(Tradução da Margarida)
Artigo de: The Australian
Por Stephen Fitzpatrick e Mark Dodd
Fevereiro 28, 2007 01:00am
O lider militar desertor de Timor-Leste Alfredo Reinado ameaçou defender-se a ele próprio "até à morte " de um posto pesadamente armado da cidade do centro, Same, onde estava ontem cercado pelas tropas SAS Australianas.
"Não cometi nenhum crime contra a Austrália ou contra a comunidade internacional, nunca ameacei a vida de nenhum internacional – os criminosos reais são os líderes do nosso Governo," disse o Major Reinado, que ainda mantém a comissão nas forças armadas do país mas também enfrenta acusações de homicídio sobre a violência que varreu Timor-leste o ano passado.
É acusado de liderar um ataque contra soldados leais (ao governo) em 23 de Maio que deixou cinco mortos e 10 feridos.
O antigo responsável da polícia militar e treinado pelos Australianos fugiu esta semana do seu esconderijo na região das montanhas no leste em Ermera para outro local no distrito vizinho de Same, de onde falou para The Australian por telefone ontem.
Negou afirmações de que tinha roubado 25 espingardas de assalto da guarda de fronteira Timorense, dizendo que as armas de fogo tinham sido “emprestadas” por colegas polícias no fim-de-semana para que pudesse proteger-se depois de relatos que havia contratos para o matarem.
Um porta-voz da ADF disse que tropas Australianas estavam "a trabalhar de perto com o Governo de Timor-Leste depois de um pedido do Presidente para prenderem Reinado ". E uma fonte diplomática de topo com base Dili disse que os "especialistas estão cá ", referindo-se aos SAS.
Mas o major Reinado, que liderou uma fuga de 57 homens da prisão de Becora em Dili em Agosto, negou ter fugido para Same depois de saber que havia movimentações para o prenderem antes das eleições presidenciais de 9 de Abril. "Fugir não é o meu estilo. Vim para aqui para passar umas férias, para relaxar e muitos dos polícias de Timor-Leste juntaram-se a mim porque é um gang divertido," disse.
Negou que tivesse ameaçado matar tropas Australianas se tentassem prendê-lo mas emitiu uma ameaça velada que tem a intenção de se auto-defender contra qualquer ataque. "Só me entregarei à minha própria gente, ao meu próprio sistema de justiça," disse. "Não entregarei as minhas armas. Posso morrer amanhã, em qualquer altura, mas resolve isso qualquer problema?"
O envolvimento dos SAS segue-se a um discurso televisionado para todo o país esta semana do Presidente Xanana Gusmão no qual denunciou o major Reinado.
Depois de uma reunião com o chefe da ONU Atul Khare e o comandante militar Australiano em Dili, o Brigadeiro Mal Reardon, o Sr Gusmão depois autorizou que fosse tomada a iniciativa militar.
quarta-feira, fevereiro 28, 2007
O desertor Reinado promete 'lutar até à morte'
Malai Azul 2
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Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
5 comentários:
East Timor's president Xanana Gusmao has authorised the capture of rebel leader Alfredo Reinado. But the former army major says he will continue to defend himself from arrest whatever the cost.
Presenter - Hidayat Djajamihardja, Speaker - Alfredo Reinaido, rebel leader and former army major East Timor
REINAIDO: I respect the decision of the president, but I'm still sad and feel shame to hear this that a person like the President Xanana is very famous and very respected by people around the world to decide something without thinking it twice, without seeing the reality in the ground. I feel sorry when he says I'm stupid. Thank you very much for that but so far I'm only the person that claim many times that I always respect and follow his order and continue as my supreme commander. He must be more stupid than me to trust me, this stupid guy so far. I'm very sorry to say this.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: You have been accused as having attacked police border posts and having stolen their weapons. Can you respond?
REINAIDO: It's very easy to respond that. It's better to listen to the investigation first, because I visit them as a friend, without pointing weapon to anyone. We have a nice talk. They prepare coffee for us and also some of my guys have lunch with them and we have a good discussion. When I ask them to hand over the big weapon, automatic weapon, because I needed that to defend people, because the people right now need that very much and I'm standing to defend the people.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: You now have 25 weapons, is that correct?
REINAIDO: May be, if I want to take more weapon than that, I know where they are, but I didn't do that. And I didn't take anybody weapon. I asked them to give and I have here some of the police personnel voluntarily come with me, follow me. They have to have freedom now, here. They also now have secured around me and also there are a few more guys now left compound on the way to join me. How is that.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: Are you saying that they are deserting their post?
REINAIDO: We will wait for few days. They are more news to come my friend.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: Australian-led international force now have been authorised to capture you. Have you been in armed contact with them?
REINAIDO: I never wish in my heart to have a contact with any Australians. Because the people of the Australian let the force come here, to come here to defend the people of this country and not to have a bloodshed with anybody. And I know that at the moment, they are about 800 metre from me where I'm staying. They close all the exits, entrances, to everybody and the city is like a frozen city, you can't come in and you can't go out. So many civilians their houses been surrounded and you didn't let the owner to in our out. That's funny, isn't it.
But I will promise to you, everybody has their right to defend life and we are all military. We're not professional as they are well trained, but spiritually this is my country, this is my home and I more stronger than they are. I promise to people of the Australia, I don't want to have any clash with your Australian soldier and I feel shamed to do that. But if they come, they cross the line. I have a right to defend myself.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: If and when the Australian troops try to capture you. Are you going to fight back?
REINAIDO: As I tell you, everybody have a right to defend themselves. I never surrender or to be captured by anybody. I like to talk. They point the weapon, point weapon to me, I will fight back to the last blood of myself and I will stand here. I am not going anywhere.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: You mean you won't hesitate to kill Australian troops? You won't hesitate? You won't hesitate to kill Australian troops?
REINAIDO: Not Australians, whoever it is want to endanger my life, I will respond.
East Timor's president Xanana Gusmao has authorised the capture of rebel leader Alfredo Reinado. But the former army major says he will continue to defend himself from arrest whatever the cost.
Presenter - Hidayat Djajamihardja, Speaker - Alfredo Reinaido, rebel leader and former army major East Timor
REINAIDO: I respect the decision of the president, but I'm still sad and feel shame to hear this that a person like the President Xanana is very famous and very respected by people around the world to decide something without thinking it twice, without seeing the reality in the ground. I feel sorry when he says I'm stupid. Thank you very much for that but so far I'm only the person that claim many times that I always respect and follow his order and continue as my supreme commander. He must be more stupid than me to trust me, this stupid guy so far. I'm very sorry to say this.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: You have been accused as having attacked police border posts and having stolen their weapons. Can you respond?
REINAIDO: It's very easy to respond that. It's better to listen to the investigation first, because I visit them as a friend, without pointing weapon to anyone. We have a nice talk. They prepare coffee for us and also some of my guys have lunch with them and we have a good discussion. When I ask them to hand over the big weapon, automatic weapon, because I needed that to defend people, because the people right now need that very much and I'm standing to defend the people.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: You now have 25 weapons, is that correct?
REINAIDO: May be, if I want to take more weapon than that, I know where they are, but I didn't do that. And I didn't take anybody weapon. I asked them to give and I have here some of the police personnel voluntarily come with me, follow me. They have to have freedom now, here. They also now have secured around me and also there are a few more guys now left compound on the way to join me. How is that.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: Are you saying that they are deserting their post?
REINAIDO: We will wait for few days. They are more news to come my friend.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: Australian-led international force now have been authorised to capture you. Have you been in armed contact with them?
REINAIDO: I never wish in my heart to have a contact with any Australians. Because the people of the Australian let the force come here, to come here to defend the people of this country and not to have a bloodshed with anybody. And I know that at the moment, they are about 800 metre from me where I'm staying. They close all the exits, entrances, to everybody and the city is like a frozen city, you can't come in and you can't go out. So many civilians their houses been surrounded and you didn't let the owner to in our out. That's funny, isn't it.
But I will promise to you, everybody has their right to defend life and we are all military. We're not professional as they are well trained, but spiritually this is my country, this is my home and I more stronger than they are. I promise to people of the Australia, I don't want to have any clash with your Australian soldier and I feel shamed to do that. But if they come, they cross the line. I have a right to defend myself.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: If and when the Australian troops try to capture you. Are you going to fight back?
REINAIDO: As I tell you, everybody have a right to defend themselves. I never surrender or to be captured by anybody. I like to talk. They point the weapon, point weapon to me, I will fight back to the last blood of myself and I will stand here. I am not going anywhere.
DJAJAMIHARDJA: You mean you won't hesitate to kill Australian troops? You won't hesitate? You won't hesitate to kill Australian troops?
REINAIDO: Not Australians, whoever it is want to endanger my life, I will respond.
O Reinado não devia ser preso; devia ser internado num hospício, porque o pobre homem não diz coisa com coisa.
I can't believe it that the Australian opposition party has not taken opportunity to attack the government over Howard's handling of the Timor crisis because the Australian army is either protecting Reinado, which is POLITICALLY VERY VERY BAD AND EMBARASSING, or the Australian army are just a bunch of sissies which is also VERY VERY BAD AND EMBARRASSING considering the Australians are in Iraq and Afghanistan supposedly to keep the terrorists at bay. Iraq and Afghanistan actually pose much more danger to the Australian soldiers than East Timor does. Either way, it looks really bad on the Howard government and the Australian Defence Force!!! If they can't even catch a small time rebel with a handfull of ragtag followers, how is Howard going to win the "war on terror"??? How is the Australia army supposed to catch Bin Laden and the the Al-Qaida terrorists in Iraq??? Now seriously!!!
It is more then clear that the priority of the Australian army in East Timor, was to protect Reinaldo, to complement the coup!
Because the outcome of the coup was not what they (the people involved) wanted, the only solution is to eliminate the stupid and brainless Reinado. There will be no arrest! There will be only a coffin waiting for that buffoon! As for Xanana he probably will join is wife in NSW to grow pumpkins!
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