segunda-feira, fevereiro 12, 2007



2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Call to recruit more soldiers from PacificBy Mark Dodd
February 12, 2007 01:00am
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A CHRONIC shortfall in Australian Defence Force recruits could be fixed by opening the door to Pacific Islanders wanting to emigrate, two of Australia's most respected defence analysts said yesterday.

Hugh White and Anthony Bergin called on the Government to look to our region for new ADF recruits by offering Australian citizenship in exchange for military service.

While there are no immediate plans for such a move, the proposal has not been ruled out by Defence Minister Brendan Nelson.

Recruiting from our region would be consistent with Australia's skilled migration program and would create a closer and more confident relationship with troubled regional states such as East Timor, Fiji and the Solomon Islands, said Professor White from the Australian National University.

Under pressure to sustain overseas deployments in Iraq, Afghanistan, East Timor and the South Pacific, the federal Government wants to boost the 30,000 strong army by 20 per cent over the next 10 years, the biggest it has been since the Vietnam War.

But meeting recruitment targets is proving a problem for the ADF. Overseas-born Australians seem for cultural reasons to be opposed to the ADF as a career option, said Professor White.

He said there was a very strong case to broaden the ethnic base of the ADF and the South Pacific or East Timor could provide a solution.

"The ADF is facing some tough choices. If we're going to recruit an eight-battalion army we're going to have to do some new things," he said.

Recruitment of Melanesians and Timorese would be a "winner for the ADF" and similar to schemes used by the British defence force, said Dr Bergin, the director of research programs at the government-backed Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

"The Defence Department are already actively looking at foreign recruitment in like-minded nations. What I'm suggesting is we go outside the traditional applicant pool and look closer to home, in our region. Our settlement policy now is absolutely based on skilled migration so what is the difference between the skills we are looking for in a soldier," said Dr Bergin.

The US military, which faces similar recruitment problems to the ADF, is offering citizenship to non-citizen soldiers to fill its depleted ranks.

Although giving its qualified support for recruitment from some commonwealth countries, notably New Zealand and Britain, the Australian Defence Association said it would be "morally abhorrent" to offer a citizenship swap in exchange for military service for Pacific Islanders.

"The idea that we should go out into the South Pacific, recruit young South Pacific Islanders with no military experience whatsoever who would not normally qualify for Australian immigration criteria - and use them in the Australian military - we would oppose," said ADA spokesman Neil James.

"There is also a moral aspect to this. What type of society is not prepared to defend itself and will pay foreigners to do it."

Recruiting non-native English speakers also raised questions of loyalty, he said.

Anónimo disse...

A good solution for Alfredo, Salsinha, Tara and Co....a bonus is that they are already loyal to to Australia.


Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.

Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!

Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006

"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "

Malai Azul. Lives in East Timor/Dili, speaks Portuguese and English.
This is my blogchalk: Timor, Timor-Leste, East Timor, Dili, Portuguese, English, Malai Azul, politica, situação, Xanana, Ramos-Horta, Alkatiri, Conflito, Crise, ISF, GNR, UNPOL, UNMIT, ONU, UN.