JT deixou um novo comentário sobre a sua postagem "Taúr Matan Ruak , Futuro Presidente?":
Falar de TMR neste momento é tentar queimar qualquer possibilidade de ele se candidatar à Presidência.
Já aqui o disse há uns tempos e repito-o. Quanto menos se falar dele, melhor para ele.
O Ramos Horta ventilou o nome de muitos possíveis Primeiros Ministros para suceder a Mari Alkatiri. Queimou-os a todos para poder ficar ele. Não estará a fazer a mesma coisa para queimar já um sério concorrente?
sábado, janeiro 13, 2007
De um leitor
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
Sobre o comportamento marginal de polícias australianos da UNPOL
Retirado da conferência de imprensa da UNMIT de 11 de Janeiro de 2007
Cesar: How can people report on the misconduct of UN staff, in particular, the UNPol?
SRSG Atul Khare:
I hope that this is a hypothetical question, because I consider the conduct of all members of United Nations, UNMIT and particularly UNPol must be beyond any criticism. Not only are we here to assist the Government and the people of Timor-Leste, but we are here also to demonstrate by example of personal behaviour how a peaceful, democratic country should and can behave. I consider the duty of care towards the people as indeed one of the founding principles of any UN operation and as I have said before, if there is any complaint we would take the strictest possible action against it and institute mechanisms to ensure that it is not repeated.
There is a suggestion box, which has been placed just outside my office, and people can simply drop a letter in that suggestion box. They can also write to me directly by post, or they can send an e-mail. Finally, they can also register a complaint by phone. The phone number, which is the normal police number 112, can still be used. I again would like to stress that I trust, and I have full faith, that the question is being asked more out of curiosity rather than because of an actual case. But having said that, I would like to reassure that I would hold everybody, including myself, to the highest standards possible in the world for our personal conduct."
NOTA: Nesta data o RESG Atul Khare já tinha recebido e tomado conhecimento de várias queixas dirigidas contra polícias da UNPOL, nomeadamente de polícias australianos.
Também já teve conhecimento dos incidentes de ontem no bar Exótica: Australiana polícia embriagada paga a crianças para danificarem veículo.
Até agora nada foi feito e os polícias em questão continuam no activo.
Muitas queixas também tem sido apresentadas por deslocados que vivem nos campos, tendo inclusive o Presidente do Parlamento Nacional pedido um inquérito à actuação dos mesmos.
Estes elementos agem com uma arrogância própria de que se sente impune. Até quando, Mr. Atul?
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
Prince Mohamed Meets Timor Leste Minister, Attends Working Lunch
January 13, 2007.
Bandar Seri Begawan - HRH Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, yesterday morning attended an Asean Foreign Ministers' Meeting with Foreign Minister Jose Luis Guterres of Timor Leste, in Cebu, Philippines.
The meeting, held in preparation of Timor Leste's signing of the Treaty of Amity and cooperation in Southeast Asia, was one of a number of events taking place before Saturday's opening of the 12th Asean Summit.
His Royal Highness also attended a working lunch for the East Asian foreign ministers hosted by Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto G Romulo.
-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin
Malai Azul 2
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Australiana polícia embriagada paga a crianças para danificarem veículo
Ontem à noite um grupo de australianos (que mais tarde se verificou serem polícias australianos a trabalhar na UNPOL), provocaram distúrbios no interior do Bar Exótica, obrigando a uma intervenção de uma patrulha da UNPOL.
Ao sair para a rua, uma das mulheres polícias envolvidas nas provocações e agressões a outros clientes, chamou à frente de várias testemunhas as crianças que costumam estar no exterior do bar, deu-lhes dinheiro e apontou para o carro de um dos clientes que fez queixa dela.
De imediato as crianças correram para o carro batendo e dando pontapés no mesmo, a olhar para a mulher polícia que se ria, tendo sido afastadas por testemunhas que estavam no local.
Anteriormente a patrulha da UNPOL mostrou relutância em identificar esses elementos e só após várias insistências dos clientes, tomou nota das respectivas identificações, sem exigir a apresentação de qualquer documento.
Esse grupo insultou, agrediu e ameaçou várias pessoas que estavam no bar, incluindo timorenses e internacionais.
Quando o segurança do bar lhes pediu que abandonassem o local, gritaram que eram polícias e que não saiam.
Esse mesmo grupo de arruaceiros partiu depois num carro sem qualquer matrícula ou identificação, como já vem sendo hábito nos veículos em que se deslocam polícias, que apesar de pertenceram à UNPOL, não trazem qualquer identificação a não ser a farda da AFP.
Malai Azul 2
Notícias - 12 e 13 de Janeiro de 2007
AFP - January 13, 2007
Timor police chief quits
EAST Timor's police chief and his two deputies have resigned but no reason has been given, the interior minister of the troubled nation said today.
Interior Minister Alcino Barris said police commissioner Paulo Fatima Martins would however continue to work in the East Timor National Police (PNTL) force.
"(Martins) resigned as general commissioner but will still be working as a superintendent," Mr Barris said.
Deputy police chiefs Ismail Babo and Nuno Saldanha also resigned their posts but remained as inspectors.
"Even though they submitted resignation letters, they are still members of the police force and will still receive their salaries," Mr Barris explained.
The minister said he had no candidates lined up to replace the three.
East Timor's police force was pulled from the streets following violence in April and May last year after clashes between security force factions which quickly degenerated into street violence.
A commission has been re-evaluating all police officers to see whether they should resume duty or face disciplinary or judicial action in relation to the deadly violence.
"This is a gentlemanly act from a PNTL leader. He sacrificed his position to support the restructuring within the PNTL," Aniceto Neves from the National University of Timor Leste told AFP. "(His) resignation made the evaluation process easier," he said.
The unrest last year led to the deaths of at least 37 people and forced about 15 per cent of East Timor's population to flee their homes.
Stability has largely returned to the fledgling nation following the arrival of foreign peacekeepers and UN police and the installation of a new government in July headed by Prime Minister Jose Ramos-Horta, a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
AFP - January 12, 2007
ASEAN concerned at Timor violence
CEBU, Philippines - ASEAN has expressed concern at last year's deadly unrest in East Timor but still supports its application for membership, Foreign Minister Jose Luis Guterres said Friday.
"It's a fact that we will join ASEAN," Guterres told reporters after meeting foreign ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), saying Dili may join in three to five years.
He said the situation in the newly independent nation was now "very stable indeed" after 37 people died in clashes last April and May and more than 150,000 fled their homes.
Stability has largely returned following the arrival of foreign peacekeepers and the installation of a new government in July.
Guterres said it was natural for neighbouring countries to express concern at the violence. "We welcome this concern but we know also the situation in East Timor has stabilised."
He said ASEAN's 10 members unanimously supported East Timor's accession, to be signed Saturday, to the grouping's Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.
Last year's violence was not a factor in its membership application, the foreign minister said. "I haven't heard or seen any reservations from any country in ASEAN."
The attitude of former ruler Indonesia was "very favourable."
Guterres said the date of his country's membership depends on its own preparations and on whether current members think it is ready.
The foreign minister expressed confidence there would be no repeat of the violence.
"If you compare the death toll in the crisis of less than 50, in other countries more people die in accidents in a day. But whatever the number killed by violence, it is not acceptable to us. "We will do all we can to stabilise the situation and promote democracy, transparency, human rights and good government."
Charles Darwin University - 11 January 2007
East Timorese delegates learn more about weeds
Two East Timorese delegates, funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), arrived in Darwin on Monday to learn more about various weeds and measures used to control them. The two week visit, organised by the Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts (NRETA) and Charles Darwin University (CDU), includes a tour of the Weed Biological Control facilities at Berrimah Research Farm and several trips to some Top End sites during the next fortnight.
The people visiting are Mr Alao Alvares from the East Timor Ministry of Agriculture, Plant Protection Branch and Mrs Donata de Araujo from the National University of East Timor, Agriculture Faculty. Mr Acacio da Costa Guterres, also from the National University of East Timor, has received an ACIAR scholarship to research controlling Bellyache Bush with staff from CDU and assistance from NRETA staff. Bellyache Bush is a serious pest in East Timor and in the Top End. NRETA biocontrol officer Bert Lukitsch said this month’s planned indoor and outdoor sessions would not only focus on Bellyache Bush but other noxious weeds such as Sida and biocontrol measures used to prevent their spread.
‘During their time here, the East Timorese will learn various aspects of weed biocontrol, such as how certain insects we call biocontrol agents need to be reared, how they behave and during which point in their life cycle they are most robust,’ Mr Lukitsch said. ‘It is hoped that as capacity is built to learn and understand more about biocontrol agents, the East Timorese will be able to apply for permits to import the sida beetle (Calligrapha) or the bellyache bush jewel bug (Agonosoma) as both Bellyache Bush and Sida are common in East Timor with widespread negative impacts on their agriculture industry.’
CDU horticulture lecturer Tania Paul said a major invasive weed toxic to livestock called Chromolaena odorata, also known as Siam Weed, is the focus of the project in East Timor and staff from NRETA are scheduled to visit East Timor later this year to see the serious impacts of Siam Weed on agriculture and to learn about the weed. Gallfly, a biocontrol agent used in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, is being used to combat Chromolaena odorata in East Timor. ‘While Chromolaena odorata is not found in the Territory, it is found in north Queensland and East Timor and it would be impossible to guarantee it would never find its way to the NT,’ Ms Paul said.
‘This trip not only enables the East Timorese to learn more about our weeds control practices but to also prevent the spread of weeds within and beyond that country’s borders. ‘The East Timorese don’t have the facilities we do by way of laboratories so they need to manage biocontrol agents differently to us.’ Mr Lukitsch and Ms Paul said the current component of the ACIAR project had a strong spirit of co-operation between NRETA, CDU, National University of East Timor and East Timor Ministry of Agriculture. The current two week trip is part of a $327,384 three year ACIAR project called the Biological Control of Two Major Weeds Affecting Crop and Livestock Production in East Timor.
National Media Reports:
TP - Timor Post
DN - Diario Nacional
STL - Suara Timor Lorosae
RTTL - Radio e Televisao de Timor-Leste
UNMIT Daily Media Review - Thursday, 11 January 2007
National Media Reports
PR Xanana Gusmão held a High Level Meeting to discuss the UNMIT’s mandate in Timor-Leste
President of Republic Xanana Gusmão held a high level meeting with the Prime Minister Ramos Horta, President of National Parliament, Francisco Guterres Lu’Olo, and SRSG Atul Khare and some members of UNMIT on 10 January at the Palacio das Cinzas, Kaikoli, Dili. The meeting was aimed at overseeing the implementation of the UNMIT’s mandate in Timor-Leste. The mandate discussed covered several sectors including law and order, justice, security, and elections. This was the first high level meeting since the establishment of UNMIT and it was agreed to be held every week in the future. (STL)
PR Xanana Gusmão summoned the Director of STAE
The President of Republic Xanana Gusmão summoned the Director of STAE Tomas do Rosario Cabral and his member to discuss the preparation of the forthcoming elections. The issues discussed were the voters’ requirements, techniques of implementation of the elections, and the roles of three main players: STAE, CNE and the Court of Appeal that would process the presidential election. In addition, questioned on the calendar of the elections, Cabral said there was not any discussion on that issue but added that such a meeting with the PR Gusmão will be regularly held to discuss any further electoral preparatory activities. (TP)
Nelson Desiparu dos Santos becomes the new ambassador of Timor-Leste to the United Nations
Nelson Desiparu dos Santos has been sworn in and given a credential letter by the President Xanana Gusmão to be the new ambassador of Timor-Leste to the United Nations. Mr. dos Santos will be working in New York. He stated that his priority would explaning the forthcoming elections and obtaining continuous support from other countries for Timor-Leste. PR Xanana Gusmão also noted in his speech the importance of the ambassador’s post and its responsibilities. Therefore, in response to the president’s statement, Mr. dos Santos reportedly affirmed that in order to keep the confidence of the people of Timor-Leste, he would dedicate himself to the job. He promised to carry out the job responsibly and conscientiously in accordance with the Timor-Leste constitution.(STL, DN, & TP)
RTTL and TVTL news headlines
The second Day of Lobato's Trial
Yesterday was the second day of the trial of Mr. Lobato who is charged with heavy weapons distribution to the civilians. On the same day, witness Vicente Railos was asked to give his testimony. Railos’ declaration was considered to be true, based on the prevailing concrete evidences that the judges have. One such evidence is the text mesage of Mr. Lobato sent to Railos asking him to organize 2.000 people come to Dili to demonstrate their support to depose the Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri. The 3 hour court proceedings were guarded well by UNPol and the National Police of Timor-Leste. In general everything went well, with the supporters of Lobato standing near the court building.
The Visit of General-Commander of GNR to Timor-Leste
The General- Commander of the National Guard of the Republic of Portugal will visit Timor-Leste to see closely the growth of Timor Leste. The aim of the visit is to have a direct talk with GNRs who are in the field, to consult with the Government of Timor-Leste on how best GNR can help the re-construction of PNTL and to talk with UN who is responsible for the security in Timor-Leste. At the press Conference in Hotel Timor General-Commander Mourato Nunes also said GNR is prepared to provide training to the National Police of Timor-Leste.
The New Ambassador of Timor-Leste to UN
Yesterday at the Palace of the Ashes, the President of the Republic of Timor-Leste appointed Mr. Nelson do Santos the former Secretary-General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of RDTL to be the new Ambassador of Timor-Leste for UN. Mr. Santos is replacing Dr. Jose Luis Guterres who is the present Foreign Minister of Affairs and Cooperation of RDTL.
The Approval of Organic Law of STAE
The Council of Ministers approved the Law of STAE yesterday in a meeting of Ministers. This Organic Law of STAE was presented by Minister Statal and Dr. Ana Pesoa. This organic law will empower the STAE to work according to the following orientations: STAE will organize the registration process before the election, STAE will organize the process of Election and to support the National Commission of Election of Timor-Leste to run the election.
High Level Meeting of the leaders of the country
Yesterday in the Palace of Ashes a high level meeting took place between the President of Republic, the Speaker of the National Parliament, the Prime Minister, the SRSG Atul Khare and other key leaders of the country. The Chief of Staff of the President of Republic Mr. Agio Perreira said that the meeting was very important to discuss some vital issues for the country. He pointed out that some issues such as the Political situation, security concerns, justice matters, economic developments would be discussed at the meeting. This high level meeting will continue to take place every week.
UNMIT Daily Media Review - Friday 12, January 2007
National Media Reports
PR Xanana Gusmão and PM Ramos Horta discuss the elections
Speaking to the journalists, the chief of the presidential cabinet, Agio Pereira reportedly informed that both President Gusmão and Prime Minister Ramos-Horta discussed the government’s policy and the situation of Timor-Leste towards both presidential and parliamentary elections. The PR Gusmão informed that he had summoned the Director of STAE to discuss the preparation of the elections and meet with some of the political parties to discuss the same matter. Similarly, the PM Horta shared the information on the plan of Timor-Leste to be the member of ASEAN, which the government of Timor-Leste would sign soon. Hence, as part of this plan, PM Horta and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jose Luis Guterres reportedly would attend the ASEAN summit in the Philippines next week. (DN, TP, and STL).
The Case of Rogerio Lobato is considered to be a crime: Pe. Martinho Gusmão
Speaking to journalists about Rogerio’s trial, Pr. Martinho Gusmao, the Director of the Commission of Justice and Peace in the Baucau Diocese said that the case of Mr. Lobato was considered a crime against human rights and against humanity. Pe. Gusmão said the judiciary system in Timor Leste did not work well and Lobato’s case would be the benchmark for justice in the countrym adding that putting Mr. Lobato in jail would be a miracle. He emphasized that justice should be implemented not only for common people but also for the leaders. Furthermore, if Mr. Lobato was sentenced, it meant justice was in place already. So, we should not extend our support for someone like Rogerio Tiago Lobato, he said and adding that Fretilin supporters who came to support Mr. Lobato should not defend any perpetrator like Lobato. (TP
Implementation of Military Compulsory Law is too early in Timor-Leste: Pe. Gusmão
Pe. Marinho Gusmão, Director of Commission of Peace and Justice of the Baucau Diocese said that compulsory military service would regulate the individual or groups that want to violate the law and order in this country. However, Pe. Gumão proposed that such a law was not yet sustainable and requested the Parliament to delay the aforementioned law. In addition, Julio Tomas Pinto, an East Timorese military and political analyst also reportedly suggested to the Parliament to take a consensus on the law of military service, military disciplinary, and Law of Defense Policy instead of discussing the Military Compulsory Law. (STL, DN, and TP)
The weekly meeting of the President of the Republic and Prime Minister
Preparation for the coming national election was the main agenda item for the weekly meeting of the President Republic Xanana Gusmao and the Prime Minister Dr. Ramos-Horta. The two leaders of RDTL are trying to agree the date for the National Election for the President of Republic and members of Parliament before Mr. Xanana will hold a consultative meeting with other leaders of the country, said Mr. Agio Perreira the Chief Cabinet of President Republic. Mr. Agio stressed that the President of Republic has the constitutional right to determine the date for the national election but he also has a constitutional obligation to consult with members of the Council of State as well as the leaders of Political parties in the country. At the same meeting the two leaders have discussed the development of the political situation and other priority programs for the nation.
The Third day of Lobatos' Trial
On the third day of Lobatos' trial, the court presented the witness named Antonio da Cruz. Mr. Da Cruz supplied evidence to support the position of Mr. Railos and accused Mr Lobato of distributing weapons to the civilians. Mr Da Cruz sited dates and places where he was ordered by Mr. Lobato the former Minister of Interior to deliver weapons to the civilian groups. He said, on 20 August 2006, he received an order to deliver 10 weapons to one civilian group in the Indonesian Cemetry at Liquica. Mr. Lobato also asked Da Cruz to keep it a secrete from others including the commander of the PNTL Paulo Martins.
Commission B of NP meets the representatives from the Church
Yesterday the commission B of the National Parliament held a consultative meeting with the representatives of the Catholic Church, and the political and Military observer Julio Tomas Pinto to discuss military law. The aim of the meeting was to clarify the doubts of the Catholic Church on some articles in the draft military law. The representatives of the Church pointed out that one article regarding the provision of obligatory military servicefor young Timorese. They said that compulsory military service for the young people is not realistic because so far, there is no military personnel who can be an example to be followed. Through the persons of Fr. Martino Gusmao and Fr. Agustino Soares, theChurch also suggested a few important concerns including: the military personnel must be free from political affiliations, there must be transparent and equal promotion in the military and they must create an environment where everybody can respect each other and develop a sense of nationalism and belonging.
Minister Arsenio Bano meets IDPs Representatives
The Minister of Labour and Community Reinsertion Arsenio Bano held a meeting yesterday with the representatives of IDPs. The intention of the meeting was to seek the solution to the provision of humanitarian assistance. Mr. Bano stressed that it is already time for the Timorese to be together and stop hatred and violence. Mr. Bano also said that there are 484 families returning to their home districts. Most of the returnees are from the IDP camps in sea port, airport and National Hospital Guido Valadares and returning to the districts, Baucau, Lospalos and Viqueque.
Transcript of UNMIT Press Conference
Date: 11th January 2007
Venue: UNMIT Conference Room B
Speaker: SRSG Atul Khare
Topic: Update on activities over the past week
UNMIT Spokesperson Allison Cooper:
Good morning everybody. Thank you for coming to our weekly press briefing. This morning we will be hearing from SRSG Khare who will give us an update on activities of interest to the United Nations over the past week.
SRSG Atul Khare:
Thank you to all of you for coming here today.
This week we have seen the beginning of the trial of the former Minister of Interior Mr. Rogerio Lobato, and co-accused. First and foremost, I would like to stress that I do not have any opinion on Mr. Lobato’s guilt or innocence. He has four charges against him and it will now be up to the judicial system – the Courts - of Timor-Leste to preside over the trial and to decide upon the outcome. So, what I will comment upon is what is the mandate of UNMIT which has been given to us by the Security Council Resolution 1704 namely the situation for the security in so far as the trial is concerned.
UNPol, through the Police Commissioner Mr. Rodolfo Tor and my Deputy Special Representative for Security Sector Reform and the Rule of Law Mr. Eric Tan Huck Gim was requested to provide security for this trial around the courtroom and of course to provide protection for the witnesses, as well as the accused. We have of course provided the security support and also the protection for the witnesses and the accused.
I am particularly delighted that the Timorese people have maintained calm and there has been no violence. I would like to take this occasion to underline that while of course every citizen has a right to an opinion, and to publicly voice that opinion, no citizen - here or in any other country - has the right to violence.
The peaceful manner in which the trial is proceeding is a very encouraging sign, if we compare today’s situation regarding security in this country with the events of April/May 2006. If we continue together on this path, I am convinced that the long term goals of peace, security, political maturity and indeed the creation of a country which is democratic and devoted to accountable and responsive governance working for the uplift of its people would be realised in Timor-Leste. The United Nations will of course monitor the trial, and observe the trial, as it does with all relevant court proceedings, from a human rights point of view.
On a different issue, this Monday, the 8th of January, along with my Police Commissioner Mr. Rodolfo Tor and Chief Military Liaison Officer Colonel Graeme Williams, I accompanied the Prime Minister His Excellency Dr. Jose Ramos Horta to the Western Border to visit four Junction Points – Junction Point F in Suai, Junction Point Charlie, Junction Point Memo and of course the Junction Point Alpha in Motain.
We were also accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister Engr. Estanislau Da Silva, Minister for Interior Mr. Alcino Barris and the F-FDTL Commander General Taur Matan Ruak. The Prime Minister and his accompanying ministers stated that more efforts would be undertaken by the government to improve the support in the Border Junction Points in terms of logistics and technical requirements for the agencies including the BPU, which are present at the Border Junction Points. Further training will be provided to the Border Patrol Unit by UNPol, as indeed is being provided by UNPol to other members of the PNTL.
Finally the last point that I wanted to talk to you relates to the exhumation and autopsy of a body in Viqueque. You will remember that nearly three weeks ago, just after my arrival, I had spoken to you about an alleged death by firearm that lead to a young man dying in a gang fight in Dili on 17th of December. I had requested the family, through you – through the media – to cooperate with the autopsy, and I would like to take this opportunity, through you, to first and foremost thank the family for their cooperation. I would also like to, once more publicly record my gratitude to His Excellency Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta Prime Minister of Timor-Leste and to the Minister for State Administration Dr. Ana Pessoa and of course other officials of Timor-Leste for their advice and support that we received from them in conduct of this autopsy.
The body was exhumed last Thursday, about one week ago. The exhumation and the autopsy was carried out, as you are aware, following an order issued by the Office of the Prosecutor on 20th of December. It took some time to implement that order because we wanted to do it in a manner which was sensitive and which respected the cultural sensitivities and the demands of the family. After the exhumation of the body last Thursday, the autopsy was completed on Friday and Saturday, and the body has now been reburied with respect in Viqueque again.
As I have said earlier, the autopsy report is the property of the Prosecutor General of Timor-Leste and I believe he will be taking further actions in this matter. I have requested the Prosecutor General to make the findings of the autopsy public as soon as possible. However, yesterday the Prosecutor General told me, in a meeting that I had with him, that there is nothing to indicate that the cause of death of Mr. Sebastiao Pinto was related to a firearms or a bullet injury. I repeat what the Prosecutor General told me yesterday: there is nothing to indicate that the cause of death of Sebastiao Pinto is related to a firearms or bullet injury.
Thank you and I will be very happy to take any questions.
Question and Answer session:
Cesar from Kyodo news. I was in the court this morning and the concern of provision of protection to witnesses was mentioned. What do you think about it?
SRSG Atul Khare:
I am not aware of what has happened in the court today morning, so I would not wish to comment on a court proceeding. But as I told you, UNPol has been providing protection to the witnesses and the accused and if there are further directions from the court, certainly these directions will be implemented.
[Cesar: Given that the court might ask you to provide this service, will you do it?]
SRSG Atul Khare:
I would not like to answer a hypothetical question. I would wait to see what the Court directs us to do.
[Cesar: Are you also aware of threats to witnesses?]
SRSG Atul Khare:
We are aware of threats that have been received by some witnesses and also a co-accused. I would not like to comment upon individual cases but people are aware of what I am talking about. These threats have been received; some damage to property of a witness has also taken place including damage resulting from firearms.
It will be the continuous effort of UNPol to ensure that the trial can proceed in the smoothest manner possible, particularly because I believe that a conduct of a fair and free trial would also help in restoring the confidence of the people in the judicial system. And I would like to take this opportunity to again stress my conviction that justice has to prevail; it is an essential precondition for reconciliation and I trust that not only this trial but other trials which are required would also take place in the near future.
All branches of UNMIT and the United Nations will be ready to support in whatever manner possible, for example, UNPol with providing security or other branches of UNMIT and UNDP with providing assistance for the development of the judicial sector to ensure that rule of law can prevail. And finally, I do believe that people of Timor-Leste want justice, and I trust that they will cooperate by maintaining peace and calm during all the judicial proceedings.
What has happened to the attackers of Railos.
SRSG Atul Khare:
Investigations are still continuing on those people who attacked the house of Railos, but separately as you might be aware, that security and protection is being provided to Railos. He was brought here with the protection of UNPol and now I believe that he has returned back but still the protection of UNPol continues to ensure that nothing undesirable happens to him.
Cesar: How can people report on the misconduct of UN staff, in particular, the UNPol?
SRSG Atul Khare:
I hope that this is a hypothetical question, because I consider the conduct of all members of United Nations, UNMIT and particularly UNPol must be beyond any criticism. Not only are we here to assist the Government and the people of Timor-Leste, but we are here also to demonstrate by example of personal behaviour how a peaceful, democratic country should and can behave. I consider the duty of care towards the people as indeed one of the founding principles of any UN operation and as I have said before, if there is any complaint we would take the strictest possible action against it and institute mechanisms to ensure that it is not repeated.
There is a suggestion box, which has been placed just outside my office, and people can simply drop a letter in that suggestion box. They can also write to me directly by post, or they can send an e-mail. Finally, they can also register a complaint by phone. The phone number, which is the normal police number 112, can still be used. I again would like to stress that I trust, and I have full faith, that the question is being asked more out of curiosity rather than because of an actual case. But having said that, I would like to reassure that I would hold everybody, including myself, to the highest standards possible in the world for our personal conduct.
We have received some Information that there are some illegal groups in Ermera that are trying to create disturbances. Have you heard anything about this information?
SRSG Atul Khare:
Unfortunately I have not yet received this information, but now that you have given it to me I will make enquiries and ask the Police Commissioner to make appropriate enquiries in the matter. And I would again request a two-pronged activity on part of all Timorese - firstly, when you get such information, as I have requested earlier, please inform the police - there are several numbers that can be used including the number 112. They will respond quickly.
And secondly, not to believe in rumours which sometimes circulate in this country. For example, just to cite one incident, yesterday night UNPol received two calls about some destruction of property and threats in out lying areas of Dili. Very quickly the police responded on both occasions and the information that I have received this morning leads me to believe that the quick response during nigh time by the police was a major factor in helping to calm the situation immediately.
And that is why I would again, as I said, request that a) whenever you get information, please pass it on to the police and b) wait for the police to attend; they will attend the situation quickly and do not unnecessarily feel too much worried. I can understand that people are concerned and worried, but they should rest assured that we will try to provide the maximum security throughout the country.
If there no other questions; I find very strange that I do not get any questions from women journalists in the last four meetings, and I trust that the gender balance in the questions coming from journalists will be restored soon.
Thank you.
Malai Azul 2
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Malai Azul 2
Local newspaper news today:
*Timor Post, January 12, 2007 (translated from tetum)
The sub-village chief of Ermera Vila, Armindo Soares rejected the rumour of the terror to the population of Major Alfredo with his group when moving from Suai to Ermera. However, he declared it in a contradiction that Major Alfredo did not arrest him. He rejected the false information in a few days ago, he said. Major Alfredo called him as the sub-village chief in Ermara Vila to ask for the confirmation over the romour that the sub-village chief did propaganda that Major Alfredo and his group came to Ermera to terrorize and threaten and, arrest the people in Ermera Vila, he added.
*The trial for the case of allegation of illegal guns distribution to the civilians
Witnesses declare to obey the order of Rogerio (Translated from Tetum)
*Timor Post, January 12, 2007
The trial for the case of allegation of illegal guns distribution to the civilians of the accused Rogerio Tiago Lobato on January 11 that comes to the third day, to hear the declaration from the three witnesses who were the leaders of PNTL with the level of inspectors. There were
Inspector Antonio da Cruz, the Commander for Border Control Police, Inspector Basilio de Jesus, the Commander for logistic and finance of PNTL and the Chief of army warehouse at PNTL HQ, Miguel de Deus. Antonio told to the court that he delivered the guns to the Railos' civilian group was to obey the order of Interior Minister Rogerio Tiago Lobato at that time. He was asked to hand over the guns to the Railos' group in the Indonesian military cemetery of Pilila of Liquica district via mobile phone of the accused of Rogerio as the Interior Minister ordered him on May 8, 2006. .
*Law for pension vitalization
Fr Martinho: Veterans work for 24 years but get nothing (Translated from Tetum)
*Timor Post, January 12, 2007
The director for Justice and Peace for Baucau Diocese, Fr Martinho Gusmao, said, "my conscious was not able to stand for the law for pension vitalization if the people who worked for 24 years but get nothing." The law for pension vitalization for ex-PN approved already, people may accept it however it can not yet solve many cases, morally it has a question, meant that many people worked for 24 years with all willing and works, moral obligation and now they are veterans, ex-prisoners, there was no compensation to their work, he said. He said his from B commission after finishing the audience for the defense and military issues on January 11.
Malai Azul 2
1 comentários
Fonte: Parlamento Nacional
Segunda-feira, dia 15 de Janeiro de 2007, as 10h30 no Parlamento Nacional, terá lugar a cerimónia de tomada de posse dos membros das Comissão Nacional de Eleições.
Participam na cerimónia Sua Ex.cia o Presidente da RDTL, Sua Ex.cia o Primeiro Ministro, Sua Ex.cia o Presidente do Tribunal de Recurso, os Membros do Governo e o Corpo Diplomático.
Malai Azul 2
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "