Continuação. Carta enviada por Xanana Gusmão ao líder da resistência, Comandante Konis Santana (que mais tarde viria a ser morto pelos indonésios).
(página 2)
para informar.
Continuação. Carta enviada por Xanana Gusmão ao líder da resistência, Comandante Konis Santana (que mais tarde viria a ser morto pelos indonésios).
Malai Azul 2
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
This is my blogchalk: Timor, Timor-Leste, East Timor, Dili, Portuguese, English, Malai Azul, politica, situação, Xanana, Ramos-Horta, Alkatiri, Conflito, Crise, ISF, GNR, UNPOL, UNMIT, ONU, UN.
14 comentários:
Estimado Malai Azul,
Com todo o respeito pelo incansável trabalho informativo que tem vindo a ser realizado noBlog Timor Online, não posso deixar passar em vão a forma como esta carta é colocada neste 'site'.
Se repararem, a carta está assinada e datada: 24 de Novembro de 1992. Ou seja, 2 dias após a captura de Xanana Gusmão.
Como é de todos sabido, para além desta carta, também a televisão estatal indonésia transmitiu uma entrevista em que Xanana Gusmão, afirmava o mesmo que nesta carta. Essa entrevista foi transmitida em todo o mundo, nomeadamente em Portugal, pela RTP.
Qualquer pessoa que seguiu a situação de Timor-Leste naquele período conhece as razões porque estas afirmações foram feitas E EM QUE CONDIÇÕES. E, mais importante ainda, a liderança da luta no interior sabia que isto ia acontecer e estava preparada para o que o regime, os militares e a secreta indonésios iriam preparar através de Xanana Gusmão. Como é óbvio, esta carta não surtiu qualquer efeito na liderança no interior. Bastará ver a forma como Xanana Gusmão termina a carta e compará-la com todas as restantes que escreveu a qualquer um dos elementos do comando da luta armada ou clandestina para comprovar que não se tratava de uma carta escrita de livre vontade. Nas cartas surge sempre uma forma calorosa de despedida ... ao contrário desta.
Não creio que seja curial ou íntegro colocar esta carta com os comentários e o sentido de dúvida com que o fazem.
Independentemente das críticas que possam ser feitas ao mandato do Presidente Xanana Gusmão – que qualquer cidadão tem o direito de apresentar e argumentar – não se podem transpor as mesmas para toda a vida de Xanana Gusmão. E muito menos num momento em que se encontra preso e em Jacarta!
Xanana Gusmão desempenhou um papel valioso e merecedor de todo o respeito durante a luta de libertação que não deve ser achincalhado ou desrespeitado.
Da mesma forma que não posso aceitar a demonização que foi e continua a ser feita de Mari Alkatiri, não posso aceitar que seja feita semelhante demonização de Xanana Gusmão. Os homens cometem erros ... qualquer um, mesmo aqueles que mais respeitamos e admiramos.
Por outro lado, Konis Santana NÃO foi morto pelos indonésios. Morreu de doença o que poderá ser confirmado por qualquer membro da então direcção das Falintil.
Parabéns pelo primeiro aniversário do Blog! Não tem sido um trabalho fácil mas espero que continuem a realizá-lo.
Paula Pinto
Concordo com Paula Pinto. Esta carta não tem credibilidade, por ter sido escrita sob prisão indonésia.
No entanto, a fazer fé na sua data, ela foi indubitavelmente escrita em Dili, pois só no início de 1993 Xanana foi levado para a Indonésia, depois de um pseudo-julgamento na capital timorense.
Disgusting! Voce e' mesmo uns incorrigiveis nao sao?
O que a Paula Pinto escreve e' do comhecimento de todos que estejam minimamente a par da historia de Timor.
Sera que voces nao se aperceberam ainda que quantos mais ataques desonestos fazem a Xanana e/ou Ramos Horta pior fica a vossa propria imagem?
Sera que voces nao tem nenhum amigo/a que vos diga isso?
Depois de uma grande derrota nao e' com estas tacticas que vao ganhar mais popularidade. Pelo contrario.
Dear Malae Azul,
I am very happy the way you have transmitted information to public through this blog. I was 12 years old when this letter came out, the Indonesian "FORCED" Xanana to write a letter to call for Falintil to surrender. This letter was printed in huge number of copies and distributed around the country. I also watch TV where Xanana was reading this letter accompanied by Abilio Osorio, the former Tim-Tim governor. I saw Xanana on TV reading this letter not from his "Heart", and the letter did not affect my vision for liberation. I was a newspaper boy at the time when Xanana was convicted. Many Timorese were frustrated and desperate and thought the "fight" has ended. But at the end when Xanana read his "Pledoy" after he was convicted for "live prison", many Timorese felt and thought that the fight has not ended!
I will be very much appreciate if you could also find and publish Xanana's pledoy.
I hope you are not publishing this letter to discredit Xanana, everybody knows how our great hero Koni died in the jungle. He was not killed by the Indonesian, but was died of a disease. If you talk to any of the former guerrilla fighter, they will tell you the truth.
Happy aniversary!
Geta Lolo.
Sr. Malai Azul,
Já agora lhe peço que seja também publicado na íntegra o JULGAMENTO de Xanana Gusmão em Dili que ditou a sua prisão,em Jacarta-Cipinang.
Podemos discordar de algumas coisas feitas pelo Xanana Gusmão, na qualidade de Presidente da República e também de Comandante das Falintil, mas acho bastante ABSURDO a intenção a que quer chegar com a publicação destas duas cartas dirigidas a Konis Santana.
como de costume, o especial deste blog é "puxar sangue" para Timor!
Com a publicacao desta carta, agora nao me admira nadinha que o homem andou a abracar Milicias e foi a Jakarta abracar os Generais Criminosos! Nao me digam que quando ele fez isto tambem andava sobre pressao e com armas apontadas a cabeca! Afinal o homem nao so vendeu-se agora, ja o fazia ha 15 anos atraz!
Ze Cinico
Para Zé Cinico so este "nome" ja diz tudo. No Comments.
Quero dar os meus parabéns a Paula Pinto com o que ela escreveu.
Eu estive no mato durantes muitos anos, comi o pao k o diabo amassou, ví os meus irmãos timorenses morrerem de fome de doença e das balas dos indonesios, tinha eu apenas 11 anos de idade. Muitas vezes tive que andar quilómetros a procura de comida para mim para alguns irmãos e para e minha velha mãe. Perdi também irmãos nesta maldita guerra.Fui capturada e presa durante uns dias, foi pouco tempo mas para uma jovem (já com 14 anos) sem familia por perto é como se fosse uma eternidade. Sabem o que é uma criança/adolescente, ter que passar por isto tudo??? Claro que nao sabem e nem fazem a mínima ideia.Por isso peço aos senhores que parem de massacrar mais este povo.Ponham coisas que ajudem a levar paz para timor, basta de pôr mais acha na fugueira.
Desculpem o meu português....
O bom ou mal de qualquer lider tem de trazer tudo a tona da agua para para o conhecimanto do povo de Timor Leste.
Os comentarios muitas vezes sao bem acertados.
Konis Santana was murdered, David Alex was murdered Sabalae and Remigio were murdered, Rodak was murdered!
By whom? by those who were member of clandestine movement such as David Ximenes cs and some RENETIL members. Under direct command from Cipinang! It's a shame that this fact was never revealed to the public.
Why were they murdered by their own comrades? Because of some reasons, first they were considered by Cipinang's clique at that time of being to radical and extreme.
In the case of Sabalae, secretary of clandestine executive front, he and his bodyguard were murdered by pro independence element colaborating with some pro integration group in Ermera close to David Ximenes, who was his own vice secretary, because of the ambition of those element to commit coruption and divert all money contribution from international solidarity groups for their own personal interest.
Konis knew about those who killed Sabalae. That's why after Sabalae's death, there was never any sucessor of Sabalae in Clandestine Front. Konis himself took the command of CLFC and also CLFA! He insisted a deep and serious investigation about Sabalae's murder to Taur Matan Ruak.
He had information about Sabalae and his body guard killed by possible element in clandestine front who collaborating with pro integration militia such as GADA PAKSI at that time. One of possible reason of Konis death was due to his insistent of solving the mysterious murder of Sabalae.
In the end both good commanders were killed by those same people that now so close to Xanana Gusmao. And Xanana never care to invistigate about the suspect death of those FALINTIL and Clandestine's commanders.
But never will the families of KONIS SANTANA, SABALAE AND REMIGIO, DAVID ALEX, RODAK, & MAUHUDU will accept the ignorance on the death of their beloved ones!
I hope Malae Azul will not censor this revelation about the dark side of East Timor independence movement.
Here is a copy of news in bahasa indonesia about possible Xanana's involment with TNI commander to eleminate his own Falintil commanders considered radical.
Any one who can translate this news to English or portuguese will be welcome to do so.
Best regard
Eks Tentara mengaku: Konspirasi Xanana Gusmao dan Mahidin Simbolon
Sisi Gelap Sang Presiden Timor Leste
Jakarta, 6 September 2004 14:45
Gatra dihebohkan dengan kehadiran seorang pria berinisial JM di kantor redaksi majalah pagi ini. Lelaki yang mengaku sebagai seorang eks tentara di Divisi Satu Kompi Brawijaya dan berpenampilan cepak tersebut mengaku sudah tidak dapat lagi meredam segala rasa frustrasi dan stress yang dideritanya beberapa tahun belakangan, berhubungan dengan keterlibatannya di operasi militer ABRI/POLRI (TNI/POLRI-red) di Timor-Timur pada tahun 1994 hingga akhir tahun 1996.
Para wartawan di majalah inipun binggung dibuat oleh lelaki tersebut. Akan tetapi menjelang beberapa menit kemudian sang eks anggota ABRI mulai memaparkan kepada koresponden GATRA mengenai berbagai kertelibatanya dalam operasi pembunuhan terhadap beberapa tokoh penting gerakan pro kemerdekaan Tim-Tim yang dilancarkan pada tahun 1994 hingga 1996.
Disini koresponden majalah ini tidak begitu kaget dengan informasi bersangkutan, karena memang sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwasanya di pertengahan tahun 90an perang di Timor-Timur sedang hangat-hangatnya dilancarkan oleh pihak ABRI/POLRI ( TNI/POLRI-red) terhadap berbagai basis pertahanan kaum gerilya Timor-Timur atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah ABRInya sebagai kaum GPK-Fretilin.
Akan tetapi ceritapun menjadi lebih lain dan mengagetkan ketika eks Serka. JM (yang mengaku agar namanya tetap dirahasiakan-demi keselamatan keluarganya) membeberkan segala dokumen operasi ABRI ketika itu terhadap kaum Front Clandestin dan Armed Force Timor-Timur.
Sasaran utama dari operasi tersebut adalah pemimpin dari organisasi Front Clandestin yang waktu itu dipimpin oleh comandannya Keri Laran Sabalae. Suatu hal yang sangat menarik dan juga menhebohkan adalah sifat dilematis dari operasi militer itu sendiri yang dikomandai langsung oleh Kolonel Mahidin Simbolon (pangkat Simbolon pada waktu itu) dengan bekerja sama dengan “pemimpin perlawanan” Timor-Timur Xanana Gusmao yang sedang mendekam di LP Cipinang Jakarta.
Eks Serka. JM mengakui bahwa dirinya turut hadir dalam pertemuan antara Kolonel.M Simbolon yang dilaksanakan di suatu ruang di Lembaga Permasyarakatan Cipinang di Jakarta. Inti dari pertemuan tersebut adalah keinginan dan kesanggupan Xanana Gusmao untuk “menetralkan” kelompok-kelompok radikal dalam tubuh organisasi perlawanan Timor-Timur yang menurut Xanana dapat mengancam usaha “perlawanan damai” dan rekonsiliasi dengan berbagai kelompok politik Tim-Tim yang sedang dilancarkannya untuk mempersatukan rakyat Timor-Timur.
Oleh karena itu, Xanana Gusmao menyatakan bersedia bekerjasama dengan Kol.M Simbolon untuk membasmi kaum-kaum radikal di tubuh “GPK Fretilin" yang antara lain terdiri dari beberapa komandan gerakan Fretilin dan anak buahnya dengan nama Rodak Timur, Keri Laran Sabalae, David Alex, Konis Santana dan Eli Fohorai Boot.
Nama-nama tersebut tercantum dengan sangat jelas sekali di lampiran dokumen operasi militer tahun 1994-1996 yang dibeberkan oleh eks-Serka JM. Inti dari “kerjasama” antara kubu Xanana dan M Simbolon dalah prinsip mutualisme; Simbolon dapat sukses di karir militernya dan Xanana pun menjadi lebih fleksibel dalam mengontrol gerakan perlawanan yang dikomandai olehnya dari LP Cipinang. Terlihat jelas bahwsanya sang Presiden dari negara baru Timor Leste ini telah sangat lihai sekali untuk mempertahankan kepentingan kelompoknya dengan membasmi para komandanya sendiri yang dianggap tidak loyal kepadanya ataupun kalau loyal, menurut Xanana mereka lebih mengutamakan “jalan kekerasan” untuk mencapai tujuan nasional.
Melihat kepada dokumen-dokumen dan berbagai foto yang dimiliki oleh JM kiranya sulit sekali untuk meragukan keaslian dari versi cerita ini. Ini adalah versi tersembunyi dan sisi gelap “karisma” seorang Xanana yang begitu diagung-agungkan oleh rakyatnya sendiri. Bekerjasama dengan “musuh” untuk membasmi kaumnya sendiri.
Eks Serka. JM sendiri mengaku beban yang disandangnya selama ini menjadi lebih ringan dengan pengakuannya ini. Dia sangat menyayangkan mengapa Presiden Timor Leste ini begitu liciknya untuk mengorbankan sebagian dari anggota masyarakatnya hanya untuk kepentingan dari strategi politiknya. Mengenai Mayjen. Simbolon, Serka. JM memhimbau agar Mabes TNI/POLRI harus segera menyelidiki kasus ini. Karena sifat dari operasi militer pada waktu itu adalah rahasia dari unit yang dipimpin oleh Kol.M Simbolon.. Mabes ABRI hanya mendapatkan copy lampiran hasil operasi militer setelah tewasnya beberapa komandan “GPK Fretilin”. "Oleh karena itu, Mayjen Purnawirawan.Mahidin Simbolon harus segera diselidiki mengingat “bintang- bintang di bahu” sang jenderal adalah hasil konspirasi dengan musuh Republik Indonesia pada saat itu" demikian Eks Serka JM. [IY, GAT]
Imung Yuniardi (Semarang)
[Hukum dan Politik, Gatra Nomor 42, beredar Jumat, 7 September 2004
Asuwain you bloody lier. You obviously dont know what you are talking about.
For starters Daitula David Alex was captured by the Indonesian military after a fierce gunfight. He was apparently lightly wounded and died while being being taken away in a helicopter according to TNI. Of course we all suspected he was still alive but the TNI just wanted to extract more info from him before they killed him.
Mauhudu died in 1999 when he travelled to Indonesia during negotiations. He thought the Indonesians could be trusted since Timor was already free. He was wrong and was killed in Indonesian territory.
So as you can see you are no asuwain and you just talk crap.
Eh incrivel, como eh possivel que, depois de um homem ter servido a sua Patria como o fez Xanana Gusmao, ao fim de cinco anos de independencia nacional, so porque "as comadres se zangaram", haja quem venha a publico tentar destruir o que a nossa historia tem de bom para servir de exemplo aos nossos vindouros.?!... Xanana cometeu erros, muitos erros, mas garanto-vos, sem ele a nossa independencia nao teria sido possivel. facam o que fizerem e digam o que disserem de Xanana, para mim, ele foi um dos melhores filhos timorenses de sempre.
Viva Xanana!!!!
Viva Timor-Leste!!!
Um admirador de Xanana
Anonimo,David Alex was obviously killed in a gun battle with TNI but it's not the battle that is a problem here, the question is how did the enemy know about the whereabout of David Alex Daitula, if there was any treason who did it and for what purpose.
Don't just accept one side of an event and think it's the absolute truth but there must questions when you feel that there was some element of missing facts about that event.
Let me ask you some questions. Hw did the indonesian military knew about Daitula's exact hidden place?..After 21 years never captured by Indonesian army, how can TNI knew with so much details about the position of David Daitula at that time and easily launching an ambush to capture and kill him the following day?...
Bear in mind that some attacks launched by Daitula against BRIMOB (Indo.Police) and TNI, some months before his killing, were never agreed by Xanana Gusmao. Daitula was heavily criticed by Gusmao and even Horta at that year. Daitula was even considered the hardliner among FALINTIL's commanders.Though the fact that he was vice chief staff of FALINTIL.
About Mauhudu I probably would not say that Xanana has a role in his murder but I would say that Xanana excessive illogical reconciliation strategy with TNI generals which tend to make all Timorese people to experience absolute amnesia about TL history of massacre and crimes, which created by him just to please those criminals TNI generals, will certainly a main factor that hurt, discomfort and create a sense of denial to justice for all the victims of indonesian military crimes. In this case, it includes Mauhudu's family which dream for justice to prevails. Xanana failed them by his reconciliation without justice and reconciliation to forget the past. Who are the winners for this absolute ridiculous reconciliation shit**?? Of course they are those criminals; TNI generals warmly hugged and kissed by Xanana Gusmao, the Nobel Peace Prize dreamer.
My friend, we timorese shall not think that Xanana is uncriticiseable or he is the God himself. I tell you he is just an ordinary Timor citizen trusted by timorese people to lead them. So as a member of timorese society I have all my rights to critice him and demand for his responsability and responses to many questions about the suspected and unnormal deaths of many FALINTIL commanders under his leadership.
Xanana himself criticed Nicolau Lobato about many Falintil commanders' death under Nicolau's leadership. So why not shall we now question Xanana about treasons commited by some pro-independence elements, close to Xanana at that time, on the deaths of Daitula David Alex, Pedro Nunes Sabalae and his assistant, and sudden death of Konis Santana who told to be sick but in fact was known to be healty before his death. You don't believe me, just ask Somoco, the East Timor actual vice interior minister.
Many and many FALINTIL and clandestine commanders were traited just because they are to tough on their principles about how to fight against Indonesian occupation.
There was a treason on the death of a resistance commander chief of CLFC and his assistant, involving some elements in clandestine movement associated with David Ximenes which obviously responsible directly to Xanana Gusmao at that time. For this Xanana must be held accountable and to respond to questions arrised by the families of these individuals.
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