Acabámos de descobrir um comunicado em língua inglesa, caído à porta do Porto de Díli (onde está o comando australiano), o qual vos damos em primeira-mão já traduzido:
Abaixo o Howard! Viva o Downer!
Somos um grupo de soldados australianos que exigimos a imediata demissão do primeiro-ministro Howard. Ele mente. Timor-Leste está em guerra.
E nós temos provas. Desde que chegámos ainda não desarmámos rebeldes, desertores nem bandidos comuns. Estes movimentam-se impunemente pelo país, e ainda agora as televisões mostraram como estão do nosso lado em em Ermera e em Maubisse, onde nos arranjaram uns quartitos na pousada.
Exigimos o aumento imediato da nossa diária equiparada ao Iraque e os respectivos retroactivos! Ameaçamos desarmar todo o contigente caso as nossas exigências não sejam cumpridas. Apoiamos um governo de transição liderado pela Rainha e pelo Downer!
Demissão imediata do Howard, já!
Assinado: John Little Parsley (João Salsinha)
4 comentários:
Fabuloso! Parabens!
Excelente, para desanuviar....Um dia destes ainda temos guião para uma stand up comedy ou algo dentro do genéro... ainda bem que o blog mantém a linha humorística inicial.
I am another Australian Defence Force officer. I joined the ADF because I believed in missions which Australia was leading to places like Cambodia where we were doign the work of the UN and doing it well. I have served under great COs, Maj Gen John Sanderson and Peter Cosgrove.
I have felt like my countries politicians have had no balls in this latest mission in Timor-Leste. I feel that in comparison to 1999 we have lost alot of credibility amongst the Timorese. I speak tetun and can get that from discussions with them. People ask me why we are protecting a man who shot a Falintil Veteran in cold blood.
I say, I dont know. I am just following orders.
Malai Ulun Bokon (my Tetun nickname: Foreigner with wet head)
Someone should ask why the F-FDTL veterans shot civilians in cold blood in -Taci-tolu?
They will certainly answwer:
We don't know! We were just following orders!
Terça-feira, Junho 13, 2006 10:41:40 AM
Anonymous said...
"Someone should ask why the F-FDTL veterans shot civilians in cold blood in -Taci-tolu?"
Excuse-me, Mr/Mrs/Ms Anonymous Junho 13, 2006 10:41:40 AM! I think I should correct your word, alias, your sentence: "Someone should ask why F-FDTL itself (not F-FDTL veterans) shot civilians in cold blood in "Taci-tolu" or "Raikotu"?
They will certainly answer: "We don't know! We were just following orders!"
Seeing and analysing this answer, one might say: "Oooooh! I see! They had done that because of their moral-councience misfunctioned..."
Terça-feira, Junho 13, 2006 1:30:56 PM
Anonymous said...
correction accepted;
For some reason I feel that whoever gave the "order" for "their moral conscience to misfunction" is in a lot of trouble!
Lets wait and see if there is any morality left on their part to own up to their responsabilities whomever they may be.
Terça-feira, Junho 13, 2006 2:35:24 PM
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