By Francisco Guterres LuOlo, President of FRETILIN
Dili, 8th January 2008
FRETILIN has called this press conference today to make public to the People of Timor-Leste, the Maubere people, that on the 31st of December 2007, we wrote to the President of the Republic and other institutions of our State regarding the allegations made by Mr. Alfredo Reinado in a video recording that came into our possession last week, which has serious ramifications for our nation's stability and peace, and which will impact on our public institutions.
In that video recording that has been widely distributed by unidentified persons, Mr. Alfredo Reinado accuses Mr. Xanana Gusmão as the person responsible for the crisis that engulfed our nation in 2006. I am sure that all of us here today have heard or seen the said video recording, or have perhaps read about it in a newspaper.
When we viewed a copy of this recording that we obtained from the media, FRETILIN became extremely concerned with the impact that it would have on peace and stability in our country, as the statements made by Mr. Alfredo Reinado may well lead to further public panic amongst our people already traumatized by similar statements from last year's crisis, and there may well be a surge in the number of currently internally displaced persons. We are concerned that the statements by Mr. Reinado are aimed at continuing to divide our people and create further serious instability in our country.
I remind you all that in May and June 2006, former President of the Republic, Mr. Xanana Gusmão accused former FRETILIN government Prime Minister Dr. Mari Alkatiri of bring involved in the distribution of weapons and demanded his resignation as Prime Minister. Mr. Gusmão based his demands on allegations made by Mr. Vicente da Conceicao, alias Railos that Dr. Alkatiri had authorized the distribution of weapons to he and his group. Railos made these allegations on the Australian Broadcasting Commission's "Four Corners" program. Despite no other evidence whatsoever existing, Mr. Gusmão sent a copy of a video recording of the Four Corners Program to Dr. Alkatiri demanding his resignation.
As we all know Dr. Alkatiri resigned in order to avoid further blood shed in our country and because of his desire to end the political crisis that engulfed it. Some were saying that his resignation would end the crisis. However 18 months have passed since his resignation and the crisis continued for us all. We also know that the Prosecutor General of the Republic undertook a full investigation but was unable to find evidence to support Railos' allegations against Dr. Alkatiri and the investigation was closed for want of evidence. However we can all see that such unfounded allegations resulted in an immediate investigation against Dr. Alkatiri.
Despite the investigation having been closed, Dr. Alkatiri's accusers continued their smear campaign against him and have never acknowledged their false allegations. Mr. Gusmão and his allies continued to wrongly accuse FRETILIN of arms distribution and to accuse FRETILIN as being the authors of the crisis.
However as we have all read, heard and viewed with our own eyes, former F/FDTL Military Police Major Alfredo Reinado has provided details that he is a witness to Mr. Gusmao's conduct as the author of the crisis which emerged in our country. We have heard these statements from a person who became the focal point, the central and active participant in the 2006 crisis. We have heard Mr. Reinado also say that Mr. Gusmão was the author for the issue of the petitioners which emerged as the match to light the crisis.
On the 31st of December 2007, as the President of FRETILIN, the majority party in the National Parliament and the historic party who struggled for the liberation of this nation and its people, I wrote to the President, Dr. Jose Ramos Horta, with copies of the letter sent to the de facto Prime Minister, the President of the National Parliament, the Prosecutor General of the Republic, the President of the Court of Appeal and the Brigadier General of the F/FDTL. We informed the President of the Republic of our concerns of the ramification this video may have in damaging peace and stability in our country. FRETILIN also informed the President of the Republic that unidentified persons were distributing this video throughout the country and that Mr. Reinado's message may well cause a situation of panic which may create further civil instability and worsen the problem if internally displaced persons.
FRETILIN requested his Excellency, the President of the Republic, to carefully analyze this video recording and take necessary measures in accordance with justice, the law and the constitution, to ensure future national security, peace and stability in our country.
After having delivered this letter to his Excellency, the President of the Republic, information has come to us that this video is being distributed and publicized throughout the country, its contents published in newspapers and broadcast on the radio. This information has also appeared on the World Wide Web.
However, until now FRETILIN has not received any response from his Excellency the President of the Republic, on this issue. Neither have we heard any response from his Excellency, Mr. Xanana Gusmão, regarding the allegations made against him by Mr. Alfredo Reinado. This issue warrants a prompt and clear response from the leaders of this state and the public institutions who have notice of this video recording's contents, especially those who have responsibility to promote and defend the constitution and the law.
The people deserve a clear and serious institutional response in accordance with the constitution and the law, and a response that seeks to secure and strengthen peace and stability in our country.
When the crisis emerged in 2006, FRETILIN immediately demanded that our public institutions and state leaders strive to seek the truth and justice in keeping with our nation as a democracy and a state under the rule of law, as the only path to attain lasting peace and stability. Today FRETILIN continues to demand this.
We continue to demand this because our people continue to demand this. FRETILIN's only aspiration is to realize the people's aspiration and that which will result in the welfare of our people and this country.
Recently some leaders have said, "It is better for us to forget the 2006 crisis and to look only to the future". FRETILIN urges all the citizens of this nation to work towards peace and stability for the future of this country but the wrongs of the past have to be remedied in accordance with the constitution and the law, because all Timorese should always respect Timor-Leste as a democratic state and as a state under the rule of law. There is no other path for us.
FRETILIN appeals to all people not to allow themselves to fall into the manipulations of those seeking to divide our people though the conflict that they created in 2006. Our people have already suffered too much and do not deserve to constantly live with fear and without knowing their destiny. FRETILIN appeals to everyone to seek a path to resolve all questions in accordance with the constitution and the law as the only guarantees of a future with peace and stability.
terça-feira, janeiro 08, 2008
Malai Azul 2
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Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
2 comentários:
Maubere nia oan tomak husi Rai doben Timor Loro Sae tomak nia laran. Iha momentu kritiku ida ne'e, Povo Maubere hatene momos ona iha Lideransa Politika RDTL nia husi ulun to'o ain fuan sira, sira nia hahalok nebe ke ita Povo kik no kiak hakribit tebtebes. Ita Povo Maubere kik no kiak hatene katak ema aat sira iha lideransa politika RDTL nia hakarak duni soran ita Povo kik no kiak hodi baku malu no oho malu depois sira sei buka manobras oin2 atu hatama nos sulan mos ita kik no kiak ba kalabosu no kadeia komarka i tuir mai hodi sira nia jogos foer haneasn MAFIA Cecilia-Italia no Kali Colombia nune sira hodi hamanasan o kontente iha ita nia susar no terus leten hatama tan ita ba justisa hanesan hodi manobras no komplices ba justisa nebe lalos hodi akusa ita kik no kiak katak ita maka sai salah nain hotu tanba ita kik no kiakmesak bebeik ten tantanan deit, tanba nune ita maka tenke selu duni ulun boot sira nia hahlok aat nia konsekuencias, nune ita maka tenke tama ba kadeia i sira husik hela iha leur hodi goza no lohi ita Povo Maubere kik no kiak nafatin to’o sira nia hakarak!
Maibe, quando na realidade krisis politikas-sociais i salah barak nebe ke mosu iha ita nia rai laran ne'e mesak husi ulun nain sira, sira maka autor lolos duni. Neduni ita Povo kik no kiak tenke tuba rai metin, foho liman ba malu hodi berani hakekar nafatin ba mundo tomak nune mos ba ita nia sociedade tomak bo'ot lohi ten, nauk ten no bosok ten sira nia hahalok aat nebe ke oin loron halo ita sai terus no susar nafatin iha ita nia rai doben Timor Loro Sae nia laran, apesar de ita ukun rasik aan besik tinan nen onan.
Ukun rasik aan ne'e so ba ema balu nebe ke iha kolonialistas potugueses nia tempo sira goza previlegios nune mos iha okupasaun Indonesia nia tempo sira maka goza nafatin to'o oin loron ita ukun rasik aan tiha mos sira maka goza nafatin hodi ita nia susar no terus. Sira maka hodi gaba sola katak sira mesak matenek neduni so sira maka bele kaer Timor nia abut, maibe Povo Maubere kik no kiak funu nain o nia oan asuwian veteranos resistents sira la folin tiha ona konforme sira nia ibun be’ek hodi kanta ba mass media internasional nune mos ba mas media nasional nebe ke ita akompanha loron ba loron. Ema aat sira ne bele bosok opini publik mundu nia maibe sira labele bosok ita Povo kik no kiak Maubere rai doben Timor Loro Sae nia oan murak mak hodi nia berani no hodi nia susar no terus to’o oin loron liberta duni rai Timor Loro Sae husi kolonialistas nia okos.
Povo kik no kiak Maubere keta o sente tauk no nakdedar ba nain ulun bosok ten no imoral sira ne'e, sira laiha fatin iha ita kik no kiak nia sociedade nia klaran. Tamba sira nia hahalok ne'e hanesan samodok no samean ulun itu nebe ke S. Migael Arkanjo, S. Jorge no Inan Feto Nossa Senhora sama sira nia ulun hodi rabat rai nune sira sei sai nafatin amaldicoado husi sira nia jerasaun ba jerasaun to'o sira mate hotu iha ita kik no kiak nia doben rai Timor Loro sae nia laran. Sira ne mesak persona non grata ba ita Povo kik no kiak neb eke hodi ita nia patriotismo no nasionalismo hodi kaer kroat funu hasoru ita nia funu maluk kolonialistas sira to’o oin loron ita hetan fila fali ita nia independencia no ita nia liberdade nebe ita hodi ran no isilolon maka ita hodi hadau fila fali husi ita nia invasor no okupasionistas sira nia liman laran.
Ulun bosok ten, lohi ten, nauk ten, lahos Maromak no Santos Anjos maka kastiga no fo’o malisan ba sira mesak maibe ita nia saudosos funu nain sira no marties hotu se'e kotuk ona ba sira hotu, nune sira sei loron ida oho mohun malu iha ita nia rai Timor Loro sae nia laran.
Ita hein, Historia sei hatudu mai ba ita hotu, se imi lafiar entau imi sei hare hodi tempu ikus mai, imi hakfodak hodi hasoru realitas nebe ke mai besik ona ita hodi kaer oh liman no hare o matan momos, nune mos imi balu nebe ke hodi matan fuan naklosu ba liders bosok ten no imoral sira nia manobras hodi lori imi monu ba osan kah ba material no buat selu-seluk, nune imi haluan tiha matebian sira nia ran, kulit no ruin maka oin loron sei namakari lemo lemo iha ita nian rai doben Timor Loro sae nia laran, imi sei arrepende loron ikus mai.
Ba buat aat hirak ne'e ita bele hare tiha ona, ba kolonialistas portugueses no indonesias nia tempo nia atan sira maka oin loron, sira basa rentos tiha ona, tanba sira nia patrauns husik sira hodi ten tan no mih tan ba sira nia leten i husik sira monu hela ba rai koak, maibe tanba sira nia “kaki no tangan” balu maka iha ita nia lideransa nune hodi foti sira nafatin ba a'as liu tan, maibe ita kik no kiak nia interesse sira hamutuk hodi sama to'o rabat rai to'o oin loron. Ita kik no kiak tanis iha tenda okos iha udan nia laran, hodi ita nia oan kik sira hamalahan hahan laiha, hatais laiha, moras aimoruk laiha, fatin diak ita hodi toba mos liha, ita kik no kiak maka terus no sofre nafatin, estradas ita nia aman sira serbisu hodi kosar ben hod mate hamlahan ba hadia stradas, to’o oin loron ita Maubere kik no kiak nia oan laiha direito ida bele sae kareta gratis hodi halai tuir estrada sira nebe ke mai husi ita nia aman no maun sira nia kosar ben maka oin loron ita hetan fali stradas diak ne’e. Buat hirak ne, husu mai ba ita tomak husi kik no kiak sira, tanba sah maka ita funu hodi liberta ita nia rai no povo ita laiha direito ida hodi moris hanesan ema no Povo ida hodi ita nia direito atu moris iha ita nia rai o plena liberdade no direito bele hetan buat diak ba ita nia moris loron ba loron???
Povo kik no kiak nia oan tomak, Maubeer nia oan doben sira, imi husu to'ok em aat sira nebe ke gaba aan demais ne'e, se ita kik no kiak la funu hodi ran nakfakar no susar no terus oin oin sira bele hetan gelar doktorandus no matenek seluseluk kah lae??? Sira sai eskola matenek tanba hodi ita kik no kiak nia susar no terus no mos ran nakfakar no ruhin no kulit namkarin lemo-lemo iha rai doben Timor Loro sae nia laran maka oin loron sira sai matenek hodi gaba aan demais ne'e. Nune maun no alin, inan no feton, oan no beoan sira, mane maluk no ran maluk i kamaradas sira hotu maka ami hadomi no respeita, tuba rai metin hakoak nafatin ita nia heransa politika husi ita nia asuwain matebian sira i foho liman ba malu hodi kaer metin ita nia kuda talin no kumu liman metin komo simbol husi ita nia unidade nasional ita hodi doko ita nia nain ulun bosok ten, lohi ten, nauk ten no mesak imoral tantanan deit nebe ke horas ne hodi ema aat sira mai iha ita nia lideransa politika hodi hanean nafatin ita kik no kiak iha ita nia rai doben Timor Loro Sae nia laran hodi sira nia intensoens malefikas no satanazes nia atu hodi susu nafatin ita bokor no rai bokor to'o oin loron.
Povo Maubere kik no kiak imi hare buat hirak ne'e imi labele hakrukuk ba sira nia hahalok aat ne'e, maibe ita tenke hametin ita nia unidade hodi kumu liman metin nafatin hodi loke ibun koalia hasoru sira husi oin ba oin i ita lalika hakfodak ba kilat sira nebe ke sira hameno husi forsas rai seluk sira nebe ke horas ne'e hodi sira atu buka hanean ita no mos hodi buka halukun ita nia direito nune ita labele moris hensan Povo no nasaun ida hodi ita nia dignidade no identidade kultural rasik no tradisaun milienaria nebe ke mundo hotu-hotu konhese didiak tiha ona.
Viva Povo Maubere!
Viva Falintil Asuwain no Veteranos Funu Nain sira iha Rai doben Timor Loro Sae nia laran tomak!
Viva Juventude Maubere kik no kiak!
Viva Mulher Bibere kik no kiak!
Viva matan dalan Povo kik no kiak nia murak maka oin loron barani hodi defende nafatin nia Povo kik no kiak nia direito no nia interesse iha rai doben Timor Loro sae nia laran tomak hamrik hodi koalia hasoru nain ulun bosok ten, lohi ten, nauk ten no mesak imoral tantanan deit nebe mosu dadauk iha ita nia lideransa politika husi tinan 2002 to’o oin loron ne’e.
Maubere Asuwain Barani, tubarai metein, hakruk tan ba kolonialisatas nia atan maka laek ona! Mate kah moris hukun rasik aan hodi kaer metin ita nia kuda talin to'o ita muda sistema governasaun ema aat sira nia nune ita bele lori ita nia oan no beoan sira ba naroman tuir Maromak, Matebian, Mundo no Povo kik no kiak Maubere tomak nia hakarak, maibe kaso kontrario diak liu ita mate do ke moris hodi sai atan ba beibeik..
Maubere nia oan tomak husi Rai doben Timor Loro Sae tomak nia laran. Iha momentu kritiku ida ne'e, Povo Maubere hatene momos ona iha Lideransa Politika RDTL nia husi ulun to'o ain fuan sira, sira nia hahalok nebe ke ita Povo kik no kiak hakribit tebtebes. Ita Povo Maubere kik no kiak hatene katak ema aat sira iha lideransa politika RDTL nia hakarak duni soran ita Povo kik no kiak hodi baku malu no oho malu depois sira sei buka manobras oin2 atu hatama nos sulan mos ita kik no kiak ba kalabosu no kadeia komarka i tuir mai hodi sira nia jogos foer haneasn MAFIA Cecilia-Italia no Kali Colombia nune sira hodi hamanasan o kontente iha ita nia susar no terus leten hatama tan ita ba justisa hanesan hodi manobras no komplices ba justisa nebe lalos hodi akusa ita kik no kiak katak ita maka sai salah nain hotu tanba ita kik no kiakmesak bebeik ten tantanan deit, tanba nune ita maka tenke selu duni ulun boot sira nia hahlok aat nia konsekuencias, nune ita maka tenke tama ba kadeia i sira husik hela iha leur hodi goza no lohi ita Povo Maubere kik no kiak nafatin to’o sira nia hakarak!
Maibe, quando na realidade krisis politikas-sociais i salah barak nebe ke mosu iha ita nia rai laran ne'e mesak husi ulun nain sira, sira maka autor lolos duni. Neduni ita Povo kik no kiak tenke tuba rai metin, foho liman ba malu hodi berani hakekar nafatin ba mundo tomak nune mos ba ita nia sociedade tomak bo'ot lohi ten, nauk ten no bosok ten sira nia hahalok aat nebe ke oin loron halo ita sai terus no susar nafatin iha ita nia rai doben Timor Loro Sae nia laran, apesar de ita ukun rasik aan besik tinan nen onan.
Ukun rasik aan ne'e so ba ema balu nebe ke iha kolonialistas potugueses nia tempo sira goza previlegios nune mos iha okupasaun Indonesia nia tempo sira maka goza nafatin to'o oin loron ita ukun rasik aan tiha mos sira maka goza nafatin hodi ita nia susar no terus. Sira maka hodi gaba sola katak sira mesak matenek neduni so sira maka bele kaer Timor nia abut, maibe Povo Maubere kik no kiak funu nain o nia oan asuwian veteranos resistents sira la folin tiha ona konforme sira nia ibun be’ek hodi kanta ba mass media internasional nune mos ba mas media nasional nebe ke ita akompanha loron ba loron. Ema aat sira ne bele bosok opini publik mundu nia maibe sira labele bosok ita Povo kik no kiak Maubere rai doben Timor Loro Sae nia oan murak mak hodi nia berani no hodi nia susar no terus to’o oin loron liberta duni rai Timor Loro Sae husi kolonialistas nia okos.
Povo kik no kiak Maubere keta o sente tauk no nakdedar ba nain ulun bosok ten no imoral sira ne'e, sira laiha fatin iha ita kik no kiak nia sociedade nia klaran. Tamba sira nia hahalok ne'e hanesan samodok no samean ulun itu nebe ke S. Migael Arkanjo, S. Jorge no Inan Feto Nossa Senhora sama sira nia ulun hodi rabat rai nune sira sei sai nafatin amaldicoado husi sira nia jerasaun ba jerasaun to'o sira mate hotu iha ita kik no kiak nia doben rai Timor Loro sae nia laran. Sira ne mesak persona non grata ba ita Povo kik no kiak neb eke hodi ita nia patriotismo no nasionalismo hodi kaer kroat funu hasoru ita nia funu maluk kolonialistas sira to’o oin loron ita hetan fila fali ita nia independencia no ita nia liberdade nebe ita hodi ran no isilolon maka ita hodi hadau fila fali husi ita nia invasor no okupasionistas sira nia liman laran.
Ulun bosok ten, lohi ten, nauk ten, lahos Maromak no Santos Anjos maka kastiga no fo’o malisan ba sira mesak maibe ita nia saudosos funu nain sira no marties hotu se'e kotuk ona ba sira hotu, nune sira sei loron ida oho mohun malu iha ita nia rai Timor Loro sae nia laran.
Ita hein, Historia sei hatudu mai ba ita hotu, se imi lafiar entau imi sei hare hodi tempu ikus mai, imi hakfodak hodi hasoru realitas nebe ke mai besik ona ita hodi kaer oh liman no hare o matan momos, nune mos imi balu nebe ke hodi matan fuan naklosu ba liders bosok ten no imoral sira nia manobras hodi lori imi monu ba osan kah ba material no buat selu-seluk, nune imi haluan tiha matebian sira nia ran, kulit no ruin maka oin loron sei namakari lemo lemo iha ita nian rai doben Timor Loro sae nia laran, imi sei arrepende loron ikus mai.
Ba buat aat hirak ne'e ita bele hare tiha ona, ba kolonialistas portugueses no indonesias nia tempo nia atan sira maka oin loron, sira basa rentos tiha ona, tanba sira nia patrauns husik sira hodi ten tan no mih tan ba sira nia leten i husik sira monu hela ba rai koak, maibe tanba sira nia “kaki no tangan” balu maka iha ita nia lideransa nune hodi foti sira nafatin ba a'as liu tan, maibe ita kik no kiak nia interesse sira hamutuk hodi sama to'o rabat rai to'o oin loron. Ita kik no kiak tanis iha tenda okos iha udan nia laran, hodi ita nia oan kik sira hamalahan hahan laiha, hatais laiha, moras aimoruk laiha, fatin diak ita hodi toba mos liha, ita kik no kiak maka terus no sofre nafatin, estradas ita nia aman sira serbisu hodi kosar ben hod mate hamlahan ba hadia stradas, to’o oin loron ita Maubere kik no kiak nia oan laiha direito ida bele sae kareta gratis hodi halai tuir estrada sira nebe ke mai husi ita nia aman no maun sira nia kosar ben maka oin loron ita hetan fali stradas diak ne’e. Buat hirak ne, husu mai ba ita tomak husi kik no kiak sira, tanba sah maka ita funu hodi liberta ita nia rai no povo ita laiha direito ida hodi moris hanesan ema no Povo ida hodi ita nia direito atu moris iha ita nia rai o plena liberdade no direito bele hetan buat diak ba ita nia moris loron ba loron???
Povo kik no kiak nia oan tomak, Maubeer nia oan doben sira, imi husu to'ok em aat sira nebe ke gaba aan demais ne'e, se ita kik no kiak la funu hodi ran nakfakar no susar no terus oin oin sira bele hetan gelar doktorandus no matenek seluseluk kah lae??? Sira sai eskola matenek tanba hodi ita kik no kiak nia susar no terus no mos ran nakfakar no ruhin no kulit namkarin lemo-lemo iha rai doben Timor Loro sae nia laran maka oin loron sira sai matenek hodi gaba aan demais ne'e. Nune maun no alin, inan no feton, oan no beoan sira, mane maluk no ran maluk i kamaradas sira hotu maka ami hadomi no respeita, tuba rai metin hakoak nafatin ita nia heransa politika husi ita nia asuwain matebian sira i foho liman ba malu hodi kaer metin ita nia kuda talin no kumu liman metin komo simbol husi ita nia unidade nasional ita hodi doko ita nia nain ulun bosok ten, lohi ten, nauk ten no mesak imoral tantanan deit nebe ke horas ne hodi ema aat sira mai iha ita nia lideransa politika hodi hanean nafatin ita kik no kiak iha ita nia rai doben Timor Loro Sae nia laran hodi sira nia intensoens malefikas no satanazes nia atu hodi susu nafatin ita bokor no rai bokor to'o oin loron.
Povo Maubere kik no kiak imi hare buat hirak ne'e imi labele hakrukuk ba sira nia hahalok aat ne'e, maibe ita tenke hametin ita nia unidade hodi kumu liman metin nafatin hodi loke ibun koalia hasoru sira husi oin ba oin i ita lalika hakfodak ba kilat sira nebe ke sira hameno husi forsas rai seluk sira nebe ke horas ne'e hodi sira atu buka hanean ita no mos hodi buka halukun ita nia direito nune ita labele moris hensan Povo no nasaun ida hodi ita nia dignidade no identidade kultural rasik no tradisaun milienaria nebe ke mundo hotu-hotu konhese didiak tiha ona.
Viva Povo Maubere!
Viva Falintil Asuwain no Veteranos Funu Nain sira iha Rai doben Timor Loro Sae nia laran tomak!
Viva Juventude Maubere kik no kiak!
Viva Mulher Bibere kik no kiak!
Viva matan dalan Povo kik no kiak nia murak maka oin loron barani hodi defende nafatin nia Povo kik no kiak nia direito no nia interesse iha rai doben Timor Loro sae nia laran tomak hamrik hodi koalia hasoru nain ulun bosok ten, lohi ten, nauk ten no mesak imoral tantanan deit nebe mosu dadauk iha ita nia lideransa politika husi tinan 2002 to’o oin loron ne’e.
Maubere Asuwain Barani, tubarai metein, hakruk tan ba kolonialisatas nia atan maka laek ona! Mate kah moris hukun rasik aan hodi kaer metin ita nia kuda talin to'o ita muda sistema governasaun ema aat sira nia nune ita bele lori ita nia oan no beoan sira ba naroman tuir Maromak, Matebian, Mundo no Povo kik no kiak Maubere tomak nia hakarak, maibe kaso kontrario diak liu ita mate do ke moris hodi sai atan ba beibeik..
Maubere, Asuwain Berani tubarai metin hodi kokotek nafatin iha Rai doben Timor Loro sae nia laran!
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