quinta-feira, julho 20, 2006

New democracy needs supportive neighbour

Herald in Newcastle on 18 July 2006

There’s more, much more, to the East Timor crisis than bad governance, says Sahe Da Silva.

THE political unrest in East Timor has left the front pages of Australian newspaper and some stability appears to have returned since the appointment of new Prime Minister Jose Ramos Horta last week.

But there is still much work to be done to ensure the fledging democracy develops into a strong, and peaceful, neighbour.
For many Australians, drawn to the plight of the East Timorese during their campaign for independence, the recent violence might be puzzling.

It has been easy for the Australian Government and the media to simply blame former prime minister Mari Alkatiri for the breakdown of law and order in East Timor but the crisis goes much deeper and the issues take in race, personality and oil negotiations.

This year’s uprising was the fourth attempt to destabilise the East Timor Government since the FRETILIN party won power in 2001, in what was declared a free and fair election by the international community.

FRETILIN won 55 of the 88 parliamentary seats, with others taken by the Democratic Party (seven seats), the Social Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Associations (six seats each), and another seven minor parties.

Now former interior minister Rogério Lobato, along with Alkatiri, has been accused of creating a death squad in order to intimidate Alkatiri’s political opponents. The main evidence is 11 weapons, surrendered with much pomp and fanfare on July 12 by Vincente de Concecao (Commander Railos) to the Prosecutor-General.

When the matter comes to court, the Prosecutor-General is bound to ask which political opponents Railos had been ordered to threaten.

Think about it. Does it make sense that FRETILIN would waste time and energy harassing such a disparate and disjoined opposition?

Moreover, most of the 150,000 internally displaced persons are FRETILIN supporters whose houses were burnt down and whose lives were threatened by young hoodlums organised to destabilise the country.

These same FRETILIN supporters were asked by the leadership of the party to refrain from retaliation as confrontation could escalate into civil war. As in previous destabilisation in 2002, 2004 and 2005, it rested with the FRETILIN members to act responsibly under the most extreme provocation.

If Railos was, as he has claimed, employed by FRETILIN to intimidate opponents, where was he when its members were under siege in Dili?

If, as has been reported, Railos’s group handed in 11 rifles (but no ammunition) on July 12, where are the other 19 rifles that ABC reported Liz Jackson showed us on her Four Corners program? Jackson reported that Railos had 30 men under his command all armed with weapons handed over by Lobato on the orders of Alkatiri. She presented a list of the guns’ serial numbers as proof that Railos was genuine.

And the camera never lies?

Let us say that Lobato will have his day in court and evidence will be presented to support his claim that the Heckler and Koch 33 automatic rifles were given to Railos and his men in January 2004 in order to assist and train the Border Patrol Unit in bushcraft and guerrilla tactics.

As for former prime minister Alkatiri, he resigned on June 26 to forestall the threatened resignation of President Xanana Gusmao, which would have precipitated a deeper crisis for Timor-Leste.

He did not resign because of the relatively small protests or the allegations made against him by Railos. (In any event, Railos’s allegations against Alkatiri remain just that. Alkatiri to date has no case to answer and has only been summoned by the Prosecutor-General to provide evidence in relation to Lobato’s trial.)

In response to the crisis, FRETILIN made its position very clear during its 20,000 strong rally on June 28-30.

During that rally, FRETILIN sent a message to the President and to the nation calling for peace, the rule of law, the end of violence and respect for the Constitution.

The FRETILIN rally, 10 times larger than any anti-Government rally, was entirely peaceful. However, in retaliation, anti-Government thugs burnt down homes of FRETILIN leaders in Dili and other businesses linked with Fretilin, and then attacked the main TV and radio station to ensure that it did not broadcast reports of the FRETILIN rally.

It is FRETILIN and its leaders that deserve the strong support of all democratic people and organisations in Australia, to help Timor-Leste recover from this serious crisis.

East Timor needs Australia’s support to ensure that the next elections are constitutional and free of manipulation and that its democratically elected government retains power through these early teething problems.


16 comentários:

Anónimo disse...


Uma nova democracia precisa de vizinhos amigos

Herald in Newcastle, 18 Julho006

Há mais, muito mais, na crise de Timor-Leste do que má governação, diz Sahe Da Silva

O desassossego politico em Timor-Leste deixou às páginas da frente dos jornais Australianos e parece que alguma estabilidade regressou desde a nomeação, na semana passada do novo Primeiro-Ministro José Ramos Horta.

Mas há ainda muito trabalho a fazer para garantir que a democracia nascente se desenvolva num vizinho forte e pacífico.
Para muitos Australianos, atraídos pela luta dos Timorenses na sua campanha pela independência, pode chocar a recente violência.

Tem sido fácil ao Governo aos media Australianos culparem unicamente o antigo primeiro-ministro Mari Alkatiri pela ruptura da lei e da ordem em Timor-Leste mas a crise vai muito mais fundo e abarca questões como raça, personalidade e negociações do petróleo.

O levantamento deste ano foi a quarta tentativa para desestabilizar o Governo de Timor-Leste desde que a FRETILIN ganhou o poder em 2001, na eleição que foi declarada livre e justa pela comunidade internacional.
A FRETILIN ganhou 55 em 88 lugares parlamentares, com outros ganhos pelo Partido Democrático (sete lugares), O Partido Social Democrata e a Associação Social Democrata (seis lugares cada), e sete outros pequenos partidos.

Agora o antigo ministro do interior Rogério Lobato, ao lado de Alkatiri, foi acusado de criar um esquadrão da morte de modo a intimidar os opositores políticos de Alkatiri. A evidência principal são 11 armas, entregues com muita pompa e fanfarra em 12 de Julho por Vincente da Conceição (Comandante Railos) ao Procurador-Geral.

Quando o assunto chegar ao Tribunal, o Procurador-Geral terá que perguntar que opositores políticos foi dado ordem a Railos para ameaçar
Pense nisso. Faz algum sentido que a FRETILIN perdesse tempo e energia a assediar uma oposição tão dispare e desunida?

Contudo, a maioria dos 150,000 deslocados são apoiantes da FRETILIN cujas casas foram queimadas e cujas vidas foram ameaçadas por jovens hooligans organizados para desestabilizar o país.

A estes mesmos apoiantes da FRETILIN foi pedido pela liderança do partido para não retaliarem porque um confronto podia escalar numa guerra civil. Como aconteceu em desestabilizações anteriores em 2002, 2004 e 2005, restou aos membros da Fretilin agirem responsavelmente debaixo das mais extremas provocações.

Se Railos foi, como ele reclamou, empregado pela FRETILIN para intimidar opositores, onde estava ele quando os seus membros estavam debaixo de cerco em Dili?

Se, como foi relatado, o grupo de Railos entregou 11 espingardas (mas nenhuma munição) em 12 de Julho, onde estão as outras 19 espingardas que a reportagem de Liz Jackson da ABC nos mostrou no seu programa Four Corners? Jackson relatou que Railos tinha 30 homens sob o seu commando todos armadas com armas que lhe foram entregues por Lobato por ordem de Alkatiri. Ela apresentou uma lista dos números de série das armas como prova de que Railos era verdadeiro.

E a câmara nunca mente?

Digamos que Lobato terá o seu dia no tribunal e que será apresentada evidência para apoiar a sua reclamação de que foram dadas 33 espingardas automáticas Hecklere Koch a Railos e aos seus homens em Janeiro de 2004 para assistirem e treinarem a Unidade de Patrulhamento da Fronteira em tácticas de guerra no mato e de guerrilha.

Quanto ao antigo primeiro-ministro Alkatiri, ele resignou em 26 de Junho para evitar a ameaça de resignação do Presidente Xanana Gusmão, que precipitaria Timor-Leste numa crise ainda mais profunda.

Ele não resignou por causa dos protestos relativamente pequenos ou pelas alegações feitas contra ele por Railos. (em qualquer caso, as alegações de Railos contra Alkatiri, são só isso, alegações. Até à data, Alkatiri não tem nenhum caso a que responder e somente foi convocado pelo Procurador-Geral para prestar evidência em relação ao julgamento de Lobato.)

Em resposta à crise, a FRETILIN deixou a sua posição muito clara durante o comício com 20,000 participantes em 28-30 Junho.
No comício, a FRETILIN enviou uma mensagem para o Presidente e para a nação apelando à paz, à regra da lei, ao fim da violência e ao respeito pela Constituição.

O comício da FRETILIN, 10 vezes maior do que qualquer comício anti-Governo, foi totalmente pacífico. Contudo, em retaliação, vândalos anti-Governo queimaram casas de líderes da FRETILIN em Dili e outros negócios ligados com a FRETILIN, e depois atacaram a principal estação de rádio e de TV para garantir que não transmitiria reportagens do comício da FRETILIN.

É a FRETILIN e os seus líderes que merecem o apoio forte de todos as pessoas e organizações democráticas na Austrália, para ajudar Timor-Leste a recuperar desta crise séria.

Timor-Leste precisa do apoio da Austrália para assegurar que as próximas eleições sejam constitucionais e livres de manipulação e que o seu governo democraticamente eleito retenha o poder através destes problemas de crescimento.

Sahe Da Silva é o representante da Fretilin para NSW. Falará de Politica no Pub esta noite (6.30pm) at the Hamilton Station Hote.

Anónimo disse...

Portuguese Government Supports Alkatiri’s Lawyers
The Portuguese government is strongly supporting the team of lawyers defending the former Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri, reported STL Tuesday. According to this daily correspondent’s investigation in Lisbon, the team supported by the government of Portugal is aimed to stopping Mari from being imprisoned on allegations of guns distribution to civilians, adding each lawyer would cost around 1500-2000 euros per interview. Five lawyers would cost around 7000-10,000 euros without including accommodation, transport and other expenses.The cost would not be paid by Fretilin but by the Portuguese government, financing the law firms João Galvão Telles, João Soares and Associates, Jose Antonio Barreiros and Associates. The lawyers defending Alkatiri arrived in Dili on Monday. (STL)

Anónimo disse...

Population is Not Planning To Protest
The spokesperson for the National Forum for Unity and Justice, Eduardo de Deus Barreto, alias Dusae, said the population of Ermera does not have plans to hold a demonstration in Dili to dissolve the Parliament, reported Timor Post. Barreto said they have put their trust and are giving time to the President of the Republic and the new Prime Minister and to other members of the government to carry their work for the nation. They would like the government to pay attention to the people affected by recent crisis. He said they do not want the dissolution of the Parliament out of respect of RDTL Constitution which has been written with the blood and bones and any process must be followed according to law and order. Eduardo Barreto further said there are civilians in Ermera District still in possession of guns and using it to terrorize the population in that area. (TP)

Anónimo disse...

Congratulations Sahe. Like you there are many other young ones who are determined to fight for truth and justice in TL. You are representing a great party.

Anónimo disse...

The Biggest Problem Is Reconciliation: President Gusmão
Speaking to the media following the swearing-in of the second constitutional government, President Gusmão reportedly said the new cabinet has a big task ahead of them and there will be various obstacles as the sovereign body would have to look into the difficulties that emerged in the past, stressing, reconciliation is one of the biggest problems even though Timor-Leste has had history of reconciliation experience. The President added it would be a burden requiring the efforts of everybody. He said, “reconciliation cannot achieve without the truth and the truth would be meaningless without justice”. Without further explaining how justice would be defended, Xanana Gusmão told the media he would like the new government to work harder on the economy of the country to progress on to the election in order to enable the people to elect who they trust can improve their living conditions, noting elections is the best option to resolve the crisis through pacific measures. He also reminded the new government about the continued suffering of the people, to create better conditions for the youths in terms of employment and the resolve the veterans situation. In reply to the demands by the National Front for Justice and Peace and some other groups for the dissolution of the Parliament and the Government, in relation with the recent crisis, President Gusmão said as Head of the State he has been putting all efforts not to touch the Constitution to avoid it as a practice in Timor-Leste in future and reiterated the new government continue to respect the structures of the Parliament. A total of 40 members of the second constitutional government participated in the swearing-in ceremony on Friday.

Anónimo disse...

“reconciliation cannot achieve without the truth and the truth would be meaningless without justice”

Thank you Xanana for being active and supportive in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for the events of 75 to 1999. Now we have the Truth where is the Justice for those who committed crimes in 1999? As you know Xanana there was more than 1000 people who died in 1999, we know who the perpetrators were and we would like you to NOW use the same spirit you are talking about to hold these criminals to account and bring them to face Justice.

Dont forget to also ensure Justice is served to the Rebels and the Petitioners also. Like Mari Alkatiri they must also face justice, to see whether they are guilty of subversion or not.

Dont be like other hypocrites. I know you are not one, so dont act like one.

Anónimo disse...


Anónimo disse...

**Security Council

In terms of the Security Council, today the Council was briefed in consultations this morning by the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Timor-Leste, Ian Martin, following his recent assessment mission there. Martin told Council members of the need for long-term engagement with Timor-Leste.

Speaking to the press afterwards, he said that, while Timor-Leste’s immediate crisis has been resolved, this only gains more time to address the grievances that led to it in the first place. He also spoke of the need for sustained international commitment to Timor-Leste, and the importance of helping prepare for presidential and parliamentary elections early next year.

Anónimo disse...

A imprensa timorense que aparece e desaparece conforme a conveniência dos fianciadores.

As instalações forem destruidas mas pelos vistos os fianciadores fizeram-nas renascer rapidamente.

A Embaixada dos Estados Unidos está a fazer um bom trabalho.

Anónimo disse...


Quinta-feira, Julho 20, 2006 10:12:48 AM"


Anónimo disse...

STOP talking about Mari ' BIN LADEN' alkateri......he is FINISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH"Quinta-feira, Julho 20, 2006 10:12:48 AM"

oK i Agree, lets talk about your mother instead

Anónimo disse...

oK i Agree, lets talk about your mother instead

Hei! O beik duni. I can’t imagine that a dim like you can also appear on this screen with a silly and useless comment.

Anónimo disse...

Dont forget to also ensure Justice is served to the Rebels and the Petitioners also.

Sorry but Xanana is not a judge.

Anónimo disse...

"oK i Agree, lets talk about your mother instead

Hei! O beik duni. I can’t imagine that a dim like you can also appear on this screen with a silly and useless comment."

Quinta-feira, Julho 20, 2006 5:03:38 PM

Get a life and post something constructive. dimwits like you and Xanana Banana is not helping East-Timor. why do you want to talk about someelse's Mother! Talk about Mother, Father etc...etc....11111

Anónimo disse...

dimwits like you and Mari Alkateri are just deceiving people and making people poor, powerless, and suffering and being killed.

Anónimo disse...

Nia husi bebeik Mari - Nia maubeik duni. Ukun tinan hira nia laran ba halo riku a'an ho halo povu ne terus, kiak liu tan, sofre, tauk ho mate.


Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.

Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!

Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006

"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "

Malai Azul. Lives in East Timor/Dili, speaks Portuguese and English.
This is my blogchalk: Timor, Timor-Leste, East Timor, Dili, Portuguese, English, Malai Azul, politica, situação, Xanana, Ramos-Horta, Alkatiri, Conflito, Crise, ISF, GNR, UNPOL, UNMIT, ONU, UN.