PR Xanana dá cara ao Golpe em curso e quem mobiliza a "população" é Secretário Geral do PD... conta com apoio dos peticionários, G. Salsinha, Tara, Marcus, Reinado e Railos...
Xanana esteve este tempo todo, (o silêncio durante a crise), orquestrar este momento...
Por isso, para dar início ao golpe, em vez de tocarem a canção "Grândola Vila Morena", substituiram-na por uma mensagem longa em Tetum 24 antes. Está tudo perfeito...
Os australianos amanha ficam nos quarteis... vão ver! Quando a confusão reina nas ruas de Dili Xanana será transportado para Austrália para se juntar a mulher e os filhos.
Xanana tinha saudade aqueles momentos em que mandava mensagem ao Fernando para organizar manif nas ruas de Jakarta e agora estão a faze-lo contra governo do seu próprio país.
Quando puderem, pedem as igrejas para tocarem sinos e música de "requiem".
sexta-feira, junho 23, 2006
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Malai Azul 2
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Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
1 comentário:
Paul Wolfowitz: World ready to aid damaged Dili
June 23, 2006
EAST Timor faces a difficult path. At least 65,000 people remain displaced in the capital, Dili, and another 78,000 have left for the districts. Not only have many houses once again been burnt and thousands of people forced to flee their homes, but confidence in the institutions of the state, including the police and the armed forces, has been badly shaken.
Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Portugal moved quickly to send forces to help restore peace in East Timor. But the speed and strength of East Timor's recovery depends almost entirely on the people and the leaders of this first new country of the 21st century.
The people of East Timor, having shown so much courage and suffered so much in the past, should not face new suffering due to internal conflicts. East Timor has requested the UN to establish a commission of inquiry into the violence.
This is an important first step. Timorese society needs to draw a clear line to signal that resolving conflicts by violent means is not acceptable in their new democracy.
Healing the wounds of this crisis will be a substantial challenge. An inclusive approach to recovery is needed, one that builds bridges among the presidency, the government and key institutions such as the church. Now is a time to put aside partisan political interests; a time for East Timor's leaders at the national and community level to work together to heal society's divisions and chart a way forward in the interests of the country as a whole.
Reflection among East Timor leadership and society on what has led to this crisis is important. The international community must also evaluate its efforts and make the changes needed to our assistance programs. We cannot go back to business as usual. A new understanding between East Timor and the international community is needed to address the causes of the conflict and support long-term peace-building.
East Timor can recover. It surprised the world in the past six years by the way it recovered from traumatic history. The accomplishments of recent years must not be lost. Some Timorese public institutions, such as the health and social protection agencies, are playing a critical role in catering to the humanitarian needs of the population, a role that would have been unimaginable in 1999 when the state had collapsed. And for the long term, a well-governed Petroleum Fund is in place that ensures revenues flowing to the country from Timor Sea gas reserves are transparently managed for generations to come.
East Timor's citizens have learned new skills and capacities in the past six years that will stand them in good stead to face the challenges ahead. All actors in East Timor need to take responsibility in following through on this chance for peaceful recovery. The World Bank, along with the rest of the international donor community, stands ready to assist in any way we can. This chance for a united approach to peace and recovery may not come again.
Paul Wolfowitz is president of the World Bank.
Como dizia o Zeca: "No céo cinzento sobre o astro mudo/batendo as asas pela noite calada/vêm em bandos com pes de veludo/chupar o sangue fresco da manada/eles comem tudo/eles comem tudo/eles comem tudo e nao deixam nada.....
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