VII. Recommendations
A. Individual criminal responsibility
225. The Commission recommends that numerous persons reasonably suspected of participation in criminal activity be prosecuted. These people are identified in relation to each of the events considered by the Commission in paragraphs 113 to 134 above, inclusive.
226. The Commission recommends that the involvement of numerous persons in each of the events considered by the Commission warrants further investigation. These people are identified in relation to these events in paragraphs 114 to 134 above, inclusive.
227. The Commission has recommended that further investigations be undertaken with respect to events of violence for which the Commission cannot identify an individual or individuals as being responsible. These events are identified in paragraph 112 above.
B. Accountability measures
228. The Commission recommends that State officials involved in the events of April and May be subject to appropriate disciplinary procedures and administrative sanctions.
229. The Commission recommends the establishment of robust and independent police and military oversight mechanisms. The mechanisms should be responsible for investigating complaints of police and military conduct.
230. The Commission has concluded that criminal cases should be handled within the domestic judicial system and that the cases related to the events of April and May 2006 be heard within the district court system of Timor-Leste. It recommends further that where, under the Criminal Procedure Code, trials involve a panel, that the panel be comprised of two international judges and one national judge, and where the matter involves a single judge, that judge be an international judge.
231. The Commission recommends the appointment within the domestic system of a senior international prosecutor as Deputy Prosecutor General with a clear mandate to investigate and prosecute the cases related to events of April and May 2006 impartially and without political interference.
232. The Commission recommends that international legal actors undertake the lead role in investigations and prosecutions, supported by national prosecutors. Adequate resources must be made available to support the investigation and prosecution work.
233. The Commission recommends that the prosecutors have access to dedicated police and investigation personnel, adequate administrative, translation and research staff, as well as necessary logistical support.
234. The Commission recommends that the resources of the Public Defender’s Office be augmented, particularly in relation to the employment of further international Public Defenders, investigators, translators, administrative support and the provision of adequate logistical support.
235. The Commission recommends that increased resources be directed towards strengthening the administration and translation services of the court, the Offoice of the Prosecutor General and the Office of the Public Defender.
236. The Commission recommends that adequate security be provided for court actors and premises.
237. The Commission recommends that the Ministry of Justice take steps to ensure the physical safety of witnesses as required.
238. The Commission recommends that consideration be given to broadening the pool of candidates for these positions, in order to maximize the ability to recruit the most qualified persons for these positions. In particular, consideration should be given to widening the advertising of posts by targeting professional associations and modifying the language requirements for the positions.
239. The Commission recommends that donors consider favourably the requests for further support of the judicial sector in Timor-Leste, specifically the extra resources required to handle the cases arising from the crisis.
240. The Commission recommends that immediate attention be given to enhancing security in detention facilities of Timor-Leste.
241. The Commission recommends that part of the Annual Report of the Prosecutor General to Parliament deal specifically with the progress of cases linked to the events of April and May 2006. The Commission recommends that the Office of the Prosecutor General disseminate information regularly concerning the progress of these cases through an outreach programme.
242. The Commission encourages the Office of the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice, UNMIT and NGOs to continue monitoring the progress of cases related to the events of April and May.
243. The Commission recommends that the Government provide reparations for those who have suffered as a result of the events of April and May, with particular attention given to persons who have suffered the death of a family member, significant injury and the destruction of their residences.
244. The Commission recommends that those institutions bearing responsibility for events in question acknowledge publicly their responsibility for having contributed to the events.
245. The Commission recommends that special measures be taken to ensure the dignity and avoid the retraumatization of victims in any judicial or non-judicial processes.
terça-feira, outubro 17, 2006
Relatório da CI - VII. Recommendations
Malai Azul 2
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Todas as traduções de inglês para português (e também de francês para português) são feitas pela Margarida, que conhecemos recentemente, mas que desde sempre nos ajuda.
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Obrigado pela solidariedade, Margarida!
Mensagem inicial - 16 de Maio de 2006
"Apesar de frágil, Timor-Leste é uma jovem democracia em que acreditamos. É o país que escolhemos para viver e trabalhar. Desde dia 28 de Abril muito se tem dito sobre a situação em Timor-Leste. Boatos, rumores, alertas, declarações de países estrangeiros, inocentes ou não, têm servido para transmitir um clima de conflito e insegurança que não corresponde ao que vivemos. Vamos tentar transmitir o que se passa aqui. Não o que ouvimos dizer... "
2 comentários:
Qualquer pessoa faria essas recomendacoes mesmo sem se basear em resultados de inqueritos/investigacoes. Se o Sr. Procurador da Republica quer andar para a frente, toca mas e a trabalhar porque da CII nao ha nada para o ajudar. Com que entao queriam a papinha feita!!!...
Sera que depois disto, a Malae Azul, a margarida e outros comentaristas do Blog que nao teem feito outra coisa senao acusar os americanos e australianos, vao ficar calados? Sejam consistentes e consequentes. O blog terminou os seus poucos dias de vida?
Acho que a "malta" apoiante da FRETILIN vai dizer que este relatório não presta, que é tendencioso.
Mas primeiro atentem no âmbito da Comissão. Que período dos acontecimentos foram encarregados de averiguar.
O que se passou posteriormente, não tem relevância para este relatório.
Ainda têm dúvidas do envolvimento da FRETILIN? De tanta ilegalidade e inconstitucionalidade por parte do Governo?
Da tentativa de apropriação das forças de segurança em prol de objectivos partidários?
Concedo que o grupo do Maputo não seja comunista. Terão perdido a ideologia, mas não perderam os maus hábitos inerentes.
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