Dois grupos à pedrada entre o mercado da lama e o bar Motions. Carros da UN a serem apedrejados.
quinta-feira, outubro 04, 2007
Timor Leste: Challenges for the Xanana Alliance
Original Content at
October 4, 2007
Timor Leste: Challenges for the Xanana Alliance
by Tim Anderson
The outcome of Timor Leste's parliamentary election could be seen as a political victory for former President and now Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão. Some factors are running in his favour; but there are substantial challenges.
Xanana has managed to sideline Fretilin (still the strongest political force in the country) for the time being. His Parliamentary Majority Alliance (AMP), created after the election, has a new constellation of Ministers and Secretaries of State. Fretilin still regards the process by which the AMP was installed as unconstitutional, but has abandoned the idea of a legal challenge.
Xanana's alliance inherits a budget which has more than doubled, thanks to increased petroleum royalties. Further, the Howard Government has rewarded with increased aid what it sees as a more pro-Australian regime. A Rudd Government has already committed to increased aid and scholarships for the entire region.
In a clever move, Xanana has contracted the services of former Victorian Labor Premier Steve Bracks, as an adviser. This will give him an excellent line of communication with the likely incoming Labor Government in Canberra.
However an increased budget and Australian support may not be enough. Xanana has used up much of his political capital in coming to power. He has undermined the political parties he helped create and now dominates and relies on a disparate group with little collective political will.
The strongest group in the new Ministry is the conservative Social Democratic Party (PSD), with links to the old UDT. Xanana's National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction (the new 'CNRT'), despite being the major party in the AMP, remains more an umbrella group than a party. The Democratic Party (PD), formerly the major opposition party, now has less influence.
Nationalists are thin on the ground. Two of the new ministers and at least three of the Secretaries of State backed the 1999 'autonomy' option with Indonesia. Graffiti in Dili reminds them of this, and of their links with militia violence.
Autonomists in, nationalists out. Xanana's main post-independence theme of reconciliation has contributed to this re-alignment. This political shift, more than the somewhat associated 'east-west' ethnic divide, reflects the divisions that destroyed the police and damaged the army in 2006.
Former army Major Alfredo Reinado, an escapee wanted for murder, remains at large and a potential embarrassment to the new government. Xanana is widely believed to have backed Reinado's armed rebellion. The UN investigation into the 2006 crisis diplomatically labelled the former President’s connection with Reinado as unwise (“increasing tensions between the President and the army”) but not criminal. Reinado might yet have his say on this matter, if he faces trial. However in view of the failure to arrest and prosecute the high-profile escapee, resolving the ‘Reinado problem’ is now universally seen as Xanana’s responsibility.
Fretilin, the former government leader, has worn its share of blame for the crisis. Its vote fell from 56% in 2001 to 29% in 2007. However Xanana's fall was hardly less dramatic. As a Fretilin-backed independent he gained over 80% in the 2002 Presidential vote. His new political party gained just 24% in the 2007 elections.
The new ‘CNRT' (using the initials of an earlier, genuinely broad coalition) has little by way of policies or party structure. On one view this new CNRT, with refugees from Fretilin, PD and elsewhere, is little more than a political vehicle for Xanana. He certainly has all authority in both the CNRT and the AMP.
After the breakup of the original CNRT, in the name of multi-party elections, Xanana encouraged the formation of the PD. This party became the main opposition and the potential beneficiary of the attempted coup in 2006.
However in 2007 Xanana bypassed the PD, attracting some of their support into his new CNRT. As a result, PD's vote only increased a little over that of 2001 (from 9% to 11%). PD was offered just two ministries in the new government, plus the Presidency of the Parliament for PD leader Fernando ‘Lasama’ de Araújo. Many PD members are dissatisfied with this outcome. Lasama seems to have gained little influence, remaining dependent on Xanana.
In sum, Timor Leste has acquired a weak and disparate government, dominated by a Presidential-style Prime Minister, with few policies. Its vulnerability to external pressures is plain.
What are these pressures? First, the struggle with Australia over energy resources, having reached some form of compromise over royalties in the shared JPDA zone, is likely to move on into issues of gas processing and new explorations.
The Fretilin-led government was developing plans and finance for onshore LNG processing and has allocated some new exploration contracts. There is more money in gas processing than gas royalties; and the benefits from new fields are likely to be substantial.
The immediate Australian pressure on Xanana's AMP government will be to abandon the plan to divert and process gas from the Greater Sunrise Field in Timor Leste, and allow it all to be piped to Darwin. Canberra will also seek to exclude new, non-Australian energy development partners. The failure to conclude proper maritime boundaries has already allowed Canberra to play on that ambiguity, suggesting Australian consent for new exploration is required. Nevertheless, the Indian Reliance group begins drilling in 2008.
The World Bank (WB) is similarly positioning itself to influence the new administration. In August the World Bank together with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) – bodies which function as effective lobby groups for private foreign investors – produced a report called 'Healing the Nation'. This report reinforced several themes of importance to foreign investors.
In the absence of clear, independent policies to defend national assets and build public institutions, the development banks and their privatisation agendas will have greater influence.
Reinforcing this position, two senior ministers in the new cabinet have worked for the World Bank and the ADB.
On the question of prudent use of the Petroleum Fund, the World Bank and Fretilin were in agreement, albeit for different reasons. The World Bank wants limited government expenditure so as to maximise the opportunities for private investment; the Fretilin-led government simply accepted the need for cautious and sustainable fiscal policy.
This is one area where Xanana has proposed a policy departure, through more rapid use of petroleum revenues. However the expanded budget, increased aid and the fact that parliamentary approval is required to draw extra revenue from the Petroleum Fund might help modify Xanana's position.
On the other hand, the World Bank and Fretilin leaders clashed on questions of capacity building and, in particular, public institutions. In 2000 the World Bank (and AusAID) opposed the use of aid moneys for reconstructing East Timor's rice industry, and opposed public grain silos and public abattoirs. They also pushed for privatisation of Agricultural Service Centres and the newly created Microfinance Institution.
In 'Healing the Nation' the World Bank comes out strongly against any new public banking facilities, arguing for reliance on the established private banks, such as the ANZ. This is probably a reference to discussions around a possible Rural Bank, or at least a regulated line of credit from the private banks to farmers. Privatisation of the Microfinance Institution of East Timor (MFIET) also remains on the ADB's agenda.
The Banks and the new administration seem to agree on tax cuts, small as Timor Leste's tax base is. President Jose Ramos Horta has floated the idea of radical tariff and income tax cuts, and 'Healing the Nation' supports such an approach. The objective is increased private foreign investment.
However Timor Leste has no highly competitive industries, so slashing taxes is unlikely to result in increased foreign investment. New investment, e.g. in tourism, will be far more dependent on political stability, improved infrastructure and improved public health. Experience elsewhere shows that market access, clear rules and the above mentioned conditions are far more important than low tax rates.
On the other hand, abolishing corporate income taxes (while popular with corporations) will place greater reliance on the Petroleum Fund and aid programs. Nevertheless, it seems the new government may be headed in this direction.
Xanana's alliance faces the challenge of maintaining and developing the very sound initiatives of the country's first independent government in education and health. These initiatives include the abolition of school fees at primary and lower secondary levels and the introduction of school meals. These meals are important for undernourished children, so they can concentrate in class.
This program, which began in three districts in 2006, needs further investment and development. However pressure from within the alliance to divert funds into a range of pet projects, plus World Bank advisers arguing for greater reliance on 'user pays' regimes, could subvert the modest but steady growth in enrolment numbers.
The World Bank supports the idea of using revenue for ‘Conditional Cash Transfers’ (CCT), a sort of micro-dispersal of state funds to families, with social objectives attached. The macroeconomic idea is to provide an stimulus to effective demand. However, such moves are likely to be wasteful, undermining state investment in badly needed education, health and infrastructure.
There are many ways in which public moneys can be wasted. There are demands from a wide range of veterans and their families, which might either be sifted through carefully or conceded en masse. The Church is likely to demand public funds for its social projects. The diverse members of the loose alliance will have their own demands. With an anticipated narrowing of the tax base, greater reliance on the Petroleum Fund and wasteful expenditure could push the country down the ‘resource’ curse’ road. A small country should invest its limited income carefully.
Cuban assistance in health and adult literacy has been remarkable. Apart from the 300 Cuban health workers in Timor Leste, 800 Timorese students are now studying medicine with the Cubans, 700 in Cuba and 100 in Timor Leste. The current Cuban offer is for up to 1,000 medical scholarships. This collaboration, which began in 2003, is the largest health aid program in the entire Asia-Pacific region, and very good deal for the country. Within ten to fifteen years, East Timorese graduates will replace all the Cuban doctors.
An associated Cuban literacy program (currently in Portuguese but moving to Tetum) began in 2007 and is due to spread to the more than 400 villages of the country. Those attending so far are mostly women.
While the Cuban connection has been opposed by the US and sections of the Catholic Church, these programs are now very popular and have been supported from their inception by Xanana and Jose Ramos Horta. They seem likely to continue. In a sign of continuity, the new Health Minister has the former Health Minister as an adviser.
A final challenge emerging from the World Bank's recent report is pressure for land registration. It is a common demand of World Bank and AusAID that land should be commodified and that secure title be made available for investors. At first glance this might seem an attractive proposition for a country with many land disputes, arising from distinct colonial periods. However land registration is a process which historically dispossesses small holders and advantages large corporate interests. The likely prizes are fertile land for export crops and prime coastal land for tourism.
Timor Leste's constitution does not permit foreigners or corporations to own land. The World Bank contests this, and is urging the new administration to remove 'obstacles' to the commercialisation of land. This could mean changes to the constitution, or contractual means to avoid the constitution. Both the US and Australian governments are believed to be pushing for amendments to the constitution, to allow foreigners to own land. This presents yet another challenge for the Xanana Alliance.
Authors Bio: Tim Anderson is an academic and social activist based in Sydney, Australia
Malai Azul 2
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Bomba na embaixada da Austrália
A estrada de Comoro está fechada ao trânsito, devido a uma ameaça de bomba.
Malai Azul 2
Julgamento de Reinado agendado para princípio de Dezembro
Foi agendada a data de início do julgamento de Alfredo Reinado e do seu grupo, para o próximo mês de Dezembro.
Malai Azul 2
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Railos em Becora
Railos aguarda julgamento na prisão de Becora em prisão preventiva, depois de ter sido ouvido em tribunal.
Malai Azul 2
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Press Release: Progress of the 2006 F-FDTL/PNTL case
JSMP - 01 October 2007
The case relating to the nine PNTL members who were shot dead in front of the Ministry of Justice on 25 May 2006 has reached trial. This is the third Commission of Inquiry case to be considered by the Dili District Court. The trial is being presided over by Judge Ivo Rosa, who is being assisted by Judge Antonino Gonçalves (East Timorese) and Judge Vitor Hugo Pardal. The Prosecution team is led by Prosecutor Bernardo Fernandes, and includes Felismino Cardoso and Zelia Trindade.
Twelve individuals have been charged by the Public Prosecutor in relation to the shooting deaths of nine PNTL members. Eleven defendants are members of F-FDTL and one defendant is a member of PNTL. The defendants are being represented by three private lawyers: Tome Zeronimo, Jose Guterres and Arlindo Sançes Marçal.
The court convened between 24 and 27 September 2007 to hear the statements of the defendants. The court will summon as many as 103 witnesses, who will provide individual testimony in relation to the criminal acts allegedly committed by the defendants.
JSMP observed that F-FDTL and PNTL have been cooperative with the formal judicial process instituted against their members. JSMP also observed that the F-FDTL and PNTL defendants have, to date, observed the rules and directives of the court.
JSMP notes a contrast between the present hearing and the pre-trial hearing held at the Dili District Court on 12 January 2007. At that time, nearly all the F-FDTL leadership attended court to follow the entirety of the pre-trial process. JSMP observed that security at that time was very strict. In addition to the military personnel on guard, there were also a large number of F-FDTL members who were fully armed and in military uniform standing outside of the court.
Since the trial began, however, JSMP has not observed any of the F-FDTL leadership at the court, though several F-FDTL members have been present in the public gallery each day. Although these individuals were wearing military uniforms, they were unarmed. Only F-FDTL military police, and the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR), outside of the court, have been confirmed as armed. Since the first day of the trial, the F-FDTL defendants have been identifiable from their uniforms, as has the remaining PNTL defendant. Before each of the defendants enters the court vicinity, each of them is screened in turn by members of the F-FDTL Military Police to ensure no weapons are being carried into the court.
JSMP considers the present conduct of this trial to be a positive development, given both the F-FDTL and PNTL are cooperating to facilitate the trial and in doing so are indicating their support of the formal justice process in Timor-Leste. In terms of law enforcement, this is one of a number of positive signs starting to appear in the formal justice sector of Timor Leste.
Article 130 of the RDTL Constitution sets out the establishment and existence of a Military Tribunal in Timor Leste. However, until now this has not been possible due to a lack of human resources and supporting facilities. Therefore, all existing cases, including criminal and civil cases, are still being forwarded to the district courts.
In the future, it is to be hoped that the F-FDTL will examine internal options to transparently, and expeditiously bring their own to justice when necessary. Technical preparations within the military to guarantee domestic security must, of course, be balanced by appropriate mechanisms to ensure understanding of, and compliance with, human rights standards and the prevailing law. To this end, the F-FDTL may wish to consider training some among their ranks to take up positions as Military Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers.
Statements from some of the eleven F-FDTL defendants appear to claim that the shooting incident that resulted in the deaths of nine PNTL members arose from a command given by a F-FDTL Commander at that time. We await testimony from the witnesses who will be summoned before the court, to prove or disprove these and other allegations. The trial will continue on 1 October 2007 and begin to hear witness testimony. It is estimated that, due to the number of witnesses anticipated to be called, it will be at least one month before the court will be able to decide on its judgment.
For further information please contact: Timotio de Deus, Director, JSMP; E-mail: ; Landline: +670 3323883
Malai Azul 2
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Lorosa'e - Loromonu Conflict Study (Online Full Report)
ETAN – Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:09
Dear All,
If you are interested in reading the full report of: "Rethinking Timorse Identity as a Peace Buillding Strategy: Lorosa'e-Loromonu Conflict from a traditional perspective"
Please download a pdf copy from:
Thanks to John MacDougal to make this available.
Josh Trindade
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - 30 Sep 2007
Malai Azul 2
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UNMIT - Security Situation - Thursday 4 October 2007
This is a broadcast of the UN Police in Timor-Leste to provide you with information about the security situation around the country.
The security situation in Timor-Leste has been generally calm.
Earlier today in Dili, UNPol attended ten incidents, including two fights. One of the fights took place in the Mercado old market area, where ten youths were reported to be attacking each other using steel darts. They fled upon the arrival of the police. The other fight occurred in Bairo Pite, close to the Hong Kong hotel, where 20-25 youths were reportedly attacking each other with machetes. They too fled upon the arrival of the police. There were no injuries and no arrests in either incident.
The situation remained calm in Dili on Wednesday night and there were no arrests.
There were no reports of any security incidents taking place in the districts on Wednesday.
The Police advise to avoid travelling during the night to the most affected areas. Please report any suspicious activities. You can call 112 or 7230365 to contact the police 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Malai Azul 2
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Nós Por Cá Todos Bem!
Blog Timor Lorosae Nação - Quarta-feira, 3 de Outubro de 2007
Ana Loro Metan
A prazenteira notícia da paz
Tudo indica que a calma regressou a Dili para ficar, exceptuando uma zaragata ou outra por disputas de somenos importância, e o mesmo se pode dizer sobre como decorre a vida no resto do país.
Não fora as patifarias que os meninos de rua vão fazendo e a agitação quase não existia, mas sobre isso penso que já estamos mais que falados apesar de nunca ser demais dizer que ao olharmos para aquelas crianças e tenros adolescentes ficamos com a certeza da incompetência e alheamento com que os governantes deste país têm encarado o problema.
Agora que as “moscas” mudaram não se vislumbra solução adequada e tudo continua na mesma, só tendo melhorado porque os adultos parecem estar com mais juízo e não causam a agitação que embalava a criançada e os convidava a aproveitarem-se da confusão.
Aguardemos que esteja para breve a solução e que as escolas se ocupem destes iletrados e marginalizados jovens que merecem melhor sorte, melhores dirigentes e melhor país.
Notícias sobre Timor poucas ou nenhumas podemos ver na imprensa falada ou escrita. Aquilo que soa ou é impresso nos jornais indicia que o nosso dia-a-dia está calmo, felizmente.
Em conversa com uns amigos, apercebi-me de que a questão resvalou para o facto de “a calmaria significará que o governo está a governar e a solucionar as maiores premências dos cidadãos?”. Claro que as opiniões divergiram.
Enquanto que uns opinavam que isto era uma paz podre e que só não havia agitação porque o governo está a gozar do período de benefício da dúvida, outros afirmavam que a calmaria se devia ao facto de o governo estar a agir em segredo, a ocultar-nos as desgraças que nos está a preparar e que a curto prazo tempos muito duros sobrarão para todos nós, excepto para os privilegiados.
Evidentemente que aqueles que apoiam este governo defendem que tudo se deve ao governo governar bem, com base na essência e menosprezo pelo supérfluo.
Esta é vantagem de termos amigos de vários quadrantes políticos e sermos independentes, sem amos, nem cegas idolatrias.
O que for soará, como dizem em Portugal.
Apesar de as notícias neste país denunciarem uma rotina prazenteira não consideremos que lá por isso nada de relevante acontece.
Saído da rotina e de regresso rejuvenescido está o Presidente da República, Ramos Horta, que já estava fartinho de não frequentar as andanças da ONU, dos aglomerados de ministros, presidentes e magnatas. Esperemos que tenha arejado o suficiente para dinamizar o país e o calmo governo, seu eleito, de Xanana Gusmão.
Calmos, também estão os blogues sobre Timor-Leste.
Deu para perceber que aqui no TLN foi alimentada uma polémica sem pés-nem-cabeça - por via de uma teimosia entre dois dos nosso espectaculares leitores e comentaristas – relacionada com um grande vulto timorense: Ângela Carrascalão.
Desculpem lá! Mas o que importa se o Público paga ou não paga a Ângela Carrascalão? São coisas da privacidade de cada indivíduo e, no caso, também da empresa.
Directa como é, ela respondeu. E respondeu verdade. Ninguém fique com dúvidas!
Não quero armar-me em moralista mas sim opinar sobre este assunto. Desculpem ser tão sincera mas devo dizer-vos que me choca imenso quando leio comentários injustos sobre pessoas que não os merecem e disso tenho a certeza.
Era bom que fosse prestada a Ângela Carrascalão a atenção que merece e alguma vez soubessem reconhecer a importância que ela sempre teve na sociedade timorense. Esta SENHORA tem sido uma das mulheres timorenses injustiçadas relativamente ao desperdício das suas capacidades intelectuais.
Respeito, muito respeito!
Mais não digo, para não arranjar mais polémicas, mas proponho que todos nós meditemos muito bem naqueles e naquelas que em Timor-Leste têm sido preteridos só por não serem das cores partidárias do momento, independentemente de os não preteridos serem uns incompetentes, mas amigos do amigo de… Xanana, Alkatiri, Horta, Igreja… e por ai fora.
Não sei se aos outros acontece mas comigo isso é frequente: não conseguir parar de escrever. É que as ideias encandeiam-se e muitas vezes o poder de síntese vai-se embora.
Para ser sintética – até porque pouco sei sobre aquilo que vou referir – parece que Railos foi capturado e que irá ser presente a tribunal amanhã.
Entretanto, foram emitidos novos mandatos de capturado para Reinado. Apetece perguntar em quantos metros de mandatos é que já vão e quantos mais serão necessários?
Muito provavelmente isto não é só diz que disse porque dei uma olhada no Timor Online e as pequenas notícias estão lá. Pequenas, muito pequenas. Há espera de melhor desenvolvimento.
O que dispensa desenvolvimento – da minha parte - é uma conversa telefónica entre Longuinhos Monteiro, Leandro Isaac e Hermenegildo Pereira, pacientemente transcrita no Timor Online.
Não percebi como chegou a conversa ao referido blogue, porque não vejo referências e li tudo na diagonal, mas acredito piamente que corresponde à realidade.
Acho que não gostaria de voltar a abordar o assunto, por isso serei breve.
A conversa não é de “treta” e revela onde temos andado metidos.
Considerando-a uma conversa de nojo reconheço que só pode ser autêntica. Daqueles personagens não será de esperar outra coisa.
Têm sido exactamente personagens destes que nos têm transportado para dedicados oponentes dos actuais PR e PM.
Têm sido estes PR e PM que têm protegido - não vale negar - safados como Longuinhos Monteiro, que imerecidamente Horta, o Governo e o Parlamento mantêm como PGR, para além de Reinado, Leandro, Railos entre outros.
“Diz-me com quem andas, dir-te-ei quem és”, este um velho provérbio português.
“Diz-me quem proteges, dir-te-ei seu cúmplice ou mentor”, digo eu.
Sobre tudo isto noticias poderão surgir, mas que a paz fique entre nós.
Malai Azul 2
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Mais do mesmo...
Benevides: withdrawal of mandate to capture of Alfredo does not mean Alfredo will not submit himself to the justice
The Lawyer for Alfredo Reinado, Benevides Correia Barros said on Wednesday that the declaration of the president of the Court of Appeal, Claudio Ximenes calling upon all authorities to obey the law regarding to the mandate of capturing Alfredo Reinado, is incorrect.
According to Mr. Barros Mr Ximenes has misunderstood the situation because the withdrawal of the arrest warrant for Reinado does not mean that Reinado will not submit himself to the justice.
President José Ramos-Horta has stated that to solve the Reinado problem, military operations should be halted and the arrest warrant should be withdrawn. (TP)
Nota de Rodapé:
Ramos-Horta e Xanana Gusmão continuam com a falta de respeito pelos tribunais. Muito medo lhes metem Reinado e Railos.
Quanto ao advogado de Reinado, é melhor estar preparado. Quer os golpistas queiram quer não, Reinado vai a julgamento. Prepare-se, em vez de mandar palpites aos tribunais...
Malai Azul 2
A FRETILIN exige que se pare com a interferência política no caso de Railos
Comunicado de Imprensa
4 de Outubro de 2007
A FRETILIN congratulou hoje a prisão de uma figura chave do violento golpe do ano passado, e exigiu que o governo inconstitucional permita que a judiciária conduza a investigação e o julgamento sem que haja inteferência política.
Aniceto Guterres, Chefe da Bancada parlamentar da FRETILIN, afirmou que espera que uma completa investigaçao e o julgamento de Vicente da Conceição "Railos" possam indentificar as outras figuras chave da tentativa de golpe.
A Polícia das Nações Unidas (UNPOL) e a Polícia de Timor-Leste (PNTL) efecturam ontem a prisão de Railos, depois do Secretário Geral das FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri, ter dito na sexta feira passada, ao comandante da UNPOL, que caso a UNPOL não prendesse Railos, os militantes da FRETILIN iriam efectuar a prisão e entregá-lo desarmado à UNPOL.
A Comissão Especial de Inquérito das Nações Unidas recomendarem, em Outubro de 2006, que Railós fosse processado pelo seu papel de liderança no ataque à um quartel militar no dia 24 de Maio de 2006, no qual cerca de nove pessoas foram mortas, e pela posse, uso e movimento ilegais de armas.
Aniceto Guterres disse hoje que Railos foi preso com um mandato de captura emitido no dia 13 de Setembro de 2007.
Aniceto Guterres afirmou: "Railos pode andar livre por um ano, graças à protecção dada por líderes políticos séniores, incluindo (ex Presidente da República e actual Primeiro-Ministro do Governo Inconstitucional) José Alexandre Gusmão.
"Gusmão usou Railos durante a campanha política do seu partido, como co-cordinador, duante a recente eleição legislitava, onde Railós intimidou o eleitorado nos distritos de Liquiça e Ermera."
Guterres mencionou um relatório, feito pela Missão de Observadores Eleitorais da União Europeia (EU EOM), durante as eleições legislativas em Junho do corrente ano, no qual está declarado que: "Como ja havia sido dito na declaração preliminar, emitida após a segunda volta das eleiçòes Presidenciais, a EU EOM está preocupada com o envolvimento deVicente da Conceição, também conhecido por Railos, como coordenador de campanha do CNRT no distrito de Liquiça, apesar de ter sido recomendado para processo criminal pela Comissão Especial de Inquérito das Nações Unidas para Timor-Leste, criada para investigar os acontecimentos que conduziram à crise de Maio de 2006" (traduzido).
( )
Guterres disse também que: "A FRETILIN acredita que uma investigação completa e o julgamento de Railos irão ajudar a revelar os que se encontram por trás do golpe armado contra o Governo da FRETILIN. Foi o ataque de Railos às Forças Armadas de Timor-Leste, juntamente com os ataques contra o Estado, feitos pelo fugitivo Alfredo Reinado e Comandante Adjunto da PNTL Abilio Mesquita, que ajudaram a deitar abaixo o governo.
"No dia 27 de Setembro de 2007, a FRETILIN apresentou ao Parlamento Nacional uma cópia de uma carta (Guia de Marcha) assinada por, na altura, Presidente Xanana Gusmão e Comandante da PNTL Paulo Martins, que é agora um deputado do partido de Gusmão, datada de 29 de Maio de 2006, onde declarava que Railos e seu grupo estavam a efectuar "trabalhos oficiais",e que não deveriam ser impedidos de circular por todo Timor-Leste.
"Na altura, Railos e o seu grupo encontravam-se armados, e haviam participado num ataque contra as Forças Armadas de Timor-Leste, no dias 23 e 24 de Maio de 2006.
"O Guia de Marcha permitiu que Railos possuisse armas, apesar de o na altura Presidente Gusmão ter assinado um acordo a convidar as forças internacionais para Timor-Leste, e que todos os grupos deveriam ser desarmados, incluindo a polícia.
"Demonstra que Xanana Gusmão estava a usar Raio para alcançar os seus objectivos, de forma ilegal visto que como Presidente da República não tinha qualquer direito para permitir que Railos andasse armado. Isto é outro exemplo da forma de governação espalhafatosa de Xanana Gusmão.
"Essa Guia de Marcha permitiu que Railos intimidasse, de forma sistemática, o eleitorado nos distritos de Liquiça, Ermera e Bobonaro. Permitiu também que se encontrasse com uma equipa da emissora televisiva Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) e participou no programa Four Corners, que foi usado para transmitir acusaçòes falsas e difamatórias de que o ex Ministro do Interior Rogerio Lobato e o ex Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri haviam armado civis para eliminarem os seus adversários políticos.
"Como sabemos, as alegações de Railos eram falsas. As investigações não encontraram qualque evidência contra o Dr Alkatiri, e durante o julgamento de Rogerio Lobato foi-se descoberto de embora tenha armado civis, o seu objectivo era apenas de apoiar a polícia, visto que as instituições de Estado estavam sob ataques por rebeldes armados."
Para mais informações, contacte:
Jose Teixeira (+670) 728 7080,
Media release
4 October 2007
FRETILIN demands an end to political interference in Railos case
FRETILIN today welcomed the arrest of a key figure in last year’s violent coup attempt against the former FRETILIN government and demanded that the new government allow the judiciary to conduct the investigation and trial without further political interference.
FRETILIN’s parliamentary leader Aniceto Guterres said he hoped a thorough investigation and trial of Vicente da Conceicao, alias Railos, would identify other key players in the coup attempt.
United Nations (UNPOL) and Timorese police arrested Railos yesterday after FRETILIN General Secretary Mari Alkatiri told the UNPOL commander last Friday that if UNPOL did not arrest Railos then FRETILIN militants would do so and hand him over to UNPOL unharmed.
A United Nations Independent Special Commission of Inquiry in October last year recommended Railos be prosecuted for his role in leading an attack on an army barracks on 24 May 2006 in which as many as nine people were killed, and for “the illegal possession, use and movement” of weapons.
Aniceto Guterres said today Railos was arrested on a warrant issued on 13 September 2007.
Guterres said: “Railos has been allowed to go free for a year thanks to protection from senior politicians including (former President and now Prime Minister) Jose Alexandre Gusmao.
“Gusmao openly used Railos as his party’s campaign co-ordinator in the recent parliamentary elections where Railos intimidated voters in the Liquica and Ermera districts.”
Guterres pointed to a report by the European Union Election Observation Mission on the parliamentary election in June this year which stated that: As already stated in the preliminary statement issued after the second round of the presidential elections, the EU EOM is concerned with the involvement of Vicente da Conceição, a.k.a. Rai Los, as CNRT campaign coordinator in the district of Liquiçá, despite having been recommended for prosecution on criminal charges by the United Nations Independent Special Commission of Inquiry for Timor-Leste, created to investigate the events that led to the May 2006 crisis ( )
Guterres said: “FRETILIN believes a thorough investigation and trial of Railos will help reveal those behind the armed coup against the FRETILIN government. It was Railos’ attack on the Timor Leste army, along with attacks against the State by army fugitive Alfredo Reinado and Deputy Police Commander Abilio Mesquita which helped bring the government down.
“On the 27th of September 2007 FRETILIN tabled in parliament a copy of a letter from then President Gusmao and then police commander Paulo Martins, now a Gusmao-aligned member of parliament, dated 29 May 2006 which stated that as Railos and his group were undertaking "official duties", they were to be allowed to move unimpeded throughout Timor Leste.
“At the time, Railos and his group were armed and had just participated in the attack against the Timor-Leste army on 23-24 May 2006.
“The signed letter allowed Railos to possess firearms despite then President Gusmao having signed an agreement inviting international forces into Timor-Leste on the basis that all groups be disarmed including the police.
“It shows that Gusmao was using Railos for his own unlawful purposes because as President of the Republic he had no authority to allow Railos to be armed. This is another example of blatant contempt of the rule of law by Gusmao.
“This letter of safe passage allowed Railos to systematically intimidate voters in the Liquica, Ermera and Bobonaro Districts. He was also able to meet with an Australian Broadcasting Corporation television crew and participate in a Four Corners program, which was used to broadcast false and defamatory allegations that former Interior Minister Rogerio Lobato and Mari Alkatiri had armed civilians to eliminate political opponents.
“As we now know, Railos’ allegations were false. The investigation found no evidence against Dr Alkatiri and the trial of Rogerio Lobato found that while he did arm civilians, his purpose was to support the police when the institutions of state were under attack from armed rebels.”
For more information, please contact:
Jose Teixeira (+670) 728 7080,
Malai Azul 2
UNMIT – MEDIA MONITORING - Thursday, 04 October 2007
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National Media Reports
GNR and ISF to capture Railos
The GNR and International Security Forces (ISF) captured Mr. Vicente da Conceicao alias ‘Railos’ on Tuesday in Liquica district. Mr. Railos is alleged to have led armed civilians in an attack on the F-FDTL in Tasi Tolu during last year’s military and political crisis.
Mr. Railos is now in the preventive prison of Dili district with other five young men.
Longuinhos Monteiro, the Attorney General reportedly said that the arrest made by ISF and GNR based on evidence relating to the alleged trading of illegal weapons during last year;s crisis.
“The process of justice will be executed quickly” said Mr. Monteiro. (DN and STL)
MR. Railos was arrested pursuant to an arrest warrant issued on September 13, 2007 for his alleged role in the events of the 24th and 25th of May last year in Tasi Tolu.
UN, considers Railos arrest has legal base
The United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) has confirmed that Vicente do Conceicao, alias “Railos” was arrested early this morning at his residence near Liquiça.
He was arrested pursuant to an arrest warrant issued on September 13, 2007 for his alleged role in the events of the 24th and 25th of May last year.
Railos has been charged for violating Articles 338 and 55 of the Penal Code, related to homicide, and are expected to appear in Court in Dili later today.
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Timor-Leste, Mr Atul Khare, welcomed the arrest as a continued sign of the continued strong commitment of the authorities of Timor-Leste to implement recommendations of the UN Special Commission of Inquiry Report issued in October last year.
UN police officers, assisted by the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) and the International Security Forces (ISF) have been positioned in sensitive locations to maintain a calm situation. (DN)
Benevides: withdrawal of mandate to capture of Alfredo does not mean Alfredo will not submit himself to the justice
The Lawyer for Alfredo Reinado, Benevides Correia Barros said on Wednesday that the declaration of the president of the Court of Appeal, Claudio Ximenes calling upon all authorities to obey the law regarding to the mandate of capturing Alfredo Reinado, is incorrect.
According to Mr. Barros Mr Ximenes has misunderstood the situation because the withdrawal of the arrest warrant for Reinado does not mean that Reinado will not submit himself to the justice.
President José Ramos-Horta has stated that to solve the Reinado problem, military operations should be halted and the arrest warrant should be withdrawn. (TP)
International Media Reports
EAST TIMOR: Arrest of Railos welcomed by UN - 04/10/2007
04 Oct. 07Radio ABC News
Another high profile arrest has been made in East Timor in relation to violence which tore the small nation apart last year. "Railos" or Vicente da Conceicao is alleged to have led armed civilians in attacks against East Timor's military personnel. The clashes began within East Timor's fractious security forces, and spread to the broader community, resulting in 38 deaths and the displacement of more than 100,000 people. The crisis saw a renewed United Nations security presence and contributed to the downfall of the government of Mari Alkatiri. The latest arrest comes a year after evidence implicating Railos and others came to light.
There's been another high profile arrest made in relation to last year's deadly riots. "Railos" or Vicente da Conceicao is alleged to have led armed civilians in attacks against East Timor's military personnel in May. The crisis saw a renewed United Nations security presence and contributed to the downfall of the Government of Mari Alkatiri.
Presenter - Karon Snowdon
Karon Snowdon Speaker - Alison Cooper, spokeswoman for the UN mission in East Timor
Alison Cooper the spokeswoman for the UN mission in East Timor
SNOWDON: Railos has finally been arrested for his alleged role in the events of the 24th and 25th of May last year. Two months of mayhem starting in April erupted after 600 disgruntled soldiers were sacked by the government. Those two days alone in May saw 19 people killed including members of the army, the police force and civilians -some of them children - as attacks on the army were then followed by apparent reprisals. Railos, a former army recruit, is accused of leading a group of civilians armed with military weapons supplied by former Interior Minister Rogerio Lobato who is now serving a gaol sentence for his role. In evidence given to the UN commission of inquiry, Railos claimed then Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri was present at the meeting where the distribution of the weapons was discussed. Dr Alkatiri has denied the allegations or that he ordered the elimination of political opponents as was also claimed by Railos. I spoke to UN spokeswoman Alison Cooper after the arrest was made.
COOPER: The special representative of the Secretary General has welcomed the arrest. He sees it as a continued sign of the strong commitment of authorities in Timor Leste to making sure this judicial process, and especially a process that follows the recommendations of the UN special commission of inquiry report, which was issued in October last year.
SNOWDON: Yes it was October last year, so a lot of time has passed for these issues to finally be brought to book as it were. Is it disappointing it's taken so long?
COOPER: No I mean that's really something that the Office of the Prosecutor General would need to discuss.
SNOWDON: Phone calls to the prosecutors’ office were unsuccessful. Over the past months, various accounts of Railos had him either on the run or openly operating in his home town of Liquica for the past year. Given his role in accusations against former Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri he has become enemy no 1 of Alkatiri's Fretilin Party. Fretilin claimed Railos was actively campaigning on behalf of the opposition groups supporting Xanana Gusmao during this year's elections. Gusmao was ultimately elected and appointed Prime Minister. Yet East Timor remains in the grip of last year's crisis. International Security forces are on alert.
COOPER: Well the events over the past 18 months have shown that there is a volatility to the security situation in this country. There are security forces stationed across the country today, aware of the arrest that's gone on, and we believe that they will maintain calm.
SNOWDON: Many thousands of people remain in refugee camps, some have no homes to return to, others seem almost habituated to camp life. Last month the trial began in Dili of 12 defendents, mostly members of the army, charged over the shooting of unarmed police on the 25th of May last year in one of the most serious crimes during the crisis. And the other high profile fugitive, Alfredo Reinado - the former head of military police implicated in an attack in which five died - remains at large.
COOPER: There are still other cases within the report that the UN would like to see followed up. We're confident that they will be followed up. So today's arrest is significant and it's very much welcomed.
Timor Post (TP)
Radio Timor-Leste (RTL)
Suara Timor Lorosae (STL)
Diario Tempo (DT)
Diario Nacional (DN)
Televisaun Timor-Leste (TVTL)
Malai Azul 2
Australia sends new E Timor ambassador
Article from: AAP
October 04, 2007 05:36pm
THE Australian Government has appointed a long-time diplomat as the new ambassador to East Timor.
Peter Heyward will take up his position in January replacing outgoing ambassador Margaret Twomey who has been in the job since 2004.
Mr Heyward, a career diplomat, has been Australia's ambassador to Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela since 2005 and has held several overseas positions throughout his career.
His appointment comes at an important time in East Timor's development following last year's civil unrest and the presidential and parliamentary elections held earlier this year.
Australia still has approximately 850 defence force personal and 50 Australian federal police in East Timor, as part of the International Stabilisation Force, helping to maintain security following the violence in April 2006.
The Australian Government will increase aid to East Timor with a $214m package aimed at improving economic development, education and basic services with a particular focus on rural areas in the coming years.
Mr Heyward was born in Brighton in the UK in 1955, holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Tasmania, speaks Portuguese and Spanish, and is married with two children.
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
Independência dos tribunais em perigo
Tradução da Margarida:
Segue-se uma tradução livre da TVTL de ontem à noite no sumário das notícias de hoje (3.10.07):
"A Ministra da Justiça Lúcia Lobato afirmou que a lei Timorense permite que juízes internacionais exerçam funções judiciais em Timor-Leste, mas que "nós" avaliaremos a sua actuação. Os que não actuarem bem terão os seus contractos terminados."
Ela mostrou mais uma vez que não compreende a separação de poderes no país, a nem a noção do domínio da lei, muito menos a independência do sistema judicial. Isto é, é a Ministra da justiça que tem liderado os ataques em curso sobre sistema judicial e que está a interferir com o sistema judicial. A mesma que depois de ter ilegalmente tomado posse pelo Presidente se esforçou em intervir numa ordem do tribunal que autorizava um preso (Rogério Lobato) procurar tratamento médico urgente além-mar. Ela tentou usar a sua posição como ministra de facto para decretar à polícia e a funcionários da imigração para obstruírem e não executarem uma ordem legal do tribunal.
Numerosos deputados levantaram numerosas criticas por ter a intensão de interferir com o sistema judicia quando apontaram a proposta dela para "mecanismos para coordenação" em relação com a administração e o funcionamento dos tribunais e gabinetes dos procuradores durante o debate sobre o programa do governo. Agora podemos todos ver qual era a intensão dela.....que os juízes estão em risco de serem despedidos por não serem do seu agrado e que outros juízes mais do seu agrado e do agrado do governo renomeados ou nomeados.
Há mecanismos para assegurar a independência constitucionalmente mandatada da nomeação e supervisão dos actores judiciais. É chamada a Lei do Conselho Superior do Ministério Público. Ela deve lê-la.....bem como a Constituição e o livro dos conceitos Legais básicos enquanto está lá.
A justiça e o domínio da lei estão em sério perigo, se não já para além da salvação em Timor-Leste, se esta ministra ignorante da lei permanecer lá mesmo sendo ilegítima. Os estragos serão demasiados.
Malai Azul 2
Steve Bracks to work with giant KPMG
Herald Sun
Ellen Whinnett
October 04, 2007 12:00am
FORMER premier Steve Bracks has accepted a job advising KPMG on government affairs.
The auditing and accounting giant said yesterday Mr Bracks had been appointed to the firm's advisory board.
Mr Bracks, who resigned as premier on July 27, has also joined the board of insurance giant Jardine Lloyd Thompson Australia, and has been appointed vice-president of the advisory board of AIMS Financial Group.
The former school teacher has also accepted a post as an honorary professorial fellow at the arts faculty of the University of Melbourne.
The appointments come a month after Mr Bracks accepted a pro bono job as adviser to East Timor's new PM, Xanana Gusmao.
KPMG has won a number of State Government jobs in recent years, including doing an economic assessment of the 2006 Commonwealth Games.
Mr Bracks will work one day a week for KPMG. He started this week.
KPMG national chairman Michael Andrew said Mr Bracks was the second former premier to join the firm as an adviser. Former WA Liberal premier Richard Court is also on its advisory board.
Mr Andrew said Mr Bracks would be invaluable in helping KPMG to better serve clients.
"Clients will benefit from his deep knowledge of how government works and from his insights into strategic issues facing governments, particularly in the area of reform of Commonwealth-state relations and traditional public services,'" Mr Andrew said.
The company said Mr Bracks would help develop the leadership capacity and knowledge of government of young partners and staff at KPMG, along with strategic advice to the board and senior managers.
Mr Bracks, who got his degree at the then-College of Advanced Education at Ballarat, now linked to the University of Melbourne -- will chair public policy forums for the university.
A series of lunchtime lectures on topics such as the impact of climate change, the ethics of stem cell research and Australia's role in East Timor is being planned.
Malai Azul 2
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "