Díli, 08 Jan (Lusa) - Três mulheres foram mortas sábado em Maubara, 40 quilómetros a oeste de Díli, acusadas de feitiçaria pelos vizinhos, crime que está a ser investigado pelo polícia da ONU (UNPOL), disse hoje à Lusa fonte policial.
terça-feira, janeiro 09, 2007
Três mulheres mortas sob acusação de feitiçaria
Malai Azul 2
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Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
5 comentários:
Premier do Timor Leste assegura eleições apesar de crise
José Ramos Horta garantiu que o pleito previsto para maio será realizado
DÍLI - O primeiro-ministro do Timor Leste, José Ramos Horta, assegurou nesta segunda-feira que as eleições gerais previstas para maio deste ano acontecerão, apesar da instabilidade política e social que o país atravessa.
"Ninguém deve se preocupar. A ONU supervisionará o pleito e o Governo convocará as eleições de acordo com a data que decidimos", destacou o prêmio Nobel da Paz em 1996.
Ramos Horta fez as declarações depois de o militar rebelde Alfredo Reinado manifestar no domingo que enquanto o Timor Leste sofrer uma crise política e social não poderão acontecer eleições justas e limpas no país.
"Se o Governo, apoiado pela Unmit (Missão da ONU Integrada no Timor Leste), não conseguir resolver esta crise política e de estabilidade até março, não se pode esperar que as eleições sejam justas", insistiu Reinado.
Ramos Horta assinalou que o Governo pode resolver a crise só com as capacidades e os recursos que tem.
"O major Reinado tem todo o direito de exigir ao Governo que resolva este problema como qualquer cidadão, mas o Governo não pode fazer milagres. Para resolver o problema, necessita do apoio e da participação do povo timorense", ressaltou o primeiro-ministro.
O Conselho de Segurança da ONU criou a Unmit em agosto com o objetivo de ajudar os timorenses a restabelecer a ordem e a sufocar a onda de violência que acabou com o Governo do ex-primeiro-ministro Mari Alkatiri.
A crise parte da expulsão por insubordinação, em março do ano passado, de 591 militares que denunciaram abusos no corpo e que pediam melhores condições de trabalho.
O Timor Leste, que nasceu em maio de 2002 como um dos países mais pobres do mundo, após uma difícil e sangrenta transição, atravessa uma crise originada nas divisões internas e na luta pelo poder.
A reminder to Sr. Alfredo. Remember 1999.
Fear and violence may postpone East Timor vote
KERRY O'BRIEN: It's decision time for the UN in East Timor. Can it stage a fair vote on independence in just seven weeks, or are tensions and violence running too high?
A report released today by Amnesty International asserts that a climate of fear and insecurity still prevails despite the presence of UN monitors. The human rights watchdog claims Indonesian troops and police have joined militia groups in acts of torture and have been responsible for at least 34 deaths since early May.
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is due to report to the Security Council on the matter this week, and there's growing speculation the vote will be postponed by several weeks.
ABC correspondent Tim Lester travelled to one of the more remote strife-torn areas that the UN must bring under control if it's to deliver a fair referendum.
TIM LESTER: There's a lawlessness in the hills west of Dili that make this an uneasy, often dangerous place. Travelling here, it's not hard to find evidence of thuggery and intimidation, violence and sometimes murder.
The teenage son of a coffee farmer weeps at the sight of his dad's body, the man hacked to death as he worked in a plantation a day earlier. In convoy with the van carrying the body are several truck-loads of police mixed with militia, all bristling with weapons. Almost immediately, this murder has a political context.
A man who says he's the victim's cousin claims pro-independence fighters from the jungle carried out the killing.
ANTONINO GALUSHO, VICTIM'S COUSIN, (TRANS.): They want people to go and join with them and run into the jungle to support independence and if they don't want to, they're killed.
TIM LESTER: This is the political climate 272 UN police, many of them Australians, are heading into, their deployment beginning today. Their new beat is often violent and usually laced with fear and intimidation.
The scores of East Timorese watching that parade of guns, grief and a murdered man, could hardly help but be intimidated. Some of them busied themselves with their coffee, none were talkative. Many are apparently refugees, among the estimated 30,000 to 50,000 driven from villages across the territory in a wave of violence over the independence issue.
GREGORIUS FERNANDEZ, UNICEF EAST TIMOR: They're suffering of malaria, acute respiratory infection and also some nutritional problems because they just don't have enough food to consume.
TIM LESTER: Greg Fernandez has examined the refugee problem.
GREGORIUS FERNANDEZ: Some of them, they've been there for three months, some of them two months, but when we try to talk, to encourage, "When will you be returning to your village?"
Some of them say, a little bit of them say, "We might go back for the vote," but many of them say, "If you can help us, "why not just open up some sort of place here for us to provide vote, rather than go back?"
TIM LESTER: But the UN wants them back in their villages well before the planned referendum to choose between autonomy under Indonesia or independence.
DAVID WIMHURST, UN SPOKESMAN: We want to see a peaceful climate established so that people can return to their homes and then register to vote in the villages that they normally live in and then consequently vote in those villages.
That can only happen if there's a peaceful environment, and these efforts by the militia to deliberately move people around, the only conclusion we can draw is that they're deliberately trying to disrupt our preliminary work in registering voters.
TIM LESTER: Indeed, just last week, UN officers returned from a trip here, saying they'd witnessed militia under the direction of Indonesian army officers burning property and driving residents out of their villages.
Armanu Santos and his family were among those who fled. "If we stayed here", says Armanu, "the militia told us they'd come and beat us to death."
ARMANU SANTOS: Because of that, we went down, we fled down to Liquica. But then they came back up anyway and burnt my house and the one beside it. They're completely destroyed.
ANTONINO GALUSHO, (TRANS.): We know exactly what they're doing. They burn a house and then throw the blame on to us, the pro-autonomy side. But it's not like that. They've turned the facts around so they have a victory in the eyes of the world.
ANICETO LOPEZ, YAYASAN HAK HUMAN RIGHTS GROUP, TRANSLATION: The militias are still conducting operations on human rights abuses, working together with the army, and because the army still has weapons, because the militias haven't been disbanded, because they haven't been subjected to legal action, at any moment, they can get hold of weapons.
TIM LESTER: Local human rights group Yayasan Hak says the terror campaign is aimed at strengthening the autonomy vote.
ANICETO LOPEZ (TRANS.): It's not yet conducive for a referendum here.
TIM LESTER: While others argue to delay the vote planned for August 8 is to prolong the fear for the refugees.
GREGORIUS FERNANDEZ: If the referendum is delayed or postponed, I believe in their mind what will happen also is there will still be delay and they will still live in this kind of situation.
TIM LESTER: "They can't go home because they're frightened," says this man. "If they go home, they're sure they'll die or be tortured."
Jaimi Romao Dos Santos is village chief in Lourba yet he and more than 300 from the town are in Dili, hiding from the militias they accuse of brutality, torture and rape. Could they vote without fear on August 8? In fact, they've just voted in the Indonesian election.
JULIO PERIERA, VILLAGER, (TRANS.): I voted because I was forced. If I didn't vote, I'd be shot. The election wasn't important for me. What is important is August 8.
ANICETO LOPEZ, (TRANS.): The problem comes back to security. The Indonesian authorities have a very tough attitude and the United Nations has yet to develop a strategy to solve the security problem.
TIM LESTER: And yet the UN arrival here has stirred an optimism among those forced from their homes.
JULIO PERIERA (TRANS.): We believe that because the United Nations has arrived, no more of us will be killed.
TIM LESTER: Here, closer to the UN than the militias, they're talking. But fear is still dominant here.
And events like the mourning of the murdered coffee farmer only entrench it.
The UN officers spreading out across East Timor have a battle to win back confidence among these people for a fair vote on the independence question.
Foram mortas e queimadas dentro das casas delas. Aguardamos a investigacao da UNMIT. Mas foram lideres comunitarios que lideraram o gangue que queimou e matou.
Nao entendo porque e que poem a porcaria acima nesta janela de comentarios! Nao e a noticia sobre as acusadas de bruxaria terem sido assassinadas e que a UNPOL esta a investigar?
Estara a UNPOL a investigar o ataque feito a crianca pelo Sr. Ramos Horta ou sera que este imbecil esta acima da lei em Timor Leste Democratico(?).
Ze Cinico
Vizinhos mataram três feiticeiras
Jornal de Notícias, 9/01/07
Três mulheres foram mortas sábado em Maubara, 40 quilómetros a oeste de Díli, acusadas de feitiçaria pelos vizinhos, crime que está a ser investigado pela Polícia da ONU (UNPOL).
Segundo a porta-voz da UNPOL, comissária Mónica Rodrigues, o crime está a ser averiguado por uma equipa de investigação criminal da ONU, não havendo ainda informações disponíveis sobre o móbil do crime.
As autoridades policiais timorenses locais disseram que as três mulheres eram da mesma família, tinham 70, 50 e 25 anos, e que foram mortas e queimadas por populares que as acusaram de serem bruxas.
A comissária Mónica Rodrigues acrescentou que também no fim-de-semana, na zona de Delta 4, no bairro de Comoro, na parte ocidental da capital timorense, um morador encontrou uma granada, tendo efectivos da GNR sido enviados para o local, confirmando tratar-se de um engenho explosivo de fragmentação, para uso militar, ainda intacto. A UNPOL está também a investigar a morte de um homem, cujo corpo apresentava várias marcas de ferimentos. O crime registou-se sábado na aldeia de Naigidal, distrito de Covalima, sudoeste de Díli.
Segundo a UNPOL, na capital timorense continua a registar -se uma situação "relativamente calma, com alguns incidentes esporádicos, mas sem a intensidade das últimas semanas".
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