A desigualdade no país do Sol Nascente não o senti no tempo de Portugal.
Orgunlho-me de ser Luso Timorense. Frequentei a escola primaria de Dili onde a 98% (ou mais) de alunos eramos nascidos em Timor. Os não nascidos na ilha podiam ser contados pelos dedos . Eu andava na classe de uma professora chamada Dalila Cardoso Dias e o único aluno não nascido em Timor era filho de um sargento, não me lembro do apelido, só me lembro que era o Francisco António. O filho da professora Dalila, o João Pedro era aluno de outra professora a Maria Helena Mendonça.
Porque digo isto? Simplesmente para realçar que o que alguns dizem aqui só os filhos dos portugueses ( europeu ) iam para a escola de Dili que erradamente é classificada com sendo escola de elite. Não é verdade como pode,m ver no que estou a dizer. Hoje para se armarem em grandes defensores do Povo timorense, vêm com invenções , história inventadas cheias de declarações bombasticas para poderem vender a sua banaha da cobra.
Talvez seja bom realçar que também se podia contar pelos dedos os alunos filhos da comunidade chinesa. Nessa altura eram só os filhos do Wu Pung (?) ( hoje coronel ou major Chung, seu irmão o medico, são mais velhos que eu e a filha Luisa que somos da mesma idade) . Os chineses tinham a sua escola própria e pouco se misturavam com os timorenses . Em relação à comunidade chamada de árabe então era pior ‘ era uma comunidade muito pequena e tinham a sua propria escola.
Como diz o anonimo anterior o que Portugal não fez em Timor, também não fez nas suas aldeias Alentejanas ou Algarvias. Só quem não lê a história do passado ligada ao presente de Timor Leste é que fala sem fundamento.
Eu orgulho-me de ter uma grande ligação com Portugal. Aprendi a ser uma pessoa inclusiva e abrangente . E é assim que os Timorenses (alguns de má vontade , devo frisar) devem ser, porque o Povo de Timor-Leste é uma autentica salada de misturas de origens de todas as ilhas adjacentes, do aborigene australiano, do papuasio, etc, etc..Não há timorense puro...
Afinal o que somos? Polinésios, Melanésios ou o quê? Não interssa somos apenas seres humanos a viver numa ilha que poderia ser um Paraiso chamado Timor e num Pais que poderia ser o melhor pais do Mundo chamado Timor-Leste.
Sou Timorense de nacionalidade, nascimento mas com orgulho e reconhecimento por aquilo que sou graças aos meus amigos e professores ( por Timor passaram muitas Dalilas e Helenas) que souberam ensinar-nos a cartilha de Jão de Deus e a cartilha do ser Humano que é o Respeito mútuo independentemente da sua origem, raça, cultura ou religião . Por isso digo
Viva Portugal e Obrigado!
Kuda Talin (Rebo Rebo)
terça-feira, setembro 26, 2006
De um leitor
Malai Azul 2
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Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
17 comentários:
POBRE MARTINKUS. O seu radicalismo e falta de professionalismo ja chamou a atencao de outros escritores de alto calibre que tem obras escritas sobre Timor.
"The Australian - Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Opinion: East Timor Drama Had No Hidden Agenda
Stop the conspiracy theories: Alkatiri was not the victim of some malign US-Australian defence cabal
by Mark Aarons
EAST Timor remains unstable, although much calmer than in May and June when it was racked with civil strife. Non-aligned Prime Minister Jose Ramos-Horta has begun to put the Government on a stable course, given the shambles he inherited from Fretilin's Mari Alkatiri.
He has started to streamline the cumbersome bureaucracy that clogs daily life and commerce.
He is trying to get money and services to the rural poor but is caught between unforgiving forces which crave victory in next year's election.
Former military police commander and prison escapee Alfredo Reinado has attacked Ramos-Horta as a stooge of Alkatiri's Fretilin faction. Reinado has been supported by the leader of the dissident soldiers, whose sacking caused the upheaval. The opposition parties, who support Ramos-Horta as Prime Minister, have also undermined him because he depends on Fretilin to govern.
The hardline Fretilin faction wants to be rid of Ramos-Horta so it can return to business as usual. Its likely candidate is Deputy Prime Minister Estanislau da Silva, a capable administrator who shares Alkatiri's politics.
This leaves Ramos-Horta without a party and dependent on his alliance with the President, former guerilla commander Xanana Gusmao. These two represent the best chance of thwarting the narrow, self-interested ambitions of the competing forces and forming a national unity government that puts the country's long-term interests ahead of factional and personal ambitions.
As if Timorese politics were not fragile enough, an extraordinary campaign is being waged against Gusmao by journalist John Martinkus in the web journal New Matilda and The Age in Melbourne. Martinkus made his reputation reporting the bloody events before and after the August 1999 independence plebiscite.
Martinkus has been the main propagandist supporting the conspiracy theory that Alkatiri was removed by a coup. After months of failing to name names, he now insinuates that Gusmao was behind this supposed coup. In earlier articles he claimed to have confirmed Alkatiri's allegations of repeated coup attempts, supposedly involving approaches to senior army commanders by opposition and Catholic Church leaders and two foreigners whose nationalities could not be revealed due to "the sensitivity of the information".
These unsubstantiated claims were recently repeated on SBS's Dateline. In a lollipop interview, Martinkus allowed Alkatiri to repeat the allegation, although it was noticeable that he could not say whether the foreigners were Australians or Americans. Alkatiri and Martinkus cannot even name the Timorese "traitors" or the foreigners who supposedly suborned them.
More to the point, in an ABC TV interview last May, Alkatiri insisted that a coup conspiracy existed but pointedly said he did not know who was involved. However, he was sure that Gusmao was not.
Yet Martinkus now indicts Gusmao. In recent articles he has claimed that a letter written by the President to Reinado last May suggests they were in league to violently overthrow Alkatiri.
Furthermore, Martinkus has used an unsigned statement attributed to imprisoned former police commander Abilio Mesquita to allege that Gusmao ordered attacks against the army commander-in-chief. Mesquita alleges the President was behind the violence that led to Alkatiri's demise.
The facts do not support these fantastic claims that the man who led the resistance to Indonesia has become a traitor. It is Martinkus's journalism that should be questioned, not Gusmao's patriotism. For example, Martinkus has claimed that Gusmao's "letter" to Reinado indicates that the President supported Reinado's violence.
On the evidence available to me, Gusmao's three notes to Reinado in late May (written on "with compliments" slips) ordered him and his supporters into cantons, consistent with agreements reached with the Australian forces sent to help restore order.
Martinkus has selectively quoted from one note while ignoring two others, one of which explicitly ordered Reinado to the town of Gleno, a designated canton for the dissidents. He has also ignored Gusmao's written orders insisting that Reinado and other dissidents surrender their weapons. It seems that Martinkus had access to all these documents but chose to use only the parts that fitted his fanciful theories.
While we must await the report of the international Special Inquiry Commission on the causes of the violence, there seems no reason to doubt that Gusmao was simply carrying out his duties as President to calm the situation, not using the rebels against Alkatiri, as implied by Martinkus.
Finally, there is Martinkus's reliance on the absurd "statement" of Mesquita that Gusmao was behind the violence, which also implicates Ramos-Horta and the bishop of Baucau by placing them at a meeting at which Gusmao allegedly discussed the need to overthrow Alkatiri.
Reliable commentators have dismissed Mesquita as a liar who wants immunity for his own crimes.
Australian journalist Jill Jolliffe has labelled Mesquita's statement as demonstrably false and pointed out that it was doing the rounds in Dili for quite some time before Martinkus reported it in The Age and New Matilda. Every other journalist ignored Mesquita's claims as lacking veracity.
Martinkus is supported by some Australian leftists who believe that Alkatiri was the victim of malign Western forces (the Australian-American defence intelligence cabal) which linked up with Timorese "reactionaries" hoping for an anti-Fretilin government that would do the bidding of Canberra and Washington.
No such case exists, and Martinkus and his supporters are actually damaging the future stability and development of the nation they claim passionately to support. Martinkus's journalistic credibility has, however, been undermined by these unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
In the end, his articles will be seen for what they are: propaganda for Alkatiri and his clique, who have thoroughly failed their people and now wish to make a comeback by concocting a conspiracy theory blaming Western imperialism for their political self-demise and by defaming the hero of Timor's independence as a traitor to the cause he led for so long against almost impossible odds.
Mark Aarons is the co-author of East Timor: A Western Made Tragedy."
Este jornal The Australian (propriedade do Rupert Murdoch) sempre publicou artigos criticos de Timor-Leste. Quantos comentadores é que escreveram para The Australian a criticar a posição de Timor-Leste nas negociações do Mar de Timor? Muitos e regularmente enquanto as negociações estava em curso. Este jornal sempre defendeu os interesses australianos e nunca na sua publicação defendeu os interesses timorenses. Hoje a pretender estar a publicar coisas sobre Timor cheira me muito a peixe podre. Não duvido que este jornal está mais é a defender os interesses do governo australiano a custa dos timorenses. como sempre.
"The Australian", "SMH" and "the Sun" are Australian government media propaganda vehicle all these’s paper are only good as toilet paper. if Australian government wants to criticise a country their first port of call is "the Australian" newspaper
Os australianos sabem quem eh o jornalista Martinkus. Nos, os timorenses, sabemos quem eh Xanana Gusmao. Ele eh um homem com muitos defeitos humanos, como eu, como o Jornalista Martinkus e como quaisquer outros seres humanos, mas traidor eh que Xanana Gusmao nao eh. Disso temos nos a certeza. Do que nao temos nenhuma certeza eh sobre a integridade do jornalista Martinkus. O que eh certo para nos eh que o comunismo internacional eh assim que trabalha. Prcura destruir os obstaculos caluniando e mentindo e depois semeiam a sua ideologia onde ja ninguem acredita em ninguem. O jornalista Martinkus que nos deixe em paz. Somos um povo simples e pobre. Tudo quanto desejamos eh que nos deixem trabalar em paz para podermos construir o nosso futuro. Sera que Martinkus quer tornar Timor-Leste numa base para o assalto ideologico a Australia e a Indonesia. Ate mesmo nos que nada representamos no mundo a nao ser nos proprios sabemos o que eh que os "martinkus" querem, quanto mais os australianos e os indonesios que sao muito mais adultos que nos. Meta a viola no saco e va cantar para outras bandas,
Xanana is not a traitor he is just stupid. Look which President in the world would ask the Prime Minister to step down based on unsubstantiated reports in an international current affairs show.
Which President in the World would protest amongst 2,000 people led by unscrupulous individuals like Tara.
You only need to look at the Dateline report to see how dumb the President is for allowing Rai Los to be at his residence for a handover of guns report.
The President as the symbol of the nation should be more active in pursuit to get the dislocated people to return home. He prefers to tend to his gardens, share jokes with Rai Los.
Anyway where is Rai Los why did he run to the mountains is he scared justice will catch up to him.
Mark Aarons is it not a MASSIVE coincidence that on the day the Dateline report by John Martinkus and David O'shea was to be aired on SBS Alfredo casually walks out of Prison.
The next day Rai Los disappears to the mountain interior of Timor Leste. This is the same Rai Los that was given preferential treatment by the President in the Dateline report.
Maybe the Dateline report was credible.
Senior Military officers in Timor Leste have confirmed some of the allegations raised by John Martinkus. Journalist or critics of John Martinkus should go to Timor and validate these allegations. Knowing Timor, the Timorese don’t have a habit of giving information widely to all journalist it may be that Timorese are trusting of John Martinkus and are providing information to him that may be sensitive.
Something seriously wrong is happening in Timor Leste.
Mark lacks credibility in his statements about Timor and doesn’t know anything about Timors crisis.
FRETILIN continues to give support to the Secretary General Mari Alkatiri as it does for Estanislau da Silva because he is a FRETILIN member, it is only logical. I would not find it a surprise if the allegations against Mari were thrown out just like the allegations of Mari taking bribery was thrown out this week by the courts in Washington, just like how Xanana claimed the FRETILIN leadership was illegitimate yet Xanana was proven wrong by the highest court in Timor Leste. That judgement was made available to the public and it was a judgement that was made purely on law and without any political interference.
I would not find a surprise if Mari was to be reinstated as Prime Minister if FRETILIN wins the next elections. It will be a decision that the Australian newspaper will attack and one that Australia does not want. It will be up to whether the Timorese want to be brave and exercise their sovereignty, even with Australian intimidation.
We have stood up to Australia in the Oil and Gas negotiations and have been victorious.
Don't forget that Martinkus was kidnnaped in Iraq but immediately released byt the terrorists because he was considered a friend.
His words after the release were only of praise for his kidnnapers.
I'm sure his views are very well known as a supporter of Fretilin
Mr. Estanislau is not doint too bad for someone who was only making tyres in a factory in Sydney. All the coconuts in Baucau were all dead before he did anything as a minister for Agriculture. I hope as a future leader of fretilin he will be more competent than he has been.
Xanana e mesmo autentico traidor da nacao de TL . Nao merecem de criticar aquele jornalista de Australia segundo o seu gosto , porque as evidencias nos mostra claramente o envolvimento do Xananazinho na drama do golpe contra o governo de TL , nao e segredo nenhum para nos e que estamos a sofrer nos campos de desalojados aqui em TL
Martinkus... o nosso obrigado para ti porque ja escreveste as situacoes real aqui de TL , nao tenhas medo de continuar a escrever a verdade , porque cedo ou tarde a razao e sempre vale mais do que a forca mesmo que a sempre manipulacoes de informacao do gropo do Xananazinho porque ele e autor do crime actual atravez do PD e milicias como Rui Lopes e Nemencio de Carvalho
mark aaron is not only from the stable of fairfax digital but also an author of a book called "East Timor: A Western Made Tragedy". Do you think this self opinionated man is going to say anything remotely positive about East Timor? He also makes reference to xananas leadership in the struggle as if he were the only one fighting. I suggest mr aaron you take a visit to Timor Leste and see for yourself rather than make public opinions from a far.......ITS PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO MAKE IT ALL TO OBVIOUS WHO YOUR WORKING FOR.
Response to anonymous 5:34:04 pm
Its people like you and your pathetic unsubstantiated comments that will forever hinder the progress of Timor Leste. The man you speak of devoted his life to work
for the struggle and educated himself to help the people of his country. It’s easy to critisise someone but lets make it objective. I bet you too once lived and worked in a
factory in Australia.
Martinkus sounds to me a bit like an indonesian name from Flores!!??
By the way guys you all should read my books about Timor Leste:
1)Labareke osso dois;
2)Ba passar sokolaran;
3)Licrauk la bele governa;
4)Kuda la sambote;
5)Ba meti lecidere;
6)Amo Basilio nia primo terrorista;
Kuda Talin
Esta "malta", adepta confessa da FRETILIN, vendo nela a herdeira das ideias ML que o tempo e os homens se encarregaram de colocar no lixo da história, tem necessidade de revisar a história para que essa versão revista lhes sirva os intentos. Não estão a fazer nada de novo. Já os seus mentores o faziam com a regularidade de um pêndulo.
Lembra-se do exemplo do comboio da revolução? No início tinha mil carruagens. Quando perdia velocidade, abatiam-se algumas. Nunca chegou ao destino, porque a certo ponto já só iam a locomotiva e a carruagem dos líderes e as "massas" já seguiam noutro comboio rumo à liberdade e em aceleração constante. É triste mas é assim.
6)Amo Basilio nia primo terrorista;
Hau hakarak le livro ne. Hola iha nebe?
""Orgunlho-me de ser Luso Timorense"".
cuitadinho basta de ser oportunista desgrasado que andava a chulo durante 24 anos e que nao reconhcia a luta e sofrimento do povo de timor leste, agora ja es timorense, nao tem vergonha. o cao tambem reconhece o dono, este e' pior do que um cao.
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