Committee for Constitutional Issues, Justice, Public Administration, Local Power and Government Legislation
28 October 2008
On Thursday, 30 October 2008, the National Parliament will hold an extraordinary plenary session to debate the CAVR and CTF reports.
The reports investigate Timor-Leste’s 1975 – 1999 political conflict, determine responsibility for past human rights violations and provide recommendations on how to build a peaceful, stable future for Timor-Leste, paying particular attention to its relationship with Indonesia.
The Parliamentary Committee for Constitutional Issues, Justice, Public Administration, Local Power and Government Legislation (Committee A) will present two resolutions to the National Parliament that recognize the achievements of both Commissions, acknowledge their findings, and propose implementation of their recommendations.
The proposed resolutions highlight CAVR and CTF recommendations in the areas of: victim reparations, a commission for disappeared persons, justice, education and the establishment of an independent institution to oversee implementation efforts.
The debate of the CAVR and CTF reports is an important occasion for the state of Timor-Leste. The National Parliament invites representatives from state institutions and civil society organizations, including the Catholic Church, Media, Political Parties, NGO’s and educational institutions, to observe the debate at the National Parliament on 30 October, 9 am.
Fernanda Mesquita Borges
terça-feira, outubro 28, 2008
Malai Azul 2
Taur Matan Ruak on Fretilin's planned peace march
A section of Taur Matan Ruak's interview, translated from Tempo Semanal (weekly) edition 108. Taur Matan Ruak is the chief of the TL's defense force.
(TS): A few days ago local newspapers published your words, which caused some people to say that you are interfering too much in politics by getting too close to AMP and to ignore Fretilin. How do you comment to that?
(TMR): I want to make it clear once more than as the chief of the army, I represent an institution which dedicates its whole existence to maximum neutrality and total impartiality. I also want to say that the interpretation made against my words were literal. In other words, I wanted to say that the peace march which people have been talking about has not been put into practice, why are so afraid of it?
I want to also say that our Constitution guarantees the right to everyone to organise demonstrations. But what our Constitution does not allow is violence. If we look at the past, Fretilin's actions have been very good. We can see this in the 2006 crisis. Fretilin mobilised its supporters from the districts to come to Dili but their behaviour at that time was very good despite many provocations.
I congratulate them for this action. Fretilin has also proved a lot through its actions which show that they are against violence themselves. Therefore I believe that even when they do organise the peace march there will be no violence.
Now, as a national institution which is following the developments in the country, naturally we are also worried. We are worried not because Fretilin will use violence when they have (the peace march), but because other people can use this action to cause violence to destabilise the situation in our country, a situation which we all know is still very fragile.
But this does not mean that we will block (the demonstration). To the contrary, our Constitution has shown the way. Simply, what every Timorese want is that there can be no violence just as stated in our Constitution.
Original Tetum extract:
(TS): Depois de loron hirak liuba jornal lokal sira halo publikasaun konaba ita nia liafuan, halo ema balu dehan ita intervere liu politika hodi afilia liu ba AMP no haluha tiha Fretilin. Oinsa ita nia komentariu?
(Brig): Hakarak rafirma dala ida tan katak, nudar Xefi Estadu Maior General Forsas Armadas, reprezenta institusaun ida nebe orienta ninia vida tomak ho neutralidade maximu no insensao total. Hakarak hateten mós katak, interpretasaun hau nia liafuan iha momentu neba a letra liu; husi liafuan seluk karik, hau hakarak hateten “marsa da paz” nebe ema koalia seidauk tau ba pratica, tansa maka ita tauk demais los.
Hau hakarak hateten mós katak ita nia Konstituisaun fó direitu ba ema hotu-hotu atu bele halo manifestasaun. Maibé buat ida ke ita nia konstituisaun la fó maka labele iha violensia. Se ita haree fila fali iha pasadu, Fretilin nia komportamentu diak teb-tebes. Ita bele haree ida ne’e iha krize 2006, Fretilin mobiliza nia ema husi distritu mai duni iha Dili maibe sira nia komportamentu iha momento neba diak teb-tebes apejar de iha provokasoens barak.
Hau fó parabens ba sira nia hahalok ida ne’e. Komportamentu barak mós mak Fretilin hatudu ona mai ita katak sira rasik kontra violensia. Tanba ne’e hau fiar katak mesmu iha loron ruma sira sei halo “marsa de paz” ne karik mos sei la uza violensia.
Agora, hanesan instituisaun nasaun nian ne’ebé akompania mos dezenvolvimentu situasaun iha rai laran, naturalmente ami preokupa. Preokupa laos tanba Fretilin halo karik atu uza violensia, maibe liu-liu tamba asaun nee bele ema seluk uza karik atu halo violensia hodi halo at karik situsaun iha ita nia Rain, situasau nebe ita hotu hatene nanis sei fragil no deficil liu.
Mas ne’e la signifika katak ami impede, pelo contrario ita nia Konstitusaun rasik fo dalan atu halo. Simplismente buat ne’ebé ke Timor oan hotu-hotu husu maka labele iha violensia, hanessan ne mos ita nia Konstituisaun.
Malai Azul 2
UAb organiza o 1º. Simpósio de Educação a Distância dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa
A Universidade Aberta (UAb), sob o Alto Patrocínio de Sua Excelência o Presidente da República, e com o apoio do Secretário Executivo da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (CPLP), organiza, nos dias 30 e 31 de Outubro, no Auditório 2 da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisboa, Portugal), o 1º Simpósio de Educação a Distância dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (
O evento contará com a presença do Senhor Secretário de Estado do Ensino Superior de Angola, do Senhor Secretário de Estado da Educação de Cabo-Verde, do Senhor Reitor da Universidade de Cabo-Verde, do Senhor Reitor da Fundação Universidade do Tocantins (Brasil), da Senhora Vice-Reitora da Universidade Agostinho Neto (Angola), do Senhor Presidente da Associação Brasileira de Ensino a Distância, entre outras individualidades.
O programa do simpósio apresentará três conferências plenárias e cinco painéis moderados. As conferências serão proferidas pelo Prof. Doutor Adriano Moreira (Conferência inaugural), pelo Senhor Secretário de Estado Adjunto e da Educação, Prof. Doutor Jorge Pedreira e pelo Prof. Doutor Marçal Grilo (Conferência de enceramento).
Os painéis focarão os seguintes temas: A Educação a Distância como factor de desenvolvimento; Metodologias de ensino a distância na formação de recursos humanos; A educação a distância e a produção de conteúdos em Língua Portuguesa; Um Modelo Pedagógico Virtual na Universidade Aberta; Por uma plataforma de ensino a distância nos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa.
“Este simpósio é realizado com o objectivo de proporcionar uma reflexão alargada que congrace instituições de ensino, agentes políticos, empresários, docentes e estudantes em torno da educação a distância, no seio da CPLP - Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa”, explica o Reitor da UAb, Prof. Doutor Carlos Reis.
O encontro visa também “criar uma oportunidade para o aprofundamento da cooperação entre aqueles países, com destaque para o domínio da educação”, sublinha o Reitor Carlos Reis, acrescentando que a UAb, única universidade (pública) portuguesa de ensino a distância, organiza este simpósio “consciente das suas responsabilidades, uma vez que é uma das instituições que neste campo mais experiência acumulou, ao longo das duas décadas em que tem exercido a sua actividade”.
O Reitor lembra também que cerca de 30% dos alunos da UAb são cidadãos dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP). “Acresce a isto que, nos últimos tempos, a UAb estabeleceu contactos e firmou protocolos com instituições universitárias africanas e brasileiras, directa ou indirectamente empenhadas na educação a distância”.
Para mais informações, contacte Denise Henriques (Telf.: 00 351 21 391 63 32; Tlm: 00 351 969 053 669; E-mail:
Malai Azul 2
East Timor opposition plans rally
Canberra Times
26/10/2008 9:44:00 AM
EAST TIMOR'S Opposition Leader has denied a rally of up to 70,000 anti-government protesters would breach the fragile peace in the South-East Asian nation.
Speaking ahead of his visit to Canberra this week, Mari Alkatiri said he did not believe a demonstration by Fretilin supporters would lead to riots of the kind seen in 2006, in which at least 37 people died.
Fretilin has not named a date for its proposed march.
''The march itself will never destabilise the country,'' he said. ''It is a way for the people to feel free that finally there are free demonstrations without violence ... It is our constitutional right.''
Dr Alkatiri said the purpose of the march was to protest against Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao's ''unconstitutional'' and ''corrupt'' government.
''I think the Government needs to know that people are aware of the corruption. It is time for the people to say something, but peacefully,'' he said.
The Fretilin opposition party maintains it was cheated in last year's parliamentary election, which was overseen by the United Nations.
''We won the election in 2007 and we did not have the opportunity to govern,'' Dr Alkatiri said, adding that the international election scrutineers ''knew Fretilin won the election''.
He is calling for another election to take place next year rather than waiting until 2012 to challenge the Government.
The second secretary of the Embassy of Timor-Leste, Lisualdo Gaspar, said any allegations of government corruption needed to be substantiated by investigations and evidence.
Dr Alkatiri also denied his party was behind pamphlets circulating the capital that allege discrimination is rife within government institutions.
''I think that it is groups that are close to the Government doing this. Xanana is really trying to divide the people,'' he said.
Last week, Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon announced Australia would withdraw 100 troops from East Timor early next year, reducing the number of Australian personnel to 650.
Dr Alkatiri said he would like to see all Australian troops removed by the end of 2009.
Dr Alkatiri will give a public lecture tomorrow at the ANU's Finkel Theatre in the John Curtin School of Medical Research, Garran Road, from 12.30pm-1.30pm.
Malai Azul 2
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "