo.
António de Souza e Silva, entrevistado no final de Janeiro pela agência Lusa, explicou que o aprofundamento das relações com Timor-Leste "surge num momento de transformação da Agência Brasileira de Cooperação para um instrumento de política externa do Brasil".
Nesse sentido, a cooperação com Timor-Leste "constitui um laboratório do potencial" brasileiro para ajudar países em desenvolvimento, afirmou o diplomata durante a visita do Presidente José Ramos-Horta ao Brasil.
A ajuda brasileira a Timor-Leste representa, actualmente, entre 1,5 e 2 milhões de dólares (954 e 1,2 milhões de euros) por ano.
O Brasil mantém 50 professores de Língua Portuguesa em Timor-Leste desde Abril de 2005, alguns em colaboração com projectos da Cooperação Portuguesa.
O Brasil tem também em Timor-Leste cinco juristas integrados no Projecto de Apoio ao Sistema de Justiça, coordenado pelo Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD).
Malai Azul 2
Procura-se escritor com um Conto original de Timor-Leste
A Única, Projectos Especiais, Imagem e Marketing encontra-se neste momento a produzir uma série de televisão infanto-juvenil.
A série é constituída por 30 episódios e pretende fazer uma pequena mostra lúdica, para o público infanto-juvenil, das diferentes formas de falar o português, um pouco por todo mundo (incluindo Portugal continental e Ilhas). Conta com a participação de diversos escritores de várias nacionalidades (Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, Portugal, São Tomé e Príncipe e Timor) que apenas têm em comum o escrever em português.
Contamos com o apoio de entidades como a RTP (RTP2, RTP Internacional, RTP África onde a série será transmitida), a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, a Casa Civil da Presidência da República Portuguesa, a Associação PRO DIGNITATE, o Instituto Português da Juventude, o Instituto Camões, o Ministério da Cultura (com a atribuição do Mecenato Cultural), Direcção Regional de Cultura dos Açores, Câmara Municipal de Évora, Câmara Municipal da Amadora, entre outros organismos.
De todos os países presentes no projecto existe uma estória passada na actualidade e escrita para a série por um escritor de cada um dos países e uma lenda antiga escolhida por nós.
No caso de Timor escolhemos a lenda da formação de Timor, a do Crocodilo, no entanto, não temos ainda escritor para o conto original.
Aos interessados por favor contactar: Cátia Viegas catiaviegas@unica.com.pt
Muito obrigada, desde já,
os meus melhores cumprimentos,
Cátia Viegas
Malai Azul 2
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "