Diário Digital / Lusa
30-05-2007 13:00:00
A explosão de uma granada hoje em Fatuhada, Díli, provocou um morto e o engenho era «do tempo da ocupação indonésia e do mesmo lote da que explodiu a 13 de Dezembro» noutro bairro da capital, afirmou à Lusa uma fonte oficial das Nações Unidas e outra policial.
A granada defensiva foi identificada por peritos em explosivos das Nações Unidas, que encontraram a cavilha de segurança junto à casa - vazia e destruída - onde um jovem professor, identificado pelos vizinhos como Gastão, foi ferido com gravidade pelos estilhaços, e acabou por morrer já no hospital, segundo fonte policial. Outras duas pessoas ficaram também feridas.
Segundo a população, ninguém viu o indivíduo que atirou o explosivo, mas a Polícia das Nações Unidas «dispõe de informações sobre a pessoa que possuía a granada» e foi montada uma operação de busca de vários suspeitos, adiantou uma fonte militar internacional.
O incidente ocorreu numa área de Fatuhada conhecida como Matanruak («dois olhos» em língua tétum), nas traseiras da embaixada do Japão, situada, como várias outras, na Avenida de Portugal, junto ao mar.
As Forças de Estabilização Internacionais (ISF) foram chamadas às 16:07, segundo um oficial australiano no local, e a explosão terá ocorrido pouco antes.
Quando as ISF e a UNPol chegaram a Matanruak, os três feridos do ataque já tinham sido transportados para o Hospital Central Guido Valadares.
Vários testemunhos ouvidos pela Lusa em Matanruak referiram que a explosão aconteceu na sequência de três dias de ataques e confrontos com o bairro vizinho.
A acusação repetida - mas, sublinhe-se, sem confirmação por investigação independente - é que o bairro tem sido atacado por «radicais» e por «lorosae», termo que designa os timorenses originários dos distritos do leste do país.
A rivalidade entre timorenses lorosae e loromonu (dos distritos ocidentais) serviu de contexto à grave crise política e militar que sacudiu o país em Abril e Maio de 2006 e que provocou mais de cem mil deslocados.
«Neste bairro há lorosae e loromonu e ninguém estragou nada», afirmou um residente chamado Luís da Conceição.
«Já lá vão três dias e três noites. O povo do bairro não pode descansar. Vieram provocar e, como não queremos problemas, levantámos uma barreira de zinco a separar o bairro daqui do bairro de lá», acrescentou Luís da Conceição, outro morador.
«Ao fim e ao cabo, vieram atacar e desmanchar a barreira. Nós não podemos ficar caladinhos, porque estamos na zona da morte. Temos que nos defender com pedradas. Não temos mais armas como as deles. Defendemos com pedras. Eles apedrejaram para cá, nós apedrejámos para lá», acrescentou Luís da Conceição.
«Às tantas vieram com catanadas e nós fugimos. Já não podemos aguentar. Hoje deitaram a granada e vieram atrás de nós. Não conseguimos ver quem deitou», disse.
O jovem ferido na explosão «é mesmo deste bairro. Foi muito mal para o hospital», declarou uma outra moradora, Armandina da Conceição.
Os residentes de Matanruak dizem ter medo do que se vai seguir. Alguns, com sinais de terem bebido muito, antecipam mais problemas.
«Volte cá esta noite. Talvez isto não esteja muito calmo».
quarta-feira, maio 30, 2007
Timor: 1 morto e dois feridos em explosão de granada indonésio
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
UNMIT – MEDIA MONITORING - Wednesday, 30 May 2007
National Media Reports
PR (Republican Party) will have a coalition with CNRT
The president of Republican Party (PR), João Mariano Saldanha has declared that his party will form a coalition with the CNRT and other political parties that share the same agenda.
“The PR will make coalition with parties, for example the CNRT and the coalition of ASDT-PSD, which can form a coalition in the national parliament for approving important laws for the people of Timor Leste,” Mr. Saldanha said on Tuesday. (STL)
CNRT’s campaign is interrupted by Fretilin
The campaign of the Conselho Nacional Reconstrução Timor Leste (CNRT), led by the former president Xanana Gusmão, was interrupted by a group from the ruling party Fretilin on Tuesday (29/5) in Lospalos when the former minister of foreign affairs, Jose Luis Guterres from Fretilin, gave a statement in support of CNRT.
The STL’s journalist from Lospalos reported that even though the campaign was interrupted, the situation in Lospalos remain calm. (STL)
All parties want to improve the PNTL’s professionalism
At a joint debate held by the prosecutor for human rights (PDHJ) on Tuesday (29/5) in GMT Dili, all political parties which will compete in the parliamentary elections declared commitment to improving the professionalism of the PNTL.
All political parties declared that to improve domestic security for the people, the PNTL needs to become professional, independent, impartial, and act with integrity.
Meanwhile, the representatives from Congresso Nacional Reconstrução Timor Leste (CNRT), Cicílio Caminha and Carmelita Moniz stated that if CNRT wins in the upcoming parliamentary election, CNRT will separate the work of PNTL and ministry of interior. (STL and TP)
Ramos Horta is cheerless on the promulgation of the law of alteration
The president of republic, Jose Ramos Horta said that he is unhappy with some articles in the alteration laws.
“I am unhappy about some articles that call for the removal of party logos, it is not acknowledging people’s wishes -- which the ruling party Fretilin should learn,” said Mr. Horta on Tuesday (29/5) after promulgating the law in the Palacio das Cinzas Caicoli Dili. (TP)
Government: no tolerance for criminals
The third constitutional Prime Minister, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, guaranteed that IDPs can return home and his government pledged that will not tolerate nor give impunity to criminals regardless of their actions.
“For the criminals specifically who have created this crisis, the government will not (seek)…reconciliation and dialogue with such people,” said Mr. da Silva on Tuesday (29/5) in MTRC Caicoli Dili. (TP)
International Media Reports
European Union donates 63 million euros to East Timor for development projects
28 May 2007
Lisbon, Portugal, 28 May – The European Union plans to donate 63 million euros to East Timor to support development programs in the country, the special representative of the United Nations secretary general for East Timor said in Lisbon Friday.
The announcement was made by Atul Khare after an audience with the president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, with the Indian diplomat highlighting the importance of East Timor for the “EU 27.”
Speaking on behalf of Timorese president, José Ramos-Horta, Khare said he had also invited the president of the European Commission to visit East Timor, as was the case with Portuguese Prime Minister José Sócrates.
“Durão Barroso told me that he was thinking of visiting East Timor and, in fact I made use of the occasion to invite him to do exactly that, not only in my name, but also on behalf of the president of East Timor,” he said, adding that the trip would be mad “as soon as possible.” (macauhub)
The Balibo Five has haunted Sutiyoso to leave Australia
May 30, 2007
The Jakarta Post
DARWIN (Antara): Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso and team decided to leave Australia earlier than scheduled after the arrival of an invitation to coroner's inquest the Balibo Five case.
The sudden rescheduling was triggered by the arrival of two Sydney policemen to Sutiyoso's hotel room on Tuesday who rudely delivered the invitation to further investigate the 1975 killing of five Australian-based journalists at Balibo.
Sutiyoso refused the invitation and decided to cancel his visit to Canberra on Wednesday.
"The main agenda of the Governor visit to Sydney on May 27-29 is to reactivate a sister province cooperation between Jakarta and New South Wales," Indonesian Consulate General’s economic affairs consul Kusno Wibowo Mazwar said. "Because of the incident in Sydney, Sutiyoso decides not to continue his visit in other cities in Australia and return home."
The Jakarta-New South Wales cooperation has not been running well since 1994 due to the transfer of duty among Jakarta city administration officials and the economic crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997.
Governor Sutiyoso was scheduled to hold a gathering with Indonesian and Australian businessmen in Canberra on May 30.
Unaware of this incident, the Indonesian ambassador for Vanuatu, TM Hamzah Thayeb, had left the APEC forum in Darwin to welcome the Governor in Canberra. (***)
No Balibo guarantees: Downer
May 30, 2007 - 9:41AM
The Sidney Morning Herald
Indonesia has not been given a guarantee it has nothing to worry about from a coronial inquest into the Balibo five, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer says.
Five Australian-based journalists died in Balibo in 1975 as the Indonesian military invaded East Timor, and more than 30 years later the NSW coroners' court is investigating the deaths.
Witnesses to the inquest have accused the Indonesian military of executing the five journalists.
Reports out of Indonesia today suggest the Australian government has told Jakarta they should not be concerned about the inquest.
But Mr Downer said he had not given Indonesia any guarantee.
"I wouldn't put it in those terms," Mr Downer told ABC Radio today.
"We had, from my recollection, a very brief discussion on this quite some time ago, not that it wasn't anything to worry about, but that this was an investigation into events that occurred over 30 years ago and obviously we will just take it as it comes."
Mr Downer said he had not seen the Indonesian reports and would not try to analyze them.
"I haven't seen the quote and I haven't seen the context of the quote and it's attributed to a foreign minister so I am not getting into a micro-analysis of the quote," the minister said.
Mr Downer said the deaths had happened well before his time in government, and there was nothing much he could do.
"I mean this has not been a focus of my work, particularly this deputy coroner's inquiry because it's not something that I've ever had involvement with of course.
"These are events of many, many years ago."
But he said the Department of Foreign Affairs had cooperated with the coroner's inquiry so far, particularly with providing documents from 32 years ago.
"We will let the coroner's inquiry take its course and when it is concluded, if there are recommendations, if they have any bearing on foreign policy then we'll have a look at them."
Official campaigning begins in E.Timor
Last Updated 29/05/2007, 18:45:36
ABC Radio Australia
Campaigning has officially started for East Timor's crucial election next month to decide the parliament and next prime minister.
Most of the 14 parties contesting the June 30 poll have submitted their campaign schedules to the National Election Commission.
The election is expected to be a tough contest between the new party of former president, Xanana Gusmao, and Fretilin, which has dominated parliament since East Timor officially gained its independence in 2002 from Indonesia.
Nobel Peace Prize winner Jose Ramos-Horta won this month's election for president in a landslide against Fretilin.
EAST TIMOR: Leader of New Party Opposes Vote Counting Changes
Dili, 29 May (AKI) - The president of the new East Timorese party Partido Unidade Nacional (PUN), Fernanda Borges, is against proposed changes to the country's electoral law ahead of legislative elections on 30 June on the grounds that they would hamper transparency. "It will be very difficult for people to accept this change and believe that the counting will be done transparently," she told Adnkronos International (AKI).
Under the changes proposed by the Fretilin majority party, voting slips would be transported and counted in the capitals of electoral districts rather than at polling stations as happened during the presidential elections in April and May won by Jose Ramos Horta.
Borges also said there isn't enough time to make such a change.
"To change the rules now would mean electoral officials and party agents would have to be retrained at short notice," Borges told AKI. "New security measures would also have to be put in place to stop ballot boxes from being tampered with or changed."
The 30 June vote is considered more important than the presidential election as, in the Timorese political system, power resides with the prime minister, the majority party member given the job of forming the government.
One of the new parties to be set up in the former Portuguese colony, PUN is based on Christian democracy principles and claims to have 100,000 members.
Its president Borges, who was part of the first post-independence government but resigned in 2001 accusing the political establishment of corruption, accused Fretilin of "manipulating the electoral law for its own purposes and breaking the trust of the people once again."
And They re Off in East Timor Campaign
Prensa Latina – Latin American News Agency
Dili, May 29 (Prensa Latina) The June 30 presidential and legislative election campaign began in Timor Leste on Tuesday in what promises to be a very tight race.
At least 16 parties signed a pact agreeing on a peaceful campaign with a behavior code, and promising to accept the results of the election.
Atul Khare, heading the UN Mission in Timor Leste, said the plan is to make certain the winning party represents the desires of the people and promises to attend to the needs of minorities.
The future government structure will be determined by the voting, as will the election of a prime minister.
So far the favorite’s candidates are the governing FRETILIN (Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor) that led the fight for independence from Indonesia and has 55 of the 88 legislative seats, and the recently created National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction party of ex President Xanana Gusmao. hr ccs gdb dor
EDITORIAL: East Timor's troubles
Asahi Shimbun
East Timor is celebrating its fifth year of independence, and we well recall the feelings of uplifting joy when this country finally gained freedom after a quarter century of Indonesian rule. Today, that joy has all but disappeared, and East Timor is on the brink of becoming a "failed state."
Earlier this month, Nobel Peace Prize winner Jose Ramos-Horta was elected president. One of his first declarations in office was that his priority is to enable women, children, elderly and young people to sleep in peace at night. The fact that he felt compelled to state this at his inauguration vividly illustrates the country's troubles.
A year ago this month, the capital Dili was a centre of violence when elements of the East Timor military rioted. Houses and cars were torched and order broke down. Even today, tens of thousands of people are still in refugee camps.
Since independence, the gap between rich and poor has gradually widened. Animosity between different regions and ethnic groups is strong. It was such discontent festering among the people that coalesced and erupted into the 2006 crisis.
After fighting for independence and winning control of the government and military, the new East Timor government lapsed into a mire of corruption and inefficiency, losing popular support. Horta won the presidency by campaigning against corruption and inefficiency.
The United Nations played a large role in the initial period after East Timor's independence, until the new government activities could get under way. The United Nations sent 3,500 peacekeepers, including troops from Japan's Self-Defense Forces. But all peacekeepers had left East Timor by 2005. Things disintegrated into crisis the next year.
To quell the violence, Australia and other countries sent a multinational force to East Timor. The United Nations also sent in 3,000 peacekeepers. These troops made the latest presidential election possible.
U.N. officials admit that it pulled out its earlier peacekeeping mission too early. In conflict-ridden countries, it is common for civil war to flare once international groups pull out support.
This failure must not be repeated. This is why we stressed in our recent editorial series, "Proposals for Japan's New Strategies," the importance of peace-building. Helping rebuild war-torn nations is a task in which Japan can and should play a major role.
Now more than ever, the government must do everything in its power to help rebuild peace in East Timor. In the U.N. peacekeeping mission, the core functions needed from now on will be civil administration--something that Japan excels in. But only a few Japanese staff are in East Timor to help.
The government should urge the U.N. mission to accept Japanese into senior positions so as to help direct its mission in East Timor. At the same time, Japan should provide the personnel and funds for administrators and police, and to improve the legal system and other crucial tasks highly needed for rebuilding. And to prevent the resurgence of conflict, it is imperative that order and stability be restored to East Timor. It is also essential to establish and nurture dialogue between the leaders of various political factions.
As an Asian country, Japan has a responsibility to take the lead here. Organizations like the Japan International Cooperation Agency and NGOs may also have much to contribute.
Our leaders should also start thinking about what will happen in East Timor after the U.N. mission has left again. The new U.N. Peacebuilding Commission, created only last year, is ideal for this important task. Japan should advise the commission to include East Timor in its post-conflict recovery activities.
Japan has a responsibility to lend a helping hand throughout Asia, thereby preventing the region from having a failed state. --The Asahi Shimbun, May 28(IHT/Asahi: May 29, 2007)
Timor truth body struggling for info
May 29, 2007 - 1:20PM
The Age
A truth commission investigating the violence surrounding East Timor's historic vote for independence in 1999 says it is having trouble accessing documents, including from the Indonesian military.
The East Timor Indonesia Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF) hopes to crosscheck the information in the archived documents with the testimony of high profile military personnel who have fronted the inquiry.
Former head of the Indonesian armed forces General Wiranto - who contested Indonesia's presidential elections in 2004 - denied there were any gross violations of human rights in East Timor in 1999 when he appeared before the truth commission earlier this month.
The commission was established by the presidents of Indonesia and East Timor to come up with a conclusive truth to the 1999 violence to help repair relations between the two nations.
"The documents are spread, some are still at the Serious Crime Unit ... some documents are in institutions such as Indonesian military headquarters," said East Timor commissioner Cirilo Varadales.
"These documents are very important to know, and to look at, so the commissioners can review and crosscheck to find out whether there was an institutional responsibility in 1999 or not.
"We are hoping to have a good cooperation and collaboration with those institutions."
The documents include telegrams sent from Indonesian military (TNI) headquarters to military and government leaders in East Timor at the height of the violence.
The CTF had filed a request for the documents to the Indonesian military's legal department in February, he said.
Indonesian commissioner Agus Widjojo said the bureaucracy inside the Indonesian military made it difficult to access the documents.
"The documents are still in archive, maintained by the TNI (Indonesian military)," Widjojo said.
"We have obtained some but because this happened long in the past and was issued by different levels of command it is taking time to find it."
The CTF is due to wrap up by August, but has asked for a one-year extension.
Widjojo said it was awaiting a reply from the two governments, although Indonesian officials had hinted it would only be given until January next year to submit its final report.
The commission, which has been criticized by human rights groups because it has the power to recommend amnesties to perpetrators of human rights violations, is expected to hold three more public meetings.
East Timor's former president Xanana Gusmao is expected to be among those to testify, following the tiny nation's parliamentary elections next month.
Indonesian major-general, Kiki Syahnakri, had asked to testify at an upcoming hearing in Dili, where there is still a warrant for his arrest.
Syahnakri was one of several high-ranking Indonesian generals indicted by East Timor's Special Panels in absentia in Dili District Court for crimes against humanity in 2003, but never prosecuted because they remained outside the court's jurisdiction in Indonesia.
"We need (Syahnakri) to explain the political and security situation in martial law, and we are considering possibilities like if he got arrested when he arrived there," Indonesian co-chairman Benjamin Mangkoedilaga said.
Commissioner Varadales, meanwhile, said the CTF was "trying our best to give what Syahnakri wants, because he shows a good will to appear in front of the Timor people, to reveal what really happen during that (vote for independence) and that deserves an appreciation."
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
Notícias - 30 de Maio de 2007
Jornal de Notícias – Quarta-feira, 30 de Maio de 2007
Xanana e "Lu Olo" à con quista de votos
Orlando Castro
Xanana Gusmão, que lidera o CNRT (Congresso Nacional da Reconstrução de Timor) e "Lu Olo", cabeça-de-lista da FRETILIN, comandam as principais máquinas de campanha para as eleições legislativas do dia 30 de Junho em Timor-Leste. No terreno é já visível a azáfama propagandística destas duas forças políticas, que, contudo, deverão ter um outro forte adversário, o Partido Democrático de Fernando "Lassama" de Araújo, terceiro classificado na primeira volta das recentes eleições presidenciais, ganhas por José Ramos-Horta.
Embora concorram 13 partidos e coligações, poucos serão os que aspiram a integrar o novo Parlamento, hoje maioritariamente ocupado pela FRETILIN. Com algumas possibilidades de êxito aparece ainda o Partido Social- -Democrata, que, em coligação com a Associação Social-Democrata de Timor, que apresenta Mário Viegas Carrascalão, Francisco Xavier do Amaral e Lúcia Lobato (que foi candidata às presidenciais) como principais trunfos.
Xanana Gusmão, que conta com o apoio do actual presidente da República, prevê que será eleito primeiro-ministro com pelo menos 40% dos votos. O candidato do CNRT joga nestas eleições todo o prestígio acumulado, se bem que "Lu Olo" e o núcleo duro da FRETILIN garantam um resultado bem diferente.
Observadores acreditam que a fasquia posta por Xanana poderá até ser ultrapassada, argumentando que o apoio que lhe foi dado pelo "Grupo Mudança", formado por dissidentes da FRETILIN e que integra antigos membros do comité central, dividirá o partido de "Luo Olo" e Mari Alkatiri e canalizará muitos votos para o CNRT.
Do ponto de vista político, Timor-Leste vive uma situação peculiar. O primeiro-ministro foi eleito presidente e o presidente quer ser eleito primeiro-ministro. Além disso, muitos dos candidatos às presidenciais do próximo mês são os mesmos que lideram as listas partidárias para as legislativas.
Acresce que o protagonismo do principal partido timorense, a FRETILIN, tende a diluir-se não só por divisões internas mas porque outros políticos emergem. Talvez por isso, nesta altura, a principal preocupação de Mari Alkatiri, ex-primeiro-ministro e secretário-geral, seja reestruturar o partido.
"Entre as eleições de 2001 para a Constituinte e as presidenciais de 2007, a FRETILIN perdeu cerca de 80 mil votos, que foram para José Ramos-Horta", reconhece Alkatiri. O CNRT, criado à imagem e semelhança de Xanana Gusmão, teve a sua génese na grave crise do ano passado, sendo por isso uma incógnita quanto à capacidade técnica e política para gerir um país em convulsão social.
Apesar de atravessarem um bom momento, as relações políticas entre Xanana Gusmão e Ramos-Horta não são das mais sólidas. Em Fevereiro de 2002, o agora líder do CNRT dizia que "há muito tempo notara que Ramos-Horta também era da FRETILIN", acrescentando que "só um dedinho é que saiu mas que todo o corpo estava dentro".
Nessa mesma altura, Xanana disse a Ramos-Horta que "trabalhavam juntos há muito tempo, mas que por vezes não se ouviam um ao outro", acrescentando "não gostar de quem hoje diz uma coisa e amanhã outra".
Do ponto de vista geoestratégico, a dupla Horta-Xanana é considerada pelos países vizinhos, nomeadamente a Austrália, como a mais aconselhável. Recorde-se que foi com a chegada de Ramos-Horta a primeiro-ministro que o Parlamento timorense ratificou o acordo de exploração e partilha das receitas de dois dos maiores campos de hidrocarbonetos do Mar de Timor, Greater Sunrise e Bayu Undan, pondo fim a um contencioso que se arrastava desde 2004.
Xanana como líder do CNRT nada garante
Os cabeças de lista são os mesmos que concorrem às presidenciais. Isso revela o quê? Mais do que uma eventual imaturidade política ou falta de quadros, o problema timorense, e de todas as independências que não tiveram um período mais largo de preparação e formação de quadros e elites políticas, prende-se com o facto de os actuais políticos timorenses serem os mesmos que já existiam durante o período pré-revolucionário que antecedeu a primeira independência e terminou na ocupação indonésia.
Tudo indica que o CNRT de Xanana vai ganhar. Será?
O facto de Xanana estar a liderar o novo CNRT não lhe garante nada. Muitos dos que votaram Ramos-Horta já dizem que não votam CNRT. O eleitorado timorense gosta de castigar os políticos que não provam ter estofo nem capacidade para manter a estabilidade política.
Então a vitória será para quem?
A FRETILIN será dos mais votados. Quanto ao CNRT, tenho dúvidas. Xanana não anda de muito boas relações com a Igreja. E, quer queiramos, quer não, foi a Igreja Católica que influenciou a votação presidencial na segunda volta quando "impediu" que Lu-Olo ultrapassasse os 27,9% dos votos do primeiro escrutínio.
E os outros partidos?
Não nos esqueçamos de que PSD, PD e ASDT conseguiram na primeira volta das presidenciais um resultado muito perto dos 40%.
E do ponto de vista dos países vizinhos?
Aí temos a Austrália, que já se arvora, com o beneplácito dos EUA e do Reino Unido, no "gestor" das questões político-militares da região. A Austrália quer ser a potência regional em todo o subsistema do Sudeste Asiático.
E o petróleo?
Este será o grande problema timorense. Caberá ao novo presidente e ao Governo conseguirem manter a cabeça fria face às investidas australianas, e por que não dizê-lo, também indonésias.
Rádio Renascença - 29-05-2007 13:56
Arranca hoje a campanha para as legislativas
A campanha para a eleição do novo Parlamento e do partido que formará o IV Governo Constitucional de Timor-Leste começa esta terça-feira e termina a 27 de Junho.
Para o Primeiro-ministro timorense, Estanislau da Silva, é essencial garantir que tudo corra bem. “Estamos a trabalhar com as forças de segurança para garantir a ordem durante o período das campanhas e também durante as eleições”.
Treze partidos e coligações estão na corrida aos 65 lugares do Parlamento de Dili. O escrutínio está agendado para 30 de Junho.
A eleição dos deputados é feita por sufrágio universal através de um círculo nacional único, com um máximo de 65 assentos permitidos pela Constituição, atribuídos seguindo o método de Hondt de conversão dos votos em mandatos.
Já este ano, em Abril e Maio, os timorenses votaram para escolher o novo Presidente, José Ramos Horta foi eleito para suceder a Xanana Gusmão.
Declarações de Estanislau da Silva:
Lusa - 29 Maio 2007 - 19.59
Timorenses recebem certificados de Português
Mais de três mil timorenses receberam hoje o certificado de aprovação em Português referente ao ano lectivo de 2005-2006, numa cerimónia simbólica que juntou o embaixador de Portugal e a ministra da Educação de Timor-Leste na Universidade Nacional.
Os certificados foram entregues a 3 100 alunos do Projecto de Reintrodução da Língua Portuguesa, dos níveis I, II e de preparação para o bacharelato, dos quais cerca de 60 por cento são professores timorenses.
No presente ano lectivo, o Projecto de Reintrodução da Língua Portuguesa tem 14.500 inscritos e cerca de 11.000 alunos frequentam as aulas, segundo o coordenador Filipe Silva - entre os 14.500 inscritos, 6.500 são professores do Ministério da Educação, o que representa uma percentagem muito alta dos 7.200 professores timorenses integrados na Função Pública.
O Projecto de Reintrodução da Língua Portuguesa iniciou-se em 2000 e durante os três anos seguintes dirigiu-se a crianças do ensino primário e secundário. Desde o ano de 2003, o projecto alterou o rumo para formar formadores, além de ensinar Português aos quadros de várias instituições e da Administração Pública.
O plano envolve a presença em Timor-Leste de 117 professores portugueses e 180 professores timorenses, estes últimos responsáveis por todos os cursos de nível I e parte do nível II.
Lusa - 29 Maio 2007 - 18:16
Timor-Leste: Jacarta reabriu fronteira terrestre
Jacarta - As autoridades indonésias decidiram reabrir a fronteira terrestre com Timor-Leste, encerrada no passado dia 26 de Fevereiro a pedido do governo timorense, anunciaram hoje fontes militares indonésias.
A fronteira foi encerrada a pedido do então primeiro-ministro José Ramos-Horta, na sequência de ataques armados contra postos de controlo fronteiriços do lado timorense, perpetrados pelo major rebelde Alfredo Reinado, de que resultou o roubo de armamento diverso.
O movimento de pessoas e bens entre os dois países voltou hoje a normal, acrescentaram as fontes militares.
Ramos-Horta, empossado Presidente da República no passado dia 20 de Maio, pediu o encerramento da fronteira para impedir as milícias armadas comandadas por Alfredo Reinado de se refugiar na Indonésia.
Reinado, que chefia um grupo de soldados desertores, é acusado de participação directa na crise político-militar desencadeada em finais de Abril de 2006, que provocaram dezenas de mortos e dezenas de milhar de deslocados.
O chefe rebelde foi detido em Julho, mas conseguiu escapar da prisão cerca de um mês depois, encontrando-se desde então em fuga.
AKI - May 29, 2007 - 16:55
East Timor: Leader Of New Party Opposes Vote Counting Changes
Dili - The president of the new East Timorese party Partido Unidade Nacional (PUN), Fernanda Borges, is against proposed changes to the country's electoral law ahead of legislative elections on 30 June on the grounds that they would hamper transparency. "It will be very difficult for people to accept this change and believe that the counting will be done transparently," she told Adnkronos International (AKI).
Under the changes proposed by the Fretilin majority party, voting slips would be transported and counted in the capitals of electoral districts rather than at polling stations as happened during the presidential elections in April and May won by Jose Ramos Horta.
Borges also said there isn't enough time to make such a change.
"To change the rules now would mean electoral officials and party agents would have to be retrained at short notice," Borges told AKI. "New security measures would also have to be put in place to stop ballot boxes from being tampered with or changed."
The legislative elections come after a year of political tension and violence which has forced a change of government and 150,000 Timorese to abandon their homes.
The 30 June vote is considered more important than the presidential election as, in the Timorese political system, power resides with the prime minister, the majority party member given the job of forming the government.
One of the new parties to be set up in the former Portuguese colony, PUN is based on Christian democracy principles and claims to have 100,000 members.
Its president Borges, who was part of the first post-independence government but resigned in 2001 accusing the political establishment of corruption, accused Fretilin of "manipulating the electoral law for its own purposes and breaking the trust of the people once again."
East Timor's president is examining Fretilin's draft law and has the power to send it back to parliament. Indeed the change could be postponed till after the June vote considering that the electoral campaign kicked off on Tuesday.
Indonesian officer told journalists "completed"- inquest
Kim Arlington
Sydney May 29 (AAP) - Two days after five Australian-based journalists were killed at Balibo, an Indonesian naval officer was told they had been "completed", or finished off.
The evidence emerged today at Sydney's Glebe Coroners Court during an inquest into the death of one of the journalists, British national Brian Peters.
Mr Peters, Greg Shackleton, Gary Cunningham, Tony Stewart and Malcolm Rennie - known as the Balibo Five - died in the East Timorese border town on October 16, 1975. According to official reports they were killed accidentally in crossfire between invading Indonesian troops and Timorese militia.
But the inquest has heard evidence the five were deliberately gunned down by Indonesian soldiers.
A former sergeant with the Indonesian navy today appeared as a witness at the inquest, telling the court he heard about the journalists at Balibo on October 18, 1975. Identified only as Glebe 11 for his own protection, he gave evidence through an Indonesian interpreter.
He said on October 18, while trying to make contact with a friend in the Indonesian army, he used a marine's radio to speak to another marine in Balibo.
In a written statement to the inquest, Glebe 11 said the radio operator in Balibo told him: "The Indonesian Army has met with the five journalists and they (the journalists) showed their ID and ... the Indonesian Army finished them off."
He said the Indonesian word used by the operator in relation to the journalists was "diselesaikan", or completed.
This may have been translated in his statement as "finished off", he said. "I was told that when the troops moved forward there were five Australians and ... that they were completed," he told the court.
Asked by counsel assisting the coroner, Mark Tedeschi, QC, whether the word "completed" could mean "executed", he replied: "I don't know."
Mr Tedeschi: Can it mean eliminated?
Glebe 11: It may well be.
Mr Tedeschi: Can it mean kill?
Glebe 11: Maybe.
Mr Tedeschi: Can it mean finished off?
Glebe 11: Yes.
The radio operator had used a different word to describe the death of his friend, who was killed in conflict with East Timorese Fretilin forces, Glebe 11 said.
Mr Tedeschi will make final submissions to Deputy State Coroner Dorelle Pinch when the inquest continues tomorrow.
Indonesian witness completes fate of Australian media
Sydney, May 29 (AFP) - An Indonesian marine said five Australian-based journalists killed in East Timor in October 1975 had been "completed" or finished off by the military, an inquest was told Tuesday.
The testimony came at a probe into the death of TV cameraman Brian Peters, one of five British and Australian journalists killed in the East Timor border town of Balibo on October 16 that year.
The Bhasa word "diselesaikan" became the focus of questioning as it was used to describe the fate of the media men to the witness at the time.
Via an interpreter a variety of meanings including "completed", "eliminated" and "finished off" were used to explain the word to the inquest.
Officials maintain the so-called "Balibo Five" died in crossfire during a skirmish ahead of Indonesia's invasion of East Timor, but their families insist they were murdered and that there was a cover-up by Canberra and Jakarta.
The witness, a former Indonesian naval sergeant, told the inquest that two days after the newsmen were killed, he made radio contact with a marine because he was trying to learn the fate of a friend involved in military action in East Timor.
The witness, identified only as "Glebe 11", said the radio operator told him the journalists were "completed" after showing their identification.
"I was told that when the troops moved forward there were five Australians and ... that they were completed," he told the court through an interpreter.
He was questioned by counsel assisting the coroner Mark Tedeschi about the exact word, "diselesaikan", used by the operator to describe the fate of the journalists.
Glebe 11 did not know whether it could be used to mean executed but said other possible interpretations aside from "completed" were "eliminated", "killed" or "finished off".
The inquest has heard testimony from several East Timorese witnesses who said they saw the five journalists deliberately killed by Indonesian forces during the attack.
EFE – 30 Maio 2007 - 02:39
Investigação conclui que Exército indonésio matou jornalistas
Sydney - As provas apresentadas no tribunal que investiga a morte de Brian Peters, um dos cinco jornalistas mortos no Timor-Leste há mais de 30 anos, demonstram que todos eles foram assassinados pelo Exército indonésio, disse hoje o advogado Mark Tedeschi, conselheiro da investigação.
Tedeschi explicou ao tribunal de Sydney que os jornalistas tentaram se entregar às tropas do capitão Yunus Yosfiah na praça do povoado de Balibo. O militar, porém, ordenou a seus homens que atirassem nos cinco jovens.
Yosfiah também disparou contra os jornalistas, acrescenta Tedeschi em suas conclusões. Ele se baseou nas provas levantadas pela investigação, aberta em fevereiro, e apresentadas ao tribunal presidido pela juíza Dorelle Pinch.
Os britânicos Brian Peters e Malcolm Rennie, os australianos Greg Shackleton e Tony Stewart e o neozelandês Gary Cunningham foram os únicos jornalistas estrangeiros que ficaram no Timor para cobrir a invasão indonésia de 1975, que causou a morte de mais de 200 mil timorenses.
A versão oficial da Indonésia é de que os cinco ficaram presos entre o fogo do Exército indonésio e o dos independentistas timorenses em Balibo, onde começou a invasão.
A versão foi desmentida durante a investigação, disse Tedeschi, graças ao testemunho de vários indonésios, timorenses e australianos.
"O Governo indonésio e os chefes militares sabiam bem, em outubro de 1975, que qualquer informação que aparecesse na imprensa sobre a participação de soldados indonésios nos ataques na fronteira com o Timor-Leste levariam a Austrália a objetar formalmente", argumentou.
Tedeschi acsou os governantes indonésios de "entrar num magistral jogo de poderes, utilizando os líderes e funcionários australianos como peões".
As testemunhas, assim como as famílias dos jornalistas mortos e o presidente do Timor-Leste, José Ramos Horta, disseram que os cinco homens, que morreram desarmados, foram brutalmente assassinados pelos militares indonésios.
A antiga colônia portuguesa foi formalmente anexada pela Indonésia em 1976. Em 1999, o Timor celebrou um plebiscito para se emancipar da Indonésia, mas as forças invasoras só se retiraram após uma onda de violência que forçou a entrada de tropas da ONU e destruiu quase todas as infra-estruturas do território.
Antara - 30 May 2007 13:32
DPR criticizes Australia
Jakarta - The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) on Wednesday strongly criticized the Australian police’s arbitrary act against Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso in Sydney recently.
"We strongly criticize such an arbitrary act," House Speaker Agung Laksono said, adding that the Australian government should offer an apology to Indonesia for the incident.
Sutiyoso arrived in Sydney on Sunday to revive "sisterhood" between Jakarta and New South Sales but Australian police barged into his room at Shangri-La Hotel without permission and summoned him to testify at an inquiry in the death of five Australian journalists in East Timor in 1975.
Accompanied by a hotel employee, the Australian police entered Sutiyoso’s room with a duplicate key.
Commenting on the incident, the Indonesian House speaker said the Australian police act was seen as an insult to the dignity of the Indonesian nation.
Agung noted that the incident could disturb the existing good relations between the two neighboring countries.
He opined that Indonesia should file a protest to the Australian government against the incident.
"Australia has to openly apologize to Indonesia for the incident which has befallen the governor of Jakarta," Agung said.
Following the incident, the Jakarta governor and his entourage canceled their plan to visit Canberra and cut short their trip to return to Jakarta on Tuesday evening.
JMSP – Press Release - 28 May 2007
44 Perpetrators involved in the riots of 20th May 2007 temporarily detained in Becora prison
The Dili District Court conducted a hearing in the case of the main perpetrators of the riots that occurred on the 20 May 2007 in front of the ASDT office which resulted in the death of one individual. These riots coincided with the anniversary of independence for the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste and the swearing in of a second president after Xanana Gusmão completed his five year tenure.
The hearing was presided over by international judge Ivo Nelson de Caires Rosa Batista, the prosecution was represented by international prosecutor Felismino Cardoso, and the defendants were represented by their respective public defenders, namely: Augosto dos Santos, Arlindo Sanches, Rozinda Tilman and Jose da Silva. The defendants were held under tight supervision by international police which included the Portuguese Rapid Response Unit (GNR) who were granted permission by the presiding judge to enter the court room with pistols at their sides.
The first session commenced at 11:00am and was adjourned at 12:30 pm. At this interval JSMP legal researcher Roberto Pacheco asked the international prosecutor Felismino Cardoso about the decision to permit the presence of armed GNR in the courtroom. In response, the aforementioned prosecutor stated that the presiding judge has exclusive authority to request that the police provide security to prevent any interruption to the hearing, considering the 47 defendants who are involved in this case.
It is clear that the presiding judge has exclusive authority to request that the police keep a tight watch over the hearing. However, this does not mean that it was necessary for them to enter the court room with pistols at their sides, as JSMP legal researcher Roberto believed that this would have a psychological effect by intimidating the defendants who were relatively young. Also, this could influence the way the defendants and the community perceive the interests of justice. The defence also expressed similar sentiments before the hearing began.
The second phase of the hearing commenced at 14:00 and continued until 20:30, and each defendant in turn was summoned by the presiding judge to his chambers to provide testimony about the case.
Recalling that the prevailing climate in the capital was one of instability, the judge decided to adjourn the hearing until the following day, scheduled for 9.30am sharp, to hear the testimony of approximately 8 defendants who were yet to be examined by the court.
After the hearing continued on Thursday 24 May 2007, the judge decided at 3:30pm that 44 defendants had been involved in the confrontation resulting in the death of one individual, injuries to several UNPOL members and serious damage to 7 UNPOL vehicles, and sentenced them to temporary detention in the Becora Prison. 3 defendants were released due to a lack of sufficient evidence to support the charges against them, as well as taking into account their young age.
The announcement of the decision was met with dissatisfaction by the families of the defendants who tried to protest against the judicial authorities, as they believed that their children or family members had not been involved in the confrontation, but rather had been working when they were arrested by UNPOL. This dissatisfaction culminated in an outburst of grief in front of the court, however after being advised by their lawyers that they had 15 days in which to lodge an appeal against the court’s decision, their demeanor changed to one of optimism in anticipation of having their case reheard in the near future.
JSMP hopes that all parties will respect the decision handed down by the judge in the aforementioned hearing. JSMP also advises those families that feel aggrieved to seek redress through the proper legal channels and lodge an appeal, rather than taking any action above the law that would have stern ramifications and would be to their own detriment.
For further information, please contact: Roberto Pacheco, Coordinator of Legal Researchers, JSMP
E-mail: bebeto@jsmp.minihub.org
The Australian – May 30, 2007
Diplomats knew of Timor invasion, coroner told
David King
The final witness at the Balibo Five inquest said Australian diplomats had detailed knowledge of the Indonesian military's plans to invade East Timor prior to the October 1975 attack.
Former Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade assistant secretary for Southeast Asia, Lance Joseph, confirmed yesterday that the Indonesian invasion commander, Major General Benny Murdani, had given diplomats precise details of when the attack would take place.
But Mr Joseph told Glebe Coroners Court in Sydney that he and other departmental officials had not known that five Australian journalists were operating near or in the town of Balibo.
He said that after reading an Indonesian military transmission about the death of "four white men", he initially though those killed were either Portuguese soldiers or Fretilin officers.
Mr Joseph did not agree with the suggestion put to him by counsel Mark Tedeschi QC that the knowledge of the invasion had compromised Australia's political and diplomatic response.
According to official reports, the five Australian-based news men - Brian Peters, Greg Shackleton, Gary Cunningham, Tony Stewart and Malcolm Rennie - were killed in crossfire between invading Indonesian troops and Timorese militia. But evidence to the inquiry suggests they were deliberately killed by Indonesian special forces.
Mr Tedeschi is expected to make his closing submissions today.
ABC - Wednesday, May 30, 2007. 3:41pm (AEST)
Police deny using master key to access Indonesian politician
The New South Wales deputy coroner, Dorell Pinch, says she has been advised police did not use a master key to enter the hotel room of an Indonesian dignitary to invite him to attend the Balibo inquest.
The Sydney inquest is investigating the death of Brian Peters, one of five Australians killed in East Timor in 1975.
The Indonesian embassy says the Jakarta Governor and former General Sutiyoso was offended by what he described as intrusive and inappropriate behaviour by police.
He has since left the country in protest, cancelling meetings that were scheduled today in Canberra.
The embassy says he was very offended and has contacted the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade seeking clarification over the incident.
Associated Press – May 30, 2007
Indonesia summons Australian ambassador after governor's hotel room allegedly entered
Jakarta, Indonesia: Indonesia summoned Australia's ambassador for an explanation after police allegedly entered the Jakarta governor's hotel room in Sydney during an official visit.
Gov. Sutiyoso, who goes by a single name, said he was enraged when authorities issued him with a summons to testify Wednesday at an inquest into the deaths of five Australia-based journalists covering Indonesia's 1975 invasion of East Timor.
"They barged into my room after forcing the hotel to give them a duplicate key," Sutiyoso told reporters after cutting short his trip and returning home. "I feel harassed as an official state guest from a sovereign country."
Authorities in Sydney, however, denied police let themselves into the hotel room.
Deputy State Coroner Dorelle Pinch who ordered the subpoena said she had spoken to the police officer who delivered the request and received assurances that no unauthorized entry was made into Sutiyoso's hotel room.
Sutiyoso, who is serving a second and final term as governor of the city of 12 million, said he will request a formal apology from the Australian government for "its improper acts."
The governor's trip, aimed at building stronger ties between the Indonesian capital and New South Wales, had been scheduled through Sunday.
The Jakarta Post - Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Sutiyoso Cuts Short Visit Over 'Impudent' Aussies
A visit to revive "sisterhood" between Jakarta and New South Wales is threatening to erupt into an international controversy after Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso cut short his trip Tuesday after "discourteous" Australian officials served him with a summons.
In what the Indonesian side is likening to "illegal entry", officials from the New South Wales coroner's office reportedly barged into the governor's room at the Shangri-La Hotel in Sydney without permission, thrusting a summons toward Sutiyoso to testify at an inquiry into the 1975 deaths of Australian journalists in East Timor.
"They entered the room using a duplicate key accompanied by a hotel employee," Foreign Ministry spokesman Kristiarto Soeryo Legowo told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday night about the incident, which occurred at around 4:15 p.m. local time.
The Jakarta governor, who had been in Sydney since Sunday, canceled plans to continue his trip to Canberra, instead taking the first flight back to Jakarta in anger over the incident.
Sutiyoso refused to accept the summons presented to him.
It reportedly sought Sutiyoso's testimony in a coroner's inquest into the deaths of Australian journalists in Balibo, East Timor, in October 1975.
The Indonesian government considers the case closed, with the official explanation that they were caught in a crossfire. Families and advocates of the slain journalists claim they were murdered by the Indonesian military.
Prior to his appointment as governor in 1997, Sutiyoso served in the military for some three decades, including as part of the 1975 Flamboyan military operation in East Timor.
He received the Seroja medal given to veterans of the East Timor campaign.
However, he has never before been linked to the Balibo incident.
Sutiyoso was in Australia at the official invitation of New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma to revive a dormant sister state/province cooperation.
The fallout in both national capitals was immediate and is likely to continue in the coming days.
Australian Ambassador to Indonesia Bill Farmer was immediately summoned by Foreign Minister Hassan Wirayuda, while Indonesia's Ambassador in Canberra, Hamzah Thayeb, was also instructed to seek official clarification.
Sutiyoso is expected to arrive back in Jakarta early Wednesday morning.
The Sydney Morning Herald - Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Indonesian Officer Dodges Inquest
by Hamish McDonald
Feted … General Sutiyoso, far right, receives a gift of wine at Parliament House yesterday. Jacky Ghossein
A powerful Indonesian politician visiting Sydney yesterday had an awkward reminder of an event in his past he must have thought long buried: the death of five Australian newsmen at Balibo, East Timor, in 1975.
Retired Lieutenant-General Sutiyoso, 62, for the past decade boss of the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, found a NSW police officer, Detective Sergeant Steve Thomas, at his hotel room door inviting him to appear at a Sydney inquest into the deaths.
But for last-minute doubts about its enforceability – and risking a major diplomatic row with Indonesia - Sergeant Thomas would have delivered a subpoena signed by the Deputy State Coroner, Dorelle Pinch, compelling General Sutiyoso to appear in her court in Glebe this morning.
According to books by an Indonesian war correspondent, Hendro Subroto, the then Captain Sutiyoso was a member of "team Susi", the Indonesian special forces unit that attacked the border town of Balibo on October 16, 1975.
Like other Indonesian soldiers taking part in the covert invasion across the Timor land border, he took an alias - in his case "Manix", a misspelled version of the Telly Savalas character popular in the 1970s.
Evidence given to the inquest by Timorese partisans attached to Team Susi said the five newsmen from Channel Nine and Channel Seven were captured while trying to surrender, then quickly executed, and their bodies burnt - though none has mentioned any particular action by General Sutiyoso.
Up until late yesterday afternoon, General Sutiyoso's visit to Sydney with a 25-strong business delegation had gone swimmingly. There had been a reception at State Parliament on Monday night, hosted by the NSW Tourism Minister, Matt Brown, and yesterday an Australia-Indonesia business lunch in the same place, after which he was presented with a bottle of fine NSW wine.
Then a nap in his hotel room, from which he was awakened by Sergeant Thomas.
General Sutiyoso is understood to have replied that he was unable to attend the court, because of his busy program of engagements in Canberra today.
Last night guests at a reception in the Indonesian Consulate-General were told that the guest of honour was unable to attend "due to the onset of sudden illness this afternoon".
Whether General Sutiyoso continues his program remains to be seen. While he is understood not to be travelling on a diplomatic passport, the subpoena was thrown in doubt by legal advice on federal legislation protecting visiting foreign leaders from domestic court orders.
Otherwise, General Sutiyoso would have been the first Indonesian military participant in the Balibo attack to appear at the inquest.
The only Indonesian military appearance came yesterday when a retired Indonesian navy petty officer, whose name was suppressed, said he talked by radio from his tank landing craft to a soldier at Balibo on October 18. The soldier said "the Indonesian army has met the five journalists, and they showed their ID and we finished them off".
General Sutiyoso was the military commander of the Jakarta region in the last years of the Soeharto regime. He has been governor of the capital for the past 10 years, and is now mentioned as a strong candidate for the 2009 presidential elections.
ABC – Wednesday, May 30, 2007. 9:33am (AEST)
No Balibo guarantee for Indonesia: Downer
The Federal Government has dismissed reports it assured Indonesia it had nothing to worry about from a coronial inquest into the Balibo five killings.
Glebe Coroners Court is looking into the death of cameraman Brian Peters, who was one of five Australian journalists killed in the East Timorese town of Balibo in 1975.
Indonesia's Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda has said Australia basically guaranteed his Government there would be no fall-out from the inquest.
But this morning Foreign Minister Alexander Downer told the ABC's AM program that was not the case. "I wouldn't put it in those terms, we had a very brief discussion about this quite some time ago," he said.
When further pressed, Mr Downer denied he had offered any such assurance. He said the discussion was to advise the Indonesian Government that there was an inquest into an event that occured 32 years ago.
Mr Downer said he would not speculate on whether the Australian Government would take action against Indonesia if the Deputy Coroner recommends charges be laid in relation to the inquest.
Mr Downer says his department has provided documents to the inquiry but he is not personally involved. "This has not been a focus of my work, particularly this deputy coroner's court, because it's not something that I've ever had any involvement [in]," he said. "These are events of many years ago, and Hassan Wirayuda and President Yudoyono haven't had anything to do with it either."
ABC - Transcript AM Programme - Wednesday, 30 May, 2007 - 08:14
Downer responds to Balibo five reports
Reporter: Tony Eastley
Tony Eastley: Reports from Indonesia say the Australian Government has given a guarantee that Jakarta has nothing to worry about from a coronial inquest into the Balibo five.
An inquest in Sydney has been raking over the events in 1975 that led to the deaths of five Australian journalists and cameramen, at Balibo in East Timor, just as the Indonesian military invaded. According to local wire reports, Indonesia's Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda says the Australian Government has more or less guaranteed that in relation to the coronial inquiry, Indonesia doesn't have to worry.
Joining me now is the Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer. Good morning Minister.
Alexander Downer: Good morning.
Tony Eastley: Did you or the Australian Government give Hassan Wirajuda or the Indonesian Government, such an assurance?
Alexander Downer: Well I wouldn't put it in those terms. We've had a, from my recollection, a very brief discussion about this quite some time ago, not that it wasn't anything to worry about, but this was an investigation into events that occurred over 30 years ago and obviously we will just take it as it comes.
We as a government have been cooperating, or my department have been cooperating with the coronial inquiry in terms of the provision of documents from 32 years ago and there's not much more we can do. Of course, I don't have any myself and in particular knowledge of those events.
Tony Eastley: If I can just clarify that. You didn't give an assurance, but you gave something like an assurance?
Alexander Downer: No, if I may say so with the greatest of respect, I have had, from recollection, a very brief discussion in the context of discussing many other issues with the Indonesian Foreign Minister, there's a brief discussion about this coronial inquiry, and just explained the facts of the inquiry to him.
Tony Eastley: Did anyone on your behalf have conversations with the Indonesians in regard to that quote that I mentioned there, that Mr Wirajuda was told that there was nothing to worry about?
Alexander Downer: I haven't seen the quote and I haven't seen the context of the quote and it's attributed to a foreign minister, so I'm not getting into a micro-analysis of the quote, I'm just explaining to you what our position is and our position is this, that here is an inquiry by the Deputy Coroner of New South Wales into events that took place 32 years ago, way, way beyond my time, I have nothing personally to offer on this issue.
We've fully cooperated with that investigation, and when that investigation is complete the Coroner produces a report and recommendations for action, if that has any implications for my portfolio, we'll have a look at it. But that hasn't happened, it's all entirely hypothetical.
Tony Eastley: So if we take these local wire reports in Indonesia as being true, you have no idea how Mr Wirajuda got the impression that an assurance had been given by Australia?
Alexander Downer: Well look, I haven't even seen the reports to be honest with you. It's not a way to conduct diplomacy, to just say well here's the report that somebody says something and who said this to that person and so on. I mean, I haven't seen the report, let alone be able to provide you with any particular information over and above what I have provided you with.
I mean, this has not been a focus of my work particularly, this Deputy Coroner's inquiry, because it's not something that I have ever had any involvement with, of course. These are events of many, many years ago and Hassan Wirajuda and President Yudhoyono haven't had anything to do with it either.
So, you know, we will let the Coroner's report, inquiry, take its course and when its report is concluded, if there are recommendations, if they have any bearing on foreign policy, we will have a look at them.
Tony Eastley: The inquest has heard from an international law expert, Ben Saul, who says if the Coroner recommends charges be laid against any Indonesians that it's very much in the Government's hands to decide whether to pursue such action. Are you committed to helping this inquest seek justice for the families of the five journalists who were killed?
Alexander Downer: Well we've provided information to the Coroner or the Deputy Coroner to assist with the coronial inquiry. I mean, over and above that, to be honest with you, I have no idea what the report is going to conclude.
These are events that took place 32 years ago. This isn't an investigation into something a year or two ago. I mean I don't know that all the dramatis personae, or alleged dramatis personae, are even alive anymore let alone are people who could be charged somehow under New South Wales' jurisdiction.
All of those sorts of legal issues would have to be looked at if the situation ever arose. But, you know, it's all entirely hypothetical and one of the lessons of foreign policy is not to get into the hypothetical.
Tony Eastley: Australia's Foreign Minister Alexander Downer.
AAP – May 30, 2007 03:42pm´
Official demands apology over Balibo
By Karen Michelmore in Jakarta
A senior Indonesian politician has demanded an apology alleging NSW police confronted him in his Sydney hotel room and asked him to testify at the Balibo Five inquest
Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso was so incensed by the incident that he returned to Indonesia last night, cutting short his visit to Sydney, made at the invitation of the NSW Government.
Sutiyoso said today he was owed an apology and felt "very harassed" after a NSW police officer confronted him in his room, requesting his testimony at the inquest into the deaths of five Australia-based reporters at Balibo in East Timor on October 16, 1975.
The retired lieutenant-general was allegedly a member of a special Indonesian military unit that attacked Balibo that day. It was during that assault that the five were killed.
Sutiyoso alleged a NSW police officer and a court official entered his hotel room yesterday afternoon using a master key, as the governor was resting before a planned official function last night.
"I feel very harassed as an official, officially invited by the NSW government," Sutiyoso said in Jakarta today. "I want them to apologise. If they don't apologise is it good to continue a good relationship with them (Australia)?"
Sutiyoso said the police officer showed him his identification and asked him to sign a letter requesting he attend a coronial inquest.
Deputy State Coroner Dorelle Pinch is hearing the Sydney inquest into the death of Brian Peters, one of five killed.
According to official reports, Peters, Greg Shackleton, Gary Cunningham, Tony Stewart and Malcolm Rennie were killed accidentally in crossfire between invading Indonesian troops and Timorese militia.
But the inquest has heard evidence the five were deliberately gunned down by Indonesian soldiers. "They brought a summon letter ... but I didn't want to sign it," Sutiyoso said today.
He confirmed he was in East Timor the year the five men died, but denied any involvement in their deaths. "Yes I was in East Timor in 1975 but I never entered Balibo," Sutiyoso said. "Me and my soldiers never entered Balibo."
Ms Pinch today told the Glebe Coroner's Court that the police officer involved had been delivering a personal invitation from her for Sutiyoso to attend the inquest.
She had earlier decided to issue the politician with a summons, but abandoned the plan after receiving additional advice about whether she could compel Sutiyoso to attend.
Ms Pinch said she decided to press ahead with her invitation, saying she was seizing a small "window of opportunity" after learning only yesterday that Sutiyoso was visiting Sydney.
The officer assisting the inquest, Detective Sergeant Steve Thomas, then went to Sutiyoso's hotel to convey the coroner's invitation.
"Mr Sutiyoso declined to attend the inquest, citing previous engagements and commitments," Ms Pinch told the court.
Sutiyoso said his commitments would continue for the duration of his stay in Australia and therefore he would not attend the inquest, Ms Pinch said.
However, the governor later cut short his program of official engagements and flew home last night. "There now appears to be some suggestion that Detective Sergeant Thomas gained unauthorised entry to Mr Sutiyoso's hotel room," Ms Pinch said. "I spoke to to Detective Sergeant Thomas and he assures me that that is not so."
Ms Pinch said that according to evidence, Sutiyoso had allegedly been part of "Team Susi", one of the Indonesian military units that advanced on Balibo the day the journalists were killed.
Indonesia has since asked Australia's ambassador to explain why Sutiyoso was approached to testify.
Australia has a law that protects visiting foreign officials from court orders related to domestic matters.
ABC -Transcript The World Today Programme - Wednesday, 30 May, 2007 - 12:21
Balibo five inquest wraps up
Reporter: Emma Alberici
Eleanor Hall: The coronial inquest into the death of Brian Peters, one of the five journalists killed in Balibo in East Timor in October 1975, is hearing final submissions today.
Seven earlier inquiries into the men's death all concluded they'd been killed in crossfire between Indonesian invading forces, and the Fretilin defenders at Balibo.
But the Counsel Assisting the Coroner, Mark Tedeschi, stunned the court by stating that there's incontrovertible evidence that the five Australians did not die in crossfire, but were deliberately killed by the Indonesian Special Forces, acting on the command of their superiors in Jakarta.
Emma Alberici is at Glebe Coroner's Court in Sydney, and she joins us now.
So Emma what evidence is Mr Tedeschi using to back up this scenario?
Emma Alberici: Well, Mark Tedeschi, Eleanor, was referring to both eyewitness accounts and the second-hand accounts of people who had been close by and had spoken to those who did actually see the events as they took place.
He conceded that none of the witnesses were in a position to give a full account of the sequence of events. Their stories all varied slightly because they were members of what was known as the partisan troops, the East Timorese soldiers that were fighting alongside the Indonesian invading forces. They came into Balibo behind the Indonesian Special Forces and indeed the partisans never actually fired a shot themselves.
The conclusion reached this morning was that the two members of the Channel Nine crew, including Brian Peters, were filming at the fort at about four am on October 16th, 1975 and three members of the Channel Seven crew were in Balibo Square, in the vicinity of what was know as the Chinese house, not the house that was painted with the Australian flag.
By the time the Indonesian troops reached the town square, all five were around that Chinese house and they were rounded up by the invading forces. One fell to the ground. It's assumed that was Brian Peters, who was filming at the time. The others fled - and he was shot - and the others fled inside the Chinese house where three of the others were shot and the fifth man try to hide in a bathroom but was forced out and then stabbed to death.
The bodies were then clothed in military uniforms, placed around the captured Fretilin guns and photographed, to give the impression that these men were fighting alongside Fretilin and to be used for propaganda purposes and they were then, their bodies burned repeatedly over the ensuing four days. So that was what left, a member of the Australian ambassadorial offices, later was said was unrecognisable as human remains.
And it's got to be said that there was no firing. Mark Tedeschi said there had been no firing whatsoever in the Balibo town square. So that absolutely negates any possibility of crossfire, because Fretilin had already retreated by the time the Indonesian Army had moved into Balibo and the journalists themselves were not armed so there was no fire.
Eleanor Hall: So does Mr Tedeschi explain why he thinks the Indonesians made this decision to kill these men?
Emma Alberici: Yes. Well the Indonesians were very sensitive, of course, to the international reaction of their attempts to overthrow East Timor. Indeed, they wanted the appearance at least to be that this was an act of, to be achieved by an act of self-determination. So there was to be no evidence to the contrary that this was by any means a forced takeover of the country.
Eleanor Hall: And what's been said about the Australian Government's involvement in all of this?
Emma Alberici: Well, extraordinarily at the conclusion of his first bit of submission, he says the only conclusion, and I'll read you this because it's explosive, he says, "the only conclusion that one can reasonably reach is that the Indonesian plan to compromise Australia's reaction to the invasion was spectacularly successful". Because, of course, the Indonesians gave the Australian Government advanced warning, through absolutely specific, detailed advanced warnings, of what they were intending to do in Balibo and Maliana - those border towns.
"If Your Honour accepts" Mark Tedeschi goes on this, "it's apparent that the Indonesian leaders engaged in a masterful power-play worthy of an international chess grandmaster, using Australian leaders and departmental officers as their pawns. The plan depended entirely upon the Indonesian Government and the Indonesian military being able to maintain the facade in public, particularly for the benefit of the Australian public, that there troops were not involved in the deaths of the journalists."
"The whole gambit, however, depended upon no reliable news getting into the public arena about an Indonesian involvement in the attacks on Balibo and in particular no film footage", which is exactly what these men were collecting.
Eleanor Hall: So, Emma, is there any indication yet as to what recommendations the Coroner might make?
Emma Alberici: Well, Eleanor, we've heard from Ben Saul, an international law expert who didn't actually front the inquiry but gave the Coroner some evidence, that the Commonwealth Department, the Director of Public Prosecutions is within his rights to pursue any of the men responsible in Indonesia, but then it will become a matter between our two Governments and of course a diplomatic nightmare, you would have to assume, as to what happens next, whether they might be tried in Indonesia or brought to Australia, or indeed whether nothing happens at all.
The Indonesian Foreign Minister in fact yesterday claimed that the Australian Government had given him assurances that the Indonesians had nothing to worry about regarding this inquest and this is what Foreign Minister Alexander Downer had to say on that matter on AM this morning when asked about those claims.
Alexander Downer: Well I wouldn't put it in those terms. We've had from my recollection a very brief discussion about this quite some time ago. Not that it wasn't anything to worry about but that this was an investigation into events that occurred over 30 years ago and obviously we will just take it as it comes.
We as a government have been cooperating, or my department has been cooperating, with the coronial inquiry in terms of the provision of documents from 32 years ago and there's not much more we can do of course. I don't have any myself any particular knowledge about those events.
Eleanor Hall: And that's the Foreign Minister Alexander Downer speaking this morning about the coronial inquest and Emma Alberici down at the Glebe's Coroner's Court in Sydney.
Malai Azul 2
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Dos Leitores
A cobertura noticiosa regular em portugues sobre Timor-Leste está reduzida á Lusa, á RTP e, mais ocasionalmente, á EFE. O montante diario de trabalho produzido pela Lusa é a unica fonte de que o cidadao comum dispoe para acompanhar a situacao em Timor-Leste.
Proponho que escrevam à Lusa um curto email:
1 - a manifestar indignacao por este facto e,
2 - a solicitar que TODO o trabalho sobre Timor-Leste seja colocado em seccao propria - ou na seccao Asia - mas garantindo sempre o acesso livre
A mensagem poderá ser dirigida a Luís Miguel Viana lmviana@lusa.pt, com CC aos seguintes destinatarios: Paulo Rêgo prego@lusa.pt, Filomena Peixeiro fcpeixeiro@lusa.pt, Paulo Nogueira panogueira@lusa.pt, Pedro Rosa Mendes" pmendes@lusa.pt.
Re-enviem este mail a outras pessoas que conhecam, que seguem a situacao de Timor-Leste e se sentem indignadas com esta alteracao dificil de explicar.
Uma leitora.
Malai Azul 2
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Jakarta governor summoned over 1975 killings
POSTED: 4:37 a.m. EDT, May 30, 2007
JAKARTA, Indonesia (Reuters) -- Jakarta's governor said Wednesday he had cut short an official visit to Australia after police served him a summons to testify in an inquest into the 1975 killing of five Australian journalists in East Timor.
Governor Sutiyoso, a former general who served in East Timor at the start of Indonesian occupation of the territory, said two officers barged into his hotel room in Sydney on Tuesday and asked him to sign the invitation to testify in the coronal inquest.
"I refused to sign it. I told them I have nothing to do with the case," Sutiyoso told reporters in Jakarta, adding the officers had obtained a master key from the hotel.
"I was angry because I was not supposed to be treated like that as a state official who came on an official invitation."
He said that following the incident he immediately left Australia even though he was scheduled to visit Canberra on Wednesday.
The Sydney inquest into the death of the five Australia-based journalists has heard they were deliberately gunned down by Indonesian soldiers.
Official reports have blamed the deaths of the five newsmen on October 16, 1975 on crossfire. The deaths occurred, as Indonesian forces entered East Timor in an incursion ahead of a full-scale invasion of the territory in December of the same year.
Sutiyoso said he served in East Timor in 1975 but he and troops under his command had never been stationed in Balibo, where the journalists were killed.
"I really feel insulted," he said. "I think this incident happened because NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) there gave false information about me."
Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda telephoned Australian Ambassador Bill Farmer to seek clarification, foreign ministry spokesman Kristiarto Legowo said.
Legowo said Wirajuda was told the Australian Federal government had nothing to do with the inquest.
Under Australia's foreign immunity act, visiting foreign visitors are protected from court orders related to domestic matters, he said.
About 30 Indonesians rallied outside the Australian embassy on Wednesday to protest over the reported treatment of Sutiyoso. Some threw eggs at the embassy building.
In March the court hearing the inquest issued a warrant for the arrest of former Indonesian general Yunus Yosfiah, who has been accused of ordering the execution of the newsmen.
Yosfiah has repeatedly denied the accusations.
The journalists' deaths prompted long-running allegations of a government cover-up in both Indonesia and Australia.
Indonesia-Australia ties have been strained in the past over issues such as East Timor and refugees.
Long-time colonial ruler Portugal had effectively withdrawn from East Timor in 1975 ahead of the Indonesian invasion. Decades of Indonesian rule were met with armed resistance and ended in an overwhelming vote for independence in 1999.
Copyright 2007 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
Timor-Leste: Explosão de granada em Díli faz 3 feridos graves
Diário Digital / Lusa30-05-2007 9:57:34 A explosão de uma granada nas traseiras da embaixada do Japão, em Díli, provocou três feridos, um deles em estado muito grave, afirmou à Lusa fonte oficial das Nações Unidas.
A explosão ocorreu cerca das 16:40 (08:30 em Lisboa) e peritos da Polícia das Nações Unidas (UNPol) chamados ao local confirmaram que se tratou de uma granada.
Um dos três feridos resultantes da explosão foi conduzido ao hospital central «em estado muito grave», afirmou a mesma fonte.
Malai Azul 2
O mais energético registo anti-corrupção
Vota para a FRETILIN!
Eleições Legislativas 2007
"Do Povo, Com o Povo, Para o Povo"
Comunicado a imprensa
30 Maio 2007
O Governo da Fretilin de Timor-Leste decretou tolerância zero para
acabar com a corrupção e edificar uma instituição forte e legal de
modo a combater os abusos de poder pelos funcionários, afirmou a
porta-voz do partido.
A porta-voz do partido Fretilin e candidata parlamentar Cipriana
Pereira chamou a atenção para as medidas específicas implementadas ou
apoiadas pelo governo no decorrer dos últimos cinco anos de modo a
assegurar uma transparente e honesta administração para todos os
"A posição da Fretilin contra a corrupção foi sempre clara –
tolerância zero", afirmou Pereira.
Ontem, num debate televisivo e onde se encontravam presentes, todas as
facções políticas, ela disse que uma das medidas tomadas, foi o
estabelecimento de um Gabinete para a Provedoria (ombudsman), um
Gabinete para o Inspector Geral e Fundo de Petróleo.
"O Governo da Fretilin decidiu também descentralizar as
responsabilidades financeiros por etapas e não de uma vez só, de forma
a dar tempo a que haja capacidade local para gerir as finanças.
"O Governo decidiu também contratar anualmente, auditores
internacionais e independentes para rever as contas e as despesas do
governo, de modo a reforçar a transparência, credibilidade e uma boa
Pereira citou a organização não-governamental, LABEH, que disse que a
corrupção a nível do governo existia apenas em pequena escala, que não
envolvia grandes desvios de dinheiro, e que existe um número diminuto
de alegações, referentes a contratos ganhos sem serem por vias legais
("Corruption Watch Report 2007", de 17 de Maio de 2007).
Pereira disse também: "A razão pela qual a corrupção existe em pequena
escala deve-se ao facto de possuirmos um governo bem organizado .
Estou no parlamento desde a restauração da independência e tive a
oportunidade de observar a transparência em que o orçamento é aprovado
e as despesas revistas minuciosamente".
Pereira disse que foi a Fretilin quem propôs criação de um Gabinete
para a Provedoria durante a assembleia constitucional de 2001 que
delineou a Constituição.
"A criação do Gabinete da Provedoria foi o factor de maior
importância pois permitiu que qualquer cidadão pudesse expor as suas
reclamações acerca dos abusos de poder e abusos de direitos humanos,
às instituições de Estado", afirmou.
"Funcionou sem interferências. Em apenas alguns anos, este Gabinete
conseguiu obter elevada reputação e credibilidade, ao analisar casos
de abusos".
Referindo-se ao Gabinete do Inspector-Geral, Pereira disse que o
ex-Primeiro-Ministro Mari Alkatiri referenciou mais de 100 casos de
alegada corrupção divulgados pelo Inspector Geral ao Gabinete do
Procurador Geral. No entanto o Procurador Geral foi nomeado pelo
antigo presidente e o seu gabinete é independente do Governo. O
Gabinete do Procurador Geral não conseguiu actuar na investigação dos
referidos casos.
Pereira disse que os Fundos do Petróleo e as bases que o estabeleceram
foram reconhecidos internacionalmente como a melhor prática e um meio
transparente para gerir as receitas nacionais do petróleo.
O Governo também fez bem em resistir à descentralização financeira
rapidamente, isto porque ainda há falta de capacidade para administrar
correctamente as finanças a um nível de autoridade local.
Para mais informações, contacte: Cipriana Pereira (+670) 724 2114,
Jose Teixeira (+670) 728 7080, fretilin.media@gmail.com
Malai Azul 2
FRETILIN apresenta programa para campanha legislativa
Vota para a FRETILIN!
Eleições Legislativas 2007
"Do Povo, Com o Povo, Para o Povo"
Comunicado a imprensa
29 Maio 2007
José Teixeira, porta-voz da Fretilin e candidato do na lista para as
eleições legislativa, (que no momento tambem tutela o Ministerio dos
Recursos Naturais, Minerais e Politica Energetica) anunciou hoje os 15
temas que farão parte da campanha para as eleições parlamentares a ter
lugar no dia 30 de Junho de 2007.
"Estes são os pontos chaves que a Fretilin acredita, mesmo que perca
ou vença as eleições. Seremos um governo que escutará os pontos de
vista da sociedade civil, da Igreja e de todo o povo".
Os 15 temas da campanha são:
1. Quem protegerá a economia, a soberania e independência de
Timor-Leste nesta era de globalização e num mundo competitivo?
2. Quem será capaz, melhor que ninguém, de estabelecer e consolidar o
estado democrático baseado na justiça, lei e ordem?
3. Quem lutará pela democracia, onde os direitos humanos, em
particular o direito das mulheres, seja respeitado e protegido?
4. Quem proporcionará uma política de educação basica e saúde
gratuitas ao povo de Timor-Leste?
5. Quem desenvolverá as infraestruturas para as telecomuinicações e
televisão tão necessárias em todo o país?
6. Quem se interessará para que as áreas rurais e pequenas aldeias
beneficiem de serviços básicos?
7. Quem poderá proporcionar água potável e electricidade às famílias?
8. Quem irá irradicar a pobreza e os analfabetos?
9. Quem melhorará a qualidade da esducação e da saúde?
10. Quem poderá garantir a paz, a estabilidade e a soberania da Nação?
11. Quem melhorará as vias de acesso e as estradas do nosso Estado?
12. Quem providenciará cursos de profissionalização e qualificação
para TODOS os Timorenses?
13. Quem irá investir tanto no sector privado, como no público, com
vista a criar postos de trabalho para os jovens?
14. Quem irá proporcionar habitação para todas as famílias?
15. Quem irá promover a criatividade e energia dos nossos jovens?
'Façamos destas eleições, livres de violença e intimidação para que
todos possamos votar com responsabilidade. Todo o voto deve ser
"Viva Timor-Leste!"
Para mais informações, contacte: Jose Teixeira (+670) 728 7080,
Malai Azul 2
Dos Leitores
(Tradução da Margarida)
Asswain deixou um novo comentário na sua mensagem "Para reflectir...":
David Alex foi obviamente morto num tiroteio com as TNI mas não é no tiroteio que está o problema, a questão é sobre como é que o inimigo soube dos passos de David Alex Daitula, se houve alguma traição, quem a fez e para que propósito.
Não aceite apenas um lado de um evento e não se pense que é a verdade absoluta mas deve questionar quando sentir que faltam alguns elementos ou factos acerca desse evento.
Deixe-me fazer-lhe algumas perguntas. Como é que as forças militares indonésias souberam do local exacto do esconderijo de Daitula?..Depois de nunca ter sido capturado em 21 anos pelas forças armadas Indonésias, como é que as TNI souberam com tantos detalhes a localização de David Daitula nessa altura e lançaram facilmente uma emboscada para o capturar e matar no dia seguinte?...
Tenha em mente que alguns ataques lançados por Daitula contra a BRIMOB (Polícia Indonésia) e as TNI, alguns meses antes do seu assassinato, nunca foram do acordo de Xanana Gusmão. Daitula foi fortemente criticado por Gusmão e mesmo por Horta nesse ano. Daitula era mesmo considerado o mais duro entre os comandantes da FALINTIL. Apesar do facto de ser o vice-chefe das FALINTIL.
Acerca de Mauhudu provavelmente não diria que Xanana teve um papel no seu assassinato mas diria que a a excessivamente ilógica estratégia de reconciliação de Xanana com os generais das TNI que tende a tornar todos os Timorenses a experimentar uma amnésia absoluta acerca da história de massacres e crimes em TL, que foi criada por ele apenas para agradar a esses generais criminosos das TNI será certamente um factor principal que dói, incomoda e cria um sentido de negação da justiça para todas as vítimas dos crimes das forças armadas indonésias. Neste caso, inclui a família de Mauhudu que sonha que a justiça prevaleça. Xanana falhou-os com a sua reconciliação sem justiça e reconciliação para esquecer o passado. Quem são os vencedores nesta absolutamente ridícula reconciliação merdosa?? Obviamente são esses criminosos; os generais das TNI abraçados e beijados calorosamente por Xanana Gusmão, o sonhador do Prémio Nobel da Paz.
Meu amigo, nós Timorenses não devemos pensar que Xanana está acima de críticas ou que é o próprio Deus. Digo-lhes que ele é apenas um vulgar cidadão de Timor a quem o povo timorense confiou para liderar. Assim como membro da sociedade Timorense tenho todo o direito de o criticar e exigir as sua responsabilidade e respostas a muitas questões acerca das mortes suspeitas e anormais de muitos comandantes das FALINTIL sob a sua liderança.
O próprio Xanana criticou Nicolau Lobato sobre a morte de muitos comandantes das Falintil sob a liderança de Nicolau. Portanto porque é que não devemos agora questionar Xanana acerca das traições cometidas por alguns elementos pró-independência, próximos de Xanana nessa altura, sobre as mortes de Daitula David Alex, Pedro Nunes Sabalae e o seu assistente, a morte súbita de Konis Santana de quem foi dito estar doente mas que de facto era sabido estar com saúde antes da sua morte. Se não acreditarem em mim, perguntem a Somoco, o actual vice-ministro do Interior de Timor-Leste.
Muitos e muitos comandantes clandestinos e das FALINTIL foram traídos apenas porque eram firmes nos seus princípios sobre como lutar contra a ocupação Indonésia.
Houve traição na morte de um comandante-chefe da resistência do CLFC e do seu assistente, envolvendo alguns elementos no movimento clandestino associado com David Ximenes que obviamente respondia directamente a Xanana Gusmão nesse tempo. Por isto Xanana deve ser responsabilizado e responder a questões levantadas pelas famílias destes indivíduos.
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
Notícias - UNMIT
UNMIT – MEDIA MONITORING - Tuesday, 29 May 2007
National Media Reports
Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Prime Minister's Office
Media Release
28 May 2007
Prime Minister Estanislau da Silva Visits Victims of Violence in Ermera District
Timor-Leste (East Timor) Prime Minister Estanislau Da Silva has visited hundreds of victims of the recent violence in Ermera district southwest of Dili and promised measures to boost security in the lead-up to the June 30 parliamentary election.
Da Silva, a leader of the majority Fretilin party, said the attacks on people and property in Ermera followed the May 9 presidential election and were aimed at intimidating the Ermera community.
"It is important for the government to know what is happening in Ermera district so we can take concrete measures to restore security and allow election campaigning to take place peacefully," he said.
"The government will also make efforts to arrest the perpetrators of these attacks and bring them to justice.
"The Fretilin government will not tolerate violent behavior of any kind."
During his weekend Saturday visit to Ermera, Da Silva visited 70 people from the Suco (administrative region) of Orahu who have taken refuge in government buildings in the district capital of Gleno.
"Their homes were torched by agitators that want to create instability in the area to prevent people from participating in election campaigning and the 30 June parliamentary elections," Da Silva said.
He also visited about 200 people sheltering in coffee plantations in the Suco of Poetete after their houses were burned or their families subjected to intimidation. Da Silva said Ermera district had been the target of anti-government activities for the past year.
"In early May 2006, a police officer was killed in Gleno when supporters of the army petitioners attacked members of the Rapid Intervention Unit who were protecting the Secretary of State for
Region III on an official visit to Gleno," he said.
"In February 2007, Valente Soares, a 24-year-old orphan, and caretaker of Fretilin's Ermera headquarters were murdered.
"Incidents of harassment and intimidation of the local population have increased recently."
Attached below are pictures of Da Silva's visit to Ermera district.
For more information, please contact:
Jose Teixeira (+670) 728 7080 or send an email to fretilin.media@gmail.com
Nothing alternative, president of republic promulgate alteration law
The president of republic, Jose Manuel Ramos Horta has approved the alteration of electoral legislative, which was amended by the national parliament from ruling party Fretilin.
According to Mr. Horta, prior to making the decision he onsulted with UNMIT, political parties, civil societies and church about the advantages and disadvantages of the changes.
Mr. Horta said there was no alternative. (STL, TP and STL)
529.198 voters will vote in parliamentary election
According to the information gained by DN from STAE on Monday (28/5), there are 529,198 total voters who will vote in parliamentary election on June 30. Of those, 271,671 voters are men and 257,527 are women.
There are also 3% of new registration (3426 voters) and the majority from the members of CPD-RDTL. (DN)
Eric Tan-Alcino Barris: “Police will guarantee security in parliamentary campaign”
The DSRSG, Mr. Eric Tan said on Friday (25/5) while attending the inauguration monument of PNTL in front of ministry of justice, that UNPol and PNTL is ready to assure security in parliamentary election across the country.
In the mean time minister interior, Alcino Barris said that UNPol and PNTL will also guarantee security in during the legislative campaigning period. (DN)
UNMIT will renovate PNTL
The DSRSG, Mr Eric Tan declared that on Friday (25/5) while attending the inauguration monument of PNTL in front of ministry of justice, that UNMIT will renovate PNTL to be the pride for all Timorese in the future. (DN)
UNMIT welcomes political parties’ commitment to a free and fair June 30 election
The head of the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) has welcomed the signing of a document that harnesses the collective will of all political parties to a free and fair June 30 election.
Importantly, the Political Party Accord also covers basic principles of governance after the elections. It commits all parties to a constructive and inclusive democratic process for the new government and opposition.
The Accord has the agreement of all 16 political parties in Timor-Leste.
The head of UNMIT, Mr Atul Khare congratulated all parties for their participation and willingness to reach an agreement.
“The Accord commits the winning party to representing the voices of the majority while listening to and accommodating the needs of the minority. It will also ensure that the minority will adopt a constructive role as a dynamic opposition capable of providing democratic checks and balances.
The new parliament will need a strong and vibrant opposition to ensure that democracy continues to mature in Timor-Leste,” Mr Khare said.
“In the Accord, the pasties commit themselves to ensure that this takes place.”
Also in Dili on Friday, the political parties signed a “Code of Conduct” that commits all parties, their candidates, their representatives and supporters to accept the results, or to challenge them only in competent courts; and to campaign positively through programmes of action not personal criticism of other candidates.
The Code of Conduct was drafted and approved by the national authorities charged with running the parliamentary election.
“Today’s signings demonstrate clearly the agreement of all political parties to play their role freely, fairly and transparently not just during the campaign and voting period, but in the formation of the new parliament and the opposition,” Mr Khare said. (STL)
PDC campaigns in Ainaro
The Christian Democratic Party (PDC) held its first campaign in Ainaro today specially in Rau Husar Suco Aituto; sub-district Maubisse.
The location was chosen for the because Ainaro is the center of “ancient” Timor-Leste and also the home of the party’s parliamentary leader Euclides G da Silva. (STL)
Branco: “nothing facts of Leaders’ communists ideology implementation”
In response to accusations from Alfredo Reinado Alves that communists ideology is being implemented in Timor Leste, the KOTA member of national parliament, Clementino dos Reis Amaral has said that some leaders’ attitudes seem like the doctrine of communists.
However the member of the national parliament from the ruling party Fretilin, Francisco Miranda Branco, said that there aren’t facts or evidence related to such an accusation. (STL)
International Media Reports
Goff to go on night patrol while in East Timor
5:05PM Monday May 28, 2007
Phil Goff
New Zealand Herald
Defence Minister Phil Goff will go on a night patrol with the army while in East Timor.
Mr Goff heads to East Timor tonight to visit New Zealand Defence Force personnel and police working there, as well as East Timorese officials.
Mr Goff said he would visit Defence Force troops and police officers who had been working to achieve security and stability in East Timor.
"While with the New Zealanders I will accompany New Zealand army personnel on a night patrol in Dili."
Mr Goff will meet with newly-elected President Jose Ramos-Horta, whom he has known for almost 20 years, care-taker Prime Minister Estanislau da Silva and senior military and United Nations officials.
This will be Mr Goff's second visit to East Timor in his role as defence minister.
"... I am looking forward to returning and getting a first hand understanding of the current political and security situation."
He will be in East Timor from May 29-31.
Mr Goff will then go to Singapore for the 6th Asian Security Summit, commonly known as the Shangri-La Dialogue, from June 1-3.
The dialogue was the key forum for discussing public policy on defence and security in the Asia-Pacific region, Mr Goff said.
Delegates from 26 countries were taking part and he would meeting with counterparts from Australia, Singapore, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Indonesia, the United Kingdom and Germany. NZPA
Peacekeeper from Philippines injured in East Timor clash
May 28, 2007 3:21 pm
Davao Today
MANILA — The Philippine Mission to the United Nations announced that a female Filipino police officer serving with the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Timor Leste was reported injured in a civil disturbance in the capital Dili on 20 May 2007.
In his report to Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto G. Romulo, Philippine Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Hilario G. Davide Jr., identified the injured peacekeeper as Jimeli Valera Acuna, 32, of Taytay, Rizal, and a member of the Philippine police contingent serving with the UN Integrated Mission in Timor Leste (UNMIT).
Ambassador Davide said the Philippine Mission learned about the incident from the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), which reported on 24 May 2007 that Acuna suffered bruises in the shoulder after she was hit by a rock from a crowd of displaced Timorese who attacked UN peacekeepers in Dili on Sunday, 20 May.
Ambassador Davide said the incident took place shortly after UN peacekeepers responded to reports of fighting and stone throwing between two local groups near the former Chinese Embassy in Dili before 3:00 p.m.
Acuna and another Filipino peacekeeper, Joel Doria, the acting police district commander of Dili, were among the first to respond to the scene and tried to control the crowd. However, one of the groups turned against the UN police officers and began attacking them with rocks.
Quoting the DPKO report, Ambassador Davide said four UN police officers, including Acuna were injured while four UN vehicles were damaged as a result of the incident. He said one civilian died from a head injury, another was hurt, while 50 were arrested.
This is the second violent incident that resulted in an injury to a Filipino peacekeeper serving in Timor Leste. A year ago, Filipino police officer Edgar Layon was wounded when UN peacekeepers were caught in the middle of a gun battle between East Timorese factions also in Dili.
There are 155 Filipino police peacekeepers serving in UNMIT, making it the biggest UN peacekeeping mission where the Philippines is involved. UNMIT’s police component is also led by a Filipino, retired General Rodolfo Tor, who sits as UN police commissioner. END
Indonesia reopens border with Timor-Leste
Updated: 15:39, May 28, 2007
Source: Xinhua
The Indonesian military has reopened the land border with Timor-Leste, after a three-month closure due to political tensions in the neighbour, an officer said Monday.
"In accordance with instructions form the president and the military commander, we have reopened the border since yesterday ( Sunday)," Maj. Gen. Syaiful Rizal, chief of the Udayana Military Command overseeing eastern Indonesia, was quoted by the national Antara news agency as saying.
The traffic of people and goods has returned to normal, he said.
Indonesia shares land border with half-island Timor-Leste in East Nusa Tenggara province.
The government ordered the border closure amid violent rallies and potential conflicts involving policemen and military officers in Timor-Leste that drew the presence of the Australia-led international peacekeeping operations.
"We reopened the border because the situation (in Timor-Leste) is now safe," said Syaiful.
Election Agreement in Timor-Leste
By SOPnewswire
Posted 11 hours, 51 minutes ago
The head of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) has welcomed the signing of a document that aims to foster a free and fair election at the end of June.
In a statement, UNMIT chief Atul Khare congratulated all 16 parties for their participation and willingness to reach an agreement.
“The Accord commits the winning party to representing the voices of the majority while listening to and accommodating the needs of the minority,” he said. “It will also ensure that the minority will adopt a constructive role as a dynamic opposition capable of providing democratic checks and balances.”
Mr. Khare also said the new parliament “will need a strong and vibrant opposition to ensure that democracy continues to mature in Timor-Leste.”
The Political Party Accord covers basic principles of governance after the elections, committing all parties to a “constructive and inclusive democratic process for the new government and opposition,” UNMIT said in a news release.
Also in Dili on Friday, the political parties signed a “Code of Conduct” that commits all parties, their candidates, their representatives and supporters to accept the results, or to challenge them only in competent courts; and to campaign positively through programmes of action not personal criticism of other candidates.
The Code of Conduct was drafted and approved by the national authorities charged with running the parliamentary election.
UNMIT has been helping to support all aspects of the 2007 presidential and parliamentary electoral process in Timor-Leste, which the world body helped to shepherd to independence in 2002.
Timor-Leste: UN welcomes new election agreement
28 May 2007
The UN News Center
The head of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) has welcomed the signing of a document that aims to foster a free and fair election at the end of June.
In a statement, UNMIT chief Atul Khare congratulated all 16 parties for their participation and willingness to reach an agreement.
“The Accord commits the winning party to representing the voices of the majority while listening to and accommodating the needs of the minority,” he said. “It will also ensure that the minority will adopt a constructive role as a dynamic opposition capable of providing democratic checks and balances.”
Mr. Khare also said the new parliament “will need a strong and vibrant opposition to ensure that democracy continues to mature in Timor-Leste.”
The Political Party Accord covers basic principles of governance after the elections, committing all parties to a “constructive and inclusive democratic process for the new government and opposition,” UNMIT said in a news release.
Also in Dili on Friday, the political parties signed a “Code of Conduct” that commits all parties, their candidates, their representatives and supporters to accept the results, or to challenge them only in competent courts; and to campaign positively through programmes of action not personal criticism of other candidates.
The Code of Conduct was drafted and approved by the national authorities charged with running the parliamentary election.
UNMIT has been helping to support all aspects of the 2007 presidential and parliamentary electoral process in Timor-Leste, which the world body helped to shepherd to independence in 2002.
East Timor Parties Commit to Democracy before Election, UN Says
Last Updated: May 28, 2007 21:04 EDT
By Ed Johnson
May 29 (Bloomberg) -- East Timor's political parties agreed to respect the results of next month's parliamentary election and build a strong democratic process in the Southeast Asian nation, the United Nations said.
Candidates in the June 30 poll also signed a code of conduct committing them to positive campaigning and only challenging a disputed result through the courts, the UN said.
“The accord commits the winning party to representing the voices of the majority while listening to and accommodating the needs of the minority,'' Atul Khare, head of the UN mission in the country, said in a statement yesterday. ``It will also ensure that the minority will adopt a constructive role as a dynamic opposition capable of providing democratic checks and balances.''
The former Portuguese colony, also known as Timor-Leste, has been unstable since 37 people were killed a year ago in clashes between groups from the western and eastern regions. The violence drove 150,000 people, or about 15 percent of the population, from their homes. Nobel Peace Prize winner Jose Ramos Horta, who was sworn in as president earlier this month, has pledged to heal divisions in the country.
Clashes between political activists in the nation are common, as is violence between martial arts gangs in the capital, Dili. International peacekeepers, led by Australian troops, were deployed last year to restore order.
East Timor borders part of Indonesia on an island about 500 kilometers (310 miles) north of Australia. East Timorese voted in a 1999 referendum for independence, 24 years after Indonesia invaded the territory.
The vote triggered a campaign of violence by militias, backed by the Indonesian military, which left hundreds of civilians dead. The country became independent in May 2002 and Ramos Horta is East Timor's first democratically elected president.
To contact the reporter on this story: Ed Johnson in Sydney at ejohnson28@bloomberg.net .
NZ Defense Minister visits Timor-Leste
Source: Xinhua
New Zealand Defense Minister Phil Goff said Tuesday he expects security in Timor-Leste will be an issue for some time.
According to Radio NZ, Goff is on a three day visit to Timor- Leste involving meetings with New Zealand troops and the country's new president, Jos Ramos-Horta. He will then go to Singapore for a regional security conference.
Goff told the radio violence in Timor-Leste can flare in an instant and New Zealand's presence in Dili is intended to keep it to a minimum.
He said keeping peace in the country is a priority with parliamentary elections due on June 30.
"This will be my second visit to Timor-Leste as Defense Minister and I am looking forward to returning and getting a first hand understanding of the current political and security situation," said Goff.
New Zealand has been deploying troops in Timor-Leste. Another contingent of New Zealand troops departed for Timor-Leste last week for a six month tour of duty. The 105 troops are the third rotation to take up peace keeping duties in Timor-Leste in the past year.
Goff said the troops will be there as long as they are wanted and needed to stabilize the situation.
This is a broadcast of the UN Police in Timor-Leste to provide you with information about the security situation around the country.
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
The security situation in Dili has been generally calm. However, a 60-year-old woman has been murdered in Same.
Yesterday at about 1425 hrs, UNPol received information from the PNTL Commander that a 60-year-old woman had been murdered in Haturae Village, Same. UNPol and PNTL patrol teams were immediately dispatched to the scene to investigate. Two suspects have been identified and are being sought by police.
Today in Dili, UNPol conducted a total of 43 patrols and were required to attend six incidents. One incident involved a report of fighting near Comoro Roundabout. UNPol attended and dispersed the crowd. Separately, at about 1400hrs, UNPol and ISF carried out a joint search operation in the Delta area of Dili and recovered spears, knives and machetes. No arrests were made.
Yesterday in Dili, the window of an UNPol vehicle was smashed at around 2000hrs by an unknown assailant near Obrigado Barracks. No-one was hurt in the attack.
In Ermera, investigators from UNPol’s Forensics Unit and Ermera District HQ conducted an investigation at the scene of the fire in Gleno Market. Forensic officers inspected, sketched, photographed, and measured the scene. Interviews also conducted indicate that the fire was probably started by accident.
The Police advise to avoid traveling during the night to the most affected areas. Report any suspicious activities and avoid traveling the areas affected by disturbances. Call 112 or 7230365 to contact the police 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
This has been a daily broadcast of the UN Police in Timor-Leste, for +the people of Timor-Leste
UNMIT Pays Tribute to Peacekeepers Around the World
Dili May 29, 2007 - A ceremony to mark International Peacekeepers’ Day was held this morning to honour the 3,195 peacekeepers from 86 countries currently deployed in Timor-Leste.
Also today, the staff of UNMIT paid tribute to the 71 people who have been killed while serving for the United Nations since 1999 through a flower-laying ceremony.
In a speech this morning, the Acting Special Representative of the Secretary General for Timor-Leste, Eric Tan, recalled that UN personnel have been deployed continuously in Timor-Leste since 1999.
As mandated by Security Council Resolution 1704, UNMIT peacekeepers are contributing to Timor-Leste in the areas of security, electoral support, development and the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law.
“Today we are here to fulfill a very different role compared with the one before. We first assisted an emerging country to rebuild itself and recover from a long struggle.
Now we are assisting the second democratically elected President, and soon a new Government, to solidify, stabilize and make this young democracy sustainable. The evolution of our mandate is sure a most tangible sign that progress has been made,” Mr Tan said.
Mr Tan thanked all of those currently serving and paid tribute to the civilian, police and military peacekeepers who made the ultimate sacrifice “in the service of peace”.
International Peacekeepers’ Day is celebrated across the world where there are more than 100,000 nationals from 115 deployed in 18 peacekeeping missions.
The ceremony was attended by the President of Timor-Leste Dr José Ramos-Horta, other representatives of the Timorese leadership, as well representatives from the diplomatic corps.
Dr Ramos-Horta said that the presence of the United Nations would be needed for some time, specifically in the areas of electoral support, reform of the security sector, the judiciary and other state institutions.
For more information please contact UNMIT Spokesperson Allison Cooper on +670 7230453
This is a broadcast of the UN Police in Timor-Leste to provide you with information about the security situation around the country.
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
The security situation throughout the country has been relatively calm in the last 24 hours.
Today in Dili, UNPol conducted a total of 41 patrols and were required to attend six incidents. Two were minor traffic accidents, and one other was a report of a failed stabbing, in which the victim was unable to identify the attacker.
In Ermera sub-district, UNPol responded to reports of suspected arson and discovered that eleven houses had been burnt in Urahou early in the morning of the 29th. UNPol has questioned one of the victims and is investigating further.
In Ainaro, twelve villagers from Maubisse sub-district visited the UNPol District headquarters to seek refuge after allegedly being threatened by other villagers for political reasons. The matter is being investigated.
Finally, investigators from the Major Crime Investigation Unit are making good progress in the case of the attempted murder of PNTL Officers on 25 May 2007. They have been linked to several good witnesses and will interview them shortly.
The Police advise to avoid traveling during the night to the most affected areas. Report any suspicious activities and avoid traveling the areas affected by disturbances. Call 112 or 7230365 to contact the police 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
This has been a daily broadcast of the UN Police in Timor-Leste, for +the people of Timor-Leste
**Translation of the Briefing into Tetum will continue tomorrow**
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "