E quarta-feira tomarão posse os restantes membros do II Governo Constitucional.
Apelamos a que todos apoiem os esforços do novo executivo para que Timor-Leste saia rapidamente desta crise e que acabe o sofrimento do povo de Timor-Leste.
Viva Timor-Leste!
A luta continua!
segunda-feira, julho 10, 2006
Timor-Leste tem um novo Primeiro-Ministro
Malai Azul 2
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Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
8 comentários:
There are some fundamental issues that are still yet to be resolved in Timor Leste. The President and the Prime Minister are now under greater scrutiny and some pressure to find solutions to the divisions in Timorese society and restoring normality. Reconciliation will be a difficult resolution mechanism considering the crisis originated from grievances citing discrimination from sections of the Military predominantly from the Wester Districts of Timor Leste.
Wether ethnical division was as a result of bad policy, spontaneous reactions, or an orchestrated plot to trigger conflict and depose Mari/FRETILIN from Government it is has opened up further issues that may be irreconcilable.
Much of the responsibility for that divide remains with the President the unifying symbol of Timor Leste who during the course of this crisis made various inflammatory remarks during Presidential addresses to the nation. His handling of the current crisis has been less than admirable when you consider the fact that the Constitution was in the verge of being breached on many occasions. The President who still commands tremendous respect in amongst the Timorese now has greater responsibility to heal the wombs of the current crisis, and not continue to blame everyone else for the country’s problems.
Making matters worse the President and Prime Minister is that in 10 months they must meet the expectations of the people of Timor Leste to deliver on:
Reconciling and unifying Timor Leste;
Finding a solution to the deserted soldiers (Alfredo), should they be reintegrated into the military?;
Respond to the grievances of the Petiosioners who have been instrumental in rallying support for the Presidents call for Mari’s resignation;
It must negotiate with the Military (FFDTL) to resolve the underlying Military issues;
Providing confidence in security and return the internally displaced people home
Rebuild or build new homes
Re-establishing the Police force.
Appeasing various individuals, groups, political parties including FRETILIN.
Most importantly ensure that the next elections in order to establish a permanent government.
Not to mention the continual development and governance of the country.
There has not been a clear resolution, the establishment of the second Constitutional Government is only an temporary measure to a problem that will not go away within a short period of time. Suffice to say that for now the President has succeeded in only restricting Mari for the time being from the current political climate. FRETILIN in itself has not faltered as consequence of the crisis, it still has influence in the current Government, it still has great power to exercise from the Parliament neither of the two unconstitutional. Should the Prosecutor General fail to take allegations against Mari beyond the summons, it puts Mari and FRETILIN in a strong position to contest the next elections and a possible return of Mari, which makes a mockery of the forced resignation.
There may be various allegations and arguments to say that Mari was responsible for the crisis. These allegations are many and because of the number of unsubstantiated allegations arisen from the crisis (60 people killed at Tasi Tolu)it places any prosecution at risk because it portrays Mari as being prosecuted Politically rather than Legally. This does not say that Mari is not guilty of any of the allegations put forward. It is of paramount importance that FRETILIN, the President and the current government do not to influence nor interfere with the legal procedures; an impartial legal ruling will ensure any decision made will not raise further issues.
This Government is restricted by the fact the Prime Minister is not a party member of FRETILIN which holds Parliamentary majority. It will be a Government and a President that will be hampered by time to resolve the issues emanating from the crisis and faces the risk of further discrediting their reputation should elections not take place that may lead to further crisis.
It is essentially a provisional government and will not be conducive for Timor Leste’s long term development. A Government that is not a true representative of or having the support of the Political Party holding a majority in Parliament will not function effectively. Given the amount of responsibility and significant issues that may take years not months to resolve, the only real success this Government may achieve is establishing stability and security for free and fair elections in Timor Leste and in turn consolidating Democracy.
Ramos Horta PM TL yg baru....
Alkatiri resmi jadi tersangka......uweeeeeeeeeee
"Hoje sou empossado na honrosa função de Chefe de Governo, na sequência da resignação do meu velho amigo e combatente de luta, o Dr. Mari Alkatiri. Servi num Governo por ele dirigido sempre pautado pela prudência e lealdade ao povo que ele realmente ama. "
Jose Ramos Horta assim disse no seu discurso, em relaçao a Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri...
ganda hipocrita!
"Infelizmente, não posso dizer que aprendi muito com o Primeiro-Ministro Mari Alkatiri durante os quatro anos de governação. Eu estava ausente mais de metade do ano e quando estava no país não me entusiasmava muito com as prolongadas sessões do Conselho de Ministros."
pois, pois... mari é uma ganda nulidade... enfim jose
"Este governo não vai arranjar desculpas para a inércia. Este governo vai tentar servir os melhores interesses dos pobres. Este governo vai ser um governo para os pobres. Este governo vai ser arrojado na luta contra a pobreza. Vamos fazer uso dos dinheiros existentes para dignificar a pessoa humana, dar-lhe esperança, dar-lhe de comer, vestir, e dar-lhe um tecto."
nesta area jose fara melhor o que qualquer outro, ninguem duvide disso. nesta area o pais estava uma desgraça
Será que vai começar a distribuir notas de dólar ... do fundo de petróleo?
Ainda so agora foi empossado e ja o mandam abaixo. Voces sao mesmo ridiculos!
Pois, estava-se melhor com tiros por todo o lado, casas a serem incendiadas, etc... mas com um governo saído da maioria e como tal intocável.
A dificuldade de muita gente, é que para todos os efeitos, este é tão constitucional quanto o anterior governo, tem o beneplácito da FRETILIN e está obrigado a resolver algumas questões muito depressa.
No mínimo tem que merecer o benefício da dúvida.
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