Source: United Nations News Service
Date: 11 Jan 2007
The United Nations envoy in Timor-Leste today welcomed the peaceful response by the population to the trial of former Interior Minister Rogerio Lobato and his co-defendants, who are being tried for allegedly arming civilians during the deadly violence that erupted last year, which led to the deaths of at least 37 people and forced 155,000 others from their homes.
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Atul Khare, heads the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) and he told reporters at a press conference in the capital Dili that UN Police (UNPOL) officers are providing security for the trial, which began on Tuesday, and also protection for both the witnesses and the accused.
“First and foremost, I would like to stress that I do not have any opinion on Mr. Lobato’s guilt or innocence. He has four charges against him and it will now be up to the judicial system – the Courts – of Timor-Leste to preside over the trial and to decide upon the outcome.”
“UNPOL… was requested to provide security for this trial around the courtroom and of course to provide protection for the witnesses, as well as the accused. We have of course provided the security support and also the protection for the witnesses and the accused,” Mr. Khare said.
“I am particularly delighted that the Timorese people have maintained calm and there has been no violence. I would like to take this occasion to underline that while of course every citizen has a right to an opinion… no citizen – here or in any other country – has the right to violence. The peaceful manner in which the trial is proceeding is a very encouraging sign.”
An Independent Special Commission of Inquiry, set up to investigate the violence of April and May 2006, found among other things that both police and defence force weapons were distributed to civilians and that there was an absence of systematic control over weapons and ammunition within the security sector, particularly the police.
It found Mr. Lobato and General Commander Paulo Martins bypassed institutional procedures by transferring irregularly weapons within the institution. It also found that Mr. Lobato, Defence Minister Roque Rodrigues and Defence Force Chief Taur Matan Ruak acted without lawful authority, created a situation of significant potential danger and should be held accountable for illegal transfer of weapons.
sexta-feira, janeiro 12, 2007
UN envoy in Timor-Leste welcomes ‘peaceful’ response to ex-Interior Minister’s trial
Malai Azul 2
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Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
5 comentários:
I just want to share the LOCAL NEWS in Timor-Leste so all Timorese in overseas can have access to Local news. That's all:
*Major Alfredo and the sub-Village chief in Ermera reject the rumor of
terror to the population (Translated from Tetum)
*Timor Post, January 12, 2007
The sub-village chief of Ermera Vila, Armindo Soares rejected the rumour of the terror to the population of Major Alfredo with his group when moving from Suai to Ermera. However, he declared it in a contradiction that Major Alfredo did not arrest him. He rejected the false information in a few days ago, he said. Major Alfredo called him as the sub-village
chief in Ermara Vila to ask for the confirmation over the romour that the sub-village chief did propaganda that Major Alfredo and his group came to Ermera to terrorize and threaten and, arrest the people in Ermera Vila, he added.
*The trial for the case of allegation of illegal guns distribution to the civilians Witnesses declare to obey the order of Rogerio (Translated from Tetum)
*Timor Post, January 12, 2007
The trial for the case of allegation of illegal guns distribution to the civilians of the accused Rogerio Tiago Lobato on January 11 that comes to the third day, to hear the declaration from the three witnesses who were the leaders of PNTL with the level of inspectors. There were Inspector Antonio da Cruz, the Commander for Border Control Police, Inspector Basilio de Jesus, the Commander for logistic and finance of PNTL and the Chief of army warehouse at PNTL HQ, Miguel de Deus. Antonio told to the court that he delivered the guns to the Railos' civilian
group was to obey the order of Interior Minister Rogerio Tiago Lobato at that time. He was asked to hand over the guns to the Railos' group in the Indonesian military cemetery of Plila of Liquica district via mobile phone of the accused of Rogerio as the Interior Minister ordered him on
May 8, 2006. .
*To implement the military compulsory Law TL not sustainable condition yet
(Translated from Tetum
*Timor Post, January 12, 2007
The director for Justice and Peace for Baucau diocese, Fr Martinho
Gusmao, said the law for compulsory military was very good because it could regulate the actual situation, every person, group and party that wanted to distribute the guns. However, encountering this situation,
there is no sustainable condition created to implement the referred law, he said. Since there was no infrastructure, curriculum, budget plan and code of ethics and how could to implement the law, he added. He said this after giving his ideas over the proposal of Defense and Security Law in B commission for defense and security issues on January 11.
*Law for pension vitalization
Fr Martinho: Veterans work for 24 years but get nothing (Translated from Tetum
*Timor Post, January 12, 2007
The director for Justice and Peace for Baucau Diocese, Fr Martinho
Gusmao, said, "my conscious was not able to stand for the law for
pension vitalization if the people who worked for 24 years but get
nothing." The law for pension vitalization for ex-PN approved already, people may accept it however it can not yet solve many cases, morally it has a question, meant that many people worked for 24 years with all willing and works, moral obligation and now they are veterans, ex-prisoners, there was no compensation to their work, he said. He said his from B commission after finishing the audience for the defense and
military issues on January 11.
Enviado da ONU em Timor-Leste saúda a resposta ‘pacífica’ ao julgamento do ex-Ministro do Interior
Fonte: Serviço de Notícias das Nações Unidas
Data: 11 Jan 2007
Hoje, o enviado da ONU em Timor-Leste saudou a resposta pacífica da população ao julgamento do antigo Ministro do Interior Rogério Lobato e seus co-defensores, que estão a ser julgados por alegadamente armarem civis durante a violência mortal que irrompeu o ano passado, que levou à morte de pelo menos 37 pessoas e forçou 155,000 outras das suas casas.
O Representante Especial do Secretário-Geral, Atul Khare, lidera a Missão Integrrada da ONU em Timor-Leste (UNMIT) e disse aos repórteres numa conferência de imprensa na capital Dili que oficiais da polícia da ONU (UNPOL) estão a dar segurança ao julgamento, que começou na Terça-feira, e também protecção a ambos, testemunhas e acusados.
“Primeiro e mais importante, gostaria de sublinhar que não tenho opinião sobre a culpa ou a inocência do Sr. Lobato. Ele tem quatro acusações e será agora o sistema judicial – os Tribunais – de Timor-Leste que presidem ao julgamento e a decidir sobre o resultado.”
“À UNPOL… foi pedido que fizesse segurança a este julgamento e à volta do tribunal e obviamente que desse protecção às testemunhas, bem como aos acusados. Com certeza que demos o apoio de segurança e também a protecção às testemunhas e aos acusados,” disse o Sr. Khare.
“Estou particularmente satisfeito por os Timorenses terem mantido a calma e não ter havido qualquer violência. Gostaria de aproveitar a ocasião para sublinhar que enquanto cada cidadão tem o direito de ter uma opinião … nenhum cidadão – aqui ou em qualquer outro país – tem o direito à violência. O modo pacífico como decorre o julgamento é um sinal muito encorajador.”
Uma Comissão Especial Independente de Inquérito, montada para investigar a violência de Abril e Maio de 2006, concluiu entre outras coisas que armas tanto da polícia como das forças de defesa foram distribuídas a civis e que houve uma falha sistemática de controlo sobre armas e munições no seio do sector da segurança, particularmente na polícia.
Concluiu que o Sr. Lobato e o Comandante-Geral Paulo Martins ultrapassaram procedimentos institucionais ao transferirem armas no seio da instituição. Concluiu ainda que o Sr. Lobato, o Ministro da Defesa Roque Rodrigues e o Comandante da Força de Defesa Taur Matan Ruak actuaram sem autoridade legal, criaram uma situação significativa de perigo potencial e que deviam ser responsabilizados por transferência ilegal de armas.
E Timor's police chief quits
From correspondents in Dili
January 12, 2007
EAST Timor's police chief and his two deputies have resigned but no reason has been given, the interior minister of the troubled nation has said.
Interior Minister Alcino Barris said police commissioner Paulo Fatima Martins would however continue to work in the force.
"(Martins) resigned as general commissioner but will still be working as a superintendent," Commissioner Barris said.
Deputy police chiefs Ismail Babo and Nuno Saldanha also resigned their posts but remained as inspectors.
"Even though they submitted resignation letters, they are still members of the police force and will still receive their salaries," he explained.
The minister said he had no candidates lined up to replace the three.
East Timor's police force was pulled from the streets following violence in April and May last year after clashes between security force factions which quickly degenerated into street violence.
A commission has been reevaluating all police officers to see whether they should resume duty or face disciplinary or judicial action in relation to the violence.
The unrest led to the deaths of at least 37 people and forced about 15 per cent of East Timor's population to flee their homes.
Stability has largely returned to the fledgling nation following the arrival of foreign peacekeepers and UN police and the installation of a new government in July headed by Prime Minister Jose Ramos-Horta, a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
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ASEAN concerned at Timor violence
CEBU (AFP) - ASEAN has expressed concern at last year's deadly unrest in East Timor but still supports its application for membership, Foreign Minister Jose Luis Guterres said Friday.
"It's a fact that we will join ASEAN," Guterres told reporters after meeting foreign ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), saying Dili may join in three to five years.
He said the situation in the newly independent nation was now "very stable indeed" after 37 people died in clashes last April and May and more than 150,000 fled their homes.
Stability has largely returned following the arrival of foreign peacekeepers and the installation of a new government in July.
Guterres said it was natural for neighboring countries to express concern at the violence. "We welcome this concern but we know also the situation in East Timor has stabilized."
He said ASEAN's 10 members unanimously supported East Timor's accession, to be signed Saturday, to the grouping's Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.
Last year's violence was not a factor in its membership application, the foreign minister said. "I haven't heard or seen any reservations from any country in ASEAN."
The attitude of former ruler Indonesia was "very favorable."
Guterres said the date of his country's membership depends on its own preparations and on whether current members think it is ready.
The foreign minister expressed confidence there would be no repeat of the violence.
"If you compare the death toll in the crisis of less than 50, in other countries more people die in accidents in a day. But whatever the number killed by violence, it is not acceptable to us.
"We will do all we can to stabilize the situation and promote democracy, transparency, human rights and good government."
ASEAN agrees deals on summit's eve
Friday • January 12, 2007
ASEAN leaders will sign an anti-terrorism convention and speed up plans to link their economies in a huge single market when they meet for their annual summit, host nation the Philippines has said.
Hundreds of riot police were out in force Friday as leaders from around East Asia poured into the Philippine resort city of Cebu for the summit, which was postponed last month amid warnings of a terror attack.
Officials said there were no specific threats aimed at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) gathering, or at a wider meeting with leaders from nations including Australia, China, India and Japan.
The 10-nation ASEAN bloc, which accounts for about one-sixth of the world's population, will agree to set a 2015 target date for the "free movement of goods, services, investment and capital", five years earlier than planned.
A declaration will be signed on protecting the region's army of migrant workers from "grave risks of exploitation and abuse".
The bloc will also sign the blueprint of its first-ever charter, aimed at turning the group into a European Union-style legal entity with binding rules and regulations, and an anti-terror deal to make it easier to track and extradite suspects.
"Global terrorism has assumed new forms of virulence. We will make sure that this community is more secure and resistant to the threat of terror," said Philippine Foreign Minister Alberto Romulo.
Amid the pomp and glitz of the summit -- the Philippines built an 11 million dollar convention centre, and is flying in chefs from abroad to cater to national leaders -- security remains a major concern.
"Generally I am satisfied but not very satisfied. We still need to make some adjustments," said retired General Leo Alvez, the security chief for summit organisers. "Nothing is perfect when it comes to security."
But he denied reports citing unnamed diplomats who said security was lax.
"I have heard quite a different story from delegates saying that we are too strict," Alvez told AFP. "Everyone is screened and searched -- even the ministers."
Hundreds of protestors demonstrated outside the convention centre before being dispersed by riot police, and three were arrested. They burnt an effigy of Philippine President Gloria Arroyo.
"No permits for demonstrations have been issued for the duration of the summit," local police chief Alexander Abadines said.
The venue for the separate East Asia summit -- the 10 ASEAN countries plus Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea -- has yet to be announced because of security reasons.
As the regional leaders arrived, security was stepped up. Police checkpoints were set up on the two bridges linking Mactan Island to Cebu City and Mandaue, the three areas hosting the event.
Some 10,000 police and troops have been drafted to provide security amid warnings by foreign governments of terror threats and a no-fly zone has been imposed over the venues.
Foreign and economic ministers have been holding separate meetings in the run-up to the summits, hammering out details on the agreements and holding a wide range of two-way and three-way meetings on other regional concerns.
Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing met his South Korean counterpart Song Min-soon and Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Katsuhito Asano on Friday morning for talks that touched on trade and the North Korea crisis.
Indian Commerce Minister Kamal Nath held talks on signing an India-ASEAN free-trade agreement in July, while East Timorese Foreign Minister Jose Luis Guterres met his counterparts as his country looks to join ASEAN in three to five years.
Australia, the United States, Britain, Canada and other nations warned last month of a possible attack just before the summits were postponed, although the Philippines officially blamed an approaching typhoon. — AFP
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