08/10/2008 11.38.56
Dili, 08 out (RV) - O Administrador Apostólico Emérito de Díli, dom Ximenes Belo, afirmou ontem, em Valongo, que Timor-Leste precisa de um diálogo verdadeiro para resolver seus problemas e aconselhou os dirigentes políticos locais a trabalharem mais por seu povo.
“Espero que as coisas se resolvam com diálogo e em paz”, disse dom Ximenes Belo, no final de palestra na Biblioteca Municipal de Valongo. “É preciso muita educação para que haja reconciliação, diálogo, paz e respeito pelos direitos humanos, e por isso vai levar tempo”, afirmou, insistindo sempre na necessidade de os dirigentes políticos locais dialogarem entre si.
Em seu pronunciamento, “Ecos do Oriente” o bispo abordou a situação da língua portuguesa no ex-território português: “Hoje, a implementação da língua portuguesa encontra muitos obstáculos, porque setores da sociedade timorense são contrários a seu uso”, advertiu. Além do português, uma das línguas oficiais do país, em Timor fala-se o tétum, o indonésio e o inglês, considerados ‘línguas de trabalho’ - explicou o bispo, que liderou a Igreja católica em Timor entre 1983 e 2002 e que recebeu o Prêmio Nobel da Paz em 1996, com José Ramos Horta.
Dom Ximenes Belo disse também que há insuficiência de professores, livros, rádios e de outros meios de difusão da língua portuguesa. Ao mesmo tempo, a boa notícia é que o governo timorense atual - anunciou - quer que até 2012 todos os professores usem a língua portuguesa nas escolas. (CM)
quarta-feira, outubro 08, 2008
Malai Azul 2
(International news reports and extracts from national media. UNMIT does not vouch for the accuracy of these reports)
Govt should reshuffle the cabinet now, says President of PSD - Suara Timor Lorosae, 7 October
Social Democrat Party’s President Mário Viegas Carrascalão said Monday(6/10) that it is now the time for the government of the Majority Parliamentary Alliance to reshuffle the cabinet as it has ruled for more
than one year.
“To my point of view, it is already more than a year and one year assessment would be enough to know who works well and who don’t,” said Carrascalão.
“Those who don’t work well should be substituted because there are a lot of capable Timorese out there,” he added.
Carrascalão stressed that it is the responsibility of the Prime Minister to reshuffle his cabinet.
He added there are some ministers who do not work well and if the reshuffle is done by the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister himself would fall down together with such ministers.
MP Adérito Hugo of CNRT said that reshuffle of cabinet is a normal thing in any government in the world and he thinks that it is also the right time to reshuffle the cabinet.
Meanwhile President of the National Parliament, Fernando de Araújo ‘La Sama’ said that it is the competence of the Prime Minister to reshuffle his cabinet.
F-FDTL – PNTL should avoid personal interest, says Brigadier Ruak - Timor Post, 7 October
Timorese Defense Force Commander, Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak has called on the country’s security forces, the Timorese Defense Force (-FDTL) and National Police (PNTL) to put national interest as their top priority, so that stability within the country could remain calm.
The commander said if both F-FDTL and PNTL’s works were strengthened and that stability of the country could be reached, people would move forward with the development.
Ruak therefore said the two country’s security forces ought to take responsibility by restoring peace and stability.
Ruak was referring to the current rumors mongering that there would be another petition makers appeared within the police force if the
Government would not appoint candidate from the country’s west.
He added during the recent meeting at the office of Foreign Ministry, he had spoken to the two security forces’ commanders and other officers to cooperate well and should prioritize national interest.
Zero tolerance to violence, says Defense Secretary - Suara Timor Lorosae, 7 October
East Timor’s Secretary of State for Defense, Júlio Tomás Pinto, said Monday (6/10) that the East Timor’s National Police (PNTL) will have a maximum collaboration with the East Timor’s Defense Force (F-FDTL) to guarantee the security for the forthcoming peace march and the two institutions will employ zero tolerance to violence during the march.
He also added that the government would not allow violence to happen from any group or any party as the people want stability in the country.
“I hope that the activity of the party will not negatively affect the stability of the country.
He also stressed that it is the responsibility of the party organizing peace march to ensure stability of the country and that the party has to work closely with law enforcement institutions in mobilizing the people for the peace march.
State secretary blames Manitoba Company over power outage - Timor Post, 7 October
State Secretary for Electricity, January Pereira, said the blackout of city power in the capital was the responsibility of the Manitoba
Company, because this company was the one that supplied fuel for the power.
The state secretary said the Manitoba Company had no proper policy in providing electricity to the residents in the Capital Dili.
Pereira denied the recent allegation by the MPs in the Parliament that the outage of power was 100% the Government’s fault.
“We cannot do anything, as based on the contract made by the former government with Manitoba Company, the government has no right to put hands into the works of the company,” He added.
Police in pursuit of an arson suspect: Police officer - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 7 October
Dili district police are currently chasing up a suspect who has set blaze to the internally displaced people’s camps in Matuana of Vilaverde, suburb of the Capital Dili.
Police officer, Alarico Cristovão said the police was currently investigating this case and would try to arrest the suspect.
Cristovão said they were little bit late responding the situation and the victims had escaped to safer places.
An IDP, Jose Henrique said he was shocked with the incident and asked the Government for a help by looking at problem they were facing.
He added the arson had left two wounded and they were now living in Audian with their relatives.
Immigration police officers detain foreign nationals - Radio Timor-Leste, 7 October
Timorese Police Operation Commander, Mateus Fernandes, said the police immigration officers have detained 28 of foreign nationals at the bars in the Capital Dili, because they have no proper travel documents and
involving in prostitution.
The commander said his police officers detained those foreign nationals, as they also missed used their visa for doing other things.
Fernandes added the suspects were currently being detained in the police station for investigation purposes.
Fretilin to mobilize mobs about 200.000 - Diario Nacional, 6 October
Deputy Prime Minister Jose Luis Guterres, said every citizen in the country had the right to express their opinions and hold rally, yet should follow the law being applied in the country.
Guterres was referring to Fretilin’s plan of mobilizing mobs to hold peace really in the capital Dili in the upcoming November.
According to information, Fretilin would mobilize 200.000 mobs throughout the country to hold long march urging responsibility of the Government led Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão during the office tenure.
“For me all people have the right to express their thoughts and hold long march as laws allow it,” Guterres said.
PNTL has not got official request from FRETILIN - Suara Timor Lorosae, 7 October
PNTL’s Operational Commander Inspector Mateus Fernandes said Monday (6/10) that up to date there is no official request from the Fretilin party to the PNTL in relation to the upcoming peace march.
“We see the issue as a rumor because there is no formal letter yet for us”, said Fernandes. He added that once they get the letter, the PNTL will call the organizing committee to decide on the venue for the march.
He explained that everyone has the right to demonstrate and the police are ready to provide security but it has to be in accordance with the applicable laws.
Meanwhile, Fretilin bench leader at the National Parliament Aniceto Guterres said that it is the responsibility of the government along with
PNTL and F-FDTL to ensure security for those who want to stage peace march.
However, he added that it is not correct for the government or any of security and defense institution to threaten people to attend such peace march.
Malai Azul 2
Marcha da Paz da FRETILIN
Artº1 da Constituição da RDTL diz o seguinte:
Artº 1 Konstituisaun RDTL hatete:
“A RDTL é um estado de direito democrático……….”
1. “RDTL estadu direitu demokrátiku…. “
Artº. 42 – Liberdade de reunião e de manifestação
Artº 42 – Liberdade ba halibur no halo manifestasaun
A todos é garantida a liberdade de reunião pacífica e sem armas, sem necessidade de autorização prévia.
1 Hotu-hotu iha liberdade ba halao reuniaun ho dame, la kaer kilat, no la presiza husu autorizasaun molok halao knaar ne’e.
A todos é reconhecido o direito de manifestação, nos termos de lei.
2. Hotu hotu iha direitu ba halo manifestasaun, tuir lei.
Artº 70 Partidos políticos e direito de oposição
Artº70 Partidus polítikus no direitu ba opozisaun
2 É reconhecido aos partidos políticos o direito à oposição democrática…..
2 Partidus polítikus iha direitu ba halo opozisaun…..
No noticiário da TVTL, em língua portuguesa, de 7 de Outubro de 2008, extraí o seguinte comentário de Sua Excia. o Presidente da República, Dr. Ramos Horta
“…se a alegada Marcha da Paz é para ser politizada, partidarizada, trazer novos receios, eu, como , Presidente da República, rejeito totalmente”.
Iha notisiáriu TVTL , iha lian tetun, tatoli iha loron 7 Outubro 2008, Prezidenti Repúblika, Dr. Ramos Horta, koalia hanesan ne’e:
“…atu halo Marcha de Paz, maibé atu sai fali Marcha Partidária, atu kritika IV governu nia konstitusionalidade, ne’e hau sei la simu…”
Tendo em conta as leis em vigor no nosso país , Sua Excia, o Presidente da República não tem o direito de proibir os outros cidadãos de expressarem as suas aspirações desde que façam nos termos da lei.
A FRETILIN é um partido político com maturidade política estando assim ciente da sua responsabilidade de cumprir as leis e de contribuir para a paz e a estabilidade no nosso país.
Espero que Sua Excia. reconsidere a sua posição tendo em conta as leis vigentes no nosso país.
Tuir lei ne’ebé iha iha ita nia rain, SuaExcia. Prezidente Repúblika la iha direitu ba hasai sidadaun sira seluk nia direitu atu ható sira ninia aspirasaun, bainhira halao tuir lei.
FRETILIN , partidu ida ho maturidade polítika ne’e duni hatene ninia responsabilidade atu hakru’uk ba lei no kontribui ba paz no estabilidade iha ita nia rain.
Hau hein katak PR sei rekonsidera nia pozisaun tuir lei ita nia rain nian.
Filomena de Almeida
Militante FRETILIN
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
JN - Xanana diz que não permitirá instabilidade
O primeiro-ministro timorense, Xanana Gusmão, afirmou, esta terça-feira, em Díli que não vai permitir "uma nova onda de instabilidade em Timor-Leste" como a crise de 2006. Xanana Gusmão referia-se à realização da Marcha da Paz, anunciada pela Fretilin, o maior partido da oposição, para data ainda não especificada.
"Vamos permitir que haja manifestação porque é um direito constitucional, mas estamos preocupados com o risco de uma nova onda de instabilidade", afirmou Xanana em conferência de Imprensa. "Não vou autorizar nova onda de instabilidade e era isso que queria dizer quando falei à população em Ainaro", no sudoeste do país, no passado dia 28 de Setembro, explicou o primeiro-ministro.
Xanana Gusmão foi acusado a semana passada pelo presidente da Fretilin, Francisco Guterres "Lu Olo", de ameaçar a população com "cadeia" se alguém viesse até Díli para participar na Marcha da Paz. Ontem, Xanana clarificou as suas declarações e o contexto em que foram proferidas. "Rejeito a acusação", respondeu o chefe de Governo. "Dirigi-me à população e aos grupos de artes marciais, como sempre fiz", disse.
Xanana acrescentou que a sua declaração foi deturpada e deu o exemplo de quando se dirige directamente a oficiais da Polícia Nacional. "É como quando eu digo aos inspectores que, se os apanho outra vez com pistolas nas lutas de galos, os mato a todos. É claro que não quero dizer que os vou matar, mas que os vou sancionar", explicou o primeiro-ministro.
Malai Azul 2
Timor - Literacy and governance - Bob Boughton reports
Bob Boughton, senior lecturer in Adult Education has just returned from Timor Leste where he goes regularly as a government consultant for their Adult Literacy campaign. While the campaign was showing signs of great promise Bob sees progress hamstrung by sudden switches in government policy on the administrative side of things. The campaign has gone backward since Xanana's AMP colition initiated a restructuring of the Public Service. Bob was also in Timor Leste when the Social Democrat party split, and announced its commitment to support Fretilin in the next elections.
Malai Azul 2
FRETILIN Statement in national Parliament: Opening of Gender Study Centre and International Rural Women's Day
Fretilin Media
Translation of Statement by FRETILIN Parliamentary Group Secretary, Josefa Pereira dos Santos MP, on the occasion of the Ceremony to Open the Centre for Gender Studies in the National Parliament, and International Rural Women's Day Celebrations, National Parliament,
Dili, 7 October 2008.
Mr. President of the National Parliament,
Distinct Members,
Invited Guests to this Parliament,
Dear Fellow Women Representatives of Sucos and Suco Councils,
All Guests invited to this Parliament.
FRETILIN would today like to express our appreciation to the efforts, which the National Parliament has made to establish the Centre for Gender Studies and also the opening of the International Day for Rural Women.
The whole world is dedicating this special day to rural women, but we hope that this does not merely become a theme for the calendar as "dead words" but that useful programs are implemented to improve the lives of women.
Despite having attained equality of rights before the constitution, many times women who make up to 75% of the population in rural areas in Timor-Leste, are still neglected, treated as an inferior class and are marginalized, are not given due importance for their existence; but many times their existence merely becomes a project to increase the interests of some groups.
FRETILIN in this parliament maintains the principle of the struggle for emancipation of the woman in all its aspects, which began in 1975 with the emergence of OPMT (Timor-Leste Womens' Popular Organization). Because of this FRETILIN welcomes all programs that contribute to the improvement of the rights and conditions of rural women.
It is true that rural women are yet to fully attain, know, to be informed of their rights. Their lives are in a pessimistic condition, in economic, social and cultural terms, and still exist under oppression from the patriarchic cultural system they live under. These are big challenges for the full implementation of the CEDAW Convention.
These practices have an extremely negative impact on their lives and on attempts to improve their lives.
This highlights the need to undertake studies and promote the participation of men in sharing the load in the everyday lives of the traditional family, starting from children at school, so as that we can put into practice what we term "Gender Equality".
Finally, FRETILIN, in this parliament, as a sovereign institution, we cannot just talk, but we have to actually do what is necessary to implement the CEDAW Convention. Because recently a serious allegation of sexual harassment by a fellow woman in her workplace. We demand that the Office of the Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality provide assistance to the victim to attain the justice she is entitled to.
All of us, men and women alike, express our support and solidarity for women in remote areas of our country, in the efforts to eliminating all forms of discriminations that presently persists in our communities.
Thank you.
Malai Azul 2
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "