From Sister Anne Forbes:
President Xanana, the charismatic leader of Timor-Leste can put a stop toall this with another hour and a half speech to the nation. But the factthat he is not doing anything to prevent this kinds of attack make mesuspicious about his integrity. Xanana could be the person behind thetrouble. If not where is the national unity he has been preaching?...
quarta-feira, agosto 09, 2006
Mais ainda sobre silêncio PR
Malai Azul 2
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Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
28 comentários:
Mais ainda sobre silêncio PR
Da Irmã Anne Forbes:
O Presidente Xanana, o carismático líder de Timor-Leste pode parar tudo isto com outro discurso à nação de hora e meia. Mas o facto de não estar a fazer nada para prevenir estes tipos de ataques faz-me desconfiar sobre a sua integridade. Xanana pode ser a pessoa que mexe os cordelinhos. Se não onde está a unidade nacional que tem pregado?...
Tanya-nya ojo ke Xanana tapi ke Mari ' BIN LADEN ' ALkateri...dialah yg menghancurkan negara TL. YG memegang tampuk pemerintahan adalah FRETILIN.....tanya ke Fretilin apa yg bisa mereka lakukan????? nampak membiarkan saja dan hanya sibuk urus perut sendiri....baca dong berita terbaru ttg Greve membru parlamento dari Fretilin....hanya masalah perut peduli ttg nasib bangsa....
Jangan harapkan Xanana terlalu berlebihan sebab tahun depan beliau akan pensiun so biasakan ajar lider eloe tuk menyelesaikan persoalan bangsa ok.....
kaciaaan dech eloeeeeeee
Que pena que o grande lider carismatico tenha que ser chamado a atencao para actuar. E entao?
Palavras de um anonimo que tomo a liberdade de transcrever aqui (espero que nao leve a mal)
"A todos os criticos de meia tijela que dizem que o PR remeteu-se ao silencio aqui estao alguns artigos do site da UNOTIL que desmentem isso, e mais, provam que ele esta activo em tentar ajudar a resolver os problemas.
Monday, 7 August 2006
Daily Media Review
National Media Reports
"PR appeals to the youth for peace + Reconciliation must begin with Xanana and Taur
After the arrest of Major Alfredo and his followers, there has been fighting between youth groups in Dili for the past three days. President Xanana Gusmao has appealed to the youth for calm and to contribute to efforts to restore peace and stability in this country, so that Timor-Leste may not lose its dignity as a nation. “I appeal to all youth in Timor-Leste to stay calm and maintain national unity and restore peace in this country”, said Xanana. He further stated that this government is trying to find the best solution to help people emerge from the crisis through to national reconciliation."
"President Xanana Gusmão appeals to youths to calm
President appeals to youths to stay calm and give the political leaders time to resolve the crisis. Speaking to press, President Xanana Gusmão stated that he has met with some groups of youths and will try to organize the next meeting with other groups in next week. President also appeals to stop taking revenge with each other."
"President Xanana Gusmão participated in PNTL meeting.
On Friday 04 August President Xanana Gusmão participated at PNTL meeting in Ministry of Interior office. The objective of meeting was to put together the PNTL members who have divided because of the crisis"
"President Gusmao meets government and diplomats
President Xanana Gusmão convened a meeting at his office on Thursday with the PM, government ministers, F-FDTL commander and foreign diplomats. Speaking to journalists after the meeting, PM Ramos Horta said that they had discussed how to strengthen security in the suburbs of Dili and plan for the districts ahead of the scheduled deployment of some 1600 UN police personnel. Community reconciliation plan was also discussed. Meanwhile, Horta stated that he had not forgotten the problems of the petitioners and urged them to cooperate with the TL High Commission of investigation. He has also reportedly issued a letter instructing all the civil servants to cooperate with the international investigation team.""
Palavras de um anonimo que tomo a liberdade de transcrever aqui (espero que nao leve a mal)
"A todos os criticos de meia tijela que dizem que o PR remeteu-se ao silencio aqui estao alguns artigos do site da UNOTIL que desmentem isso, e mais, provam que ele esta activo em tentar ajudar a resolver os problemas.
Monday, 7 August 2006
Daily Media Review
National Media Reports
"PR appeals to the youth for peace + Reconciliation must begin with Xanana and Taur
After the arrest of Major Alfredo and his followers, there has been fighting between youth groups in Dili for the past three days. President Xanana Gusmao has appealed to the youth for calm and to contribute to efforts to restore peace and stability in this country, so that Timor-Leste may not lose its dignity as a nation. “I appeal to all youth in Timor-Leste to stay calm and maintain national unity and restore peace in this country”, said Xanana. He further stated that this government is trying to find the best solution to help people emerge from the crisis through to national reconciliation."
"President Xanana Gusmão appeals to youths to calm
President appeals to youths to stay calm and give the political leaders time to resolve the crisis. Speaking to press, President Xanana Gusmão stated that he has met with some groups of youths and will try to organize the next meeting with other groups in next week. President also appeals to stop taking revenge with each other."
"President Xanana Gusmão participated in PNTL meeting.
On Friday 04 August President Xanana Gusmão participated at PNTL meeting in Ministry of Interior office. The objective of meeting was to put together the PNTL members who have divided because of the crisis"
"President Gusmao meets government and diplomats
President Xanana Gusmão convened a meeting at his office on Thursday with the PM, government ministers, F-FDTL commander and foreign diplomats. Speaking to journalists after the meeting, PM Ramos Horta said that they had discussed how to strengthen security in the suburbs of Dili and plan for the districts ahead of the scheduled deployment of some 1600 UN police personnel. Community reconciliation plan was also discussed. Meanwhile, Horta stated that he had not forgotten the problems of the petitioners and urged them to cooperate with the TL High Commission of investigation. He has also reportedly issued a letter instructing all the civil servants to cooperate with the international investigation team.""
Não sejam assim...
O homem está cansado, vocês lá sabem se ele ainda tem de cumprir com os seus serviços de marido responsavel, de tal forma que até fica sem palavras depois do acto por causa das dores de costas que lhe tem vindo a assular os últimos meses!
Ele é responsavel, só que já está em Timor há muito tempo que até se acustumou à cultura do não fazer nada que aparece feito... Ai ai ai
I thought Alkatiri was the source of all the problems. But Alkatiri is gone and there are thousands of soldiers, international police, and what else have you. Why is there still violence? Maybe Xanana also needs to go before peace finally returns?
I think it is time for the New Generation to take charge of the country. Power greed, arrogance,incompetent and intolarence of some people will only bring the country into the abysm and chaos.
We don't need new or old generation. We need honest people!!!
Xanana is not doing enough to stop the violence and for a reason.
Xanana is a hero.......FOREVER n EVER
For anyone who argues that the PR should be blamed for the continuing violence one can only say that you are a bunch of idiots .
Mari and his government opened up a deep wound that cannot be healed overnight no matter how much effort is put into it. The PR can and is trying, in cooperation with the responsible institutions, to deal with the complex issues that remain in the aftermath of the military crisis and social unrest of the past months.
You guys have been trying very hard, but without success, to blame the PR for all the actions of those that say support him as if that meant that he is the mastermind of their actions. Does that mean, for example, that Alkatiri should be blamed for the irresponsible and outright criminal call for war made by the deputy speaker of parliament?
You cannot turn a lie into truth just by simply repeating it over and over again. The truth of the matter is that you are absolutely frustrated at the fact that, unlike with your former PM, there is no reasonable grounds for attributing the PR with any legal responsibility for the crisis.
In a way your reactions are a normal way of letting out the steam. However you should be slapping you foreheads and saying "how stupid of us" for putting together all the necessary ingredients for this major crisis rather than slandering the PR and everyone else.
2:06:49 PM anonymous.
You are so right! Everyone should see the latest documentary about Xanana and his personal journey in the struggle for independence titled "A hero's journey".
You will understand why the man is such a living legend. This documentary has been screened throughout in International film festivals and is slowly reaching the masses. It won't be very long before it is made available in DVD format for sale.
The scenery captured in the film is also a most appealing advertisement for the breathtaking beauty of Timor-Leste's countryside.
Highly recommended viewing! 5/5
Mari o que vez? NADA. Xanana lutou pela Independencia.
VIva Xanana
Xanana es "maubere oan" e os outros sao "mau lambe" oan.
See a trailer of the documentary "A hero's journey" about the living legend of Xanana at
Vejam o excerto do documentario " A hero's journey" (A viagem de um heroi) sobre a lenda viva de Xanana no
Vale a pena ver!!
The question is not whether Xanana was instrumental in Timor’s liberation, what is being questioned is his ability to lead Timor Leste as President.
His speeches to the nation during this term as President have been inflammatory and provocative, and failed to promote unity in Timor Leste. The President always looked for some point of conflict to which he can exploit to discredit the Mari led Government. He has been a President of little principle.
His handling of the crisis has been disastrous. He trusted an outlandish media report from an Australian over any legal principles in his insistence for the removal of a legitimate Prime Minister. His failure to understand the constitution or his ignorance of it during the crisis only perpetuates an image of an individual hungry for power.
The President’s lack of impartiality during the crisis was the catalyst for all the problems in Timor Leste now. It is interesting that the President fails to show his face in the refugee camps, it was interesting that as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces he was not present in the burial of soldiers at Metinaro.
Anonimous 3:42:20.
What about Mari???? Don't come with a bulshit that he is perfect! Corruptions and corruptions plus multiyears of their Sovereignty is the definition of their independence!
I fully agree with the anonymous of 3:57:37 PM. Those who only blame XG, RH and not the Mari led government are bulshitting us.
So my words to them are:
go to hell!...
anonimo 8:42:11 AM
Vai falar indonesio para a boca do diabo.
Quando referimos a silencio do PR, isto quer dizer que nao esta falando, entendeu! O que voce aconselha e que esta nesse site, esta escrito! E o que esta escrito nao tem som! Percebeu? Por isso o silencio! Acho que o idiota e voce!
Jose Cinico
Jose cinico, voce tem um raciocinio de uma crianca. Nao deve ser levado a serio!
Ha criancas com o raciocinio mais desenvolvido que o seu, anonimo das 11:05:40, sao os meninos prodigios!
Jose Cinico
Os meninos prodigios com um raciocinio mais desenvolvido que o meu? E possivel! por alguma razao sao meninos prodigios. Mas o Sr. Cinico nem e menino e muito menos prodigio. Crianca sim, pelos seus argumentos parece ser!
De qualquer das maneiras vou parar por aqui porque perder tempo com criancas e que nao!
Cobarde! Coward! Tauk Ten
Recusar sustentar as birras de uma crianca nao e prova de cobardia mas sim de racionalidade.
Voce e uma mae muito ma.
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