The Australian
Mark Dodd
September 12, 2006
ALFREDO Reinado, the East Timorese army deserter whose actions ultimately led to the ousting of prime minister Mari Alkatiri, has allegedly received financial help from the country's President.
There are claims that the office of President Xanana Gusmao, a long-term rival of Dr Alkatiri, paid an outstanding hotel bill on behalf of Major Reinado while the rebel leader was on the run earlier this year.
The bill covered the six weeks Major Reinado spent at an isolated, colonial-era mountaintop lodge called the Poussada, outside the coffee-growing town of Maubisse, 75km southeast of Dili.
Staff at the hotel, including assistant manager Julio da Costa, claim the bill was paid by the office of the President.
And Major Reinado, although sceptical of claims the bill was paid by Mr Gusmao, said he could not meet the entire account and he had heard reports it was picked up by the President or his Australian-born wife, Kirsty Sword Gusmao.
The claims, denied by Mr Gusmao's office, raise further questions about the coup-like strike by army officers that ultimately helped the President drive Dr Alkatiri out of office in late June this year.
Angered by what he believed was heavy-handed treatment by Dr Alkatiri and his former interior minister, Rogerio Lobato, in quelling a political protest that left six killed, Major Reinado and 20 other supporters, mostly military police under his command, deserted for the hills.
While a deserter, Major Reinado remained loyal to his commander-in-chief, with Mr Gusmao issuing an order, seen by The Australian, for him and his group to initially base themselves in Aileu, 50km southeast of the capital. But following escalating violence in Dili, Major Reinado moved deeper into the sanctuary of East Timor's mountains, establishing a base at the Poussada.
During the peak of the political crisis in June, Major Reinado's staunch anti-government rhetoric and actions provided a rallying point for anti-Alkatiri forces.
When Australian troops were deployed to the troubled nation, Special Air Service operatives went to the hotel to watch him.
Major Reinado spent six weeks at the Poussada but he moved out without settling his account, accumulating at a rate of $US16.80 per day per room. There was also a modest food and beverage bill, although Major Reinado had a preference for fresh fish from a hatchery pond about 20km away.
According to Poussada staff, Major Reinado's bill was paid by by the President. Mr da Costa, the 32-year-old assistant manager, was clear about this when questioned by The Australian last Tuesday. But within 24 hours, he was less certain. During that time, he had also been spoken to by his boss, lodge manager Maria-Isabel Benevides, whose suspicions had been aroused by the probing questions of her only two guests that night.
The presidential payment is not confirmed by a receipt, although on Tuesday night, the hotel's accounting records, comprising several tatty invoice books scattered loosely on the office desk, had been rearranged and tidied up as if suddenly inspected.
Asked whether the payment claims were true, Mr Gusmao's chief-of-staff, Agio Pereira, said: "No, I don't think so. The President does not have enough money to pay his own police."
Mr Pereira said Mr Gusmao was unhappy about Major Reinado staying at the Poussada because "it was a private business". Major Reinado said he paid some of the bill but not enough to settle the entire account for himself and his armed colleagues.
terça-feira, setembro 12, 2006
Claim that President paid major's hotel bill
Malai Azul 2
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Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
23 comentários:
Claro que pagou ou mandar pagar. Xanana ordena e os desertores obedecem.
Ainda vos espanta esta verdade da conta da Pousada de Maubisse? A mim não.
Xanana manda! Xanana manda o país às alfaces e o povo para a ignorância.
Tara manda rezar uma missa por Reinado... meus senhores, a Igreja pediu a Tara, combinados com Xanana para que se realize esse SERVIÇO de instrumentalização/manipulação do POVO!
É assim neste país, baralhar para dar de novo e enganar o POVO!
Afirmação de que o Presidente pagou a conta de hotel do major
The Australian
Mark Dodd
Setembro 12, 2006
ALFREDO Reinado, o desertor das forças armadas Timorenses cujas acções últimamente levaram à saída do primeiro-ministro Mari Alkatiri, alegadamente recebeu ajuda financeira do Presidente do país.
Há queixas de que o Gabinete do Presidente Xanana Gusmão, um rival há muito tempo do Dr Alkatiri, pagou uma importante conta de hotel a favor do Major Reinado quando o líder amotinado estava em fuga mais cedo este ano.
A conta cobriu as seis semanas que o Major Reinado passou numa isolada pousada do estilo da era colonial chamada a Pousada, fora da cidade produtora de café de Maubisse, 75 km sudeste de Dili.
Pessoal do hotel, incluindo o director assistente Júlio da Costa, diz que a conta foi paga pelo gabinete do Presidente.
E o Major Reinado, apesar (de estar) céptico da afirmação de que a conta foi paga pelo Sr Gusmão, disse que não podia pagar a conta por inteiroe que ouvira relatos de que fora paga pelo Presidente ou pela sua mulher Australiana, Kirsty Sword Gusmão.
As afirmações, negadas pelo Gabinete do Sr Gusmão, levantaram mais questões sobre o tipo de golpe disparado por oficiais das forças armadas que ultimamente ajudaram o Presidente a tirar o Dr Alkatiri do gabinete no final de Junho deste ano.
Zangado pelo que acreditou ser tratamento duro por parte do Dr Alkatiri e o seu antigo ministro do interior, Rogério Lobato, em acalmar um protesto político que deixou seis mortos, o Major Reinado e 20 outros apoiantes, a maioria polícias militares sob o seu comando, desertou para as montanhas.
Enquanto desertor, o Major Reinado permaneceu leal ao seu comandante-em-chefe, com o Sr Gusmão a emitir uma ordem, vista pelo The Australian, para ele e o seu grupo se basearem eles próprios em Aileu, a 50 km sudeste da capital. Mas no seguimento da escalada da violência em Dili, o Major Reinado movimentou-se mais profundamente para o santuário das montanhas de Timor-Leste, estabelecendo uma base na Pousada.
Durante o ponto alto da crise política em Junho, a sólida retórica anti-governo e as acções do Major Reinado foram um ponto de reunião para as forças anti-Alkatiri.
Quando as tropas Australianas foram destacadas para a nação inquieta, operacionais da Special Air Service foram para o hotel para o manterem debaixo de olho.
O Major Reinado passou seis semanas na Pousada mas saiu pagando a sua conta, acumulada ao preço de $US16.80 por dia por quarto. Havia também uma conta modesta para alimentação e bebida, apesar do Major Reinado ter uma preferência por peixe fresco dum lago à volta de 20 km de distância.
De acordo com o pessoal da Pousada, a conta do Major Reinado foi paga pelo Presidente. O Sr da Costa, o director assistente de 32 anos, foi claro sobre isso quando questionado pelo The Australian na última Quinta-feira. Mas em 24 horas, ficou com menos certeza. Durante esse tempo, a sua patroa falou com ele, a directora da pousada Maria Isabel Benevides, cujas suspeitas foram levantadas pelas perguntas experientes dos seus dois únicos hóspedes dessa noite.
O pagamento presidencial não foi confirmado por um recibo, apesar de na Terça-feira à noite, os livros de contabilidade do hotel, compreendendo vários livros de facturas espalhadas â solta pela secretária, terem sido re-arrumadas e limpas como se tivesse havido uma inspecção repentina.
Perguntado se a afirmação do pagamento era verdadeira o chefe de Gabinete do Sr Gusmão, Agio Pereira, disse: "Não, não penso. O Presidente nem tem dinheiro suficiente para pagar à sua própria polícia."
O Sr Pereira disse que o Sr Gusmão estava infeliz com a estadia do Major Reinado na Pousada porque isso "foi um negócio privado ". O Major Reinado disse que pagou parte da conta mas não o suficiente para arrumar toda a conta dele próprio e dos seus colegas armados.
Mark Dodd is the most hopeless of Australian journalists in East Timor
Why is he hopeless? When his reports idolises Xanana he is not hopeless, when he raises questions about Xanana's office he is now hopeless. give me a break.
Iha hau nia kakuta hau sei hanoin e rona Joao Carrascalao nia lia fuan bainhira nia hassai comunicado iha radio no Jornal. Nia hussu katak investigacao international tenque halo ba ema hotu nebe involve ho Governo, Oposicao sira hotu, Presidente da Republica, FDTL e ba nia rassik ho nia partidu. Agora dadaun ita hare ema hatudo liman ba malo, acusa mal, se maka sala e se maka los. Xanana, Mari, Rogerio, Taur, Paulo Martins, Ramos Horta, Adano, Taur, Lu Olo, Lasama, Major Alfredo, Tara, Mario Carrascalao, Lucia Lobato, Joao Gonsalves, Manuel Tilman, Agio Pereira,Railos, sira hotu hotu paresse ibun ho liman fo'er hela, no mos balu ho ran. Joao ho sintido belu, se lai karik ho mos sira sei buka taka oh nia ibun. Oh keta hatene buat barak karik? Nussa ho la koalia hotu dala ida. Oh la hare povu maka sofre nafatin?
Aten brani masque sira bele halo oh nia buan semo. Paresse oh rona e hare buat barak. Povu exije tenque hatene.
In response to Setembro 12, 2006 9:04:03 AM
He is hopeless in general.
I rarely ever believe any of the stuff that he writes, whether it is pro XG or not. Whether this story is true or not- I have no idea, but it only strengthens suspicions that XG and Reinado are connected in some shape or form (something most people have always suspected/known).
XG,MA e RH tres Timorenses tao validos que trabalharam para a independencia de Timor!
E agora?!...
Anonymous ... Terça-feira, Setembro 12, 2006 10:51:53 AM
Really. XG and Alfredo may be connected. Wow. What a suprise.
Someone please check with Australian authorities:
Is Rui Lopes under investigations in Australia for drug trafficking? One of his nephews was arrested in Darwin recently for trafficking drugs from East Timor to Australia. The drug trail leads from Indonesia's West Timor to East Timor and then trafficked to Australia. There are evidence on the presence of meta amphetamine in Maliana area and that meta amphetamine has been given to some of the people brought to Dili to participate in the anti government rallies in June. The popular term for meta amphetamine is 'anjing gila' and was known to be administered to the militias in 1999 violence. The Indonesian special force and parts of the army is well known to be involved in the production and trafficking of this addictive drug.
Rui Lopes is a former district administrator of Suai and head of the local militia group. He has extensive link with KOPASSUS. In June he led the anti government protesters from Suai and is close to Fernando La Sama and PD party. He is known to provide PD with funds, allegedly obtained through his dealings with drugs smuggling and the KOPASSUS in West Timor.
Militia leader causing angst in Timor
12/09/2006 11:20:01
Escaped militia leader Alfredo Reinado continues to pose problems for peacekeepers in East Timor.
Major Reinado was among 57 inmates who escaped Bakora Prison last month. He has since called for an insurrection against the government and has threatened to shoot foreign troops if they try to arrest him.
Foreign Minister Winston Peters says the New Zealand Government is observing developments but the situation makes the work being carried out by New Zealand, Australian, Portuguese and United Nations forces much more difficult.
Mr Peters says the Timorese Government and people have to take some responsibility for recapturing Reinado.
I believe the PR is also pay the costs for mass service in Gleno.
His tasks supposed to defend the rules of law, the constitution and the dignity of the country and now his is defending those criminals to overthrow a legitimate government.
Don’t be surprise if he will do the same for RH, his close ally. RH should start now packing his belongings at the Palacio because this Guy is planning to remove him from Palacio.
Incredible President!!!!
You Timorese have to be careful. I have heard some Canberra international affairs opinion makers start to hypophesize that they believed there is a very deliberate but hitherto effective Canberra driven strategy to demonise and discredit all Timorese leaders (Gusmao, Alkatiri and Horta). Why? Well it was they who were able to run a successful public/media campaign (and win the support of many Australians) against the Howard Government's blatantly greedy and selfish attempts to take away from Timorese their rightful resources in the Timor Sea. The success of the campaing which resulted in a fairer share of the oil and gas in the Timor Sea, was achieved by unity of purpose and strengh on the part of the Timorese political leadership. Is it then surprising that begining with Alaktiri, then Horta and now Gusmao, the Howard Government thorugh their very servile Canberra DFAT click, utilizing its embassy resources to do alot of dirty ground work, then through its media mouthpiece, Mark Dodd and the Murdoch Press (who have always and consistently been against the Timorese claim for a fairer resource split in the Timor Sea)are now working thorugh the Timor-Leste political leadership one by one? Mark my words (excuse the pum) that it will be a case of them being picked off one by one and a smear campaign so as that in the future when Australian and Timor-Leste interests no longer coincide, who in Australia will ever believe these hopeless Timorese who cannot even run their country. Watch this space and discover whether this occursor not. So excuse me for not giving Dodd any credence for journalistic achievements in this story and as some may say a turn around on what the facts really are in the Timor-Leste political crisis thus far. It is simply the hatchet man doing his job on behalf of his political masters in canberra.
Aiding and abetting a deserter; aiding and abetting a fugitive from the reach of the law. Perhaps one or two other aiding and abetting type offences. Conspiring to continue to do so. Very Presidential/Statesmanlike conduct indeed. I am glad I live in Australia and not East Timor.
Os mafiosos nao se calam de uivar tal como os lobos o fazem em noites de luar. As inocentes presas escaparam-se dos seus dentes. A barriguinha comeca a reclamar alguns dolares mais; eh que a queda de Alkatiri esta a desgastar a suas peles de cordeirinhos inocentes. Eles sabem que o PR nao lhes vai dar baldas e permitir que esses mafiosos voltem voltem a atacar os incautos inocentes. O desespero levou-os a frustracao total e decidiram atacar o PR, querem destrui-lo para poderem reinar. Nao vai ser facil nao. Se ele aguentou o mato e a cadeia durante tanto tempo, nao hao-de ser esses parasitas que conseguirao fazer melhor que os Bapas. Xanana sobrevivera e voces perderao os taxos. Abaixo os taxistas.
Meu amigo os mafiosos e os terroristas,
nao respeitam a lei...
O Lugar dos taxistas e corruptos, conspiradores e seus acompanhantes Maputanos ou nao, e na cadeia.
Becora esta a espera.
Anyone know what is happening at Gleno/
o lugar dos xananas, ricardos, hortas, reinados é prisão de weberek!!!
O Presidente mandou pagar a conta ao terrorista do Reinado? Sera que o dinheiro utilizado vem da verba atribuida a Presidencia pelo Orcamwento do Estado? Ou foi a Kirsty eh que pagou? Agora compreendo a razao de ser da campanha de recolha de fundos que a primeira dama lancou semana passada na Australia! Afinal o fundo nao se destinava as viuvas e orfaos de Timor!
Se pagou a Kirsty entao esperamos que foi de fundos separados das donativas que vem para a Alola. Porque sei que os doadores talvez nao tem interesse em seus fundos serem dirigidos a terrorristas.
Timors President has lost the PLOT
In response to 2006 2:51:26 PM anonymous,
Thanks for the hint. What you say makes a lot of sense. There is nothing better for Camberra than an East Timor devoid of any credible leaders in the future. It would be so much easier for Camberra to influence future timorese politics to serve their interests.
Every timorese should heed your warning, stop all the bickering and stop trying to discredit the national leaders they have left.
“The theory that Gusmão supports Reinado doesn't wash”
Associate Professor Damien Kingsbury, Director, Masters of International and Community Development School of International and Political Studies at Deakin University writes:
A report that East Timor's President Xanana Gusmão paid the hotel bill for escaped rebel Major Alfredo Reinado is consistent with Gusmao's attempts to rein in the conflict the had threatened civil war in East Timor earlier this year.
Gusmão paid the hotel bill as part of his request to Reinado that Reinado stay in one location, to ensure there was no further conflict. In the circumstances of that time, that arrangement was key to limiting the then escalating conflict between factions in the military and police.
The inference that Gusmão supported or otherwise had links with Reinado remain unsubstantiated and inconsistent with Gusmao's public position on the conflict at that time. Such allegations, though, continue to be beaten up by misguided activists and journalists who appear to believe that support for East Timor means support for Fretilin means support for Alkatiri. This logic, though, does not follow.
Similarly, the inference that there was a link between the leader of the Democratic Party, Fernando de Araujo, and former pro-Indonesia militia leaders also remains unsubstantiated, and strongly denied by de Araujo, who spent eight years in Indonesian jails for his leading role in opposing the Indonesian occupation of East Timor.
It appears that, as with allegations against Gusmao, Alkatiri supporters are having difficulty with coming to terms with the fact that he was genuinely, widely and increasingly unpopular, even in his own party, Fretilin, made a number of poor decisions, and was ultimately encouraged to resign from office on that basis.
It is a pity that journalists who have otherwise reported honestly and fearlessly in the past have so transparently allowed their personal preferences and prejudices to color their reporting on East Timor's recent troubles, confirming the old adage that one should never let the facts stand in the way of a good story.( website: 12/9/06)
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