I - Democracy
Democracy is more than a name, a title, it is both an end and a means, a product and a process.
We have to work to make it a way of living, a way of thinking, a way of responding to situations, especially challenges. We need to acculturate it in our hearts and minds. For some it is as natural as breathing, for most of us we have to consciously decide to act democratically.
Timor-Leste, the democratic state, is marked by free and fair elections, free media, freedom of speech, human rights, separation of powers, because we have decided that we want to live in a democracy, and we have to build these based on democratic practices. We can do this in our local communities, in our families as well, we can build small democracies locally and big leaders can do so in their institutions. Institutions must be transparent, accessible and responsive to the people and allocate resources fairly and respond to complaints, to have internal mechanisms for review. This is democracy.
II - Justice
We must ensure that the courts are able to do their work, are resourced, can benefit by cogent plans for judicial administration, have active Ministers, have Ministers that respect the separation of powers, so as to not have the state interfering with justice, as our Constitution demands.
A democracy cannot flourish nor be sustained without the rule of law.
The courts must be accessible, including in languages of the actors, and be open.
The laws must be certain in meaning and equal in application.
The law makers must not be above the law - they are subjects of it as well.
As President I will propose the establishment of a Constitutional Review Committee jointly with the President of National Parliament, the Prime Minister and members of the legal profession to critically review the Constitution as well as existing laws to adapt them to our realities and or to amend them where necessary in order to have a very clear and coherent set of laws and regulations.
III - Church
Timorese people are deeply spiritual. Their day to day is inspired and influenced by the spirits of the past, and at times by supernatural beliefs that are fused with Christianity.
For that reason we cannot import or impose modern beliefs from that secularism or European culture that would disturb the symbiotic relationship of Timorese and Catholic Church culture.
In partnership with our young State, it has helped us in this crisis, and it is helping us heal the wounds.
The Church must continue to serve the people of Timor-Leste in all areas: social, educational, cultural, spiritual and moral.
I favor that the State should provide adequate funding to the Catholic Church so it can more efficiently assume a bigger role in the spiritual and moral guidance of our people in education, health, development of our youth and in the fight against poverty.
If elected I will ask the State to make available to the Church, namely the Dioceses, at least US$10 million a year to cover the expenses associated with its activities.
It is not a favor. It is an obligation of the State towards the oldest and most credible institution in our Nation.
Many foreign missionaries have devoted most of their lives to help the people of this country. Yet after independence instead of being recognized they were treated as foreigners.
Under my Presidency I will ensure that the Government and National Parliament award them Timorese citizenship with all rights and priviledges.
IV - Help the Poor
If elected President it will be my mission to help those who for centuries had very little or nothing at all.
I intend to establish a Presidential Task-Force on Poverty to be co-chaired by the Head of State, the President of National Parliament and the Prime Minister. I will invite experienced members of the civil society to be part of the task-force including the Non-Government sector and the Catholic Church.
It will review past government policies and failures in the area of poverty reduction. It will propose new strategies and budgets. As President I will support a combination of immediate cash transfers to the poorest households.
I will support quick-impact programs, expanding the cash for work program beyond street cleaning into small projects such as rural roads maintenance, repair and or maintenance of schools, hospitals, and clinics.
V - Pensions for the Poor
If elected I will propose a pension plan to help our poorest and most disadvantaged.
I have worked closely with some of the world’s top economists on this matter.I think we can make it work. The country can afford to budget up to US$40 million a year to pay out at the monthly amount of US$40 for the100,000 poorest individuals, elderly, handicapped, war widows and veterans.
The payments should be done on quarterly basis saving on administrative costs. It will be done on location through the government and church network.
VI - Houses for the Poor
Immediately, if elected President, I will propose an ambitious project: houses for the poor, for public servants, members of the FFDTL, PNTL, teachers, in general for those serving the people, educating our children in the remote villages of our nation.
VII - Looking after the Veterans
We have to look after our Veterans, the real heroes of our nation.
The State has been honoring them with valor and decoration in solemn ceremonies.
We must do much more in support of their well deserved retirement.
As President I will ensure that the State is going to do even more for them, for their widows and their orphans.
VIII - F-FDTL and PNTL: Modern institutions to better serve the People
When I became Minister for Defence in June 2006, I said I would be more like a chaplain to the armed forces than a defense minister, and would help lift morale and heal wounds, and re-establish the pride of our liberation army.
Today F-FDTL and PNTL support each other in re-establishing with success law and order in Dili, well on the way to be resurrected from the recent crisis more dignified and more deserving of the trust of our people.
As President I will continue the path I took as Prime Minister to take care of the Defence and Security sectors, through prudent reforms to equip our country with modern institutions to better serve our people and the cause of peace.
The basis of my action as President and Commander-in-Chief to reform F-FDTL is the 20/20 study. We have to learn from our achievements and shortcomings in the Defence sector.
I will propose to establish a High Level Panel led by the President and the Commander of the Defence Force to critically review all reports written on the Defence Force, including the Report of the Commission of the Notables, so that we can learn from our mistakes and forge ahead with greater confidence.
My vision is for a Defence Force that is rooted in the people. In this regard I will advocate that our Defence Force be educated and trained towards a role in Peace Keeping and to assist people in the rural areas with building houses for the poor, schools, repairing secondary roads, providing assistance during natural disasters and providing medical support wherever the civilian help cannot reach.
In regard to Police I will continue to work with UNMIT and other friends to review the reorganization of the Police Force to make it leaner, better trained, equipped and disciplined. We have an unnecessary large number of different branches of the Police withto much mismanagement and waste.
For both our Defence Force and Police, like other categories of public servants who perform critical or dangerous tasks, such as justice sector, doctors and nurses, I will advocate that they be paid significant incentives consistent with the importance and risks of their work.
IX - Public Service
As President I will advocate a thorough reform of our Public Service with a more coherent and national capacity building modeled after the best practices such as those in Singapore or other British tradition.
At the same time, I believe that it is incomprehensible that no special incentives are provided to civil servants, school teachers and nurses who work in remote areas. There has to be a policy of providing incentives in proportion to the distance and isolation of the area in which they serve. If we want a professional and dedicated civil service we must provide them with better training as well as incentives when they perform well, when they work beyond the normal hours.
X - Corruption and mismanagement
Working with the existing national institutions as the Inspector General of the State, Provedor of Justice, National Parliament and civil society I will lead the fight on good governance, transparency and accountability in order to rid the Nation of corruption and waste, of abuses and impunity.
Sadly, much has been said and written about corruption in our country that seems to permeate various layers of government and administration.
We must continue the fight against this cancer that undermines our best intentions and efforts to serve the people with honesty and integrity.
XI - Helping students and youth
We must spend US$10 million for students and youth. I would propose that US$5 million be allocated for scholarships for secondary and university students.
This will enable the poorest families to provide their children with an additional income to buy clothing, food and books. Public schools are free but this is not enough if a student cannot afford to buy food and books.
The other US$5 million would to set up Youth Centers with sports facilities and Internet in all districts.
XII - Gender Equality
Women carry the burden of birthing children, feeding, clothing, educating children, looking after extended families, and get little support, frequently from husbands or the state.
The State has to ensure that women have the resources they need to be healthy, give birth to healthy babies and safely, and have access to clean water, power, communications, transport for them and their children, access to finance for small enterprise, such as small poultry farms and bigger business if they can, free health care including dental care, and to be free from violence in their homes and their communities.
The Constitution of the Republic includes a non-discrimination clause which says that one of the fundamental objectives of the State is to promote equality of opportunities between women and men.
While, over the years, the government has taken steps towards achieving gender equality, there is a need to strengthen ongoing programs to address inequalities and the linkages with poverty.
To that end I have already initiated discussions for the establishment of a Task Force on Gender Equality to be co-chaired by either the President or the Prime Minister with the Deputy SRSG for Governance, Finn Reske-Nilsen.
XIII - Land, water and forest preservation program
I advocate the launching of a major land, water and forest preservation program to save our land and create jobs.
We must remember that Timor-Leste is a relatively arid island with few rivers and lakes. With population growth the available land and water will shrink further in the next 20 years.
If we do not launch this program to replant trees, preserve water and care for our environment, in 20 years from now we will be having wars over water and land. This is a problem in many parts of the world. We cannot let it happen here.
As President I will advocate an ambitious 20-year program investing at least US$10 million a year on tree planting and water preservation.
We can plant trees that grow fast for fire wood. We can plant trees that grow fast such as bamboo for export and earn income for villagers. We can also plant trees that will take 20 to 30 years to mature such as teak and sandal wood.
Such a program can inject millions of dollars into our economy every year.
XIV - Smart Tax System
One way to help the poor is to energise our weak economy. That is why I led a review of our tax system.
We are spending more trying to collect taxes and duties than the amount we actually collect! With oil and gas revenues over US$1 billion, I believe that one way to help stimulate the economy is to put money back into the pockets of the people.
After extensive consultation I have proposed a new tax system for Timor-Leste based on these recommendations:
We should not be collecting any tax from the poor or from small businesses. Under my plan, persons and businesses earning less than US$1000 a month will not pay tax. After that they will pay only 10 percent.
Eliminate tariffs, sales tax, and excise so that Timor-Leste become a ‘Free Trade’ country. I advocate this because Timor-Leste does not receive much revenue from tariffs levied on imports, but these taxes are an administrative burden and discourage trade. In my view Timor-Leste should become a ‘Free Trade State’ by eliminating tariffs on all imports.
Income and corporate tax at a low flat rate of 5-10% - Well-respected experts tell me that for any income earned over $1,000 Timor-Leste should impose a very low rate of tax of 5-10%. I do agree with this.
Remove the 1% tax on business turnover- This tax does not raise much revenue, but it is an administrative burden. It should be removed.
If and where necessary I would propose to the new Government that it outsource services such as Procurement, Customs, Port and Airport management to reputed international consultants with a track record in these areas.
XV - Investment
In today’s globalised economy, the competition for foreign investment is intense. That’s why we must work to improve conditions to attract investment – both national and foreign. It is a critical area of the nation’s economic policy.
In a study of the World Bank, Timor-Leste was listed in 2005 as one of the most difficult countries of the world to register a company. Among 175 countries, Timor-Leste was in 174. Only Congo is worse.
One immediate way is to make changes to the Commercial Law. These changes will radically improve the ranking of Timor-Leste in respect to Easiness to start a Business by 98 positions (from 141st to 43rd place), and 11 positions overall.
If elected President, I will not rest until Timor-Leste is listed with the easiest countries in the world to do business and create opportunity. As well, upon being sworn-in as Prime Minister I met with a group of key public servants who deal with investors. Our aim was to simplify procedures, making it easier to invest in Timor-Leste. As a result, under my leadership, investors started to show a renewed interest in Timor-Leste. Since I took office, 34 companies have been granted the status of foreign investors as compared with only 12 in 2002-2006. Of those, 15 are new projects worth almost US$112 million that are estimated to create 4897 jobs. If we add to this the $80 million project from Thailand for green power generation, it is almost $200 million in new projects in just 8 months.
XVI - Accessible and cheaper telecommunications
Less than 3 in 100 Timorese has access to telephone and internet. Almost the entire rural population does not have access.
We must provide accessible, reliable and cheaper services to the sub-districts and villages. We must provide strict obligations to roll-out network infrastructure or to expand the coverage of the service.
That is why we must establish a new telecommunications policy framework based on current international standard, aimed at promoting fair competition and private investment in the telecommunications sector.
It will mean rural and remote access to telecommunications services, cheaper and accessible internet to businesses and students.
I have started friendly discussion with Timor Telecom to resolve this situation. If I am elected I would urge the new Government to accelerate the negotiations with TT so that we can reach a win-win resolution that must be beneficial to both sides.
XVII - Timor-Leste, an ‘ISLAND OF PEACE’
National unity comes two-ways: leadership from the top and working in partnership with communities.
In recent years I have articulated a vision for a Timor-Leste that responds to the needs and aspirations of the people – for security, education, health, relationship with the government, and for improved economic well-being.
I have described this vision in the framework of an ‘Island of Peace’. This is not a kind of idealistic mission to contain conflict, stop violence, and, magically, achieve peace and prosperity. It is a comprehensive and integrated framework in which tiers of activity and roles and responsibilities are clearly assigned to the institutions of government, the international community, and the private sector. The recent turmoil tells us that it is time to proceed promptly and efficiently with the implementation of this vision.
As President I will advocate the following principles:
Peace begins in the home. Domestic violence is unacceptable.
Communal and political violence must be rejected.
A culture of tolerance and non-violence must be rooted in our society.
Local dialogue and dispute resolution processes will be implemented.
People will be empowered to participate in matters important to them, their families, and communities without distinction of gender, age, race, religion, economic status, or political affiliation.
Community resources will serve the interests of the community, including the preservation of a healthy and sustainable environment.
To bring substance to this vision and provide the building blocks for creating the Island of Peace, I foresee the creation of a network of Zones of Peace within Timor-Leste that reflect the unique character of the Timorese people and affirm the principles of a peaceful and prosperous life for all. Commitment to the principles and commitment to the partnership are keys to making the Zone of Peace meaningful.
If all this is accepted, as President I will be asking all government ministries to commit to achieving results in their particular realms of service and expertise. Justice, for example, will be asked to devise methods for resolving the lingering property disputes in a timely and sustainable way. Interior will be asked to establish a true, non-politicized national police. Public Works, Agriculture, Education, and Health will be expected to fulfill their responsibilities for effective infrastructure building.
The NGO community will be asked, similarly, to focus a significant part of their resources and expertise on establishing participatory and sustained dialogue as an integral part of how Timorese identify and resolve issues.
The private sector will be asked to commit investment resources and help with building organizational capacity. The international aid community will be asked to focus their funding and capacity building capabilities on the priority needs for security, inclusiveness, and economic development.
For their role in the partnership, Timorese citizens in every Suco will be asked to join with their neighbors, work with their Suco Council, and come together to discuss and expand upon the principles of the Zone of Peace that I propose. Through this process, each community will define the meaning and significance that a Zone of Peace designation will have for their own particular community.
In my vision, the Zone of Peace will be the organizational vehicle – the building block – through which this partnership between the presidency, the government, the people, and the support community is implemented and the principles of a peaceful and prospering East Timor are achieved.
I would like to see a network of 416 Zones of Peace that fit together to form an Island of Peace in much the same way that a family of diverse individuals come together to serve the needs and interests of that family. Communities will not only foster non-violent approaches to solving problems and finding new opportunity but also will work with government bodies to foster mutual definition of cultural and economic goals along with the corresponding responsibility for achieving them.
This will be a rallying point for Unity of vision, Unity of purpose, National vision and National Unity.
XVIII - International relations
A small and vulnerable country needs a dynamic, creative and pragmatic foreign policy, inspired by our national interests.
National interests are not an abstract academic matter. They are real issues that are related to our internal and external security, peace and stability, and economic well-being of our nation.
We are not alone in this world; we are part of an increasingly globalised world, interconnected by investments, tourism, trade, knowledge, information, science, technology, and diseases.
We have two neighbors, Australia and Indonesia, who have been good friends to us. Both are democratic countries, and we share with them land and sea boundaries, airspace, and a long history that is both rich in what is positive and negative, painful and liberating.
The two countries are very different. Indonesia, an Asian country, with 240 million people, with the largest Islamic faith in the world, still poor, though generously endowed by God with vast natural resources, a creative people, many are highly educated.
Australia is one of the richest industrialized countries in the world, with only 20 million people, a rock solid democracy and a bastion of Christianity, an open and tolerant country, founded by convicts, many innocently convicted by the Crown.
Australians, by their very origin, as sons and daughters whose ancestors were unjustly deported into exile in that vast and hostile environment, are very attached to the ideals of justice and freedom. Australians are instinctively sympathetic to the weak and persecuted.
As President I shall continue the policies of the recent past of further enhancing our existing relations with Indonesia and Australia our two neighbors at official level as well as at people to people level.
Timor-Leste is now preparing to join the Association of South East Asian Nations - ASEAN over the coming five years and to share in the fruits of a trading block representing close to a trillion dollars and 500 million people. The opportunities are immense.
If elected I shall make it a priority our accession to ASEAN. Timor-Leste is part of Southeast Asia. It is here that we belong hence we must work harder and faster to join this region of the world, integrating ourselves into this dynamic economic community of more than 500 million people.
In foreign policy I have been always inspired by the best interests of our country, consolidating existing friendly relations, harnessing good will and forging new friendships and potential trading partners. The record speaks for itself.
The US remains the sole economic and military super-power, a continent on its own, that will continue to lead for many decades … in the fields of innovation, creativity, science and technology. The US produces more Nobel Laureates in Sciences than any country in the world. That’s why I say they will continue to lead for many decades more.
We have many friends in the US and if elected President I will make it a priority to continue this special relationship based on shared values and beliefs.
I strongly believe in our relationship with China, Japan, Republic of Korea, India. I will continue to enhance such relationship that can only serve our best national interests.
I am proud that I have contributed to our special relationship with the countries of the European Union.
The European Union is the single most important regional economic and diplomatic power bloc in the world.
Because of our shared history of centuries, shared beliefs in human rights, democracy and justice, the Europeans have a deep understating and sympathy towards peoples in all continents.
XIX – Membership in the Commonwealth
I will make it a priority accession to membership in the Commonwealth.
I will propose to the Government that Timor-Leste seek assistance from the Commonwealth to expand the teaching of English in the country. English is the universal language for science, technology, commerce and tourism. We should provide our youth with this universal language so that they are better equipped for the future.
XX - The United Nations
This multilateral organization of which we are the 191st member is vital and indispensable for the entire world, for large and rich, for poor and small nations.
We are in a globalised world where people and diseases travel almost freely.
No country is immune from certain diseases that travel from one country to another, from one air traveller to another. This is only a small illustration of how our planet has become smaller and how we have become interconnected through science and technology, international trade and tourism.
To address issues of poverty and diseases we need the joint efforts of the international community.
To advance into the 21st century of the digital knowledge we need the know-how and technology of others.
To improve the lives of our poor rural people, we need them to improve their productivity and quality of products and then find markets abroad for these goods.
The United Nations is vital to all of us and specially to small countries like Timor-Leste.
The U.N. can give us a larger space where our voice can be heard and the U. N. can be a sympathetic and neutral force that give us more power where we can negotiate with larger powers.
The United Nations have been in the forefront in assisting us through our many conflicts and crises of the past, helping us winning our freedom, helping us building up our new nation.
Let’s show gratitude to the U. N. and one way to show our gratitude is to support the U. N. personnel in Timor-Leste to do the job they were mandated to do here.
They are not the new colonisers as some radical elements in our society might say. A coloniser usually stays in a colony for several centuries. The U. N. usually stays in a country for a few years, too few.
So let’s be intelligent and pragmatic, let’s try to get the U.N. to stay here for many years, so that they help us build our institutions, provide us with security, let them spend money in our hotels and restaurants, rent our houses, employ our people, etc.
sexta-feira, março 30, 2007
Malai Azul 2
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Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
2 comentários:
Não sei se repararam, mas na "visão" de Ramos Horta, não há uma única referência a Portugal, nem à CPLP...
Afinal estamos aqui a fazer o quê? É melhor mesmo aderirem à commonwealth, assim como assim eles já tomaram conta disto...
Já agora, não há 10 milhões para mim?...
If JRH wants East Timor to be a member of the Commonwealth, he wil l have to start using Commonwealth English spelling, not American.
Commmonwealth countries do not have neighbors, they have neighbours
Sure, the Commonwealth has successful members like Singapore, but also less than successful ones like the Solomon Islands.
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