sábado, fevereiro 21, 2009


Background to the case: www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2008/s2492880.htm

AUCKLAND (ACIJ/Pacific Media Watch): More than 80 prominent Australian, New Zealand and Pacific reporters, editors and media academics have protested over the controversial criminal defamation case against East Timorese journalist Jose Belo.

Chief editor Belo has been charged followed publication of an article in his newspaper and online publication, Tempo Semanal, making allegations against Justice Minister Lucia Lobato.

The open protest letter, under the umbrella of the Sydney-based Australian Centre for Independent Journalism (ACIJ), has been signed by 85 media industry and academic people ranging from the ACIJ's Professor Wendy Bacon to ABC Four Corners investigative journalist Liz Jackson, SBS Dateline's Mark Davis and British-based filmmaker and author John Pilger.

It is being sent to President José Ramos-Horta, in New Zealand this week on his first official visit abroad since being wounded in a rebel attack a year ago, and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao.

“While making no comment on the merits of [Jose Belo’s] allegations, we are disturbed by the application of criminal defamation laws against one of East Timor's bravest and most respected journalists,” the letter says.

“Belo's role in documenting the atrocities of the Indonesian occupation and disseminating that information to the international media is well known.

“Since self-government, Jose has emerged as one of the most productive, disciplined and independent journalists that East Timor has produced. He has become a key figure in the attempt to build a democratic media in your country.

“To be imprisoned by your government would be a great injustice to Jose and more importantly, a terrible precedent for all media in East Timor. Such laws criminalise and suppress good journalism, they help cloak corrupt and questionable behaviour of public officials and they diminish the reputation and international standing of the nations that apply them.

“We note that the laws under which Jose Belo has been charged are left over from the old Indonesian regime, and understand that new laws more suited to a democratic society have been drafted but have not been placed before your Parliament.

“We pledge our support to Jose Belo and all East Timorese journalists who may face imprisonment for the practice of their profession. We urge you to take all actions within your power to bring about the dropping of this charge and the removal of criminal defamation laws in East Timor.”

The letter is signed by:

1. Wendy Bacon, Professor of Journalism, University of Technology, Sydney

2. Liz Jackson, Reporter, Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

3. Quentin Dempster, Journalist, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

4. Sarah Ferguson, Reporter, Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

5. David Marr, Reporter, Sydney Morning Herald

6. Lesley Power, General Counsel, SBS Television, Australia

7. Chris Nash, Professor of Journalism, Monash University

8. Mark Davis, Reporter, Dateline SBS Television, Australia

9. Matthew Moore, FOI Editor, Sydney Morning Herald

10. David O'Shea, Reporter, Dateline, SBS Television, Australia

11. Mark Dodd Defence/Foreign Affairs writer The Australian newspaper

12. Tony Jones, Presenter, Lateline, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

13. Sue Spencer , Executive Producer , Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

14. John Pilger, Filmmaker and Author

15. Tom Zubrycki, Filmmaker

16. Debbie Whitmont, Reporter, Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

17. Lindsay Murdoch, The Age, Melbourne

18. Mark Colvin, Presenter of PM, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

19. Professor Stuart Rees, Director, Sydney Peace Foundation

20. Richard Ackland, Editor, Justinian

21. Eric Ellis, Forbes Magazine

22. Tom Morton, Senior Producer, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

23. Peter McEvoy, Journalist, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

24. Margaret Simons, Journalist and Author, Content Makers and Crikey

25. Marni Cordell, Editor, New Matilda

26. Sophie McNeill, Reporter, SBS Television, Australia

27. Philip Chubb, Associate Professor in Journalism, Monash University

28. Sally McCausland , Senior Lawyer, SBS Television, Australia

29. Hilary McPhee, writer and editor

30. Jacqui Ewart, Senior Lecturer in Journalism, Griffith University, New South Wales

31. Peter Manning, Adjunct Professor, University of Technology, Sydney

32. Hall Greenland, Editor of The Week, Australia

33. Professor Michael Fraser, Faculty of Law, University of Technology, Sydney

34. Jock Cheetham, Journalist, Sydney Morning Herald

35. Olivia Rousset , Journalist

36. Melanie Morrison, Dateline, SBS Television, Australia

37. Geoff Holland, Barrister & Lecturer in Law, University of Technology, Sydney

38. Gillian Leahy, Associate Professor, University of Technology, Sydney

39. Amos Roberts, Reporter, “Dateline� SBS Television, Australia

40. Lee Rhiannon, Member of the Legislative Council, Parliament of New South Wales

41. Ivan O'Mahoney ­ Producer, Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

42. Michael Doyle, Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

43. Caro Meldrum�Hanna, Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

44. Judith Rodriguez, Melbourne Pen Centre

45. Ian Gerrard, Editor, The Diplomat, Australia

46. Julie Posetti, Freelance journalist & Journalism Lecturer, University of Canberra

47. Megan West, Lawyer, SBS Television

48. Michelle Baddiley , Archive Producer, Four Corners, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

49. Gail Phillips, Associate Professor of Journalism, Murdoch University

50. Martin Butler, Independent Filmmaker, Melbourne

51. Peter Cronau, Journalist, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

52. Maryann Keady, Independent Producer, Sydney

53. Associate Professor David Robie, Director, Pacific Media Centre, AUT University

54. Sue Ahearn, Journalist, ABC Melbourne

55. Maire Sheehan, Friends of Maliana, Sydney

56. Antony Loewenstein, Independent Journalist and Author

57. Sylvia Hale, Member of the Legislative Council, Parliament of New South Wales

58. Associate Professor Jake Lynch, Director, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies

59. Joseph M Fernandez, Senior Lecturer, Journalism, Curtin University of Technology

60. Annette Blackwell, Lecturer in Journalism, University of Technology, Sydney

61. Jane Waddell, Convenor Mosman �Maubaro Friendship Committee, Sydney

62. Kate MacDonald, Producer, ABC Radio National

63. Sharon Davis, Radio Documentary, Radio National

64. Liam Phelan, Night Editor, The Sydney Morning Herald

65. Mike Carey, Freelance TV and Radio Producer, Australia

66. Associate Professor Peter Dunbar�Hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music

67. Phil Thornton, Independent Journalist, Thailand

68. Gordon & Marie Esden, Birchgrove New South Wales

69. Kay Nankervis, Lecturer in journalism, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, Australia

70. Sally McCausland , Senior Lawyer, SBS Television, Australia

71. Jenna Price, Lecturer in journalism, University of Technology, Sydney

72. Eurydice Aroney, Lecturer and Radio Journalist, University of Technology, Sydney

73. Bonita Mason, Lecturer in journalism, Curtin University of Technology

74. Mignon Shardlow, Lecturer in journalism, Curtin University, Perth

75. Jahnnabi Das, Researcher, University of Technology, Sydney

76. Akhteruz Zaman, Researcher, University of Technology, Sydney

77. Damian Cobley�Finch, Psychologist, Member of Friends of Maliana

78. Mignon Shardlow, Journalism lecturer, Curtin University, Perth

79. Dr Cassi Plate, Councillor, Leichhardt Municipal Council

80. Steven Scott, The Canberra Times

81. Sylvie Macbean, Fairfax Media

82. Adrian Kendrick, The Age, Melbourne

83. Monica Heary, Journalist, St George and Sutherland Shire Leader

84. Adam Hosfal

85. Rachel Smith, Fairfax Media


ETAN welcomes your financial support. Go to http://etan.org/etan/donate.htm to donate. Thanks.

John M. Miller fbp@igc.org
National Coordinator
East Timor & Indonesia Action Network (ETAN)
PO Box 21873, Brooklyn, NY 11202-1873 USA
Phone: (718)596-7668 Mobile phone: (917)690-4391
Skype: john.m.miller
Web site: http://www.etan.org

Send a blank e-mail message to info@etan.org to find out
how to learn more about East Timor on the Internet


8 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Thanks for Academics and Journalists, your support would be a presure to Timor Leste government to take proper action to dealt with abuse of power that right now happen in Judicial system. Both authority in AMP government Lucia Lobato and Longinhos Monteiro they were not properly behave and act as an agent of law inforcement.

Timor Leste must respect the role of jurnalism,jurnalist they are part of social control in society. Their role is contributed to mantain the credibility of the government it self. If the government try to shut down the jurnalist mouth because of he realease the evidance of corruption that means government support the corruption behavior commit by government members.

The government should take proper action base on the evidance provided by jurnalist to find out if the evidance is right or not. If it's prove that evidance is strong the minister must be responsible for her criminal act not let the minister sue the jurnalist with inaproriate defamation law it means Timor Leste government support corruption behavior of its subordinates.

I hope the supports from academics and professional jurnalists remind Timor Leste government to respect the role of jurnalist and release Jose Belo from inaproriete criminal defamation charge.

Maubere Anan

Anónimo disse...

The case in the General Prosecutor's office is not government against journalist but is between two individuals.

Lucia Lobato is now currently Minister of Justice but she felt that her right was violated by the articles that Mr Jose Belo's newspaper wrote a few months ago.

Para Maubere Anan

We have to recognise the right of all citizens to take any case to the court. This is not a case of government against the press.

CATHY HARPER: But with respect that is the outcome of it. If a journalist publishes negative information about your government, it could lead them to be charged with a criminal charge.

JOSE LOUIS GUTERRES: No, no. There are many articles in the newspapers since we came to power are not in favour of the Government. But the Government has never taken a step to put these cases in the tribunal.

Anónimo disse...

Para o postador Maubere Anan

Anónimo disse...

The minister send text massage to award public project for someone she knows or related to her it means abouse of power coruption. Please look at the regulation on Provedor dos Hereitos Humanos and good governance section.

The law says all the publick project must be publickly anounce by proqurement office and must be writen in the form of documentation signed by designated authority.

All publick project must awarded base on the qualification and proved by proqurement authority

If the jurnalist taping private massage among minister with her housband that's violate the privacy of minister.

Lucia Lobato is formally under AMP government cabinet it means AMP government is responsable for any of her action abuse of power. AMP government not attempt to wash hand and said that this case is privacy. It means indirectly support the corruption behavior of individuals in the cabinate.

I hope the government ministers to read the law of Provedor dos Dereitos Humanos so they can make diference what is publick and what is privacy.

Maubere Anan

Anónimo disse...

The minister send text massage to award public project for someone she knows or related to her it means abouse of power coruption. Please look at the regulation on Provedor dos Hereitos Humanos and good governance section.

The law says all the publick project must be publickly anounce by proqurement office and must be writen in the form of documentation signed by designated authority.

All publick project must awarded base on the qualification and proved by proqurement authority

If the jurnalist taping private massage among minister with her housband that's violate the privacy of minister.

Lucia Lobato is formally under AMP government cabinet it means AMP government is responsable for any of her action abuse of power. AMP government not attempt to wash hand and said that this case is privacy. It means indirectly support the corruption behavior of individuals in the cabinate.

I hope the government ministers to read the law of Provedor dos Dereitos Humanos so they can make diference what is publick and what is privacy.

Maubere Anan

Anónimo disse...

Meus Caros

terá algum significado não aparecer nenhum subscritor deste abaixo-assinado de expressão de língua portuguesa???? quando sabemos que há jornalistas portugueses em Timor-Leste que sabem muito bem o que está em questão e em jogo.....

será subserviência pura e dura ou apenas deixar correr o marfim e aproveitar as boas praias????

cumprimentos do

Anónimo disse...

Maubere Anan,

You look very unhappy, frustrated with a right respond giving by my fellow Minister José Luis Guterres.

It seems to me that “your person” is against a democratic system that existed in TL. That’s mean each individual could defend himself or herself against defamation act and so on.. And also a free and fair speech, a free media network information

Anónimo disse...

I'm not unhappy however I did regret with the statement of minister Jose Luis, we must separate what is privacy and what is publick that's my point. It is so sad for a minister could not undesrtand what is writen in good governmance law provided by Provedoria dos Dereitos Humanos. There is no privacy if you hold publick duties every thing must be transparent for the publick that's the way how democratic government suppose to be run.

Sure,Every one in this country have the right to justice and justice is for all not only to defend corrupt behavior in the power also not use justice to oppress the truth voice by jurnalist.

Maubere Anan


Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.

Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!

Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006

"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "

Malai Azul. Lives in East Timor/Dili, speaks Portuguese and English.
This is my blogchalk: Timor, Timor-Leste, East Timor, Dili, Portuguese, English, Malai Azul, politica, situação, Xanana, Ramos-Horta, Alkatiri, Conflito, Crise, ISF, GNR, UNPOL, UNMIT, ONU, UN.