11-02-2009 1:40
A GNR vai continuar em Timor-Leste ao serviço das Nações Unidas. A convicção é do Presidente da República do país.
Ramos Horta demonstra esta esperança, em declarações à Renascença, a poucos dias da decisão ser tomada pelo Conselho de Segurança da ONU.
Este é de resto um tema de que Ramos Horta vai falar com o ministro português dos Negócios Estrangeiros que, dentro de poucas horas, chega a Díli.
“Creio que do lado de Portugal não há nenhuma dificuldade em manter aqui a GNR por algum tempo mais. É no interesse de Timor-Leste, das Nações Unidas que haja uma força robusta credível por mais algum tempo. A presença da GNR é indispensável”, disse.
CC/Anabela Góis
sexta-feira, fevereiro 13, 2009
GNR vai manter-se no país
Malai Azul 2
HAK press release on defamation case
For Immediate Release
Press Release
Court Decision in Defamation of Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro SH
On 21J anuary 2009 the Dili District Court ruled on the defamation case of Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro against the defendant Francisco Lui alias Aquileong. The court decision freed the defendant Francisco Lui of the charges. This means the complaint of the defendant Francisco Liu and his attorneys of 23 August 2005, and published on 25 August 2005 in the paper Diario Tempo titled “Three Prosecutors Engage in Corruption, Money US$8,600” was not proved to be an act of defamation against Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro, who was and is the Prosecutor-General of Timor-Leste.
To recall, at that time the defendant and his attorneys had lodged a complaint against Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro SH, Mr. Benevides Correia Barros SH, and Mr. Estaque S.P. Guterres SH for Mr. Longuinhos to return Aquileong’s money in accordance with the 6 November 2001 decision of the investigative judge and the decision of the Finance Minister on 7 September 2004. They also asked for a public apology to Aquileong via the media in Timor-Leste within one week.
Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro claimed that the publication of the complaint in the media was an act of defamation, and consequently requested the defendant to pay US$50,000 in damages (indemnity) in a civil case.
To conclude the court proceedings, the Dili District Court decided in the case that Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro was not a victim as a result of the news, his case was not proved. What Mr. Longuinhos felt he lost as a result of the news was not proved, and because of this the Court cleared Aquileong of the accusation by Mr. Longinhos Monteiro who claimed he defamed him.
This press release is to inform the public, including the organs of the State, of the court’s decision in relation to the case referred to above.
We hope that the media will publicize it so that the public will know.
Dili, 10 February 2009
Brief Chronology Of the Case of Longuinhos et al.
§ On 18 November 2004, at 21.15 (9:15 pm) at the residence of Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro (next to City Café), Mr. Longuinhos together with Mr. Benevides Barros (President of the Timor-Leste Attorneys’ Association), Mr. Estaquio Guterres (Prosecutor) and two members of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) forced Mr. Francisco Lui (alias Aquileong) to give the three of them 279,000,800 Indonesian Rupiah.
§ After this incident Aquileong, accompanied by his attorneys Mr. Silverio Pinto Baptista and Mr. Tome Jeronimo submitted a complaint to the Department of National Investigation (DIN) of the PNTL. At that time the Chief of DIN, Mr. Marcos took the complaint and indeed registered it as a criminal case with the Prosecutor’s office as complaint No. 174.
§ When Aquileong and his attorneys went to the Prosecutor’s office inquire about the case, several visits over time, they were finally told that the documentation for case No. 174 was lost, demonstrating abuse of power in relation to the lost documentation on the case.
§ Because the criminal case was not proceeding, Aquileong decided to bring a civil case against Mr. Longuinhos et al. The Civil Suit began by delivering a summons to Mr. Longuinhos et al. on 23 August, requesting their presence at a meeting to resolve the problem. However, Mr. Longuinhos et al. did not attend the meeting.
§ On 25 August, the newspaper DIARIO TEMPO published a story about the case titled “Three Prosecutors Engage in Corruption, Money US$8,600”.
§ Based on the news story in DIARIO TEMPO, Mr. Longuinhos accused Aquileong and his attorneys of criminal defamation in the Dili District Court. Because Mr. Longuinhos, the alleged victim in the case, is the Prosecutor-General, the Dili District Court is not able to prosecute the case. The Dili District Court petitioned the Appeals Court to hear the case. Until now, the case registered as No. 107/05 is held up in the Appeals Court.
§ Beside the criminal case, Mr. Longuinhos also filed a civil suit accusing Aquileong of defamation with the case file No. 82/Civil/2005/Tribunal Distrital Dili.
§ In the civil case referred to above (Case No. 82/Civil/2005/Tribunal Distrital Dili) the court held its first hearing on 11 July 2008 and concluded its proceedings on 21 January 2009, with a decision that:
1.Freed Mr. Aquileong from accusations of defamation, because the allegation by Mr. Longuinhos was not proved. This means that the story in DIARIO TEMPO was not proved to be defamation, but indeed reality.
2.Mr. Longuinhos must pay the court costs which total 10% of the value demanded (US$50,000) or US$5000.
Jill Sternberg
Association HAK (Association for Law, Human Rights and Justice)
Rua Governador Serpa Rosa T-091, Farol, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel. +670-331-3323 or +670-740-2774 mobile
Email: jillberg@igc.org skype: jillberg
Malai Azul 2
East Timor editor risks jail
Northern Territory News (Australia)
February 10, 2009 Tuesday
Press freedom fight
AN EAST Timorese journalist has flown home from Darwin to face prosecution over his attempts to expose alleged official corruption.
Jose Antonio Belo is facing years in the same prison where he was tortured under the Indonesian occupation of his country.
Last year the newspaper he edits, Tempo Semanal, published stories alleging collusion and corruption in the award of government contracts -- including the contract to repair the prison walls he may again find himself behind.
In Darwin last week, Belo vowed to keep fighting for press freedom.
``I'm going to fight in the court for the freedom of the press and democracy,'' he said. ``I will do the time in prison if I have to -- I'm ready for that. I have a responsibility to my people.''
Belo's paper alleged collusion or corruption by Justice Minister Lucia Lobato in contracts to provide a national ID card, prison uniforms, and repairs to the prison walls. He said the contracts were awarded to her friends and associates.
His story included leaked text messages between Ms Lobato and the head of the winning company.
Belo has been charged with criminal defamation -- an old law from Indonesia that is still in place because Ms Lobato's department has not completed the country's new criminal laws. Belo said he wanted his day in court.
``It's good if this goes to court,'' he said.
``For me it's good for us to prove before the court about these allegations.
``I have been involved in the struggle -- the struggle hasn't finished yet.''
In the 1990s he spent a total of three years in Becora prison after being arrested at protests against the Indonesian occupation.
Tomorrow marks the first anniversary of the shooting of East Timor President Jose Ramos Horta and the death of rebel leader Alfredo Reinado.
Malai Azul 2
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "