H. Correia deixou um novo comentário na sua mensagem "“Minister for Education Stood Behind a Member of h...":
"we can confirm that a bunch of Directors have lost their positions and are inactive in the Ministry of Education although they continue to receive their salaries."
As purgas continuam. Mais uns tantos que foram saneados por se atreverem a não alinhar nos cambalachos do Governo AMP.
Compras de sofás, motos, colocação de ventoinhas do ministério na casa privada do Ministro, etc, enquanto continua a haver escolas sem teto.
É impressionante o rol de atropelos às leis, principalmente nepotismo e peculato, relatados por esta pessoa honesta que, por não querer esbanjar dinheiro do Estado em despesas particulares do Sr. Ministro João Câncio e familiares, foi simplesmente saneado.
Gostava de saber o que têm agora a dizer aqueles malais em Portugal que se diziam fervorosos admiradores do Ministro João Câncio...
A podridão continua, fedendo como nunca. Só vai parar quando este Governo for devidamente castigado nas próximas eleições. Entretanto, Timor segue as pisadas dos países africanos mais miseráveis.
A minha solidariedade para os saneados Marcelo Caetano Araújo (chefe do departamento das finanças), Ângelo Ximenes (chefe do departamento do ensino primário), Delfina Borges (chefe do departamento de assuntos dos professores), Dr. Mateus dos Reis (diretor nacional de currículos, materiais e avaliações) e Augusto Pereira (chefe dodepartamento de aprovisionamento do Ministério da Educação).
quarta-feira, março 04, 2009
Dos Leitores
Malai Azul 2
Power plant information now available
http://www.laohamutuk.org/Oil/Power/LHRelease%20HeavyOilInfo3Mar09En.pdf (with map)
Media Release from La’o Hamutuk, 3 March 2009
Until now, technical information regarding the $375 million project to build heavy oil electric generating stations and a national distribution grid in Timor-Leste has been a closely kept secret. Government officials are proud of what they hope to achieve with this project. However, they have consistently refused to provide concrete documents or information about technical, contractual, physical, environmental or other aspects of this project.
In order to help Timor-Leste’s people and leaders to better understand this huge project, the NGO La’o Hamutuk has obtained a copy of the proposal made last June to the Government of Timor-Leste by Chinese Nuclear Industry 22nd Construction Company, which was awarded the contract for the project in October.
Although there have been some changes in the project since the proposal was written, including the addition of a third generating site in Hera, it provides far more information than has been available previously. The company argues strongly for using old, heavy oil generators as the cheapest and quickest route to electrification, while providing some information, often unclear and inconsistent, about plans to reduce their environmental damage.
However, the proposal and other information we have obtained from interviews and rumors raise as many questions as they answer. La’o Hamutuk will continue to collect, analyze and publish information regarding this project, and we welcome material from all sources. For it is only based on factual information – not on promises, rumors or partisan accusations – that Timor-Leste’s people and leaders will be able to make the wisest decisions for our nation’s development.
La’o Hamutuk’s analysis, links and entry page to information on this project is at
http://www.laohamutuk.org/Oil/Power/08PowerPlant.htm (English and Tetum).
The proposal from the company can be downloaded from
http://www.laohamutuk.org/Oil/Power/CHI22proposals.pdf (English only).
People in Dili without internet access can visit La’o Hamutuk’s office behind the HAK Association in Farol to obtain these and other materials.
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
Convite - Exposição de fotografias
Lugar do Desenho - Fundação Júlio Resende - 07 Março a 14 Abril
07 Mar. 2009 // 14 Abr. 2009 Povo, Lugares e Paisagens de Timor
Sala de Exposições Temporárias Temporary Exhibitions RoomManuel Casal Aguiar Rui Lélis
Local: Lugar do Desenho - Fundação Júlio Resende
Rua Pintor Júlio Resende, 346 - Valbom4
420-534 Gondomar
Malai Azul 2
“East Timor in the 21st Century: Global Rights and Responsibilities”
ETAN to hold Timor Solidarity Conference
A conference to build understanding and solidarity
November 13-15, 2009 - Seattle, Washington, USA
The East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN) is proud to announce East Timor (Timor-Leste) in the 21st Century: Global Rights and Responsibilities, a solidarity conference for activists, advocates and scholars interested in East Timor. The conference will be held November 13-15, 2009, in Seattle, Washington. Exact location will soon be announced.
East Timor in the 21st Century: Global Rights and Responsibilities will include panel discussions, workshops, film screenings, art showings, and strategic organizing discussions. Please join us in building solidarity with the East Timorese!
Have you been to Timor with the Peace Corps, the UN, a humanitarian NGO, as a tourist, or on some other capacity? Were you active in support of East Timor’s self-determination in the 1990s (or before) and want to learn more about what has happened since? Whether your interest in East Timor is as an activist or academic, or you are just curious, ETAN wants your participation!
Call for Proposals: Are you interested in sharing what you know about East Timor? Is there a topic you want to learn more about? ETAN is seeking proposals and ideas for workshops, panels, speakers, art presentations, films and other ideas.
Please submit your suggestions and proposals by June 30, 2009. We prefer proposals for complete sessions. In your proposal, please include a description of the session with suggested presenters and session length. Please be sure to include an email address and phone number where you can be reached. Proposals and suggestions can be e-mailed to conference@etan.org
Your support is needed!
Organizing a conference is expensive! ETAN needs your help to make this conference happen. We welcome financial support from individuals and organizations for East Timor in the 21st Century: Global Rights and Responsibilities. The conference is organized by a committee of volunteers. Aside from other expenses, we want to bring participants directly from East Timor. If you have suggestions for funding, please contact us at conference@etan.org or call 718-596-7668.
To donate, please visit: http://www.etan.org/etan/donate.htm or send your check to ETAN, PO Box 21873, Brooklyn, NY 11202. Make checks payable to East Timor Action Network. Tax-deductible donations can be made out to AJ Muste Memorial Institute/ETAN. Please note “for conference” in your donation
Conference Background: In 1975, Indonesia invaded and began a brutal 24-year occupation of East Timor. With U.S. military assistance, Indonesia’s illegal occupation took the lives of up to 180,000 people. In 1999, after years of struggle, the East Timorese voted overwhelmingly for independence. This conference will mark 10 years since that historic vote and the 18th anniversary of the November 12, 1991 Santa Cruz massacre, which energized international solidarity.
Following the 1999 independence vote, the Indonesian military and its militias committed devastating acts of violence, killing 1400, destroying at least 75% of the country’s infrastructure, and forcibly deporting hundreds of thousands. For two-and-one-half years, East Timor was officially administered by the United Nations. In 2002, East Timor finally achieved its independence – and celebrated the successful outcome of years of pain and struggle.
Although East Timor stands proudly as an independent nation, the population still faces significant problems in achieving true self-determination, as well as justice for past wrongs. The range of problems that plague the world's newest state include grinding poverty, youth gangs, violence against women, and difficulties in providing basic education, health and other services. There has also been a lack of accountability and justice for those responsible for egregious abuses committed during Indonesia's occupation and several violent events since.
International activism played an important role in the struggle for East Timor's independence. This activism continues to play a vital role in the struggle for human rights and economic and social justice in independent East Timor. Activists in Seattle have a particularly strong record of East Timor solidarity organizing, including the long running Seattle ETAN chapter, an ongoing sister-city school project with Kay Rayla High School, and the formation of the Seattle-East Timor Relief Association (SETRA), which supports health, education and rural development projects in Timor-Leste through the sale of Fair Trade organic East Timor coffee.
Ten years after the referendum, activists, advocates, scholars and others will meet to learn from each other. At East Timor in the 21st Century: Global Rights and Responsibilities we hope to re-energize U.S. solidarity efforts for East Timor.
Further details about registration, accommodation and travel will be available soon on ETAN's website, www.etan.org . For more information, e-mail conference@etan.org or write ETAN, PO Box 21873, Brooklyn, NY 11202.
For those planning to come to the conference we urge you be conscious of the environment and utilize the most environmental friendly travel options possible. Please contact ETAN if you’re interested in organizing group travel, such as carpooling, from your area.
Malai Azul 2
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "