Lisbon, 23 sept (Lusa)- The majority of lusofone countries, with the exception of cape Verde, worsened their global classification on corruption, disclosed today Transparency International, who analyses the level of this phenomenon in 180 countries.
The list which is annually published, estimated the degree of corruption in the public sectors perceived by businesses and analysts of the respective countries, and classifies the least corrupt (1st place) to the most corrupt (180th place), which corresponds to a scale of 10 points (free from corruption) to zero (very corrupt).
Timor-Leste is now counted amongst the countries where, according to Transparency International, the situation deteriorated "significantly" between 2007 and 2008, having registered the worst drop with a fall of 22 places.
That country which one year ago occupied the 123rd placewith 2.6 points, this year dropped to 145th place with 2.2 points, the same level as Kazakhstan and slightly better score that countries like Bangladesh, Kenya and Russia.
Portugal occupies the 32nd spot this year with 6.1 points, having dropped four grades and 0.4 points in relation to the indices for 2007.
Of the rest of the lusofones, Cape Verde climbed two places on the indices, moving from 49th to 47th a position it shares with Costa Rica, Hungary, Jordan and Malaysia.
Cape Verde is followed by Brazil amongst the lusofone states better classified, although its 80th place achieved in 2008 shows a drop of eight places in relation to the previous year, maintaining an overall number of points as 2007 (3.5).
Bukina Faso, Morroco, Saudi Arabia and Thailand share the same position with Brazil.
The least significant drop was that of Sao Tome and Principe, which moved from 118th place to 123rd place, maintaining the same number of points (2.7) and sharing its placing with countries like Nepal, Togo, Nigeria and Vietnam.
Mozambique dropped 15 places on the list and lost .2 points, now occupying the 126th, whilst Angola and Guinea-Bissau lost 11 places, a drop which refelected in their points, moving from 2.2 to 1.9 points.
Angola, Guinea-Bissau now occupy 158th place together with Azerbaijan, Burundi, Gambia, Congo, Sierra Leonne and Venezuela.
The Special Administrative Region of China, Macau has been cited for the second year as having registered an "increase in the levels of perceived corruption", moving from 34th place to 43rd and from 5.7 points to 5.4 points.
Analyzing the total of 180 countries, Denmark, New Zealand and Sweden share first place with a score of 9.3, followed by Singapore with 9.2 points.
On the other end of the scale is Somalia with 1 point, followed by Iraq and Myanmar with 1.3 and Haiti with 1.4 points.
During the presentation of the 2008 index in Berlin, Huguette Labelle, who is the president of Transparency International, laid out the continuing increase in the levels of corruption in poor countries and the constant corporate scandals in rich countries.
"The continuous increases in the levels of corruption and poverty, that have cast a shadow over many societies in our world, are taking us down a path of a humanitarian disaster and cannot be tolerated. However, even in our most privileged nations, where sanctions are disturbingly unequally applied, the fight against corruption needs to be tightened," he defended.
quinta-feira, setembro 25, 2008
Malai Azul 2
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Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
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