SBS - Wednesday September 6, 10:21 PM
Reinado on the Line
It has been a week now since East Timor's most wanted man, rebel leader Major Alfredo Reinado with 56 other prisoners somehow managed to just walk out of Dili's jail, it has to be said, under extremely curious circumstances. As it happens, Dateline's David O'Shea was with Reinado and got caught in the cross-fire when the rebel leader fired the first shots of the violence. He was also on hand when Reinado was arrested, three weeks ago. And now, earlier today, still on the run, Reinado out of the blue, called David by mobile from wherever it is that he's hiding in the hills above Dili.
DAVID O’SHEA: Alfredo Reinado, where are you?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: I'm somewhere in East Timor.
DAVID O’SHEA: Yes can you be more specific?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: How come I can tell you that if there are Australian troops hunting me around, chasing me around?
DAVID O’SHEA: They are saying that you are destabilising the situation, increasing tensions. Aren't you going to give yourself up?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: I'm never going to give myself up. Because I've already given opportunity for them, time to the process of the justice side of it. I know myself that I am not a criminal.
DAVID O’SHEA: So can you just explain clearly, what do you want?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: What I want, to listen to the majority of the people. Because these people didn't want this government any more. People want justice, people want change.
DAVID O’SHEA: Are you still loyal to Xanana Gusmao? And have you been in touch with him?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: I always loyal with him, I'm still in touch with him.
DAVID O’SHEA: If President Xanana Gusmao asks you or orders you to hand yourself in, would you do it?
DAVID O’SHEA: So you're not following orders from Xanana Gusmao then?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Not all the orders you should follow. What is the justification of the order? You have to clarify. Not all the order if the order comes to you, "You go and eat the shit" you eat the shit? No way.
DAVID O’SHEA: There are reports here in the media today that you have been in communication with the Australian forces. Is that correct and, if it is, what have you been talking about?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: I do have communication, been communicating with them, I just let them know that "Don't come after me because I am not a problem of this nation. The government is the problem of the nation and my people will not let that happen." Because my people will never hand me over. I'm willing to talk to anyone, to talk, to do any dialogue, anything. But to hand over myself, no way. When they after me, I will stop them. If they shoot me, I will shoot them back because I have a right to protect myself in my country. And I know I don’t have anything to against Australians.
DAVID O’SHEA: Are you armed? How many weapons do you have with you? And how many men do you have with you?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: I have all the people in this country who ever support me. They are armed with machetes and spears, that's a weapon also. They are ready to defend themselves. With anything they have, even rocks and wood.
DAVID O’SHEA: But how many heavy weapons do you have?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: All my weapons I already hand over.
DAVID O’SHEA: But you told me that last time, when I interviewed you, you told me that you'd handed in all of your weapons and then when they found you in the house that day, you had 4,000 ammunition, guns and magazines.
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Look my friend, listen to me, the order they gave me was to hand over all of my weapons, not hand over all the equipment, all the military equipment. So I had over all my weapons, they ask for weapons, I gave them weapons, they didn't say it includes ammunition and everything. I still have the pistol.
DAVID O’SHEA: Can I just ask you, how did you escape from jail?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Somehow, under pressure I have to escape and arrange all the power I had. I knew that security of the jail was not that strong. Only a few people there and during that time I stayed with the visit time, so door is open, people coming in an out. So I use that opportunity to scare them with everything I have - wood, rock or whatever - and they run away so we come out. And by that time, already three or four days, the prison has been left empty by international group. Normally international group give security there, and they left. That means it was an opportunity for me to go.
DAVID O’SHEA: Prime Minister Ramos Horta has blamed foreign forces for letting you out of jail, for allowing you leave. Is that true?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Yes, because he's in a confusing... confusing situation. He says that because he scared, he's scared the truth will come out.
DAVID O’SHEA: So what do you mean "the truth to come out"?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Because Ramos Horta hide so many things. Ramos Horta is not in favour with the people any more. Because he's part of the Mari Alkatiri group.
DAVID O’SHEA: When I was with you in the hills in May, you called for Australian intervention. Now you've become public enemy number one. What's happened with that relationship?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Look, public enemy number one, that word doesn't suit me because my public didn't feel like I am the enemy. Ask everyone, but the government thinks that I am the enemy.
DAVID O’SHEA: You obviously feel like you've been betrayed, who has betrayed you do you think?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Ramos Horta of course has betrayed me. You know, because Ramos Horta, since he gained his power, everything has changed since he got the power. He never did talk to me any more. And he never implemented anything he talked to me about it.
DAVID O’SHEA: It could appear that all of this is just so you don’t have to stay in jail.
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Look I’m staying in jail, for what?
DAVID O’SHEA: Weapons possession.
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: If you go through what they blame me for, you don’t have any basic legal side to it.
DAVID O’SHEA: Are you going to be starting any trouble? Are you going to be sitting waiting? What is your plan?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: My friend, as you know, I never start any trouble all along. The trouble is being start by somebody else. I stand up to stop that until now. Why is everybody blame that I'm the problem of this country? I'm not a problem of this country. If I am a problem of this country, the people didn’t stand for me. The government is the problem of the country. I think I'm a solution. Without me, there's already civil war. Without me, all ready the people, many of them already dying, been killing by the defence force themselves. Without me, there would be big chaos today. I just want Australian people not to think that I'm a rebel or I'm a renegade, because if I'm a rebel or a renegade my people, these people, didn't stand for me. And I want the Australian people to tell their government that their troops come here to stand for everybody, not to pick a fight.
DAVID O’SHEA: Alfredo Reinado, thank you for speaking to us.
quinta-feira, setembro 07, 2006
Reinado - Interview on SBS with David O'Shea
Malai Azul 2
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Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
18 comentários:
Se o senhor reinado discorda do governo e acha que é um mau governo, o que tinha a fazer era, se entendia que podia dar o seu contributo ao país, organizar-se politicamnete num partido e ir a votos.Quem ganha as eleições governa. Essa é uma regra elemetar de qualquer democracia. Discorda da governação manifesta-se. E há multiplos exemplos pelo mundo fora de manifestações que fizeram cair governos. Mas manifesta-se pacificamente.O que é inadmissível é a violência. O que é inadmissível é pegar em armas para derrobar governos!
No comments!!! é simplesmente incrivel
The man is full of crap! Who is his people? The bunch of criminals?
How could Xanas associate with this bastard?
"E há multiplos exemplos pelo mundo fora de manifestações que fizeram cair governos. Mas manifesta-se pacificamente."
Mas se nem após 21 mortos, dezenas de feridos e dezenas de casas queimadas o Alkatiri pediu a demissão. Isto imagina-se em algum país do mundo livre e democrático?
Estou a ver a tropa portuguesa aos tiros ali para os lados de Xabregas, depois a assassinar a sangue frio 10 polícias desarmados e rendidos em Picoas e Sócrates a dizer que é tudo um engano e a ficar em São Bento calmo e sereno.
Reinado acabou de dar uma entrevista telefónica na SBS a David O'Shea
Reinado on the Line
Já lá vai uma semana desde que o homem mais procurado em Timor-Leste, o líder amotinado Major Alfredo Reinado com outros 56 presos de certo modo conseguiram “andar” para fora da cadeia de Dili, isso tem que ser dito, sob circunstâncias extremamente curiosas. Quando isso aconteceu, David O'Shea da Dateline estava com Reinado e foi apanhado no fogo-cruzado quando o líder amotinado disparou os primeiros tiros da violência. Também estava à mão quando o Reinado foi preso, há três meses atrás. E agora, mais cedo hoje, ainda em fuga, Reinado sem mais nem menos, telefonou a David, por telemóvel. do sítio onde está escondido nas montanhas por cima de Dili.
DAVID O’SHEA: Alfredo Reinado, Onde está?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Algures em Timor-Leste.
DAVID O’SHEA: Pode ser mais específico?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Como é que posso dizer-lhe se há tropas Australianas a perseguirem-me, atrás de mim?
DAVID O’SHEA: Dizem que está a desestabilizar a situação, a aumentar tensões. Não se vai entregar?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Nunca me entregarei. Porque já lhes dei oportunidades, tempo para o processo da justiça. Sei que não sou um criminoso.
DAVID O’SHEA: Pode explicar claramente o que é que quer?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: O que quero, que escutem a maioria das pessoas. Porque esta gente já não quer mais este governo. As pessoas querem justiça, as pessoas querem mudança.
DAVID O’SHEA: Ainda é leal a Xanana Gusmão? E esteve em contacto com ele?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Sou sempre leal com ele, ainda estou em contacto com ele.
DAVID O’SHEA: Se o Presidente Xanana Gusmão lhe pedir para se entregar. Fáz isso?
DAVID O’SHEA: Não está então a seguir as ordens do Xanana Gusmão?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Não se devem seguir todas as ordens. Qual é a justificação da ordem? Tem de clarificar. Nem todas as ordens, se lhe chegar a ordem, "vai e come a merda " come a merda? Nem pensar.
DAVID O’SHEA: Há relatos aqui nos media de hoje que pode ter estado em comunicação cos as forças Australianas. É correcto? E se é, do que é que têm falado?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Tenho comunicação, tenho comunicado com eles, acabei de lhes comunicar que "Não venham atrás de mim, porque eu não sou um problema desta nação. O governo é o problema da nação e a minha gente não deixará isso acontecer." Porque a minha gente nunca me entregará. Estou disponível para conversar com alguém, falar, fazer qualquer diálogo, qualquer coisa. Mas entregar-me, nem pensar. Quando (vierem) atrás de mim, pará-los-ei. Se dispararem contra mim, dispararei contra eles porque tenho o direito de me proteger no meu país. E sei que não tenho nada contra os Australianos.
DAVID O’SHEA: Está armado? Quantas armas tem consigo? E quantos homens tem consigo?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Tenho toda a gente deste país que sempre me apoiou. Estão armados com catanas e lanças, é uma arma também. Estão prontos a defenderem-se a eles próprios. Com qualquer coisa que tenham, mesmo pedras e paus.
DAVID O’SHEA: Mas quantas armas pesadas tem?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Já entreguei todas as minhas armas.
DAVID O’SHEA: Mas contou-me na última vez, quando o entrevistei, contou-me que tinha entregue todas as armas e depois quando o encontraram na casa naquele dia, tinha 4,000 munições, pistolas e pente de armas.
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Vej meu amigo, escute-me, a ordem que me deram foi de entregar todas as minhas armas, não de entregar todo o equipamento, todo o equipamento militar. Assim entreguei todas as armas, eles pediram armas, dei-lhes armas, eles não falaram em munições e todas as coisas. Ainda tenho a pistola.
DAVID O’SHEA: Posso perguntar-lhe, como fugiu da prisão?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: De certo modo, debaixo de pressão tenho de fugir e arranjar todo o poder que tinha. Sabia que a segurança da prisão não era muito forte. Somente algumas pessoas lá e durante aquele tempo que passei com a hora das visitas, assim a porta é aberta, pessoas entram e saem. Assim usei essa oportunidade para os assustar com tudo o que tinha – madeira, pedras, seja o que for – e eles fugiram e nós saímos. E por essa altura, já há três ou quatro dias, a prisão tinha sido deixada vazia pelo grupo internacional. Normalmente o grupo internacional dava segurança lá, e partiram. Issa significa que foi uma oportunidade para eu ir (embora).
DAVID O’SHEA: O Primeiro-Ministro Ramos Horta culpou as forças estrangeiras por o deixarem sair da prisão, por permitir que partisse. É isso verdade?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Sim, porque ele está numa confusa... confusa situação. Ele diz isso porque está assustado, está com medo que a verdade saia.
DAVID O’SHEA: O que quer dizer "a verdade saia "?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Porque Ramos Horta esconde tantas coisas. Ramos Horta não tem mais o favor das pessoas. Porque ele faz parte do grupo de Mari Alkatiri.
DAVID O’SHEA: Quando estive consigo nas montanhas em Maio, apelou à intervenção Australiana. Agora tornou-se no inimigo público número um. O que é que aconteceu com essa relação?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Repare, inimigo público número um, essa palavra não me satisfaz porque o meu público não sente que eu seja o inimigo. Pergunte a toda a gente, mas o governo pensa que eu sou o inimigo.
DAVID O’SHEA: Obviamente pensa que foi atraiçoado, quem pensa que o traiu?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Ramos Horta certamente traiu-me. Sabe, porque Ramos Horta, desde que ganhou o seu poder, tudo mudou desde que ele apanhou o poder. Nunca mais me falou. E nunca implementou nada do que falou comigo.
DAVID O’SHEA: Parece que tudo isto é para não ficar na prisão.
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Repare, ia ficar na prisão para quê?
DAVID O’SHEA: Posse de armas.
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Se for através do que me acusaram, não tem nenhuma base legal para isso.
DAVID O’SHEA: Vai começar qualquer confusão? Vai ficar sentado à espera? Qual é o seu plano?
MAJOR ALFREDO REINADO: Meu amigo, como sabe, nunca comecei qualquer confusão. A confusão começa com outra gente. Levantei-me para parar isso até agora. Porque é que toda a gente acusa que eu sou o problema deste país? Não sou um problema deste país. Se eu sou um problema deste país, as pessoas não se levantavam por mim. O governo é o problema do país. Eu penso (que) sou uma solução. Sem mim, já há guerra civil. Sem mim, já as pessoas, muitas delas já a morrer, foram mortas pelas próprias forças de defesa. Sem mim, haverá o grande caos hoje. Só quero que os Australianos não pensem que sou um amotinado ou um desertor, porque se sou um amotinado ou um desertor a minha gente, esta gente, não se levanta por mim. E quero que os Australianos digam ao seu governo que as suas tropas vieram cá para proteger toda a gente, não para comprar uma luta.
DAVID O’SHEA: Alfredo Reinado, obrigada por falar connosco.
who is his people?? all the rebels???? all the renegades??? all the militiasn that came back after the xanana´s reconciliation???
let we see.... what he want to do in this country..!!!!!!
What a wacko! Alfredo Reinado listen my friend. I am an Australian. I have visited and know many Timorese. I have met you. You are a dirty big trouble maker my friend. The rest of the poeple in Timor act nothing like you. I doubt you have ny support except for a few young people you can manipulate thorugh kinship or clan loylaty. Timorese I know dont hug their rifles the way you do. They dont love and want war the way you do, they loath it because they have suffered too much of war. They are not vain as you are. Everything was going so well but you and others could never accept that you had to wait to be part of the political process. You are too hungry for power and too easily amnipulated by others. What about before when you tried to steal weapons from the Falintil FDTL armory a few years and Railos and others? What about that young female F-FDTL you impregnated during your visits to Melbourne when you were suppose to be training at the ADF Academy in Canberra and she was a junior oficer studying English in melbourne? You my firend are trouble with a "T" and I knew that from the first time I set eyes on you. As a military man myself I am shamed of you having trained in our defence institutions or ever being associated with our training program. Get are no hero, you are big baby!!!!
If Alfredo want to make some problem again he will be die......i will tell to F-FDTL to kill him...hehehehehe.....
Alfredo nia fida mak karik sei naruk se Tropa international mak la mai lalais karik ita ba hili deit ona Alfredo nia ruin deit ona.....hehehehehehe
O Malai Azul destacou a parte em que o major Alfredo diz ser leal a Xanana mas esqueceu-se de destacar a parte onde ele diz que nao obedeceria a Xanana se este o mandasse render-se. Isto quer dizer que nao eh Xanana quem controla as accoes do Alfredo mas simplesmente o Alfredo so acata ordens que ele pensa acatar. Isto eh um bocado problematico para a teoria de que Xanana eh quem esta por tras de todas as accoes do Alfredo e de um "golpe".
4:29:52 PM Anonymous.
I suppose that being a military man yourself (australian for that matter) you find it OK for the army to be deployed to intervene in internal security matters. Right! That happens a lot in Australia doesn't it?
I can see already Howard issuing a direct order for ADF soldiers to march on Camberra and close off a suburb to flush out civilian demonstrators and shoot a few in the process. Maybe that is OK where you come from but in East Timor that is illegal but nevertheless is what PM Mari Alkatiri did on April 28. According to official count 5 civilians were killed by the army. Alfredo abandoned the chain of command after that massacre. Do you think he was crazy for doing that? Because, as Alfredo said, he could no longer receive orders from his superiors who were involved in that massacre. He could no longer be quiet and go along with an army that was killing his fellow timorese.
I can also see the army moving on to the National Police HQ of a major city in Australia and murdering 10 unarmed police in cold blood. You probably find that is OK and acceptable because that happens a lot in your country does it?
Get Real man!!
"O Malai Azul destacou a parte em que o major Alfredo diz ser leal a Xanana mas esqueceu-se de destacar a parte onde ele diz que nao obedeceria a Xanana se este o mandasse render-se."
Como se fosse novidade.
O Malai Azul só destaca o que lhe convém, escamoteia o que não lhe convém, demonstrando a estirpe dos estrangeiros que apoiam Alkatiri, não propriamente a FRETILIN.
A FRETILIN é composta por muita gente e parte significativa não se revê em Alkatiri e na clique do Maputo.
Enfim... sectarismos.
In response to 12:29:07 AM
I think you need to get seriously real.
Fact one: There has been no official finding in relation to the so called "28 April" massacre". So wait for a judgement or an official finding into the incident.
Fact two: If Alfredo had a problem with the handling of the 28 April incident, why did he desert his barracks with his arms? He could have left his barracks, without his arms and protested still.
Fact three: Alfredo is videoed on camera firing first at Fatu Ahi- a fact confirmed by the Dateline report. David O'Shea who has made reports against Fretilin in the past was the one who confirmed this. I am happy to wait for an investigation into what happended at Fatu Ahi, but there is no doubt that he fired first.
Fact four: Alfredo was caught with arms after he apparently surrendered all his arms.
Fact five: Alfredo escaped from jail! Lobato has to face an investigation and a trial, but he won't????
Fact six: Alfredo won't even let himself get arrested again because in his words "I never start any trouble all along"?????
You need to get real, otherwise why don't you fuck off and join Alfredo in the bush you fruit loop.
And I am not the military man that wrote earlier- but Timorese and I absolutely hate Alfredo. How you can defend Alfredo after the things he has done is really beyond me.
Answer to blog on Sexta-feira, Setembro 08, 2006 12:29:07 AM
Now we have at least one of you know who you are. Dont make comparisons my friend, but whilst we are there, thats exactly what happened in Australia not so long ago in the middle of last century when troops moved into shipyards and coalmines and other installations at various times. And yes....there were civillians killed during those times in Australia believe it or not. But then again I do not expect you to be a student of history because the truth evades the likes of you, just looking for angles to spin to achieve your political ends is all you seek.
I knew I would get one of you sorry sucks out.
Welcome to the debate...but stay tuned, I can predict exactly hoe you are going to frame your comebacks, because they are so predictable. Why dont we (yes I included) go back and concentrate on making your own society and body politic which does things like the AWB and Woodside Iran payoff crisis and WMDs and all the other absurd stuff and let Timorese practice a bit of self determination. You and your conservative mates would fly off the handle at such external intervention in your nations affairs...oh you know like breaching human righst with Woomera detention centres and small stuff like that. Whilst we are on that, wait for more, why dont we ask some veteran Falintil buys about how Australian Interfet used physical persuasion on captured milita, and how SAS used a 14 year old boy to spy for them in Oecussi in 1999/2000. Illegal actsin Australia I Give me a break sunshine!!!! Dont moralise with me.
in response to Setembro 08, 2006 8:56:40 AM.
What can I say. Your problem is that you "hate".
Someone should have told you that "hatred" is a negative feeling that imprisons you, it consumes you and clouds your judgement. Basically it distorts your view of the world around you and makes you an unhappy person.
FREE YOURSELF FROM HATRED. That is my advice to you.
As for you insulting me, I forgive you and I refuse to crawl down to your level. I much prefer to walk straight.
As for the facts. Here is what I think of your facts:
Fact 1: The F-FDTL were out of their barracks conducting an operation. It was due to an illegal order from the ex PM. They did intervene in a matter of internal security outside of their normal scope. 5 people were killed during that interventation.
We don't need to wait for the investigation results to know that because it happened.
They were out of their barracks and that is an undeniable fact. (unless you want to argue that they never left the barracs)
It was illegal because the RDTL law governing the F-FDTL does not allow for the army to be deployed unilaterally by the government without the knowledge and consent of the President. We don't need to wait for the results of the investigation to know that the President did not give his consent.
Five people died because they are the official government figures.
FACT 2: Your " Fact 2" is not a fact but a question. You obviously don't know the difference between a fact and a question. Nevertheless you were probably suggesting that Alfredo disarmed himself and protest together with the unarmmed petitioners and run the risk of being shot dead by armed F-FDTL soldiers like it happened to the other 5 dead civilians. In any case you still cannot accept the truth that their deployment was not in conformity with the LAW and therefore illegal.
FACT 3: We all know that Alfredo fired first but he tried to avoid a gun battle by repetedly asking for the opposing soldiers to stop advancing on his position and withdraw to a gunfight. They ignored him and he probably felt that it was a case of shooting or being shot.
We also know that the PM's office UTTERLY LIED to the public when it issued a press release claiming that Alfredo had "ambushed" and attacked unarmmed soldiers on their way back from receiving their salaries. We know that those F-FDTL soldiers were infact heavily armed and even caused one casualty on Alfredo's side. That is very clear also from David Oshea's video footage.
FACT 4: I agree with you that Alfredo was caught with weapons after the amnesty had expired. He will have to answer in a court of law for that offence.
FACT 5: Yes Rogerio Lobato will face trial. Yes Alfredo escaped. (However I feel that Alfredo cannot escape a trial in the end.)
It is also fact that while Rogerio was not sent to jail because the judge deemed it to be unsafe for Rogerio but somehow it was safe for Alfredo. While Alfredo was enduring jail conditions, Rogerio was very confortable in a state house in which he has no right to stay anymore. It is quite clear that there are double standards even in the way they were detained.
FACT 6: It is true that Alfredo said he will never hand himself in, but he also said previously that he won't have any problems facing justice when the sistem can garantee a FAIR trial free from political pressure. We'll wait and see it he was telling the truth.
As you can see I'm not the one who needs to get real. Just how you can strongly defend Rogerio and other suspects because they are the leading figures of your party is not beyond me at all.
It is quite obvious that you refuse to believe that your dearest party leaders could have commited such horrendous acts against the State. In regards to that I can only say one thing.
Let justice take its course and whoever is innocent has nothing to fear. If Rogerio and others are proven innocent in a court of law they should be cleared of all charges. If they are guilty, they should rot in jail because these are very serious offenses against the State and people of Timor-Leste.
Question to blogger from Setembro 08, 2006 5:21:44 PM .
Are you de one who made the comment on Setembro 07, 2006 11:14:52 PM?
In response to Setembro 08, 2006 5:49:46 PM
Where in my email did I say I supported Rogerio? Nice assumption buddy.
As I said, just go up into the bush and give Alfredo a nice hug for me because you love him so much.
As for hatred, thats right it clouds my judgement- I am from the dark side and I am a sith lord as well you idiot.
Setembro 08, 2006 9:15:15 PM blogger,
I certainly don't have such strong feelings for any of the actors as you do have for your fretilin leaders.
"Where in my email did I say I supported Rogerio? Nice assumption buddy."
Although you have not written it is so many words, your comments are too evident about who you support. Certainly not Xanana or Horta, or Alfredo, or anyone else other than your dear party leaders.
My main point is that Alfredo should answer for the violations he commited but not be turned into a scapegoat. Similarly, I said that Rogerio and Alkatiri should answer for any crimes they may have commited or be cleared if proven innocent.
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