IPAD – [sem data]
Há seis anos que o Programa de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Rural de Timor-Leste (PADR-TL) restaura plantações de café nas montanhas de Timor-Leste. Estão em funcionamento 11 estações de tratamento, e é objectivo do programa aproximar-se do número existente no passado, prevendo-se num futuro próximo a entrada em funcionamento de mais dez estações, o que praticamente atinge o nível de trabalho existente em 1974, altura em que se encontravam em funcionamento 24 centros.
Miguel Nogueira e Adriano Ferreira têm razões para sorrir. Em Timor desde Janeiro deste ano, estes dois agrónomos, já reabilitaram dois centros de plantação experimental e 38 viveiros comunitários na região de Ermera (centro oeste), sob a participação atenta dos agricultores locais e o olhar sobranceiro da cordilheira do Monte Ramelau, do alto dos seus imponentes 2.963 metros de altitude.
O PADR-TL só este ano, atingiu já cerca de 600 agricultores da região de Ermera, parte significativa de uma população que vive maioritariamente da agricultura e até ao fim do ano os técnicos responsáveis pelo projecto pretendem atingir os 2000.
O projecto financiado pelo IPAD, orçado em 300.000€ ano, estará em curso até 2010.
O programa deverá ser alargado ao distrito de Liquiçá, estando também em preparação a criação de um Instituto do Café.
Miguel Nogueira relata na primeira pessoa este caso de sucesso da Cooperação portuguesa.
(ver em: http://www.ipad.mne.gov.pt/images/stories/noticias/RETOMAR_O_PASSADO.pdf)
segunda-feira, agosto 27, 2007
Nas montanhas de Timor-Leste, plantações de café dão frutos
Malai Azul 2
UNMIT – MEDIA MONITORING - Monday, 27 August 2007
"UNMIT assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the articles or for the accuracy of their translations. The selection of the articles and their content do not indicate support or endorsement by UNMIT express or implied whatsoever. UNMIT shall not be responsible for any consequence resulting from the publication of, or from the reliance on, such articles and translations."
National Media Reports
Horta: too early to be sorry to the IDPs
Speaking to the journalists on Friday (24/8) President José Ramos Horta said that the IDPs have become victims for the second time.
“They have twice become victims for both the crisis and the action of radical Fretilin members who threat them everyday,” said President Horta while talking to an NGO Forum IN Dili.
Separately, the member of national parliament from the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Mario Viegas Carrascalão, said that some peoples’ discontent following the president’s decision on the new government formation could create an unstable situation. (TP)
980 police officers to be active
The members of PNTL who completed their screening following last year’s crisis are now on active duty in Dili.
The PNTL Commander-Designated, Afonso de Jesus said that 980 PNTL members are now on duty in Dili, this excludes members who in the process of being screened. (TP)
ISF to collaborate with the local authority in security escalation
The Chief Village of Afaloikai, Henrique de Carvalho has asked the International Stabilization Forces (ISF) that are allocated in Uatolari, Viqueque district to collaborate with the local authorities to secure the district.
Speaking to the journalists on Friday (24/8) in his residence, Mr. Carvalho said that if ISF, UIR and F-FDTL withdraw from the region, the problems will reemerge. (TP)
Autonomist government, a rumor
Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão said there does not need to be a law passed to check the background of parliamentarians because the accusations that the government is unconstitutional are based on rumours only.
He said that rather than waste funding on this, which will have no benefit for the people, it is better to forget the past and come together to discuss the future of the people in this country. (TP)
Bishop Basilio: “I believe, Fretilin will not destroy the efforts of 24 years”
Bishop Basilio Nascimento of Baucau Diocese believes that Fretilin will not destroy the independence benefits it fought 24 years to get.
“I think that they should know and consider that Fretilin’s struggle and bloodshed for 24 years should not be destroyed,” said Bishop Nascimento in Baucau.
Commenting to the accusation that the Catholic Church supports the Alliance government, the bishop said that the Catholic Church never backed any party. (DN)
President submit Alfredo and Petitioners’ case to Xanana
President José Ramos-Horta will submit the case of Alfredo Reinado Alves and petitioners officially on Tuesday (28/8) to the Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão to try and solve both problems peacefully.
“Alfredo is ready to have dialogue to solve this problem,” said President José Ramos-Horta on Friday (24/8) after meeting with students in the Presidential Palace in Caicoli, Dili. (STL)
Longuinhos, does not fulfill the criteria to be PNTL commander
The member of national parliament from Social Democratic Party (PSD), Mario Viegas Carrascalão said that the Attorney –General Longuinhos Monteiro does not qualify to be the PNTL commander, even though he knows much about the police force.
He revealed that the new PNTL commander should have a vision for reform to restore the reputation that was ruined in last year’s crisis and if a commander has no credibility the reform goals will not be achieved.
“We should observe that during his roles as the Attorney-general he failed to resolve a lot of problems which remain controversial, such as the case of Alfredo Reinado,” said Mr. Mario. (STL)
Furthermore, another MP from CNRT, Aderito Hugo da Costa said that to convinced people that the reform of the judiciary is and PNTL is solid, it needs a credible and knowledgeable figure.
“It is the competence of the president to nominate an attorney general, but he/she should be a credible figure to run the office,” said Mr. Hugo on Friday (24/8) in PNTL’s office, Dili. (STL)
President threats to take out IDPs from camps
The President José Ramos-Horta has threatened to remove the IDPs from Metinaro because of their ongoing provocation that resulted in house burnings on Thursday last week.
Speaking to journalist on Friday (24/8) the President said that he will recommend the F-FDTL secure IDP camps Metinaro.
“if they destroy people’s properties, the state will not recognize them as IDPs,” said President Horta.
He added that he has heard that IDPs in Metinaro kill others’ livestock, loot properties and throw rocks at cars.
“I call on radical members of Fretilin in the Airport, Metinaro, Jardim and Obrigado Barracks to stop the provocation,” said President Horta. (DN)
Adriano: We try and persuade Alfredo and the petitioners to return back to F-FDTL
During the electoral campaign of presidential election, the Democratic Party stated it defended Alfredo Reinado, his followers and the petitioners to return back to F-FDTL, said the PD parliamentary leader Adriano do Nascimento.
He added that PD continues to make efforts to raise the issue of halting the operation against Reinado and his men.
“We raise this issue at the plenary session to support the president’s ideas,” said Mr. Adriano on Friday (24/8) at the parliament, Dili. (DN)
Malai Azul 2
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UNMIT - Security Situation - Monday 27 August 2007
This is a broadcast of the UN Police in Timor-Leste to provide you with information about the security situation around the country.
The security situation in Timor-Leste as a whole has been calm.
Today in Dili, UNPol attended six incidents. At around 0940hrs, police received reports of people throwing rocks at passing UN vehicles in front of Metinaro IDP camp. A Formed Police Unit (FPU) and the International Security Force (ISF) attended and controlled the situation. Three people were arrested.
Police also received reports that the PST Headquarters in Bairo Central were on fire. A patrol a confirmed that the reports were false.
A rock throwing incident also took place at Hudilaran primary school shortly after midday. Police brought the situation under control quickly. Separately, one man was arrested for rock throwing in Bebonuk.
Yesterday in Lautem, police arrested two men suspected of burning down the primary school in the Ira-Ara sub-village. The men are currently in police custody and are being questioned.
Two days ago in Baucau district, ten people were arrested in connection with a rock throwing incident in Buibau village. The suspects had damaged two houses.
There are no reports of any criminal activity in Viqueque in the last 24 hours.
United Nations police officers in conjunction with the national police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) and the ISF remain fully deployed to respond to any disturbances that may emerge.
The Police advise to avoid traveling during the night to the most affected areas. Please report any suspicious activities. You can call 112 or 7230365 to contact the police 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Malai Azul 2
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Dili, 27 August 2007
Following H.E. President Ramos-Horta proposal to the Government – already endorsed by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão – to reform Timor-Leste’s tax system which basically advocates a drastic reduction and/or abolition of most taxes and duties, Timor Telecom has decided to show, in a practical way, how the abolition of one of the taxes would benefit its customers.
For one week – from 27 of August to 2 September – Timor Telecom will not charge the Services Tax to its clients when they buy a card (pulsa) during that period.
Under the current system, the 12% Services Tax applies only to telecommunications, hotels, restaurants, bars, and to the rental of land, air and sea transport.
When buying a telephone card (pulsa) Timor Telecom customers will receive a bonus of the 12% value of the tax. So, on a $5 card there will be a bonus of 60 cents; on a $10 card, $1.20 bonus; on a $15 card, $1.80; and on a $25 card, a bonus of $3.00.
“I’m pleased with the initiative of Timor Telecom,” President Ramos-Horta said. “It is a smart way of demonstrating to the community the benefits of my fiscal reform proposal.
“Just imagine the savings, the money that will stay in the pockets of the people, once drastic reduction or abolition of tariffs, sales tax, and excise comes into effect.
“I and the Government will be making sure that the savings arising from the tax reform are passed on to the public,” Dr Ramos-Horta said. “Inspectors will visit businesses to make sure of that. If any business is found not to be reducing the prices it will be subject to heavy penalties, from fines to closure of the business.”
“If we are to maintain any taxes or duties it should only be on goods or industries that are harmful to the environment and health.
“As President I am determined to see this new tax system that is simple, pro-poor and that encourages the business sector, the foreign investment and job creation, implemented. I’m pleased that at his swearing in ceremony Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão endorsed it. We are both certain that these changes are the right ones for Timor-Leste at this time of our development as a nation,” H.E. President Ramos-Horta concluded. – ends.
Malai Azul 2
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Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "